BF2 Thread

Mr. Redundant said:
well you can't just pick and place people in squads as of now, a real squad meshes together... and the only way you are going to be able to see if your playstyle matches others is when you play together.

squad placement based on forum chat is pointless imo.
best just to all get on a server and see who fits where, and with who.

however eventually I would like to group up with 5 other core members that work together and play often, and group with them as much as possible... but that's just my dream :)

I wasn't actually serious when I made that post about the squad. I just thought it was kinda funny that some of us have posted so much in this thread and since we were on the subject of squads...

Anyways... I wanna play with you guys a bunch. I'm sure we'll each find our own niche in BF2 and hopefully we can put a solid team together.

I know we weren't planning on making this clan too serious...but I'd like to have as much organization as possible without actually having clan practices and set dates etc. Just pick up games when we can. We can go from there.
The_Monkey said:
True, but it will be more fun if we play for real... right?


yeah, maybe we can pick names out of a hat for squads or sumthing :naughty:
AmishSlayer said:
I wasn't actually serious when I made that post about the squad. I just thought it was kinda funny that some of us have posted so much in this thread and since we were on the subject of squads...

oh yeah, I know you were kidding.. I was speaking in general terms as to what Axyon asked... I said the same thing to Ennui in PM the other day too.

AmishSlayer said:
Anyways... I wanna play with you guys a bunch. I'm sure we'll each find our own niche in BF2 and hopefully we can put a solid team together.

I know we weren't planning on making this clan too serious...but I'd like to have as much organization as possible without actually having clan practices and set dates etc. Just pick up games when we can. We can go from there.
this is exactly how I feel.

Im down for playing for fun, but I honestly hope to garner a good squad from the players here, as I do want to take my ranked gameplay seriously at one stage or another, but not to an overt extent.... Im not looking for the whole CLAN experience, just as you said something mellow but functional, that take the teamwork seriously.
If the people just invade a server or whatever we can mess around in teams. I would rather be teamed up with people on my xfire list (The ones I know anyways) but Id team up with whatever team was in need of a medic.

You got to think about more then just who do you like though when making a team. Example..

Team full of snipers is good as they can move around the map, telling each other good spots.
Team full of medics, thats just silly. Unless it had engineers and medics in the team, talking to the commander who would say where they needed to go.. but still.. meh!
Ritz said:
Team full of snipers is good as they can move around the map, telling each other good spots.
Team full of medics, thats just silly. Unless it had engineers and medics in the team, talking to the commander who would say where they needed to go.. but still.. meh!

A team full of one class, really won't work. As they will need to be supplied of ammo and health. Also they can't really destroy a vehice? can they(snipers)
Ritz said:
Team full of snipers is good as they can move around the map, telling each other good spots.
Team full of medics, thats just silly. Unless it had engineers and medics in the team, talking to the commander who would say where they needed to go.. but still.. meh!

team full of commanders would be good :devil:
Nabobalis said:
A team full of one class, really won't work. As they will need to be supplied of ammo and health. Also they can't really destroy a vehice? can they(snipers)

Im just saying a team full of somthing like medics, would be alot less usfull then one of snipers, of course a mix is much, much better.

I think a good squad would be (without playing the game Im just guessing)

Two assasults for firepower
Medic for health/bring a team back from dieing
Engineer for keeping transport in good working order.
Sniper for covering the team.

Only class I dont see working well in a team are the Ops, since there stealthed from the commander (The enermy one) if one was moving around with a team of other classes, it would be useless. Unless of coruse the Ops guy was out someplace and didnt stick with the team. But if so, what would be the reason to be the team?
my ideal team mix would be

Medic (as someone else put it "you can't fight when all your guys are dead")
Anti-Tank (there is a lot of armored vehicles on the ground and the air that can eliminate a squad easily without him)
Engineer (repairing bridges, maintaining vehicles and stationary guns, as well as being excellent in CQB with his Shotgun)
Support (without ammo you can't win the war)
Sniper (scouting, taking out other snipers)
Assault ( good mix of range and accuracy, body armor as well as M203 grenades for anti infantry)
say we have a team of 32, with 6 squads of 6....

would we have to have 6 snipers in the whole gruop so that there could be one sniper per group? or shall we have the 6 snipers go together to form one squad?

does that sound jumbled? u all get what im saying?
I think a good squad would be this -

2 medics (if one gets shot you have one to revive him or another for backup)
1 support (cover fire with his machine gun and ammo)
1 engineer (gotta keep any transport or tank in good shape)
1 assault (firepower)
1 anti-tank (whoops, forgot about this :P gotta be able to do something about possible armor or helos)
You want a sniper to cover a specific squad. That means spreading them around. Also think of the comunication, the squad leader needs to know where everyone is, its easier to talk direct to the sniper rather than asking the sniper squad leader if they can get sniper support.

