Bethesda to announce new game Nov1st: Fallout3?

I was going to read this thread, but after the first page I realized it's probably devolved into fanboy argueing. Personally, I hope its Fallout 3 (we all know its in development but has it really been "announced"?) because it sounds like an interesting concept, and I love a good RPG. And remember people, Bethesda wouldn't acquire a liscense just to piss off the built in player base (after all they're the only real good reason to buy a lisence) by betraying the games original concept, they can come up with their own ideas for crap like that. I imagine there are some big Fallout fans at Bethesda that moved this forward in the first place, and are as eager to make a true Fallout sequel as you guys are to play it. And is it still possible to get Fallout or its sequel (legally)? I never played it, but it sounds like It'd be worth playing.
Joe, a man can dream. Bethesda has never acquired a licence with such tradition and mutilation with it. It's like taking an ingenious, but abused child with no prior experience with dealing with geniuses.

Also, if you can lay your hands down on Fallout, or a collection of Fallout titles, (Fallout: What it is, Fallout 2: Expanded, but weaker sequel, Fallout: Tactics: What Fallout is NOT.) by all means, get it. Also, when you are done with your first playthrough, play again, or visit NMA, but for God's sake, deeply think and search the forums before you post.

Also, I love this thread. Lots of flames, lots of content, lots of arguing and lots of fun. Also, I find it interesting, how a thread about Bethesda announcing a title turns into a thread about fanboyism and Fallout, and later into an argument over quality of videogames. Ahhh, forums, I love ye'.

Also, this might sound weird, but even though several of you give me a hard time, I love you all. ;)

Okay, enough with the cuddles, bring on fresh meat!
Also, I love this thread. Lots of flames, lots of content, lots of arguing and lots of fun. Also, I find it interesting, how a thread about Bethesda announcing a title turns into a thread about fanboyism and Fallout, and later into an argument over quality of videogames. Ahhh, forums, I love ye'.

No. Oblivion with guns in a post-apocalyptic environment with Fallout plotline? Yes please.

DeusExMachine, you have just earned the title of "lowest common denominator of the gaming industry" (TM). Do you have any idea what Fallout is about? IT was never about OMGSHINORZ graphics, not about piss-poor "Rapist" AI, not about miniature largest state in the TES universe, not about voiceovers, not about five hundred non-important face tweaks.

Fallout was about the 50s retrofuture feel, it posessed SPECIAL, isometric view, intricate dialogues, immersive and developed world, moral ambiguities, large and profesionally designed plot, believeable characters... it was all Oblivion is not.

And listen to yourself... Oblivion with Guns? Well, I extend an official invitation to you to visit our boards (No Mutants Allowed), and state your claim that "Fallout 3 as Oblivion with guns is OMGKEWL!". so that we can carve into your little skull, because I doubt a brain exists there, WHAT Fallout is and WHY we fear that Bethesda will rape it. Or, you might exercise those two neurons and research WHAT made Fallout so great, though I hop... err... fear the strain might kill you.

Thank you for setting the lowest standards for a forum user.

Yeah, I wonder how it happened :rolleyes:
You don't need a $10 million dollar budget to make a game. Where that money is spent is on stuff that doesn't actually affect gameplay, such as graphics, and most of the time physics (very few games use physics in a way that actually affects how the game plays). I've seen games that look absolutely brilliant but have very simplistic gameplay, DooM 3 and the Call of Duty games for example. Now if you spend less cash and time on the graphics and more on making the game new and fun then that $10 million budget required drops to only a fraction of that. The casual market out there that will spend hours upon hours playing web-based games have proven that there is a market out there for games that don't look absolutely cutting-edge. In fact, it's the hardcore market with the shredder PC's and the ones who were waiting inline to buy the XBox 360 on it's first day that are demanding cutting edge graphics, and that market is pretty small in comparison. Broadband isn't only something for the hardcore gamers or university's anymore, your average jo has broadband in his house now. If you can let those people know that they can download an entire game for A) A cheaper price than they'd pay in the shops and in B) less time than it would take to drive down to the shops and market correctly to the people who want a game for their kids or just want something to kill a few hours then you can easily make all of your money back and make even make a good profit, which is a rare thing in the industry.

Not only casual games will fit into this model either. There are enough hardcore gamers that will buy into innovative games, such as what Introversion are doing or Katamari Damacy. They're people who want different over photo-realistic graphics stuck onto the same gameplay. If you filter out all of the casual gamers who a developer can market to their game as fun and new, and then you filter out all of hardcore gamers who will have prior knowledge of a new and innovative game the number of people left who only want "OMg liek sweet grafix lol!" don't actually number that many.

Of course we're not their yet, but in a few years I'm hoping that's where we'll be.
mortiz, you're forgetting one thing, voice actors, recording studios and the equipment that comes with it, most games these days use voice acting, and it also costs a ton of money.

One thing that annoys me is that I've seen many people that think that just because 'I' am a young gamer, it means I'm a gfxwhore, that really ticks me off, I play C64, Atari ST, Amiga, DOS all regulary, although with emulators, and I play far more old 'ugly' games than modern ones, because I've realized that actual gameplay, was generally alot better back in the day, I am a all-in-all guy though, I bought Doom 3(Although I regret it somewhat) and CoD1+UO, but I've also bought 10(some even older) year old games over ebay and such.
Adrik, just because I say I love you all, that doesn't mean I won't be giving you a hard time.

