Best way to approach a girl?

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This down to toothboothwillie's quote's I am tempted to sig it. :smoking:
It made me ROFL, but then if I sig it then I have to remove Samon's quote. D:

Do what I and Eres and ....the other one who did it....did.

make a part of your sig to a post...that way you can sig alot of shit.
Best approach is a stealth approach:

1) sneak up behind the target.
2) use cold blood
3) ambush then backstab

you should have 3-5 combo points depending on your build by now.

4) eviscerate
5) vanish.

Is it bad that I found this absolutely hilarious?
Get a swat team, swarm and collect her from the evidence locker later
Lol at this thread. :D

I'm no expert but talking is the key. Approach her, talk to her. If she likes ya she'll talk back. Shout her a drink if it feels right.

Once i made the fatal mistake of buying a drink for a girl who was already taken. Her man came over and i started shitting myself. Eventually he introduced himself and all three of us got talking. The bloke is now my best mate; i dated the girl he was dating, but we didn't get on very well. Sela ve i guess :)
Also known as rape?

It's not rape, it's surprise sex

[Edit] The jist of it is, if its someone you dont know, you have 100% nothing to loose. You may embaress yourself, but who cares? Move on. If she blows you off (stop having sick thoughts, yes, im talking to YOU!) then she's not worth talking to, making a move on or even having as a phone number friend. The worst that can happen is she will say 'awww you're so sweet' or 'awww you're really cute' which is the moment you loose the chance of having her in a relationship, and you end up having a close friend instead. Well, thats what i've experienced after i heard about it...

Be yourself. If you think she looks good in her dress or whatever (always the best kind of convo starter - a compliment), dont go 'you look really good in that dress', because then she knows you're just drooling over her. Say 'nice *insert clothing type*, where did you get it?', and dont forget to look her in the eye 100% OF THE TIME and S M I L E ! ! !. If you look away when you or she is talking, she will know you're not showing 100% interest and will blow you off as you just want to skip the talking and take her pants off. Dont put your face 2 inches away from hers and stare, and dont forget to blink, but make sure you always look at her eyes, listen to what she is saying so you can respond, and stop dreaming about what she looks like naked. If you want a relationship, put your friend between your legs away and TALK, not daydream.
If she DOES blow you off and says 'ohh uhhh sorry but i have a friend i need to meet', dont cry, just say something like 'oh ok no worries, maybe we'll bump into each other some other time in the future?'. Now if she says yeah, she may even give you her number. JOB DONE!. If she says yeah and walks off, dont chase her, let her go. Then move on with another girl that wasnt in view of your conversation so she doesnt think youre a playa.

Juts be yourself. If she doesnt like you for who you are, then shes not worth having in your life.
Biznatch, don't make me break mah foot off in yo' ass!

I'll do it. Just ask Highlander.....
What will it take? Death?

Chloroform is one way to get a girl....But lead pipes work well too.
Screw that, we gots the nerve gas!

*pulls pin and drops*

What if it's someone you do know?

Well in that case, assuming you're already good friends with them, just talk to him/her about your feelings. Dont just say 'i think im in love with you', it should be more along the lines of 'listen we've been good friends for a while now, would it be wrong for us to go out a few times and see what happens? If it doesnt work out, we can still be friends, but just end up being that little bit closer.'

If she says she thinks its a bad idea, accept it, but then dont instantly change the subject. 'Yeah, maybe it would be a bad idea now that you mention it' or 'maybe somewhere down the line instead?' would keep you from looking like you've been turned down and are breaking apart over it.

If its mutual, dont change who you are just because you feel you need to look more like 'boyfriend material' to her. Dont change anything. Just spend more time together and, guaranteed, it will work out. If it doesnt, you still have her as a friend like i said.


Dynasty has it down well :D

All calls charged at ?2 a minute, opening hours 9am (or 10 if ive been out the night before) to 10pm (unless something is good on TV)
Approach her, and ask lots of question. The more she talks, the better. It should be something like 80/20. (She talks 80% of the time, you talk 20%.) Then afterwards, she will think she had a really nice conversations. There's nothing people like to talk about more than themselves.
stop thinking and just talk.. girls want what they can't have, so dissing and playfully ignoring works good, especially if you already know her
Oh just thought of one, PHYSICAL CONTACT. If its loud, lean in and put your hand on the small of her back. Whisper whatever it is in her ear. Heres a little tip, put a bit of aftershave BEHIND your ears before you go out. That way, when a girl says something in your ear, she can smell your hygenic self. Shower before you go out, look clean cut, have good breath and smell generaly good. Its small things but they do help. Girls are (apparently) very judgemental when it comes to things like that.

However, next time you see her, make her laugh. Only when she laughs, laugh a bit, give her a huge smile and just put your hand on her arm or something. Dont laugh, then prod her. Do it at the same time. Then WALK AWAY, say you're off to the bar or something. If she then at some point comes over to you and starts talking to YOU, no matter what its about, then you can ask for her number any time after that. If she finds you and talks to you, you've 'won' her over.

If you get her number, call her no sooner than 2 days later. Lets her know you're not desperate, but its also soon enough to show you actually DO have an interest.
^Aye its for a bar or something, but then again i always put my hand on the small of a girl's back, regardless of them being a friend or not. Its not sleezy, it makes them feel more secure, and makes THEM more comfortable around you as there is no 'invisible barrier' apparent between the two of you.

