Bioware working on Star Wars MMO based on Kotor?

Yeah, but that's disregarding things like balanced gameplay, fun combat, varied questing...

Oh wait, they do. Lulz.
and here was me thinking Kotor was a planet :-/
MMO's are much more easy to develop than single player games: no story, no plot, no mistery to unveil. Just set up a scenery and scatter thousands of paying players to let them do what they want.
Easy money!

Wrooooooong. MMOs cost more to make than your average single player game. The only reason developers are interested in them is because if done right, they're huge money cows.
honestly I'd prefer Bioware worked on it's own IP rather than Star wars ..really the universe isnt all that interesting unless your name is Han or Admiral "it's a trap" Ackbar
Holy shit, I was just playing KOTOR 2 like 10 minutes ago, and thought "Damn, i wish star wars galaxies was more like this."

Happy Days!
The only reason developers are interested in them is because if done right, they're huge money cows.

That's exactly the main point.
As for MMO's being harder to develop, I think that we are talking about different levels of work. IMHO a single player game requires a lot of intellectual and artistic work, because the game has to be a narrative experience (plot to unfold, puzzles, see Bioshock), while a MMO is more on the tech side of programming.
"and the spice trade with the Nosians is going according to plan Queen Armadillo, our deficit continues to plummet while the peasants continue to eat cake ..zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz"

Mmmmm there's an idea. Spice trade.

Gief Dune MMO.
Mmmmm there's an idea. Spice trade.

Gief Dune MMO.

"The House of Atreides demands a Spice trade tariff equivilent of 2000 glasses of Water with an additional fee as per regulation #341-A of the Spice Act of ...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz"
That's exactly the main point.
As for MMO's being harder to develop, I think that we are talking about different levels of work. IMHO a single player game requires a lot of intellectual and artistic work, because the game has to be a narrative experience (plot to unfold, puzzles, see Bioshock), while a MMO is more on the tech side of programming.

I don't know what you mean by Intellectual work, but as for Artistic work, I'd say WoW is a hell of a lot more Artistic than most SP games are, it also has a far better story behind it than most SP game developers can dream of putting down on paper.

On a purely gameplay level, I would much prefer to play an decent MMO than a decent SP. On a business level, a company would much rather hit jackpot with an MMO than a SP game. There is no competition really. WoW has set a whole new standard when it comes to gameplay. People bash it, but really.. most people who do are so against monthly fee's that they have never had chance to play the game (and the trial doesn't count), and are merely jumping on the bandwagon. For a game with 9 million subscribers after nearly 3 years, it's doing something right.

I'd love to see a new MMO though, that is comparable to it. I have played it for to long now, and I would hail a game that can compare.
I don't know what you mean by Intellectual work, but as for Artistic work, I'd say WoW is a hell of a lot more Artistic than most SP games are, it also has a far better story behind it than most SP game developers can dream of putting down on paper.

I don't know what you mean by Intellectual work, but as for Artistic work, I'd say WoW is a hell of a lot more Artistic than most SP games are, it also has a far better story behind it than most SP game developers can dream of putting down on paper.

On a purely gameplay level, I would much prefer to play an decent MMO than a decent SP. On a business level, a company would much rather hit jackpot with an MMO than a SP game. There is no competition really. WoW has set a whole new standard when it comes to gameplay. People bash it, but really.. most people who do are so against monthly fee's that they have never had chance to play the game (and the trial doesn't count), and are merely jumping on the bandwagon. For a game with 9 million subscribers after nearly 3 years, it's doing something right.

I'd love to see a new MMO though, that is comparable to it. I have played it for to long now, and I would hail a game that can compare.

Fanboy alert!

It has 9 million addicts running in a hamster wheel grinding faction to unlock attunements just so they can spend half of their lives running the same dungeons over and over again for dkp just so they can have the uber lewt. And all that "effort" goes down the drain whenever there's a new content patch or expansion.


Gunner said:
Fanboy alert!

It has 9 million addicts running in a hamster wheel grinding faction to unlock attunements just so they can spend half of their lives running the same dungeons over and over again for dkp just so they can have the uber lewt. And all that "effort" goes down the drain whenever there's a new content patch or expansion.

I'm so much of a fanboy that my account isn't even active no more. I completely agree with you about grinding. My Hunter was pretty well geared when I stopped raiding in TBC, had epic flying mount and 3500 self-grinded gold to go with it. You know the best part of it is Gunner? All my efforts still exists on Telia servers in Europe, along with my character showing that I have put some effort into my game.

I played CS 1.5/1.6 when they was new for a year. I got quite good at it, and then I quit for a MMOFPS, which I played for 2 years, then I moved to WoW for 2.5 Years. You know what, in all this time I haven't played CS since, because there is nothing to go back to. It's something you get good at, you spend alot of your own time playing, and thats it, the line is drawn there.

About the content, read that back and think how completely retarded you sound. Isn't this the same for anything you progress in. I can't believe I fcking played level one in Half-Life when I could of just gone all the way to the last level and completed the god damn game in an hour. Thanks for making me realise that an MMO does actually evolve, Captain Obvious.
Unfortunately, I will be sucked into the MMO vein once more. Tabula Rasa, while being another grind-fest as all MMO's are cept for Planetside.. Planetside's whole gameplay revolves around PvP, but I am appealed to TR because of it's third-person shooter, it's a LITTLE bit more tactical than WoW, and the story is new and refreshing. It will be a breath of fresh air..
I'm so much of a fanboy that my account isn't even active no more. I completely agree with you about grinding. My Hunter was pretty well geared when I stopped raiding in TBC, had epic flying mount and 3500 self-grinded gold to go with it. You know the best part of it is Gunner? All my efforts still exists on Telia servers in Europe, along with my character showing that I have put some effort into my game.

