BF2 Thread

I'll need to get a headset(with a mic ofcourse) for BF2, but I sound like a total jackass when I speak in mics, damnit.:p
Gargantou said:
I'll need to get a headset(with a mic ofcourse) for BF2, but I sound like a total jackass when I speak in mics, damnit.:p
most people who use mics sound like jackasses hehe, however it's not what you sound like, it's how you use your mic.

sounding like a jackass on the mic > being a jackass with a mic


I whole heartedly encourage everyone here to nab themselves a mic for squad teamwork.
Yeah, hopefully we won't get any of those morons from CS/CS:S in BF2 that plays MUSIC on their mics.*Sigh*:p
Gargantou said:
Yeah, hopefully we won't get any of those morons from CS/CS:S in BF2 that plays MUSIC on their mics.*Sigh*:p
no you won't, because in BF2 the VOIP works like this

people can choose to join a squad

squads can only voice comm with other members of their squad, except the squad leader who can communicate with his squad as well as the commander.

commander communicates with squad leaders only

lone wolfs - unknown/none

squads are comprised of members you "want", you can boot someone from your squad with one click (as a squad leader) you can also password your squads so that you don't get pubs.

in our case, it will take playing on unranked servers, cycling commanders and squad leaders to see who best suits each role.
teamwork is huge in my book. if you intend to play only to have the highest frag count (and nothing else) then you might want to consider lone-wolf.

voice communication is another thing I love, although I might not always be first on my team playing cs:s (mostly because I never play it) I do always give away my position to my team, tell them of enemy movement, let them know what's going on constantly, help with manouvers, and try and emplore tactics.

it's frustrating as it's normally a waste of breath, for all the info I give to my team, about 1% have any inclination to work together.
Mr. Redundant said:
no you won't, because in BF2 the VOIP works like this

people can choose to join a squad

squads can only voice comm with other members of their squad, except the squad leader who can communicate with his squad as well as the commander.

commander communicates with squad leaders only

lone wolfs - unknown/none

squads are comprised of members you "want", you can boot someone from your squad with one click (as a squad leader) you can also password your squads so that you don't get pubs.
Wow I didn't know you could password your squads, that is an awesome feature :)
Foxtrot said:
Wow I didn't know you could password your squads, that is an awesome feature :)

Neither did I. That is pretty sweet.

Ordered my headset today :)
Foxtrot said:
Wow I didn't know you could password your squads, that is an awesome feature :)
yessiree it was on the bf2 release party video (in germany) with the first footage of karkand, and the disorganized presentation :D

when creating a squad there is a little "padlock" icon next to the "name" box, which you can click to set a squad password.

squads are consisted of 6 men. (which means we would need to from squads of 6 each dependant on playstyle and class preferance)
this will also have to be determined merely by working together in unranked servers and seeing who meshes well.

EDIT: here's the padlock icon I was refering to
that is so awesome.. so i suppose the whole squad can also vote out another squad member if they wanted too aswell :D
There's a campaign at my favourite gaming store over here where you get a headset for like 1/4th of the price along with BF2, gonna get it.

I mean serioiusly, a headset is a must for proper "tactics"; don't you agree?
I hope to get to play with some of you guys, my in-game nick will most likely be Gargantou.
KoreBolteR said:
that is so awesome.. so i suppose the whole squad can also vote out another squad member if they wanted too aswell :D

no, a squad leader needs no vote, he merely boots them. done.
Mr. Redundant said:
no, a squad leader needs no vote, he merely boots them. done.

Do you know how sqauds work when the squad leader is killed? Does the 2nd in line just take the lead or does the squad just act without the leader until he revives?
AmishSlayer said:
Do you know how sqauds work when the squad leader is killed? Does the 2nd in line just take the lead or does the squad just act without the leader until he revives?
I am guessing he respawns back at the main base, and then the rest of the squad will spawn on him as they die.
marksmanHL2 :) said:
How on earth do I apply to be a part of this lovely little clan? :)
you simply state what class you would like to be (add it in your sig like most of us have, if you want) get yourself a headset/mic, and you're in.
(at least I think so, It was not my idea, however thus far it's been very open.. if you have the drive to want to work together in a team friendly environment regardless of skill level is your community :)

AmishSlayer said:
Do you know how sqauds work when the squad leader is killed? Does the 2nd in line just take the lead or does the squad just act without the leader until he revives?

the squad acts without a leader until he revives, they can continue to work as a team with VOIP, however realize that most squads (DEFINATELY our squad) will always be with a MEDIC, a medic will remedy the situation immediately when a teammember goes down :)
so no need to wait until your leader runs back to your position.