You ain't gonna get laid by me, son :p
I play C64, Atari ST, Amiga, DOS all regulary, although with emulators, and I play far more old 'ugly' games than modern ones, because I've realized that actual gameplay, was generally alot better back in the day, I am a all-in-all guy though,
I love it! Me too! I actually have my Amiga 500 and C64C hooked up right now and they work great! (The emulators are great too like you said.) Most gamers fo today will not have the same amount of respect for gameplay that we did when we went through the paces of development in the 80s and 90s. Great times and I am so glad I was there for them. :cheers:

I bought Doom 3(Although I regret it somewhat)
The only reason Doom3 is still on my PC is The Dark Mod. I can't wait!!!
I know it's not Nov. 1st yet, but Bethesda recently (yesterday I think) announced a new game - Rogue Warrior. Can anyone confirm if this was the game they were talking about? As much as I'd love to hear new info on Fallout 3, I'm more inclined to think the announced game wouldnt be Fallout 3 since I'm pretty sure it's already been "announced" months ago when we first heard Bethesda say they bought the rights to it and were planning to start development after completion of Oblivion.
I know it's not Nov. 1st yet, but Bethesda recently (yesterday I think) announced a new game - Rogue Warrior. Can anyone confirm if this was the game they were talking about? As much as I'd love to hear new info on Fallout 3, I'm more inclined to think the announced game wouldnt be Fallout 3 since I'm pretty sure it's already been "announced" months ago when we first heard Bethesda say they bought the rights to it and were planning to start development after completion of Oblivion.

You know, that's what I was thinking. I mean, we already know they are developing it. I don't see why they would re-announce it. Remember, I'm pretty sure Bethesda said they would announce a new game. Fallout 3 isn't new, they already announced development on it. I'm not for sure if they gave an official press release on it or not. Anyway, I'm betting an Oblivion expansion (they'd be fools not to) or another Star Trek Game.
The only reason Doom3 is still on my PC is The Dark Mod. I can't wait!!!
That looks very intresting. I really want a neat stealth game. Actually a Tenchu style game would be god to me. I haven't played one since Stealth Assassins on the PS1.
I love Fallout, and I wish for the second option, however my experience tells me we will get a hollow shell a'la Oblivion.

Bethesda/Oblivion fanboys need not reply.

Hopefully Bethesda has learned some lessons with Oblivion. I think they went in the right direction by trying to make an RPG more about playing the game than min-maxing characters and pre-planning stat allocation. Where they failed was by cutting out what makes RPGs have long term endearment in the first place. Oh, yeah, and the combat sucked.

If Fallout 3 plays like a (Realistic) first person shooter but has depth like an RPG I'de be a happy man. In my opinion if RPGs are going to survive the mainstream they need to shed some the old pen'n'paper artifacts and focus more on gameplay and, yes, presentation.
Fallout is a perfect example of mixing gameplay, stylistic presentation and immersion while staying true to the old P&P rules.

So I don't get your point. RPGs REQUIRE an isometric view, because they are always about strategic planning of the fight, not mind-numbing clickfests like Diablo or Oblivion (which are action adventure games with RPG elements, not cRPGs).
So I don't get your point. RPGs REQUIRE an isometric view, because they are always about strategic planning of the fight, not mind-numbing clickfests like Diablo or Oblivion (which are action adventure games with RPG elements, not cRPGs).

Interesting. I always thought RPG stood for "Role-playing Game", where-as RTS stood for "Real Time Strategy", which sounds a lot like what you are describing. The term "RPG" is very loose, and RPG elements can be applied to pretty much anything. Just because your favorite RPGs happen to have an isometric view and utilize what you consider strategic gameplay others games in the genre are not suddenly kicked out of the RPG club. Seems a little silly to me that you think they would be.

Granted, Diablo II is more about combat than developing a persona and character. Icewind Dale, too, plays at times more like a strategy game. Oblivion sheds a lot of the old school mechanics (For better or worse). But, really, it is the diversity and the willingness of designers to step outside of boundaries that makes games interesting. If every game played only how purists wanted them to, then gaming would be both boring and unsuccesful.

By the way, "Action Adventure" is not a genre.
This is from the "No Mutants Allowed" FO3 fansite, in the FAQ

Why announce Fallout 3, without any plans ?
Actually the press release was announcing that Bethesda had secured the rights to create Fallout 3 and subsequent sequels. The press release does not announce the game nor any specifics about it -- it's a business announcement. And it had to be made, because it is important and affects more than one company.

This information is all brand-new. It's something that only became known to many of us at Bethesda a couple weeks ago, and only became official last week. We have also been very busy working on non-Fallout related projects. Any thought that has gone into what a Fallout 3 developed by Bethesda Softworks is minimal at best, and it is going to be quite some time before you hear anything else about it, because quite frankly we haven't even had a CHANCE to think much about what we're going to do with this new franchise.

Anything that's said about the game now -- features, game systems, camera style, gameplay style, platforms, etc. -- is 100% speculation. NO DECISIONS HAVE BEEN MADE. So have patience. As soon as we know more and are prepared to make a detailed unveiling, we will let you know. But don't be surprised if that day is a ways off.

As that quote clearly states, the announcement's purpose was to let people know that they had acquired the license to Fallout franchise. *The press release does not announce the game, it's a business announcement*

So, I've revised my opinion. I think there is a high likelihood that the announcement on Nov 1st will be Fallout 3. In fact, I really hope it is.
I love it! Me too! I actually have my Amiga 500 and C64C hooked up right now and they work great! (The emulators are great too like you said.) Most gamers fo today will not have the same amount of respect for gameplay that we did when we went through the paces of development in the 80s and 90s. Great times and I am so glad I was there for them. :cheers:

:cheers: HERE, HERE.

I've seen the development of games all the way from Pong on an Atari to now and I'm still only 29! :laugh:

You really appeciate where games were and where they are now and its why many of us guys get so pissed off at the dumbing down of modern games.