Best Zombie

Best Zombie!

  • Zombie

    Votes: 16 12.3%
  • Fast Zombie

    Votes: 34 26.2%
  • Poison Zombie

    Votes: 14 10.8%
  • Zombine

    Votes: 66 50.8%

  • Total voters


May 15, 2004
Reaction score
Best Zombie? You might think it looks good, or it plays well - or it just damn well scares the living shit out of you. Which Zombie > all other zombies.
I'm going with the Zombine. Not only does it look awesome, but its monkey-like movement, gargled radio sounds and grenade-wielding-suicide-charging antics are absolutely great fun to witness.

Dangerous to everyone around them when they pull out one of those grenades :)
poison zombies. they make cool noises and they throw poison crabs at you. lol... they have crabs
no kidding. you only fight them about what, 4-7 times in hl2? not enough of them. not even in ravenholm
Do we even get to see Poison Zombie vs Combine at any stage?

I can remember matchups of all the other types and I do remember poison zombie vs antlions.
I haven't played Episode 1 yet, so I have no experience with the zombine. From my playing experience I've found just plain old regular zombies to be the most enjoyable opponents from the lot. They're nice, slow, and take shotgun shells and saw blades pretty well. The moments in Ravenholm with those white-shirted goons advancing in great hordes up a staircase were quite satisfying. Yum.
i don't think so

EDIT: i was talking to Eejit
Fast Zombies.

You can hear them from a mile away, and when you do you know you're in for a fight.
Zombine ftw. The noises they make allow them to win easily.
Regular Zombie. The old school zombie. Can't go wrong there. Slow, cool looking. Easy to kill. Has some pretty sweet sounds (though not as good as the zombine sounds). Doesn't freak me out like the fast and poison zombies. Basicly, it's a good, all around zombie.
It was a toss-up between the fast zombie and the regular zombie for me, but I voted fast zombie. They're fun to watch in motion...baying like dogs, loping after you on four legs, then leaping and screaming at you. The threatening postures they make, watching them climb up pipes, leaping from rooftop to rooftop...all-around fun to watch.
All of them are great, but the Fast Zombie I first saw in Ravenholm nearly gave me a reason to change shorts.
The Zombine are the best, with their Kamikazie grenade attacks and their radio groaning noises.
fasties ftw

they not only scare me, but for good reason too... they can come from basically anywhere and are hard to take down D:
I enjoy the Fast Zombies most, as they are able to induce the most fear with with voices, movements, and speed. Zombines come next as they're not as fast but take a good amount of damage and are able to produce grenades. Zombies are next in line as they may be easy to kill, but it's great fun to find innovative ways to waste them. Finally I like Poision Zombies the least as they seem to act nothing more as slow yet damage-taking shotgun targets, as merely throwing Poison Headcrabs is not the most effective means of attacking IMHO.
Eejit said:
Do we even get to see Poison Zombie vs Combine at any stage?

I can remember matchups of all the other types and I do remember poison zombie vs antlions.

There isn't an 'official' fight between a posion zombie and a Combine soldier, like the zombie vs the Antlions after the bridge sequence, but if you're like me and you have too much time on your hands you can lead either the poision zombie in the house or under the small hut at the start of the bridge scene in Highway 17 towards the soldiers in the area and watch the fight unfold. Unfortunatly, by the time I had gotten the p. zombie to follow me up from the small path and into the open I had killed all its headcrabs it had thrown as they were annoying so it was really just like a normal zombie vs Combine soldiers. Wasn't as fun as I thought it might of been.

Uh.. anyway. I like the Zombines the most, if just for their radio chatter. Love it. I also like the regular zombies, just to mess around with by setting on fire or pushing off a cliff, etc. Can't stand the fasties as they annoy me more than anything.