it's either the whole squad goes down, or they fight their way back onto their feet.
Mr. Redundant said:
you simply state what class you would like to be (add it in your sig like most of us have, if you want) get yourself a headset/mic, and you're in.
(at least I think so, It was not my idea, however thus far it's been very open.. if you have the drive to want to work together in a team friendly environment regardless of skill level is your community :)

the squad acts without a leader until he revives, they can continue to work as a team with VOIP, however realize that most squads (DEFINATELY our squad) will always be with a MEDIC, a medic will remedy the situation immediately when a teammember goes down :)
so no need to wait until your leader runs back to your position.

it's either the whole squad goes down, or they fight their way back onto their feet.
Yeah good idea with the medic, but remember that you can either be fatally wounded or killed. The latter means you can't be revived.
Wait so squads cant be made before the game starts? You have to organize it like a clan over time and before you even join any games?

I though there are just 6 squad slots kind of like Americas Army, and you randomly pick which squad you would like to join. Can someone clear this up please?
I haven't picked class yet. Any recommendations?

I got no mic, is that a problem?
How does VOIP work for the squad leader? Can he talk to the commander and his squad or just one?
Mr. Redundant said:
you simply state what class you would like to be (add it in your sig like most of us have, if you want) get yourself a headset/mic, and you're in.
(at least I think so, It was not my idea, however thus far it's been very open.. if you have the drive to want to work together in a team friendly environment regardless of skill level is your community :)

Excelent, Well I'll reinstall BF and DC soon (It kinda messed up a while ago and I havn't been able to play) but I used to play mainly as Spec Ops but I pretty much played the part that was needed...

There is nothing quite like a det pack and a bit of determination *evil grins*

Oh and I love team play, I was offered into several clans when I used to play. Never had the time due to real life exam worrys... but after june... Tee hee... gona get back into it. :)

EDIT: oh and I have a mic :)
Foxtrot said:
How does VOIP work for the squad leader? Can he talk to the commander and his squad or just one?

Both. The Squad can talk to the squad leader, and the squad leader can to talk to other squad leaders, the commander, and his squad.
Foxtrot said:
How does VOIP work for the squad leader? Can he talk to the commander and his squad or just one?
he has two seperate buttons, one for the commander comm, one for the squad comm.

The_Monkey said:
I haven't picked class yet. Any recommendations?

I got no mic, is that a problem?

if you don't have a class picked out don't worry, just play the game and see what comes naturally.
as for a mic, it would be a good idea to pick one up for serious teamwork... however you could still be useful (in communication) if you use the built in coms effectively and quickly.. however as like other games (CS:S DOD, etc) game communication and set orders can only go so far.

MilkMan12 said:
Wait so squads cant be made before the game starts? You have to organize it like a clan over time and before you even join any games?

I though there are just 6 squad slots kind of like Americas Army, and you randomly pick which squad you would like to join. Can someone clear this up please?

squads can be made up on the fly in-game, we can play it by ear, see how things go.
you don't randomly pick a class and squad like AA though, you will see ( clan squad 1) for instance in the squads menu (where you can join a squad, or make your own.. there are no limit on how many squads you can have per team.. and you don't NEED 6 for a squad, that is just the max that can be in one.

Axyon said:
Yeah good idea with the medic, but remember that you can either be fatally wounded or killed. The latter means you can't be revived.

yes that is true, however I have yet to see someone DIE, instead of going into the critically wounded state in all the new videos, so that's a good indication that things were tweaked to be a little more forgiving for the sake of medics.
I mean the guy goes into critically wounded from a full on Artillery hit in the masterbit theater from IGN.

Mr. Redundant said:
he has two seperate buttons, one for the commander comm, one for the squad comm.

if you don't have a class picked out don't worry, just play the game and see what comes naturally.
as for a mic, it would be a good idea to pick one up for serious teamwork... however you could still be useful (in communication) if you use the built in coms effectively and quickly.. however as like other games (CS:S DOD, etc) game communication and set orders can only go so far.

squads can be made up on the fly in-game, we can play it by ear, see how things go.
you don't randomly pick a class and squad like AA though, you will see ( clan squad 1) for instance in the squads menu (where you can join a squad, or make your own.. there are no limit on how many squads you can have per team.. and you don't NEED 6 for a squad, that is just the max that can be in one.

yes that is true, however I have yet to see someone DIE, instead of going into the critically wounded state in all the new videos, so that's a good indication that things were tweaked to be a little more forgiving for the sake of medics.
I mean the guy goes into critically wounded from a full on Artillery hit in the masterbit theater from IGN.

I think in one of the videos you see a person kill a critically wounded man with his knife.

