Bioshock demo on Live

Still, imitation is the truest form of flattery, and all that. Features like this deserve to be passed down to other great games, whether they're original or not (but it'd help if they weren't overhyped like that :p).

Oh yeah, I've got no problem with the game reusing the grenade return gimmmick. But they shouldn't claim it as their own.

I think the BS team have a bit of a grudge against the Half-Life franchise, because of the way the release of the original Half-Life overshadowed that of System Shock 2. Bioshock seems in many ways, like a deliberate attempt to trump HL2. Will it succeed?
Argh, I started this download at midnight EST, now at 7:00 am its only at 53% and not moving at all! Everyone MUST be downloading this demo (reminds me of Halo 3 beta)

EDIT: It's 8:15 now and its at 55%. It's gonna be a loooooooooooooong day...
Great, now I just have to get through this long and arduous workday, then endure a (no doubt) horribly slow download.

I am glad that a demo became available, but as awesome as the game sounds I'm still that wee bit tentative.
Played the demo, incredibly awsome, haven't had a this fun and scary experience in a long time, thank god I pre-ordered the Limited Edition!
Damn damn damn. I am so annoyed that the 65nm units are just nowehere to be found in the wild. Hearing all of you guys talk about how great this one is is just going to kill me!! :sniper:
Mine is only at 6% ;(

EDIT: Has anyone who lives in the UK managed to find websites that sell the collectors edition except for game? I can't find any others. I don't want to make an account on their website for the sake of one game but I really want the big daddy figurine. :(

Here you are, my good man.

So far all I've done is watched the title screen. I'll play it when I've had breakfast.
I actually managed to stay strong after loading up the title screen and haven't played the demo - which must deserve some kind of medal, or at least a big cookie?

However, after reading :

'Major Nelson has a big interview with Ken Levine about Bioshock and the demo in his latest show. The demo is apparently a different version of the opening level to the version in the shipping game, so it's safe to play through it.'

... and some hands on impressions from one of the writers at ntsc-uk (a guy who usually gets it spot on), my mind has been changed. His impressions:

'Okay, I'll provide some non-spoiler impressions to give an indication of how awesome this demo is.

There's an immense, bewildering, opening setpiece, there's jaw dropping architectural design, there are moments of black comedy, there's bewilderment, there's panic, there's mystery, there's fear, there's fascination, there's action, there's fantasy, there's science fiction, there's horror, there's desolation and all out destruction, there's bizarre characters, there's amazing scale, there's superb and uncomfortably disturbing AI, there's a meaty feel to the weapons both in terms of guns and plasmids, there's a sense to the combat in that you almost don't want to bother the enemies (I found myself waiting for them to attack until near the end when you're forced to defend yourself), there are several events where you'll find your jaw splattered over the floor.

And this is all in the first 45-60 minutes.'

'And as for the power of the atmosphere. I never thought I'd say this about another game, but ICO has a rival.'

'If that hour is anything to go by, it's the next step forward for the first-person genre. Gobsmacked and stunned.'

'Do you remember the opening to the likes of Ocarina, Half-Life and Super Mario 64 where you were just completely flabberghasted? Same sensation here'

'Seriously. It's freaking amazing.'

These are not things this guy says lightly :)

I'll be playing this when I get home tonight. All aboard the hype train, next stop Rapture. woooooo wooooo \o/ the first 45-60 minutes? The demo has at least 45 to 60 minutes of gameplay??
Well, if I see any more reviews like that then I'll have to get the game. I wasnt intially going to, and was going to wait for a drop in price... but if its going to be so revolutionary then I dont want to miss out.
Damn damn damn. I am so annoyed that the 65nm units are just nowehere to be found in the wild. Hearing all of you guys talk about how great this one is is just going to kill me!! :sniper:
Mmm.. BioShock is so goood.. It's like pre-marital sex... Ooooh BioShock, yes, yes, yeeees!!!I couldn't resist, sorry.
not for the PC............. :|

man i cant wait for the game to come out.

You and every other person who has drooled at Bioshock media.

That Kotaku thread posted above mentions nothing new and is full of idiots, I love it.


That may be so but in all likely events both platforms will sell ridiculously well. People who argue piracy causes the PC to get less decent games are really thick and need to look at the situation. Would you rather develop for a single platform which always has the same specifications and a user base dedicated to using the device for gaming or, the platform that has a million different specifications and isn't targeted purely towards gaming?
Okay, just played the demo. You could probably run through it in about a quarter of an hour if you know what to do, but if you take your time with it and really savour the encounters like I did, it's a good hour and a bit.

I really hope it is an altered version of the first game level, because this demo feels more like a rushed gameplay demonstration than a viable introduction to the game. It lacks that "wow" factor... remember the 20 minute introduction to City 17 in HL2 where you simply walked around and absorbed the game's atmosphere? Well there's obviously huge potential for that here, but other than an establishing aerial shot of the city as you descend towards it, there's very little in the way of jaw-dropping introductory scenes. You're simply thrown into a set of corridors and given access to a variety of weapons one-by-one.

Mind you, that's the only negative thing I can say about this demo. The game feels wonderful. The weapons and abilities have superb animations and sound effects which make them a joy to use, and the graphics are utterly stunning. If you have the patience to closely examine your surroundings you'll also learn many tantalising details about the world of Rapture and what exactly went so wrong. The artistic design is probably the best I've seen in any game, too.