As for Spec Ops it depends. They could be useful as an invisible squad, getting in and out quick. But they could also be useful as an invisible member, setting up traps or sneaking behind the attacking squad.
AmishSlayer said:
I think a good squad would be this -

2 medics (if one gets shot you have one to revive him or another for backup)
1 support (cover fire with his machine gun and ammo)
1 engineer (gotta keep any transport or tank in good shape)
1 assault (firepower)
1 anti-tank (whoops, forgot about this :P gotta be able to do something about possible armor or helos)
That is good for just inf, but if you are with a tank or two you would probably want 2 engineers and 2 medics, and then whatever.
PickledGecko said:
You want a sniper to cover a specific squad. That means spreading them around. Also think of the comunication, the squad leader needs to know where everyone is, its easier to talk direct to the sniper rather than asking the sniper squad leader if they can get sniper support.

As for Spec Ops it depends. They could be useful as an invisible squad, getting in and out quick. But they could also be useful as an invisible member, setting up traps or sneaking behind the attacking squad.


Versatility is the name of the game for BF2. The strategy is up to you.

I think it'd be best to have a squad without snipers or spec ops, then have a sniper/spec ops duo squadded together shadowing the 6-man squad.
anyone on here been in the milkitary or at least ROTC and knows real military tactics?
i'd like to see how well they work and maybe if i can get a squad of 9 that knows what they're doing it could be pretty cool
by the way, i'm not in the military YET, but i've been through tons of ROTC trainging and know squad tactics pretty well
Icarusintel said:
anyone on here been in the milkitary or at least ROTC and knows real military tactics?
i'd like to see how well they work and maybe if i can get a squad of 9 that knows what they're doing it could be pretty cool
by the way, i'm not in the military YET, but i've been through tons of ROTC trainging and know squad tactics pretty well
I have a ranger handbook from vietnam, my dad used that when he was in ROTC. Lots of formations and stuff like that, set ups for ambushes.
Foxtrot said:
I have a ranger handbook from vietnam, my dad used that when he was in ROTC. Lots of formations and stuff like that, set ups for ambushes.
well, i was thinking specifically squad tactics with one 9-man squad comprised of 2 fire teams and a squad leader
Icarusintel said:
well, i was thinking specifically squad tactics with one 9-man squad comprised of 2 fire teams and a squad leader

Squads are only 6 soldiers max in BF2. 10 squads maximum per side.

Foxtrot, you gotta teach me some tactics on how to kill the charlies!

EDIT: woot :P 1500th post in this monster of a thread.
AmishSlayer said:
Squads are only 6 soldiers max in BF2. 10 squads maximum per side.

Foxtrot, you gotta teach me some tactics on how to kill the charlies!

EDIT: woot :P 1500th post in this monster of a thread.
ok, so they are, doesn't mean you can't travel in a 9-man unit, you just can;t for a squad in the game, but you can still act like a real army squad
Icarusintel said:
ok, so they are, doesn't mean you can't travel in a 9-man unit, you just can;t for a squad in the game, but you can still act like a real army squad

That is still possible. You could designate one your fire team and one your assault team if you wanted and direct them accordingly. Something tells me outside of dedicated clans, this won't be used much.
the only problem is you can only communicate to your six men with your mic.
voip is for inter squad communication.
wish there were a way you could link communication between squads.... besides telling the commander to relay something to the other squad that is.
AmishSlayer said:
That is still possible. You could designate one your fire team and one your assault team if you wanted and direct them accordingly. Something tells me outside of dedicated clans, this won't be used much.
I know, I need to find a good group of guys who know their stuff and would be willing to play together, guess i need to find or make a clan
NikolaX said:
like we are not good for you Icarus.
well, it's not like i'd desert you guys, that's why i'm putting the call out on these forums, i want guys
The first time I play BF2 I'll be playing The Trashmen's "Surfin' Bird" in the background.:)
Ah memories!
Real military tactics are rarely used in games because they are no good in the game, it is a game and there are many differences from real life and because of that there are many reasons why real life tactics are obsolete, impractical or inferior.
Foxtrot said:
Real military tactics are rarely used in games because they are no good in the game, it is a game and there are many differences from real life and because of that there are many reasons why real life tactics are obsolete, impractical or inferior.