Also you should write a "How to get in to the BF2 clan" thread, so it can be sticked in the BF2 subform

Edit: it says on that picture you can only have 10 squads
Nabobalis said:
I think in one of the videos you see a person kill a critically wounded man with his knife.

Also you should write a "How to get in to the BF2 clan" thread, so it can be sticked in the BF2 subform

you can kill critically wounded men, but what I was saying is.. in the earlier videos a man would die before going critical (took more damage than his health) now it looks as though it is much more forgiving, in that you can take a head on missile to the face, and instead of death outright, you go into the "critically wounded" state.

which means you can still be killed in that state but it will take another concious shot/shots to make sure you do not get up (ala Enemy territory)

I was a very effective medic in Enemy Territory, it is my favorite class (helping my team win, regardless of appreciation/score is my greatest pleasure), and it seems to be somewhat the same system in BF2, but with more emphasis on rewarding you for your actions (healing, reviving etc) therefore I am assuming that BF2 is going to be a blast for medics.

and an effective squad will not have to worry about losing their commander so easily (especially with fire and move tactics, taking cover, covering all angles etc)

as for writing a "How to get in to the BF2 clan" thread, I doubt there is need, and our clan seems very open.
once the game comes out and we can actually play together is when we can more cohesively form the ranks (from experience in the engine).

Nabobalis said:
Edit: it says on that picture you can only have 10 squads
10 squads x 6 members = 60 player. (you can also play squadless if you choose to, aka "lone-wolf")
this restriction may also have been changed dependant on the map size etc, however that is my own speculation.
it's still more than ample for what we are discussing. (however you are correct in catching me on the "you can have as many squads as you want per side")
Mr. Redundant said:
you can kill critically wounded men, but what I was saying is.. in the earlier videos a man would go before critical before he died (took more damage than his health) now it looks as though it is much more forgiving, in that you can take a head on missile to the face, and instead of death outright, you go into the "critically wounded" state.

That's damn cool :) It's cruel but it would be so satisfying to shoot someone, hear them moan some more and shoot the hell out of them some more to make sure they're dead :angel:

Yeah, I too loving playing medics in games, in RTCW I always played medic :) I was going to be anti-tank for BF2, but I'd prefer helping others - plus I'd take the M16 over that MP5 anyday :D
JiMmEh said:
That's damn cool :) It's cruel but it would be so satisfying to shoot someone, hear them moan some more and shoot the hell out of them some more to make sure they're dead :angel:

Yeah, I too loving playing medics in games, in RTCW I always played medic :) I was going to be anti-tank for BF2, but I'd prefer helping others - plus I'd take the M16 over that MP5 anyday :D
I am playing Anti-Tank merely because I saw at the time of me joining, that we had none (anti-tanks) and we already had about 3 medics.
now that we have more anti-tank players it's good.. Im easy however, when it comes to a role I am versatile and will fill whatever role is needed by my team.

also realize when it comes to squad leaders, that to the enemy you all appear normal, there is no squad leader indicator to them.

so working effectively as a team will also counter any waiting on squad leaders.. (squad leader hangs back, sends in squad, moves up etc)
also the squad leader while being an effective leader in formulating tactics, is not the be all end all of effective teamwork, remember it will be one of us being that leader... so if you die and are not saved in time to be critically healed you can command your squad from anywhere on the map (you don't need to be near them to issue orders anywhere, ala commander), and your team should be able to function just as well without one member.... until he/she catches up. it will happen, and we will practice on unranked servers to make sure we will be ready as a squad for when it does.
I propose locking this thread so people dont post anything important here where it will get lost forever. Anyone agree? Now that there is a subforum this thread is too vague to keep on keepin it on....yeah whatever just lock it lol.
Make a new thread amish...u know what dont I got an idea...make sure you post it in my new idea because what u just posted is going to get lost.
Thanks :)

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Oh man, I didn't even notice that there's a BF2 forum now. I just kept refreshing the thread :P
So any chance of there being like a BF2 night on an server for css?
Also any plans on making part of this clan serious? Was mentioned in the thread like 30 pages back.
nab a new bf2 sub forum has been made...stop posting new stuff here where its sure to be ignored/lost...make a new thread im interested too.
MilkMan12 said:
nab a new bf2 sub forum has been made...stop posting new stuff here where its sure to be ignored/lost...make a new thread im interested too.

Dont want to litter the new sub form
Here is a list of people that use Xfire including me if you care
We are gonna let this thread grow on, aren't we? This is the 1400th post btw, cool.
Alan Freeman said:
Here is a list of people that use Xfire including me if you care

I'm there too. Krstfr.