Best Storylined Game


Apr 12, 2006
Reaction score
Name some games you have played down to the story, because you want to know what happens next in the game, or just one that has had a great storyline.

Max Payne 1/2 kept me going for the story and the way its tells it.
Max Payne 2
Starcraft/Brood War
Warcraft 3

And if Sc2 ever comes out, I will play it just to find out WTF happens with Duran\Hybrids\Everything else
I have never gone through anything except A Series of Unfortunate Evens for the story, and even then I only got to the 11th book.
I have never gone through anything except A Series of Unfortunate Evens for the story, and even then I only got to the 11th book.

Quoted for truth. That series was dull as hell. I want to know what happens at the end, but don't want to endure the writing. :|

Game-wise, majority of Zelda games, Half Life games, 2D Metroid games (I don't wanna scan things for a story! :p)

But all of those I played cause they're fun too. Not sure of a game that I played just for the story. Maybe Grim Fandango. If the story and style hadn't been as good, I wouldn't have played because of the abysmal controls and occasional obscure puzzles.
Pretty much any game I play has to have a good story or else I won't bother with it. Tis why I don't play sport games. I can play those outside.

Some of my favorites though are:

Max Payne series
MGS series
GTA series
Final Fantasy series
Xenosaga trilogy
Storyline and the way it unfolds?

Beyond Good & Evil

Fallout has no storyline to speak of, as it is YOU that create the story, not the developers.
Max Payne 2 for sure. I finished that game about 16-20 times, it was that ****ing good. Especially the secret ending warmed my heart :)
Metal Gear Solid series
Fear Effect
Planescape Torment
KOTOR series
Deus Ex Invisible War
Vampire Bloodlines

To a little bit lesser extent:
Final Fantasy series
Resident Evil 2
Max Payne
Misc. adventure game ( to many to write down)

I'm sure I forgot some I'll edit my message when I remember more
Shenmue 1
Shenmue 2
Half Life
Half Life 2
Half Life: Ep1
Max Payne
Max Payne 2
Zelda games
MGS games
GTA games
Half-Life games
Max Payne 1+2
Shenmue 1+2

Strangly, i was rather taken in by the flow of Operation Flashpoint, wanted to play on to see how the yanks managed to get back to Everon and what they did from there, or what came about from the resistance fighters
Final Fantasy 7
StarCraft/Brood War
Final Fantasy Tactics
...90% of the Final Fantasy's
I've been playing Final Fantasy X pretty much just for the story, got bored of the battle system pretty quick. The game's way too linear to warrant any exploration or anything either, so I've just been trying to get to the end to see how it turns out... and to watch all the pretty pretty FMVs :)

Besides that... KotoR, FF7, MGS I guess. Can't think of anything else that stands out.
I've been playing Final Fantasy X pretty much just for the story, got bored of the battle system pretty quick. The game's way too linear to warrant any exploration or anything either, so I've just been trying to get to the end to see how it turns out... and to watch all the pretty pretty FMVs :)

Besides that... KotoR, FF7, MGS I guess. Can't think of anything else that stands out.

Yeah, I only played X for the story, then got so bored with it, I wanted to see the end, so I got a gameshark and cheated my way through it. Then FFX 2 came out, and I bought that one as well, and tried to play IT, but got ungodly bored with it too. :( Never got to the ending for that one.
Deus Ex
Metal Gear Solid
Legacy of Kain Soul Reaver
Still Life
God of War
Resident Evil
Condemned: Criminal Origins
Both Deus Ex games had good stories, the metal gear series has its moments, some final fantasies, max paynes, half lifes, and... of course... ricochet.
...hear good things about Deus Ex. Maybe I'll have to play it. A game where the storyline drove me to want more? Half Life, Alien v. Predator 2, Halo.
Darwinia is the only RTS i've ever completed. I think that was largely down to me wanting to see the Darwinian's free of the virus.

Other games with great storylines have been Deus Ex, Anachronox, Beyond Good & Evil and most recently Psychonauts. It's just a shame that their sequels are either atrocious messes or will probably never see the light of day.
*sigh* I wish more game developers would put more emphasis on story.
Freespace 2 had such a simple yet incredibly executed storyline. Like something out of Battlestar Galactica, but a little less cheesy and a little more dramatic.
I haven't seen anyone mention Mafia yet. I'm surprised.

Half-life 1 & 2
Max Payne 1 & 2
Homeworld 1, Cataclysm & 2
Dreamfall is the latest game that I have played till the end, just to find out what is going to happen. Then I learnt its a 'to be continued...' affair
I haven't seen anyone mention Mafia yet. I'm surprised.

Half-life 1 & 2
Max Payne 1 & 2
Homeworld 1, Cataclysm & 2

You all fail for taking this long to say Mafia.

I was literally on the edge of my seat waiting for someone to say it as I scrolled through the thread.

Thanks you Mr. Rimmer.
Land of the Dead: Road to Fiddler's Green has it's great storyline.
Deus Ex. I ****ing love that game, it's my favourite.
Max Payne 2
Starcraft/Brood War
Warcraft 3

And if Sc2 ever comes out, I will play it just to find out WTF happens with Duran\Hybrids\Everything else

Warcraft 3!?!?

The story was incredibly average, and was told very average-ly.

Starcraft's story, however was awesome!
Max payne series
Half-life series
Homeworld series
Warcraft series
Neverwinter nights
I really didn't enjoy Mafia at all.

I've never played it...

I really liked WarCraft II's story now that I think about it.

And Ys III: wonderer's from Ys. *Damn I never knew how to pronounce that*
MGS's stories are really the only games that made me hooked for the story alone. FF ones are good too usually, but they seem to be going down hill since FFVII.
MGS's stories are really the only games that made me hooked for the story alone. FF ones are good too usually, but they seem to be going down hill since FFVII.

I agree, but 12 is the redeeming quality in them. 8,9,10,10-2, *Never played 11..* all sucked...bad. I mean, a few people loved them to death, but I mean, it's supposed to be a bigger majority...

I've not heard that many, if ANY, say XII was bad.
Max Payne, Diablo Series, Grim Fandango, Mafia. Probably more but these are the ones i can think of right now
I've not heard that many, if ANY, say XII was bad.
The review said it was poorly executed, that's about the only bad thing I've heard. Possibly because the cutscenes are apparently so far between, which I'm actually quite happy about personally :p

Grr, so looking forward to it, only another week and a bit! Stupid intertational release... the anticipation of XII has totally killed any excitement I might have had at playing X anyway, so I'm barely even hanging on for the story at this point >_<
The review said it was poorly executed, that's about the only bad thing I've heard. Possibly because the cutscenes are apparently so far between, which I'm actually quite happy about personally :p

Grr, so looking forward to it, only another week and a bit! Stupid intertational release... the anticipation of XII has totally killed any excitement I might have had at playing X anyway, so I'm barely even hanging on for the story at this point >_<

Gametrailers is insane. Poorly Executed? Yeah, the cutscenes are distanced, and I like that's not like I'm watching a movie...

The game rocks though.