Black Mesa Media Update


Content Director
Aug 27, 2004
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Notice the heading… Valve had kindly asked the development team working on Black Mesa: Source to remove the “Source” from the title for property and trademark purposes. The team obviously obliged to this compromise and this has not affected the development process, so don’t worry your little heads off.[br]The Black Mesa family has grown. Three new level designers, Talia, Atrociy and JeanPaul, have been signed on to the team to finish up the remaining chapters in Black Mesa.[br]Alright, we’ve seen their media updates in the past and they are quite impressive to say the least. Can they give us that "wow" factor this time around? Of course… In this media update are screenshots from three chapters within the Single Player campaign, "Anomalous Materials," "Forget About Freeman," and "We've got Hostiles." Also, a screenshots from their multiplayer map, “Crossfire,” was released. And to top it all off, a render of a .50 caliber machine gun was posted as well.[br]

[br]The team is working hard and are looking for some more helping hands in the prop modeling department. If you are interested, you can find the contact information at their website.[br]To see the other media in said update, head on over to the Black Mesa website.
this is teh butt sechs , simply amazing , this mod is going to be awesome
I tried to be level designer they told me i didnt have enough skill.. :(

whatever I still like this mod though and ill keep following it
Zeus - Always time to practise :) Plus you can always make your own coop and multiplayer maps for the mod.

Any crits guys? You know we need them :)
jheaddon said:
Any crits guys? You know we need them :)
Why are you not delivering this game to my doorstep for me to play? Why not? Right now! Please. ;(
My criticism is that I dont have it yet and I WANT IT I WANT IT NOW AHAHAHHAA MWUHAHAHAHA AHAHHAA

ok a bit crazy but hell.
My criticism is that I dont have it yet and I WANT IT I WANT IT NOW AHAHAHHAA MWUHAHAHAHA AHAHHAA

ok a bit crazy but hell.
"Black Mesa" just doesn't sound smooth like Black Mesa: Source... I would just scrap the project.
Do you forsee a better name change now that Black Mesa Source is not an option?

"Black Mesa" wouldn't really work would it :p

Awesome stuff by the way, really looking forward to the mod.
Those screens look damn sexy :D

I just have a lil thing about the seating, are the headrests really necessary? they look as if they belong in a plane.
I think the seating would fit in a bit better with out the head rests :)
What about

Black Mesa: Reborn
Black Mesa: Even shinier than half-life2!
Black Mesa: an isolated relatively flat-topped natural elevation
jerkasaur said:
i like the quotation marks there alphadec...:D


thanks well black mesa is more then a mod, is'nt it. ? (it more like a full game)
jheaddon said:
Any crits guys? You know we need them :)

Keep the Combine completely off Xen? Because you know that if you put the Combine on Xen, then Laidlaw will get Valve to steal another word from your title, so you'll be left with either "Black" or "Mesa". Which wouldn't be a good name for the project.

-Angry Lawyer
I think this is the first time a screenshot (anomolous materials) made me go "Wow".
Wow... this mod is going to be simply amazing. Valve should release this through steam. Though i doubt they will seeing as it's a better version of one of their products :p

I think the seats fit in with the map. Keep them :)

Any ideas on a release date?
The removal of the word source is the greatest travesty the mod world has ever witnessed, i don't even know this mod any more. What the hell is black mesa? You guys seriously need to fight this to the better end. If worse comes to worse change the name to Soürce if need be. Because ü is no u and therefore it's not source anymore but soürce. Fight the power.

if you lack the ability to detect sarcasm get off the internet please
Good Source was such a silly addition to a good name. Looks tops, I don't know how far you guys are into but I'm assuming you still have a long way to go.
comoxer said:
How bout Black Mesa: Sauce
Stop.. Posting.. Please....

Can't... Stop... Staring... At.. Avatar.... :x
This mod looks fantastic. Unfortunately with the amount of work they're putting into it and the lack of a large mod team I doubt they'll be able to get it done anytime soon. Valve really needs to take these guys under their wing and provide them the resources to help them make the mod truly great. I'd happily pay $20 for this much better version of Half-Life:Source.
It seems like it's very loosely based on HL1. Looking at the shots, it's mostly unrecognizable as a remake of it. I'm surprised at the amount of freedom and imagination they have with it.
jheaddon said:
Lack of a large mod team?

We have over 30 team members lol
I imagine I speak for the large majority of HL2.ney when I say good job! Keep up the good work! :thumbs:

okidoki said:
It seems like it's very loosely based on HL1. Looking at the shots, it's mostly unrecognizable as a remake of it. I'm surprised at the amount of freedom and imagination they have with it.
As far as I'm aware, the mod team are giving the original their own creative twist, to develop the mod as they would have liked to have seen the original game in 1998.

They have this freedom and imagination because it's a fan based mod, and not just a carbon copy. I believe these guy's also have blessing from Valve themselves! :O
Its impossible to make a carbon copy of the original whilst still making it look and play well on the Source engine, it just is.

And as for areas being unrecognisable, well you'd be the first to say anything about that from all of the comments i've read. Care to explain why you feel this? Do remember we have to expand on the levels to make them look and play well, its a game afterall.
Angry Lawyer said:
Painful and sore?

-Angry Lawyer

If sex is a pain in the arse you're doing something wrong.

I think what he means is it looks tight. Which it does. I'm looking forward to more intricate level designs than those in the original. Like most people, I won't be playing it for the gameplay, it's 8 years too late for that, but rather for seeing Black Messa as it probably was meant to look all those years ago.
I will deffinatly play this for the gameplay, and thats why I play games. Not for there graphics, and I dont think that Valve ment to make Black Mesa look like this 8 years ago, I think they wanted to make it how they did make it (obviously within the technology boundaries).

I hope that playing Black Mesa is a diffrent experience to that of HL - and im sure it will be, the developers seem to have gotten a good mix of diffrences between origional and already done ideas in the level design area and I hope they add origional gameplay elements.

Only thing that buged me when I had a look at the screenshots was the concrete floor. Maybe I'm just picky but I think it should have some lines in it, more similar to whats in HL.
Those screens look amazing :eek: as usual

But I would like to see some more typical HL1 crates, red fences and yellow/black lines :)
I like the idea for this mod but I think they should design it so it is closer to the original Half-Life.
theSteven said:
I like the idea for this mod but I think they should design it so it is closer to the original Half-Life.

for those there is always Half-Life: Source with a high def texture pack ;)