Bending Spoons

Originally posted by LittleB
there have been scientific tests where they record the path of protons (or something like that) and they found out that the paths become very unusual when someone thought about it during the recording. apparently the nerves in your brain can cause quantum waves through the world like a pebble on a water surface, and change things. but since mass is so much more then energy, they say it's easier to create a psi ball (ball of hot light). i haven't quite done that yet, but i did hold my palm over my neck, and after a few minutes of concentrating, my neck started to tingle like crazy, and where i moved my hand over my body the tingling followed (with atleast 1 inch between palm and skin)

Err what your talkin about is what the chinese call "chi". It has nothing to do with psychic energies, only mental conditioning. Although many martial artist and such may call it "chi" it is actually a much higher state of mental awarness and relaxation. Ive practiced Tai Chi for awhile and after awhile you begin to get this "tingly" feeling through your body that is supposedly "chi". But what scientist have found out is its some process within the body that is untaped, its nothing mystical. Its almost like a..well state of awarness. People who train in these Chi exercises have actually learned how to harness this to where they can change their body temp. at will as well (supposedly) stop their heart and still live. This is just a natural process in the body from what ive read on, so dont go out and get a chi proffesional to come in and rearrange your house furinature to help the flow of chi-cause its bullshit as well.

EDIT: Then there is the always popular bar bending, where somewhere can stick a metal bar in the soft part of their neck press it against a wall and bend it. This again is from mental conditioning (takes awhile) that will somehow make you tap into the your bodies full potential.
Yeah but what about if you bend a spoon while barely touching it? I'm gonna try it!

And what about at camp, where we folded a 10 gulder(gilder?) bill into a pyramid shape, and put it on a compass needle. So it has no friction on it's resting surface, y'know? We tried making it spin with our minds with 3 people, and for like 10 minutes it stayed absolutely still, until we got 4 more guys, and it started spinning FAST. Say like 5 rotations per second. Could that be a draft? Not with a non-aerodynamic object spinning at 300 rpm! (non-aerodynamic as in, y'know, if wind blew it, it would just wiggle instead of spin)
Explain that then. And it really happened, i'm not lying.
And no, I'm not talking about chi, which might be the same thing, I'm talking about the energy that exists between proton and electrons. Y'know, orgone energy? look it up
Originally posted by LittleB
Yeah but what about if you bend a spoon while barely touching it? I'm gonna try it!

And what about at camp, where we folded a 10 gulder(gilder?) bill into a pyramid shape, and put it on a compass needle. So it has no friction on it's resting surface, y'know? We tried making it spin with our minds with 3 people, and for like 10 minutes it stayed absolutely still, until we got 4 more guys, and it started spinning FAST. Say like 5 rotations per second. Could that be a draft? Not with a non-aerodynamic object spinning at 300 rpm! (non-aerodynamic as in, y'know, if wind blew it, it would just wiggle instead of spin)
Explain that then. And it really happened, i'm not lying.

lol good one. Ive heard though if you stick the spoon into your ass and eat whatever is on it when you pull it out it will give you mystical powers of all sorts!
Originally posted by LittleB
And no, I'm not talking about chi, which might be the same thing, I'm talking about the energy that exists between proton and electrons. Y'know, orgone energy? look it up

It is the same thing, just different names.
So you just don't believe me about what happened at camp? Talk about mature!

f'ing asshole
Jack never said it was "mystical" and never made it out to be that way. (i think he kind of pissed off some of the psycic healers that were there with some of the things he said) They way he talks about this stuff is in a fairly scientific way. Just look at his web site. He's studied it for years and documented all sorts of stuff.

Do you have a link to the Pen and Teller thing? I want to see how they show it. I remember seeing somthing on it, but that was a wile ago.

And yeah...I've done that ball of energy thing. It usually just gets my hands really really hot. If you've ever had that psycic healing stuff you'd really know what the tingly feeling is like. It feels really cool when they do it. Even if your eyes are closed you can tell where their hands are from the "energy" they give off. And the heat.......that too. But can see it any way you like.