I played CS 1.5/1.6 when they was new for a year. I got quite good at it, and then I quit for a MMOFPS, which I played for 2 years, then I moved to WoW for 2.5 Years. You know what, in all this time I haven't played CS since, because there is nothing to go back to. It's something you get good at, you spend alot of your own time playing, and thats it, the line is drawn there.

About the content, read that back and think how completely retarded you sound. Isn't this the same for anything you progress in. I can't believe I fcking played level one in Half-Life when I could of just gone all the way to the last level and completed the god damn game in an hour. Thanks for making me realise that an MMO does actually evolve, Captain Obvious.

'Cept you're paying constantly for the privilage of doing the same thing over... and over... and over...

Ah, nevermind. :/
I'm a fanboy

I put "effort" in quotations for a reason but you didn't get it. Guess Captain Obvious isn't so obvious. You're clearly in the denial phase right now so I won't bother.
Grow up. I haven't even got an active WoW subscription.

If you can't post something constructive, then don't post at all.
You're clearly in the denial phase right now so I won't bother.

You're clearly in the pro "I'm cool cause I slam WoW" phase too, so why should he bother?

WoW isn't the be all and end all, but if you play with a whole bunch of rl friends, some of whom you don't get to see often due to living in different cities now, it can be pretty fun. Sure the same can be said of many games, but not all games have new content added so frequently.
Grow up. I haven't even got an active WoW subscription.

If you can't post something constructive, then don't post at all.

So if I disagree with you that WoW is not in fact the greatest game ever I need to "grow up?" Let me communicate in a way that you will understand: QQ.

eejit said:
WoW isn't the be all and end all, but if you play with a whole bunch of rl friends, some of whom you don't get to see often due to living in different cities now, it can be pretty fun. Sure the same can be said of many games, but not all games have new content added so frequently.

Yeah new content like:

- new & exciting dungeons
- new & exciting weapons
- new & exciting armor
I'd have more fun playing TF2 over and over again than playing WoW.

That said, WoW is like bloody crack cocaine.
It's true, WoW is ****ing addictive as hell. Not fun in the least, just addicting.
It's true, WoW is ****ing addictive as hell. Not fun in the least, just addicting.

I subscribed for one month and played for two days.

Wasn't addicting to me in the least.
Because you have Willpower. I only played for 3 days but I had the horribly horrible urge to play again and again anad again and again... forever...
Until the MMO genre actually gets fun gameplay as its focus instead of mindless character building, count me out. I played WoW far too much and anything that might have used to be fun for me now makes me want to throw up. And I can't believe someone was saying playing WoW was actually worthwhile 'cause they still have their character to show for it. ROFL. I had 2 level 70's in the best guild on the server and I don't give a flying ****. Waste of time... moreso than most other games since it wasn't even fun a lot of the time.
Yeah new content like:

- new & exciting dungeons
- new & exciting weapons
- new & exciting armor

I'd disagree with the last two (who cares about them?) and add new quests to the list.
It's about new things to beat not new things to get. For me and my friends anyway
I'd disagree with the last two (who cares about them?) and add new quests to the list.
It's about new things to beat not new things to get. For me and my friends anyway

And what do you get for completing quests? :P
SWG was shit. I was in the stress test beta and it was shit on release. It was also shit six months after release when my friends convinced me that it was better. It was also shit when I tried a free trial a year later.
So it's shit?

And what do you get for completing quests? :P

Oh I see you think people can only care about the reward in that game rather than doing activities. Not everyone is that way just most.
New info ... sort of:

SAN FRANCISCO, CA and EDMONTON, CANADA — October 30, 2007 — LucasArts and BioWare Corp. today announced that they have entered into an agreement to create an interactive entertainment product. The product, details of which will be unveiled at a later date, will be developed and published by BioWare and LucasArts, and will push the boundaries of the gaming market by utilizing the strengths of both companies to deliver an innovative, high-quality experience.

“LucasArts has a deep commitment to developing compelling stories and characters for the unique medium of interactive entertainment, and we have been searching for a developer that shares this value. We found this in BioWare,” said Jim Ward, president of LucasArts. “Through our previous collaborations, we know that BioWare has an impressive ability to blend gripping stories with technological advancements, and we believe that our upcoming product will deliver an experience that will span the traditional boundaries of video game entertainment.”

“BioWare’s mission is to deliver the best story and character-driven games in the world, delivering powerful emotional experiences to our fans.” said Ray Muzyka, chief executive officer, BioWare Corp. Added Greg Zeschuk, president of BioWare Corp., “The collaboration with LucasArts allows us to combine our passion for creating high quality and innovative experiences with those of a company dedicated to bringing only the finest games to market.

Actually that press release only states that the two companies will be working together, not what they will be making. It could still be an Indiana Jones game for all we know.
WoW was really fun for about a month of the whole 1 and a half years of me playing it. It was fun the first week of playing, it was fun reaching maximum level, and it was fun when i started going for uber lewt. It wore off extremely quickly and i found myself not enjoying myself at all and yet being compelled to play. I have no willpower.

After i stopped, FPS was good because you can take a break when you like.

I'm looking forward to Hellgate London (although i'm not sure what it's going the be like) And Tabula Rasa. It looks interesting to say the least, mainly due to the fact that it isnt the typical 'elf and medieval magic' mmo.

More talk about bioware doing a kotor mmo.