BF2 Thread

Shakermaker said:
We are gonna let this thread grow on, aren't we? This is the 1400th post btw, cool.

I say we go for the forum record :)

I searched the forums for threads with the word "game" anywhere inside and came up with this thread with the highest # of replies :thumbs:
Foxtrot said:
Is this the longest thread?

I don't think so, but if it becomes the longest thread, that would be a bit ironic: the longest thread on a forum for HL2 is about another game.
Shakermaker said:
I don't think so, but if it becomes the longest thread, that would be a bit ironic: the longest thread on a forum for HL2 is about another game.

What is the longest thread? I tried running a search and the next closest thread in size was 1,300 posts for audio problems in HL2 :P
Shakermaker said:
I don't think so, but if it becomes the longest thread, that would be a bit ironic: the longest thread on a forum for HL2 is about another game.
You are right, now we have to make this the longest.
Longest thread was The Arena I believe.

1,577 posts.
I'm sure we can tac on another 150+ posts to this thread before BF2 chatter stops :P

I posted an alternate link in the new info thread to that 610mb vid that's working well for me. Check it out. I finish my d/l in 4 min.
Axyon said:
It's not that thread's length that's impressive, it's the fact that it got those 1716 posts in one day. Heh.
Wow, one day, that has to be a record.
Axyon said:
It's not that thread's length that's impressive, it's the fact that it got those 1716 posts in one day. Heh.

In 1 day :eek::eek:

i am gona download this vid :P
Wow, this thread is growing like crazy!

Anyone know if a certain rank is required for commander?
Dalamari said:
Wow, this thread is growing like crazy!

Anyone know if a certain rank is required for commander?

that would be weird cuz then nobdody could be the commander when the game comes out
NikolaX said:
It doesnt require no rank, just must be voted.
no rank required, anyone can try to become the com, by hitting the APPLY button under commander.

Rank is important in that, the person with the highest rank gets first dibs. (so if a private and a lieutenant both apply, the lieutenant gets it)
commanders can be voted out, however I don't know about voted IN.
Mr. Redundant said:
no rank required, anyone can try to become the com, by hitting the APPLY button under commander.

Rank is important in that, the person with the highest rank gets first dibs. (so if a private and a lieutenant both apply, the lieutenant gets it)
commanders can be voted out, however I don't know about voted IN.
Is there some sort of voting system when becoming commander?
Doesn't seem so normally...just the highest rank applying for it gets it.
Foxtrot said:
Is there some sort of voting system when becoming commander?
as I said, all I know is the ability to vote out the commander, I haven't heard anything about voting one in (although it is mere logic to me)
you just apply and the game chooses the best candidate based on rank.
Foxtrot said:
Is there some sort of voting system when becoming commander?

I think so, in that 610mb vid the guy applies for the commander slot and the voice over thing says that he'll recieve a reply shortly or something. My guess is players are asked whether or not they want you as commander.
Mr. Redundant said:
:cheers: thank you

Australia is behind the US, actually I think everyone is behind the US for the release.
Foxtrot said:
Australia is behind the US, actually I think everyone is behind the US for the release.
yeah but the demo release should pretty much be worldwide, since it's the internet.

just one extra day to wait.... but one agonizing day :(
Who Posted?
Alan Freeman 134
jimbo118 121
Foxtrot 112
Nabobalis 111
Shakermaker 103
AmishSlayer 87
Mr. Redundant 85
NikolaX 82
KoreBolteR 81
Axyon 51
JiMmEh 38
satch919 38
J_Tweedy 31
The_Monkey 30
MilkMan12 26
Gunner 25
Jammydodger 21
Pauly 20
Dalamari 15
CptStern 14
Ritz 14
TrippyG 14
Lemonking 13
Gargantou 13
dart321 12
bobthecombineguy 11
gh0st 10
xlucidx 9
Direwolf 8
Datrix 8
marksmanHL2 :) 5
Iced_Eagle 5
Shens 4
lonestar 4
Harryz 4
Icarusintel 3
TheSomeone 3
Rico 3
DiSTuRbEd 3
venturon 3
simmo 3
john3571000 2
Sparta 2
shadow6899 2
Zodak 2
sharp 2
CTTcrew_MrBlue 2
Silent_night 2
lePobz 1
antimatter 1
CommunistPenguin 1
PickledGecko 1
tank_fuel 1
Darkknighttt 1
DarkStar 1
MaxiKana 1
Agent.M 1
Tr0n 1
Dodo 1
bibble 1
mortiz 1
AH_Viper 1
shadowrun 1
Jangle 1
Asus 1
hungryduck 1
Gorgon 1
Samon 1
ray_MAN 1
I now have the coolest mouse in history :)


Damn this is about 114x times better than my last crappy optical mouse.
Only problem I have with my mx510 (its red) is that you have to change each button to a keystroke to get them to work in all games and then change them back for Windows. My old MS mouse let you add program specific button confiugrations.
i wont quote that post monkey for obvious reasons but zomg i have over a hundred alone in this thread. eek.
PickledGecko said:
Only problem I have with my mx510 (its red) is that you have to change each button to a keystroke to get them to work in all games and then change them back for Windows. My old MS mouse let you add program specific button confiugrations.
I don't have to...for me it is just like setting any other button.
Mr. Redundant said:
yeah but the demo release should pretty much be worldwide, since it's the internet.

just one extra day to wait.... but one agonizing day :(
I have heard the 10th from 3 other sites, I am guessing it will release "exclusively" on an australian website.

crap, double post...IDK wtf just happened.
AmishSlayer said:
I now have the coolest mouse in history :)


Damn this is about 114x times better than my last crappy optical mouse.

So is that mouse any good?
Foxtrot said:
I have heard the 10th from 3 other sites, I am guessing it will release "exclusively" on an australian website.

crap, double post...IDK wtf just happened.

It’s most likely to be on the 10th for the rest of the world. But due to time difference it would be the 11th in the land of OZ

edit: how do you multi qoute?
Ugh, I hope the demo comes out soon! This game is on my mind constantly.