You'd have to have been there to be Im not gonna argue with you.
At any know somthing is going on when little kids around 7 and 10 are bending stuff that really big ass guys cant. And dont say the spoons were rigged because we all picked our own spoons out of the huge pile on the ground.
Originally posted by Fender357
Jack never said it was "mystical" and never made it out to be that way. (i think he kind of pissed off some of the psycic healers that were there with some of the things he said) They way he talks about this stuff is in a fairly scientific way. Just look at his web site. He's studied it for years and documented all sorts of stuff.

Do you have a link to the Pen and Teller thing? I want to see how they show it. I remember seeing somthing on it, but that was a wile ago.

And yeah...I've done that ball of energy thing. It usually just gets my hands really really hot. If you've ever had that psycic healing stuff you'd really know what the tingly feeling is like. It feels really cool when they do it. Even if your eyes are closed you can tell where their hands are from the "energy" they give off. And the heat.......that too. But can see it any way you like.

I didnt mean to say he said it a mystical sense, i was talkin about the wiggie board when i said that. Also as far as the psychic healing goes, actually its the exact samething as the chi. "Pranic Healers" who say they can heal with chi do the samething with the heat and tingly, infact its documented of them heating a rag up and massaging someone with it.

Here is Pen and Tellers home page:

They will be releasing their first season on DVD in the first quarter of 2004, which will have Jack on it. They also have a message board where they will answer your questions. Ask them about Jack(in ESP topic) and how he cons people. Also make sure to tune in for the next season in spring of 04, the show is very enlightenting i suggest you tune in.
I dont get poe.

You ever watch Mith Busters on discovery channel? That show kicks ass.
Originally posted by Fender357
I dont get poe.

You ever watch Mith Busters on discovery channel? That show kicks ass.

Myth busters you mean? Yes that show kicks major ass i loved it when they shot that skull with the rifle and it just fell right through the jell incasing it. Oh and im poor too...only we steal it muhaha my dad is in airconditioning so he knows about electrical and somehow they are too stupid to relize we are stealing it.
Yeah that one was freakn' awsome!!!!

The cable company is always stupid. Like 3 years ago my gf's perants got rid of their cable...they had the guy come out and mess with wires or somthing. and then like a week later (when they tryed watching somthing on tv) the realized they still had cable! So they've been getting cable for 3 years because of some guys mistake.

I wish I could get the cable company to mistakenly give me digital cable. That'd be a sweet accident.
Squeegee board.:E

Those things are freaky.

I do believe in the power of the mind, though that orgone is a load of crap cooked up by a crank who had junk to sell.

I've often wanted to get all my friends together and try to pool our mindpower to do something cool. Like levitating something, or setting something on fire. I reckon that with enough practise, you'd be able to do it alone.

Maybe if we all concentrate hard we can give Gabe Newell a nightmare where thousands of fanboys pound his door down because HL2 is delayed :E.
Yeah, I was on a river once, we all got drunk and then I was like
"LETS SET SUMTHIN ON FYIRREEEEeEEEEE" So we got all of our resources together, put a bunch of branches and crap on the river, and doused it in lighting fluid and put a match to it. That took all of our combined brainpower :rolling:
Anyone standing by the riverside as that lot went past would've gone to bed a confused person.
i think it gets easier with more people to use brain power not multiplied by how many people but exponentially like 7 peoplpe would be (the average power of each mind)^7

Originally posted by LittleB
i think it gets easier with more people to use brain power not multiplied by how many people but exponentially like 7 peoplpe would be (the average power of each mind)^7


It's easier because people become expontentially more open to suggestion depending on the size of the crowd. There's no doubt something very interesting going on here, but I think it's more socialogical than metaphysical.

The trick is to manipulate each person in the spoon-bending crowd into believing that bending the spoon is simple, and if they can't do it they are outside of the norm. I'm positive there were ringers in the crowd who were most likely the first people to claim they bent the spoon. Then people who a very open to suggestion are next, and those less open to suggestion are the last. Those who were either serious non-believers or completely not open to suggestion are left without bent spoons. Suggestion like this can make you feel (or believe) that you're bending the spoon without force, but infact you are exerting a descent amount of force.

