Better then the HL2 characters?

Originally posted by DelaZ
Obviously you aren't as smart as you pretend... RETARD HERE... RETARD THERE.. we are trying to make a conversation here... And if you cant live with the opinions of other people, well sir.. you are the retard.

Sure, it CAN be a prerender... but it might also be a realtime render... who or what proves you are right? Those other screenshots?

If you know anything about LOD ... you shoud know what i mean by...

"On the screenshots there is a lot more to see... trees, grass, players.. etc.. So they cant put as much detail as in the soldier face"

Jesus H Christ.

Fine heres another aspect to back up the fact its not ingame.

The lighting.

Quake 3 tech isnt capable of lighting a model to that degree.

Also dont gimme that lod shit, in the other screenshots youre standing right next to a guy who has fewer polys in his whole body than that face.
Originally posted by Lifthz
Er.... no I can't it's very misleading actually... it looks very undetailed, so is his clothing. I cannot tell.

YOU can tell because you're just jumping to conclusions.

I can tell because ive worked with ID game code since wolf 3d was released and I know what the engines are and arnt able to do.
It's a new engine, it has some Quake 3 engine in it, but it's primarily NOT Quake 3. So your claims are FALSE. If you read the Gamespot article you would see.

If you're such a big time game programmer you would know that it is possible to highly modify and change game engines anyway...
Originally posted by Lifthz
It's a new engine, it has some Quake 3 engine in it, but it's primarily NOT Quake 3. So your claims are FALSE.

When comanpines say its an updated q3 source means its the Team Arena version of the engine.
Fact is you don't know how much of the engine is new Magnetic, you're only guessing because you hear it has some Quake 3 tech in it.

And the other fact is we don't know if that's an in-game face or not yet. THough i'm thinking it is due to the quality of his clothing texture....
Originally posted by Lifthz
Fact is you don't know how much of the engine is new Magnetic, you're only guessing because you hear it has some Quake 3 tech in it.

And the other fact is we don't know if that's an in-game face or not yet.

The whole point of this is that we are arguing whether that face is ingame or not.

If its not its a render, if the game had that level of detail in its characters why wouldnt they show it off in every scren shots?

Also the company making the game licensed quake 3 tech, they are also using that, the company is not an engine coding company.

Sure they can code in some cool features.

But they are not going to create an engine more capable than Doom 3 now are they.
Originally posted by Mr.Magnetichead
The whole point of this is that we are arguing whether that face is ingame or not.

If its not its a render, if the game had that level of detail in its characters why wouldnt they show it off in every scren shots?

Also the company making the game licensed quake 3 tech, they are also using that, the company is not an engine coding company.

Sure they can code in some cool features.

But they are not going to create an engine more capable than Doom 3 now are they.

Many games don't show off the same thing in every screenshot when they're first revealed. That's not really something to go off of.

We just have to wait and see if it's in-game or not. Ok? Realy, it's not a big deal.

All of your assumptions are not valid.
My argument has more facts backing it up than yours.

Infact i dont think your argument has any backing.
You don't seem to have even read the article. All I hear is assumptions from you.
Originally posted by Lifthz
You don't seem to have even read the article. All I hear is assumptions from you.

No assumption here.
Well I can only say what it seems like man, i'm not at a conclusion. The character face looks very detailed, and then his clothing and everything else looks more average, leading me to think that it isn't a render.

However, we'll see.
The game would look silly if the faces looked that good and the rest didn't.
Well. Half-Life 2 is kinda like that to me, but not to that extreme...
Yeah, but if the face looks "better" than in HL2 and the rest looks a lot worse (just a bit better than the current MOH games) it would look REALLy silly IMO.
Originally posted by Mr.Magnetichead
The whole point of this is that we are arguing whether that face is ingame or not.


Originally posted by Mr.Magnetichead
If its not its a render, if the game had that level of detail in its characters why wouldnt they show it off in every scren shots?

Because in the other screenshots they cant put as much details as in the render. Some polys go to the landscape.. some to the playersmodels... guns.. etc. But when only showing the face and nothing else they can put all those polys togheter in one model and as a result you have far more detail... Thats how the LOD from HL 2 works... Im not a pro.. but its kinda

Originally posted by Mr.Magnetichead
Also the company making the game licensed quake 3 tech, they are also using that, the company is not an engine coding company

Sure they can code in some cool features.

But they are not going to create an engine more capable than Doom 3 now are they.

