BF2 Thread

MilkMan12 said:
Satch unless you want each clan to have 3-6 people in it you cant do that. We do not have nough people to split that up like that, and it wont be very balanced either. I saw split it up into two US (fine canada can come too) and Other.

Well, what if it wasn't really a "clan" but more of a squad? Squads are, what, 9 people max? Why not have a west coast squad and an east coast squad?

This whole clan thing wasn't supposed to be really serious as I understand it.

Alan Freeman said:

That has absolutely nothing to do with BF2. :laugh:

Im going to get some shut-eye. I'll talk to you bums in the morning. :thumbs:
satch919 said:
Well, what if it wasn't really a "clan" but more of a squad? Squads are, what, 9 people max? Why not have a west coast squad and an east coast squad?

6 people max :)
Alan Freeman said:
So my point is we need to find out who lives where? and what ping you call playable for yourself . Then that way we can make squads that way. So its not laggy for anyone. I want to play with you guys on the same server but sadly it wont happin for some of us :( and at the same time i want you guys to enjoy the game , and when i say enjoy i mean having good framerates while you play the game. :)

The last thing i want to hear is i couldnt hit that guy cause the lagg and the hites didnt register and you get what i mean .

So whats your thoughts?

Good point. That's why I set up a fav server thread <LINK>. A lot of people already posted the location where they live in there, and if the demo/game is out, we can also start to post servers there where we could play together.
Damnit! I had entered a competition to be at the launchparty of BF2 in the Netherlands, but I just got an e-mail saying I'm not one of the winners. I was kinda looking forward to that, but no luck .....
Shakermaker said:
Damnit! I had entered a competition to be at the launchparty of BF2 in the Netherlands, but I just got an e-mail saying I'm not one of the winners. I was kinda looking forward to that, but no luck .....
unlucky. :)
Shakermaker said:
Damnit! I had entered a competition to be at the launchparty of BF2 in the Netherlands, but I just got an e-mail saying I'm not one of the winners. I was kinda looking forward to that, but no luck .....
To bad would have been cool :(
There's a funny thread on It's a poll about the question "How soon is very soon?"
who know when demo will be, i think they found some more bugs, and they are trying to fix it (waiting for new drivers from nvidia)
this is just my 2 cen.
Oh man, thats gonna set off a whole ton of stuff.

/me waits for the insanity
NikolaX said:
who know when demo will be, i think they found some more bugs, and they are trying to fix it (waiting for new drivers from nvidia)
this is just my 2 cen.

**** Nvidia and just release the demo!

One thing that I don't understand is that they're producing the finished games which features code good enough to run on a wide range of computers and yet they can't get a single map demo out. :|
Foxtrot said:
Ya but read some of his posts, it looks like he has been posting for a year, all under the guise of an EA employee. Also, that post from Prodigy could just be to cover EAs ass and quiet everyone down.

Good point, I just had a look at all his previous posts. Well, here's hoping.
'dis is confuzin' meh!

I have a pitchfork in one hand and a torch in the other ready to raid the offices of EA! Im gonna start gouging eyes and kickin' shins if the demo isn't released soon!
Interesting bit of info.

Commander gains 0 points for running around killing people on foot.
They could have changed it since then because AgentD (the same guy that posted the odd little comment about the pitter patter of little feet on the battlefield) posted this back in March

Here's another post of his. This is kinda cool :P
AgentD said:
In a recent 32 player match of Gulf of Oman between EA and DICE, the EA side played a devious game. DICE had 2 squads that would have a coordinated attack on a CP, tanks, aircraft, medics, engineers, the works. Everyone rushed in, guns blazing, only to find no EA foes around. Hmmmm......
Then the EA commander rained artillery down on the CP that they decided to "sacrifice" to pull DICE soldiers into, so they could drain DICE's tickets. Death and destruction