If you think I'm full of shit, just remember that the majority of can be hypnotized one way or another if done properly. I thought it was a load of shit until I was knocked out by a hypnotist. You just have to be open to the suggestion.
Originally posted by LittleB
i think it gets easier with more people to use brain power not multiplied by how many people but exponentially like 7 peoplpe would be (the average power of each mind)^7


I just realized that you were talking about your compass trick. Try taking a regular compass and having 7 of your friends stand around it. See if the needle sits still. It won't necessarily spin in circles, but it won't sit still. I'll explain the part about it spinning in circles in a bit.

Though the human body has relatively little electrical activity going on (like 1.5v total or something like that), it does have enough conductivity to act as an antenna and alter the electro-magnetic waves around it (just observe how walking around a poorly tuned radio affects the reception). You get enough people standing around the compass and you can create enough elctro-magnetic interference to overcome the earths natural magnetic force.

All that piece of paper did is add more mass to the needle and put it slightly off balance. A slightly off balance rotatary with very little friction will naturally begin to spin a bit when agitated and the added mass will create enough momentum to ensure that it keeps spinning in that direction.

It ain't magic man. I'm an eletrical engineering major, this sort of thing is what I do.
Originally posted by iamironsam

I'm an eletrical engineering major, this sort of thing is what I do.

The guy showing us this stuff (Jack Houck) was an engineer for Boing for like 40 years. They payed for him to do studies on whats going on with this kind of stuff.
Seriously check out this guys web site. He's got a bunch of material on this stuff. Scientifictly investigated and whatnot. Just check out some of the articals on the left

If its enought to get the US governmet to make programs dedicated to teaching people how to do remote viewing there's got to be somthing there.

They did end that program in 95 though.
I'm not saying you're a lying or anything, I've heard about this guy from socialogy teachers. I'm also not saying I don't believe in the paranormal, I hope there's some truth to it.

There's a reason his studies ended in '95 and he's free to roam around with his seminars and claim the things he does, his studies at Boeing proved to be bogus. I'm not saying all the studies the government has going on involving the paranormal are necessarily BS, but his are.
This is nonsense. First of all I can't believe you buy into this crap, go ahead try "bending" you own friggin spoons and NOT the ones he gave you. And why don't you try something else rather than spoons and forks? try bending other metallic objects.
Originally posted by iamironsam
I'm not saying you're a lying or anything, I've heard about this guy from socialogy teachers. I'm also not saying I don't believe in the paranormal, I hope there's some truth to it.

There's a reason his studies ended in '95 and he's free to roam around with his seminars and claim the things he does, his studies at Boeing proved to be bogus. I'm not saying all the studies the government has going on involving the paranormal are necessarily BS, but his are.

His study hasn't ended. I ment the goverments programs. They were using remote viewing to "spy" and colect information. The studies he conducted with Boing didnt prove to be bogus and that is why the goverment started using remote viewing around the late 70's.

The government based their studies off of the stuff this guy was doing. They had him teach Green Beray (sp?) guys how to do the spoon thing.


We did bend more than spoons. There were metal rods there, about a foot long. I didnt mess with those but they were real freakn' heavy duty metal. People were getting those to bend pretty well.

And alot of people had their own spoons (more than half the people brought in their own spoons because they didnt know he buys a bunch of the pk party) They bent those spoons just as much as the ones he brought.

K....and the last thing........Jack isnt gonig around like "look at what I can do, Im amazing!". He didnt bend a single thing during the party. He jsut tought everyone how to do it and let them do it themselves.

And the reason he's "roming around" now doing these PK parties is because he's retierd.
we didn't stand around it though, it was taped up on the top of a bunkbed, and we were all standing in the room (atleast 3 feet away) and some of us were sitting in the bottom of the bunk on the other side of the room (5 feet away if i remember correctly). we were all within a 90 degree angle in one direction from the paper pyramid. and i wasn't tlaking about a north/south compass needle, i meant the kind you use to draw circle or navigate on a map.
kinda like this:

with the pyramid shaped bill on a needle shape (for low friction)
Originally posted by Fender357
If its enought to get the US governmet to make programs dedicated to teaching people how to do remote viewing there's got to be somthing there.

