Bioshock demo on Live

Nah. You're kidding me.'re kidding me, right?

Ever since that 95% PC Gamer review, I've been pretty hyped about this. I'm downloading now, can't wait to give it a crack.
i dunno about the PC demo as i need to build a computer fast enough to run it, but i did play the 360 demo today at a comic convention up in chicago.

awesome to the core. Plus they added the ability to use iron sights on the weapons which is a big plus for me.

The beginning of the game does feel a bit linear though, but i'm assuming thats to be expected that early into the game. Though you do see them, you don't get to fight any big daddies or little sisters in the demo, just a few types of splicers, using the revolver, ignite, electrovolt, a pipe wrench, and a tommygun.

weapon strikes felt meaty and substantial, and the little 1940s style comercials for the plasmid powers were a nice touch. One thing that may lead to some debate is that hacking an object pauses the rest of game. So while you are playing the pipemaze minigame you are effectively in no danger, though you are against a time limit. I don't feel strongly either way, but i'm sure there will be some more hardcore types that will want to be in danger.
The game is out so soon that it's not really a big deal. There's some serious throwing of the dummy out of the pram going on in that thread.
The game is out so soon that it's not really a big deal. There's some serious throwing of the dummy out of the pram going on in that thread.

Fair enough but from a marketing point of view it's plain retarded when you look at the PC perspective. It's rather clear they want to whore as many people on the console as possible. Otherwise releasing a console and PC demo at the same time would have made more sense and shut people up.
It's entirely possible that the PC demo has been delayed due to technical problems. After all, the demo for The Darkness was released a few weeks after the actual game, so it's not beyond the realms of possibility that they've had a few hiccups.

Hell, even if they accepted a briefcase full of bribe money from M$, it doesn't really matter. As people have already said, 9 days is hardly an eternity.
I don't really care what the reason is I'm just enjoying watching all the PC users have a cry. A demo could only ruin the actual game.
A demo could only ruin the actual game.

Yeh. I'd rather not play the demo before the full game arrives, the problem is i'm too weak!! It's just there, sitting on Live and calling ...
Resist, humanity demands it!

If I bothered to get my 360 replaced I'd be tempted but meh. That involves going into town and I'm far too lazy to do that.
Too late for that. Welcome to Rapture :)
Argg I don't want to play the demo and ruin my experience...but then again f*ck it :D
Its funny, I just recently got an Xbox 360, and spent the past day trying to get online. When I finally got my xbox online, I spent a good 30 minutes wondering what to do. I ended up seeing the Bioshock demo and literally yelled "HOLY MOTHER F*CKER!" and started downloading.

Jesus, could it be any slower though? 51 percent and it's barely moving at all. Time to play some Forza, I guess...
...I pick today to help my grandpa work in his yard. crap.
Download is stuck at 54%... I'll check back in tomorrow.
PR guys tend to spread a lot of bullshit you should be able to automatically filter out the crap.

Hah, do you get the Games for Windows magazine? One of the editors made a whole article about PR guys and how annoying and useless they are.
Omg! My 360 gets back from repair either tomorrow or the day after... gah I can't wait. So many great demos, and I'm already over my bandwidth for the month, but **** it I'll pay! :D

...what's with bloody Ken Levine saying the idea of grabbing grenades and throwing them back at enemies is an original one?
Lol. One of my favourite things to do in HL2 was do a makeshift grenade launcher type dealie by dropping a grenade at my feet, picking it up with the grav gun, then waiting a second or two and popping it in the face of some poor combine s.o.b. :D

Still, imitation is the truest form of flattery, and all that. Features like this deserve to be passed down to other great games, whether they're original or not (but it'd help if they weren't overhyped like that :p).
my live expired a few days,ago >.< oh well I get a card this morning.
I'm at 96 percent, and it's moving at a snails pace. The entire freaking universe must be downloading this demo.

It's 2:30 in the morning out in the East coast. I'm downloading it, playing it, then going to sleep. Dammit.

The only thing that will make work tomorrow worth it is that I will be able to gloat to my boss that I played the Bioshock demo. Will it be worth it? Time will tell.
Hell, even if they accepted a briefcase full of bribe money from M$, it doesn't really matter. As people have already said, 9 days is hardly an eternity.

Why would MS do that? They own both platforms. :) No need to pay to get the demo early on one system since it's not like they're competing against Sony on this one.
Awright, Bioshock telekenesis combat looks very cool and all, but what's with bloody Ken Levine saying the idea of grabbing grenades and throwing them back at enemies is an original one?

'You can call it the zero point energy field manipulator if you really want to, Gordon.'
I just played it. It may be the fact that I'm severely lacking in sleep and I had to wait for 4 hours for this demo to download, but I was extremely amazed by what I saw. The graphics in this game were possibly the best I have ever seen. Ever. On top of that, I don't remember the last time I was genuinely scared by a game as much as I've been with this demo.

I need to sleep. But I want this game. Very badly.
My 360 borked it a few weeks ago, so nuts to that. It better be good though.
Mine is only at 6% ;(

EDIT: Has anyone who lives in the UK managed to find websites that sell the collectors edition except for game? I can't find any others. I don't want to make an account on their website for the sake of one game but I really want the big daddy figurine. :(