You are saying Doom 3 will not be able to render such a detailed face? lol..
Yeah. But i think the graphics will appear a bit better than those screenshots...
guys that screenshot of the soldiers face IS porb gameplay.
i am also i MOHAA fan, and i know that MOHAA DOESN'T do cutscenes which has higher graphics on faces.

SO this is def an ingame FACE!!!!

WOW it looks so amazine.

i dunno what is better out of the hl2 faces, or MOH PA face!!!

HL2 will still win altogether though! :)
Originally posted by Mr.Magnetichead
What makes you think its from a cutscene?

Now you are saying.. it isnt from a cutscene... and you were also saying that i could NOT be in the gamplay...

What is it then? :s
Originally posted by DelaZ
Now you are saying.. it isnt from a cutscene... and you were also saying that i could NOT be in the gamplay...

What is it then? :s

a pre-render....
MOH cutscenes are pre-rendered. ANd honestly that whole image does not look like a pre-render. Only the face looks close, but it doesn't quite look like a quality pre-render that I know MOH for.

Also, the eyes specifically are not anywhere near as good as Half-Life 2's...
That's a possibility, but isn't usual of MOH in the past.
to me, the fact that its just a soldier and a background, makes it look like a pre-render, not from a cutscene, you'd think if it was from a cutscene(or even ingame) they'd show more than just a heatshot with a static background *shrug* even if it was the head and soldiers back in the background, or just some type of outdoor background like in the other screenshots...
Well then everyone should've assumed G-man was pre-rendered from seein the screenshot with a black blank background...
Originally posted by Lifthz
Well then everyone should've assumed G-man was pre-rendered from seein the screenshot with a black blank background...

trust me, if all i saw was one screenshot of gman and thought the engine it was using was quake3 based then i would assume it was pre-rendered.

but seeing as we know the source engine can do it in realtime and saw the kinda removes all doubt associated with a single image being prerendered or not.

BTW, isn't it kind of weird that all the other screenshots of the game (MoH:pA) are either 800x600 or 1024x768, yet that one, and only that one is 1024x691......can't say i've ever seen a game use that funky resolution, have you?
You can make fun of me afterwards if that isn't a render. But that IS a render (IMO at least=).
Originally posted by NiteStalker
You can make fun of me afterwards if that isn't a render. But that IS a render (IMO at least=).

/me looks around
you talkin to me?


i agree.......well, except for the making fun of part, if anyone does that they might end up missing a limb or two ;x
No, hehe. I'm not talking to you, I was talking to the guys who say it's not a render.
For a high poly render it is lacking in detail (in the skin and the model)... why would they make a medium poly model that doesn't look like "pre-rendered quality" and can't be used in the game?

In the other pictures, the faces (or what we can see of them) cover a significantly smaller portion of the screen and all those polygons from the big face would be a waste... thus, the LOD system kicks in and shows an appropriately detailed face.

Here are some important pieces of information from the article for those of you too lazy to read it:
"...the EA team has completely rewritten the renderer to make the game competitive with next year's visual standards..."
"The engine will support a lot more objects onscreen..."
The engine has advanced water effects, a particle system, and dynamic lighting.
So Quake 3's capabilities have very little bearing in this discussion.

Considering that they say that the visual detail is competitive with next year's standards and next year's standards will be games like Half-Life 2 and Doom 3... it can be inferred that the models will be quite detailed.

Judging from all this information it is not absolutely certain as to whether or not the face represents the level of in-game facial detail... but it is more likely that it does.

... and the strange resolution is probably the result of cropping.
no i said...

there aint no cutscenes in MOHAA!

and they do NOT higher the graphics in cutscenes.

MOHAA is has levels, but no cutscenes, So what i am saying is that face is prob most deff from GAMEPLAY!!! I know it is!


i will get MOH breakthrough, Pasific, rising sun, HL2, Doom3, DX2, Black and white2, sim2, the movies, BC. loads. love me games me! :)
cropping, of course, just crop the one image to make people doubt it's ingame and leave the rest at normal resolutions....riiight.
Quake 3-based this, Quake 3 based that.... the game is FAR from Quake 3 engine. It's rediculously modified... if you read the article.
Rendering something at 1024x691 doesn't make any more sense...
... maybe there was something they didn't want you to see.
Originally posted by OCybrManO
Rendering something at 1024x691 doesn't make any more sense...

Well, that's not really an issue. Images can be scaled down easy.


Model Render (Realtime) :



Model Render (Realtime or not?) :

As far as I know those two games have equal detail... Its just that the HL2 "world" looks far better :)