But yeah, experiment with techniques like sea is suggesting (well, everyone has there own techniques, find your own one that works).

Oh, and dont aim your sights so high. I know it sounds harsh, but strike a convo with a girl that seems like theyre having a crap time, or sitting with a bunch of friends with her legs crossed, looking around the room and pretending to laugh along with the girls now and again. You never know, she may be a really cool girl, not only that but you would make her night if she ends up liking you. If you go after the most stunning girl in the place, she WILL slap you down because SHE knows she can do BETTER as every other guy in the place is thinking the same thing as you. Just say 'you look a bit lost sitting there' and smile, offer her your hand, ask if the seat next to her is taken. Use the situation she is in to your own advantage. If she looks bored, talk about things that make her excited or happy. Dont guess. JUST ASK. If shes having a good time, just say 'you seem to be enjoying yourself in here' or whatever. Whatever you say, regardless of wether its crap or not, its the fact you got off your arse and got the confidence to say ANYTHING. Confidence is such a hugely important factor to master, if you dont have it they see right through you. Thats when you become depressed.

Experiment. If it works out for you, keep it up.
I could swear sea is a twin of mine my parents forgot to tell me about. How can 2 people on the other side of the world from each other have the exact same personality when it comes to girls???
Confidence > all.

I have a pretty much indestructable ego :p :)

How'd you manage that? My self esteem is non-existent so approaching a girl is out of the question. I've been thinking of going to a psychiatrist and get some pills that'll ease me out. In highschool, I was pretty normal as far as interaction with the opposite sex go. There were plenty of times where I could have nailed a girl, but I'd never make the initial move. :\
Well, I've been very lucky, I've been built up in the confidence stakes by certain things that have happened and certain people, I got more confidence, I pulled more, I got more confident, pulled even more etc etc..

It's all about self belief.. I assume a girl fancies me until proven otherwise, this goes for friends too.. :p (so far I've generally been proven right)
Well, I've been very lucky, I've been built up in the confidence stakes by certain things that have happened and certain people, I got more confidence, I pulled more, I got more confident, pulled even more etc etc..

It's all about self belief.. I assume a girl fancies me until proven otherwise, this goes for friends too.. :p (so far I've generally been proven right)

You probably look like Brad Pitt, though.
How'd you manage that? My self esteem is non-existent so approaching a girl is out of the question. I've been thinking of going to a psychiatrist and get some pills that'll ease me out. In highschool, I was pretty normal as far as interaction with the opposite sex go. There were plenty of times where I could have nailed a girl, but I'd never make the initial move. :\

To quote from Hitch:
'Any man can sweep any girl off her feet. You just need the right broom'

Now yes its a film and is therefore generally bull***t, but it actually has a point you seem to need to take into account. No matter who you are, you have a chance. Its human nature. If you're failing, you're either picking the wrong girl for you or just are'nt coming across properly.

If you were fine in highschool, why should it be any different now? And you also seem to be in this just to 'nail' the girl anyway, which means you'll always get turned down. And frankly if thats your attitud anyway, i hope you always do :P
To quote from Hitch:
'Any man can sweep any girl off her feet. You just need the right broom'

Now yes its a film and is therefore generally bull***t, but it actually has a point you seem to need to take into account. No matter who you are, you have a chance. Its human nature. If you're failing, you're either picking the wrong girl for you or just are'nt coming across properly.

If you were fine in highschool, why should it be any different now? And you also seem to be in this just to 'nail' the girl anyway, which means you'll always get turned down. And frankly if thats your attitud anyway, i hope you always do :P

Nah, I'm more the like the other people in this thread who want a steady relationship. It just so happens that most of the situations I was in would have probably led to "nailing" her so I just used those terms.

I'm just ****ed up in the head. I'd change groups of friends every year or so or when I got bored with 'em. I'd move on to the next group, get to be friends, but I'd never do anything outside of school with these people. I'd just go home and play games or watch TV. I'm guessing that's what messed me up. :\ I'd pretty much put on an act in school or any public place and when I'd get home, I'd just act like myself. I'm not an outgoing person, but I would force it whenever I was in school or around people I knew and I just got used to it. Sort of created this multiple personality thing, but not really. Having a twin brother probably didn't help either. (Comparisons suck)
It's all about self belief.. I assume a girl fancies me until proven otherwise, this goes for friends too.. :p (so far I've generally been proven right)

soo true. it's generally when you go "hm what if she doesn't like me?" that the girl picks up on your insecurity or you **** up or just worry too much to actually have fun. if you just give it a go you'll be much more successful.. i think that's why alot of these "methods" and seduction stuff works, because it gives you the confidence you need.

also, i'm proof that you don't have to be as sexy as badger for it to work.
<3 CH :p

I need to get to my hair done agains soon, I've started to look like Faris from the Horrors haha
<3 CH :p

I need to get to my hair done agains soon, I've started to look like Faris from the Horrors haha

lol. all i get when i don't cut my hair every 2nd day is some sort of blend between 80's luke skywalker haircut and an outright afro.
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