And yes, you can hack security bots in this demo. I had three constantly circling around me towards the end, which came in very handy for the huge fight that awaits.

The hacking mini-game is pretty good, too. It's simple enough for you to pick it up straight away, but has enough depth to make it a genuine challenge. You basically have to align these tubes to create a path for the "flowing" liquid electricity to reach an "exit", though there are also pitfalls if you do something wrong, including major health damage and setting off an alarm. It actually takes 1-2 minutes to complete the mini-game, though you can pay 10 dollars to automatically do it.

And no, you don't get to fight a big daddy, but you do see a couple.

I'm going to be in Cornwall when the actual game is released, which is a bit of a bummer. Ah well, hopefully if I consume enough alcohol I won't mind ;D
What sucks is the game is released here on the 24th which is a Friday I get one day to enjoy Bioshock before attending a lan party over the weekend where I'll be stuck winning MP games.
I really hope it is an altered version of the first game level, because this demo feels more like a rushed gameplay demonstration than a viable introduction to the game.

The demo has been confirmed to be a tweaked version - more abilities and weapons given early and a few other differences. I imagine the pacing and opening of the actual game to be different.

Apparently in the Major Nelson interview the demo was described as the directors cut of the game's opening.
Meh, I'm just going to wait until my copy gets here. I have put of watching any videos and definatly don't wanna play the demo. Its been a while since I wanted such a fresh experiance from a game. I really hope this game delivers.
I really don't think this game is worth $ looks like a fun rental but I'm sure its one of the those games that are done after 12 hours -_-
I don't see how you'd be done after 12 hours with this game :| Unless of course you tried to get through that fast by just running through. I spent close to an hour exploring everything in the demo, and if what im reading is right, the demo is alot faster paced than the actual opening level is going to be.
Horribly optimized PC ports - nothing compared to what you would hope Bioshock would be.
The problem is that without a demo or the game to judge, Bioshock could very well be the same.

Everyone saying the PC users should stop whining must not be taking into account that PC users need to be able to check and see if the game will work with their system, as many retailers are touchy about PC game returns. Why the hell would I buy a game if it's going to run like crap (if at all) and I can't really return it?

I think it is complete bullshit if the PC demo isn't released before the game. They wanted a multi-console simultaneous launch (X360 and PC), so there's no reason they should do the same for the demo.

I guess I'm more disappointed than anything. I'm really hoping it's not just a port. All of the X360 media would seem to indicate otherwise. :(
The problem is that without a demo or the game to judge, Bioshock could very well be the same.

Everyone saying the PC users should stop whining must not be taking into account that PC users need to be able to check and see if the game will work with their system, as many retailers are touchy about PC game returns. Why the hell would I buy a game if it's going to run like crap (if at all) and I can't really return it?

I think it is complete bullshit if the PC demo isn't released before the game. They wanted a multi-console simultaneous launch (X360 and PC), so there's no reason they should do the same for the demo.

I guess I'm more disappointed than anything. I'm really hoping it's not just a port. All of the X360 media would seem to indicate otherwise. :(

The difference is simultaneous development on both the 360 and PC platforms, and Irrational games' focus on PC game development in the past. I would be damned surprised if it turned out anything but stellar in terms of PC optimization.
The difference is simultaneous development on both the 360 and PC platforms, and Irrational games' focus on PC game development in the past. I would be damned surprised if it turned out anything but stellar in terms of PC optimization.
I hope that's true, I really do. But I'm very wary of games developed for multiple platforms these days, since it tends to be PCs getting the poorer version.
I hope that's true, I really do. But I'm very wary of games developed for multiple platforms these days, since it tends to be PCs getting the poorer version.

The magazines that have played the PC version and reviewed say its fine and gave it a high score. While I haven't seen any scans. I'm sure some would of said that the reviews state that it is a poorer version of the game.
I really don't think this game is worth $ looks like a fun rental but I'm sure its one of the those games that are done after 12 hours -_-

On 1up they state that if oyu play only the campaign you will get 12-14 hours of game play but if you also play all the side quests and such it easily goes past 20 hours.
I really don't think this game is worth $ looks like a fun rental but I'm sure its one of the those games that are done after 12 hours -_-

I read in a review that the game is quite long. Besides, would you rather have a 12 hour experience filled with great design, awesome graphics, amazing gameplay, and one of the best stories told in gaming, or have 30 hours of repetitive Halo-esque corridor shootouts.
Left my download on for 8 hours while I was away today, only got to 41%. I have a 1.5mb/s connection so Xbox Live must be running extremely slow.
Damnit damnit damnit! My Xbox is a day late... argh I've never been so desperate for a freakin demo >_<
I have been waiting for this game for SO LONG. I was hoping I'd have my new top o the line pc by now, but that won't be happening till November/December now. I could get it for xbox, but I have to play this in my small, surround sound filled computer room. I do think I'll be picking it up this motnh anyway though. People in Canada: does EB have the CE? I might run down to the store to pre-order it later

EDIT: Just called, gonna head down to make a pre-order later! $79.99 though, steeeeep price to pay for getting the CE like three months before I can even play it. But I don't care!
The hosting for this demo is absolute crap. I've been downloading since it was released and I just hit the 7% mark.