I hate the sounds the poision zombies make. I was playing through Ravenholm yesterday and I came to the part with the first poison zombie after you come down the lift from the roofs. I killed a few of the headcrabs whilst slowly peeking out of the small area by the lift and the zombie walked away and just disapeared. I checked everywhere and counted two dead headcrabs but he was gone, yet the muffled breathing it makes followed me all through that area. :| It was scary, man.
Poison Zombie, mainly because I like the fact that his back is filled with Poison Headcrabs which looks very terrifying yet cool. I can say that I'm a fan of the Poison Headcrabs too. :E

I don’t particularly dislike any of the zombies in Half-Life 2, except that the regular zombies aren’t really a much of a threat (except in numbers of course) but that’s not a bad thing though. They look remarkably cool with their thorax slit up. :E
fasties ftw

nothing like being chased by twelve of them in Zombie Master. You'll see.
The mod "Ravenholm" made me hate Fast Zombies...
Stock zombies: cannon fodder
Poison zombies: pull!
Zombines: gimme that grenade!
Fast zombies: every man for himself! (got my vote)
Zombine, for their suicidal antics and respectable speed. Also for their amusing radio chatter. ("Necrotics inbound!")
I'm going with the classics. In these modern times with all kinds of zombies and different variety of headcrab we must not forget how it all started. Back ten it was just a regular headcrab and a scientist. The scientist may be gone, but the regular classic zombie is still the best.
The fast zombies certainly have the creepiest looks and sound, though when you understand just how little damage they make, they don't seem all that threatening, any more. Still, their first appearance in Ravenholm was an excellent surprise - I hadn't even taught a possibility of other than regular zombies, until then and it was a wonderful feeling of running into something completely unexpected.
The zombine are the coolest (with those awesome distorted moans, their grenade antics, etc. etc.) but I just had to give it to the Fasties. They don't really scare me, but they do seriously unsettle me- and for good reason. They can get on you like BAM! D:
Lightice said:
... though when you understand just how little damage they make, they don't seem all that threatening, any more.

You're right about that but still the Fast Zombies can be a threat if you've been bitten by a Poison Headcrab, especially when there's an area crowded with them. But still, this doesn't really occur that much if you do pay attention, otherwise my best tip is to just get the heck out of there.
I've died this way once, although I don't know if it were because of bad luck or worthless playing from my side... probably the latter. :|

Valve should, in my opinion, increase the damage ratio on the Fast Zombies melee-attack and leap-attack, I think it’s a bit too low really.
My first encounter with the Poison Zombie just scared the living **** out of me
Fast zombies, just because they're so scary when you first meet them and they can come from anywhere. After my first encounter, I was looking up more than I was looking in front of me. :p

Also, I´ve been wondering aobut the poison zombies and headcrabs. The poison headcrabs can't kill you but can reduce your health to 1. However, your HEV suit gives you an antidote. If a normal person, without an HEV suit, gets attacked, would it kill them?
Nothing beats a horde of Fast Zombies to scare the bowel juice out of you. Of course the Zombine comes in at a close second. A suicidal zombie with a grenade,heh, genius.
Fast Zombie FTW, like everybody said they're damn scary:eek: . I find zombines just annoying and not scary at all.
The fast zombies scare seven shades of shit out of me, so that's great, but I think they're disproportionately touch, when balanced against their speed (in gameplay terms that is)
The zombine looks awesome, but is very annoying.But there's a lot of satisfaction in either killing it before it 'nades you or making sure it blows up itself rather than you. This involves fleeing of the highest order.
The Poison Zombie creates the most tension for me. They compliment the Fasts and Zombines very well. You really start to feel like your mortality is at stake when a bunch of little poison headcrabs are running around and you are getting ripped apart by a Fast Zombie.

I wish Valve would spice up the regular Zombie somehow. They are starting to seem a little benign.
el Chi said:
The zombine looks awesome, but is very annoying.But there's a lot of satisfaction in either killing it before it 'nades you or making sure it blows up itself rather than you. This involves fleeing of the highest order.

Or you could just pick the nade up with the Gravity gun. :p
The fast zombie. The horrific speed. They remind me of how Jurrasic Park's Velociraptors were fast and scary. And not to mention the scream fast zombies make, and seeing a pack of them as a silouette leaping from the buildings.

EDIT: Forgive me for being off topic, but I mention Velociraptors, I go to wikipedia. And todays article is about Velociraptors.
The black headcrab zombies.

Damn scary and intimidating, plus, they scared me to death in Nova Prospekt. I walked for a crate of goodies into a small room in the laundry section of the prison, hear a strange noise, turn around and... the zombie is standing right outside the doorframe, starting the black headcrab hurl...

Thank the Gods for the compact Energy Orbs...

-- Mikael Grizzly
It's a stalemate between the fastie and the zombine, because I feel that you get a maximum of "holyshensImdoomed" feeling when those two work together.