Err sorry dude but this is wrong too. They did have remote viewing studies, though they only lasted 25 years costed us around 40 million dollars and didnt prove anything. The government never used it, they found nothing and this is why they ditched the project. They also showed remote viewing and how it was bullshit on the pen and teller show. They had a group of people who were "teaching" (actually con artists) remote viewing go into a room and try to prove remote viewing. Pen and Teller had a closed notebook with a picture in it, the job for the remote viewers (err con-artists) was to draw that picture in the notebook on the piece of paper in front of them by seeing it with remote viewing. They gave them 2 hours and NONE came about even getting close. The pic Pen and Teller had was that of a spiral staircase at a museum, everyone there had some landscape, scribble, or in some idiots case a alien spaceship.

Right now there is a contest, one that has been up since the government's studies stoped, that says they will award you with 1 million dollars if you can do remote viewing, bending spoons with the mind..etc. Noone has come close in all these years. I dare you to go and ask jack to go and do the contest to get the million dollars and see what he says. If he says hes not doing it for the money (which he will) tell him to win it and give it to some starving children and see what he says. Im telling you its bullshit, there is no proof backing up anything the guy does.
Fender: We studied your buddy the spoon bender in socialogy class as a case study and a couple other cases extremely similar to it. Power of suggestion is one possible explanation to the phenomena you witnessed, and the one I happen to believe. Take it or leave it.

LittleB: Wow, I totally misunderstood your situation. I have no clue what you're talking about, no offense. But regular compasses don't align normally to the magnetic field of the earth when close to or surrounded by living beings.
Ok, I was talking about telekinesis? Y'know? We just set up a small experiment, something for low friction, and at first it didn't work with a few people, but with 6 or 7 it spun at 300 rpm. NOT a room draft. No matter what anybody says. Besides, it was in the Netherlands, where they don't have vents, only radiators.

Anyway, I saw it on a magic show on tv. I didn't care wether what the magician was doing was a trick or not, I just realized it was a good way of trying out telekinesis. You fold a bill into a pyramid shape, and balance it on a needle (any sharp object). In the magic show he had it under a glass jar/dome thing to show there was no draft or touching. We didn't have that ofcourse, but none of were near it. 3 feet for the closest guy, atleast, like I said. I'd like to attach a picture to show what I mean, but it doesn't show attachment? Why?
Ok then Fender, I'll admit for argument's sake that it's humanly possible to bend metal with will power; now what can we conclude? that some of us have powers? Then we can even suppose that if some of you can bend spoons, other could shoot laser beams from their eyes. No? : )
Holy shit I just tried your steps and bent it slightly, omfg. WTF
I've been trying for days now. It hasn't workedc. I really think it'll work better with someone, so I'm gonna try it with my girlfriend. (Maybe without the yelling though)
Actually I've been practicing it without making the bending movement with my hands, for exactly the reason you said, mchammer. I don't want it to be some moment of superhumanstrength. So I just hold the spoon, with my thumb on the point where I want it to bend. It hasn't worked yet. I've tried telekinesis lotsof times in my life, and the only time it worked was with those 6 friends at camp.
Originally posted by Fender357
I went to this thing last night where this guy showed a bunch of us how to do it. He wasnt one of those freaky weird people. He was a retired engener that worked for Boing. There were a couple of different levels of bending stuff. I could only really do the first level. But alot of people did better.
Its just basic mind over matter type stuff, and its easy to say "well hell, i can bend a spoon no problem". But this is way different than just bending the spoon. When you do the steps this guy said, you can kind of get the spoon to bend like its really hard taffy. You put some force into the first bend, and then it just kind of goes. You can bend it around for a couple of seconds and then it frezzes up again and you cant really move it anymore. I'll post pictures of my spoons, some people had theirs curled around more than 10 times.

[edit] Never you mind my Ninja Turtles Tray....I've had that thing for like 10 years [/edit]

So after engering at Boing he retired, I would too.:cheese:

In any case I can bend spoons with my bare hands.

I'm also a weird guy, if that helps. :cool:
If it was really possible to bend things with your mind then someone would have worked it out by now, and go around robbing safes or something. Or making womens clothes fall off.
Well, it's easy to make little changes in matter, because a mass of matter (say a brick) is like 100 billion times as much as the energy your brain produces.