I don't think jump-shottying would work as well in real life life as it did in CS :P
AmishSlayer said:

I don't think jump-shottying would work as well in real life life as it did in CS :P
so you think... but then again in real life you can also do more than two moves with a knife... the tradeoffs
Icarusintel said:
so you think... but then again in real life you can also do more than two moves with a knife... the tradeoffs

That's exactly what DICE had to do when they were designing BF2. Decide how to balance the arcade feel and the realism feel. Tradeoffs :P
Sheesh, it seems like its slowed down here! C'mon people, BF2 is nearly upon us! :P
satch919 said:
Sheesh, it seems like its slowed down here! C'mon people, BF2 is nearly upon us! :P

There's just not much left to talk about until we actually play it :(

Previes are all blending together :P At this point screens aren't all that interesting...and footage has to be good to entertain me.

Hearing about squads and such got me thinking for the first time ... dont laugh

When the BF2 demo gets out i dont think there is going to be a chance for us to actually play on a server together,(with all the traffic all servers will be full am i wrong) well some of us might sneak in on the same server but, i would like to play with all of you to see what u guys are capable of doing.

First off i live in the U.S so im going to jump into a server in chicago usaually with 20 ping. I dont want to play BF2 on a laggy server.

Alot of you live in the UK for example i was playing css with NikolaX the other day and he had 150+ ping where as i had 15-20 ping on a U.S. server. Then i joined a UK server and i had 150-200 ping there, with me that is not playable so i wouldnt stay on that server . SORRY

So my point is we need to find out who lives where? and what ping you call playable for yourself . Then that way we can make squads that way. So its not laggy for anyone. I want to play with you guys on the same server but sadly it wont happin for some of us :( and at the same time i want you guys to enjoy the game , and when i say enjoy i mean having good framerates while you play the game. :)

The last thing i want to hear is i couldnt hit that guy cause the lagg and the hites didnt register and you get what i mean .

So whats your thoughts?
I agree with Alan on this one. There's going to have to be a "clan" for each area or timezone. One for the U.S. West Coast, Mid-West, and East Coast. One for Europe, Canada, and Australia. There's absolutely no way we can have a smooth game if we all tried to join the same server. 100+ ping just isn't fun to me.

I live in Southern California just for reference.
Grand Forks, ND.

Midwest US. I'll be fine on any servers Alan is on.

EDIT: Max ping I'd allow is....100ish
California US, drop me in the USA crew.

although honestly I will still want to play with some UK folks, there are a couple in the UK that are just too cool to not play with, regardless of lag :)
I say that now, but I might be singing a different tune under 300 ping :P
Southwestern Canada.
Buh, I'm close enough to you guys.
It should really just be split into Eastern and Western North America.
I didnt have that much of a problem with css at 100 + ping but BF2 is different soo.

When i click find servers i tend to go towards the top of the list.

U.S. Squad #1
1.Alan Freeman
4.Mr. Redundant


Edit :Lots of BF2 server will have ping restrictions . I once when on a 1942 server and they kick many people that tried to play with 150+ ping . Thats what the admin set it too.:( i feel sorry for those people.
satch919 said:
I agree with Alan on this one. There's going to have to be a "clan" for each area or timezone. One for the U.S. West Coast, Mid-East, and East Coast. One for Europe, Canada, and Australia. There's absolutely no way we can have a smooth game if we all tried to join the same server. 100+ ping just isn't fun to me.

I live in Southern California just for reference.

Satch unless you want each clan to have 3-6 people in it you cant do that. We do not have nough people to split that up like that, and it wont be very balanced either. I saw split it up into two US (fine canada can come too) and Other.