Black Mesa Media Update

i agree with Black Mesa not being the best title, I dunno it just doesn't flow as well as black mesa source did.
It will always be Black Mesa: Source to me :(

And it better be done by this summer! :D
When I saw the first shots of this mods (some simple texture tests IIRC) I thought this mod wouldn't be much of a joy to play but now I'm starting to get good vibes, especially the desk shot looks...well, what it should be. I also like the logical additions to levels BM team is using like the small guard room behind that aforementioned desk. I bet pressing the alarm button won't just make Barney/one if his twin brothers mad anymore...
Sweet. I always loved the new renditions the BM Team has put into this classic game. I simply love the level designs and designers in this mod. Great work. The INS team and BMS team should have a game when our respective mods come out :D
Both your mods look fantastic, i can not wait to just play one of them. When is INS's next media release anyway :)

jheaddon said:
Lack of a large mod team?

We have over 30 team members lol

Whoops, my bad. That's bigger than the team working on Duke Nukem Forever! Keep up the great work.

P.S. Are all the creatures and enemies from Half-Life going to make the transition?
comoxer said:
I just have a lil thing about the seating, are the headrests really necessary? they look as if they belong in a plane.
I think the seating would fit in a bit better with out the head rests :)

I would agree on this. Hopefully, those are just placeholders. Oh, and the ceiling's pretty high, no? I mean, it just seems a bit grandiose for an entrance/lobby. I'll bet you could cut about ¼ off that height. And it'll still look awesome.

Oh! And comoxer.., nice ass. ;)
WOW. This is definitely the best modifaction in development right now. The intepretations of the levels are just fantastic, and I can only hope that this game comes out soon!

Personally, I would augment HL's AI rather than adapt Half-Life II's. Or, if you do use Half-Life II's, make it a huge priority to implement such skills as flanking, retreating, and calling for cover! I think it's widely agreed that the only thing about Half-Life II that didn't live up to expectations were enemy A.I.
Eternity said:
Personally, I would augment HL's AI rather than adapt Half-Life II's.
That'd be a huge step backwards.

Still, I'm surprised there aren't any shots with models and other content actually in-game. You know a mod's really going somewhere when the gun you've modelled actually appears in front of the camera. Or when a big ZOOOOOMJ MONSTER pops out at you in a shot.

-Angry Lawyer
To the Black Mesa team:

I've heard you can run through some of the levels from start to finish. When you told me that, did you just mean the level is complete, or is scripting and all of that done? What are you doing on the coding and implementation side of things? Voice acting, AI, etc? We've seen all this beautiful media - great looking level design shots, spiffy renders, etc - but what have you actually got ingame?

None of your shots released so far have featured any custom content actually rendered ingame, other than props and textures. If I'm wrong, refresh my memory.
That'd be a huge step backwards.

Not to me. Quite frankly, I found Half-Life's AI vastly superior, and more importantly, more fun than Half-Life 2's. That doesn't mean it's more sophisticated -- I'm sure that's not the case -- but it's my impression and I'm sure many other's.
Eternity said:
Not to me. Quite frankly, I found Half-Life's AI vastly superior, and more importantly, more fun than Half-Life 2's. That doesn't mean it's more sophisticated -- I'm sure that's not the case -- but it's my impression and I'm sure many other's.
HL2's AI was designed with large battles in mind. Blame the level designers, because the AI works like a charm :p

/queue Gmod experiment
Thankfully, Valve didn't make them take out the 'Mesa' in stead, otherwise it would have just been BS.

/*Calls for an ambulance for the multitude people with cracked ribs */
Ennui said:
To the Black Mesa team:

I've heard you can run through some of the levels from start to finish. When you told me that, did you just mean the level is complete, or is scripting and all of that done? What are you doing on the coding and implementation side of things? Voice acting, AI, etc? We've seen all this beautiful media - great looking level design shots, spiffy renders, etc - but what have you actually got ingame?

None of your shots released so far have featured any custom content actually rendered ingame, other than props and textures. If I'm wrong, refresh my memory.
Whenever we said that levels were complete from start to finish, we mean in brushwork and most of the custom material placement is complete. Scripting will come when more of the grunt work is completed. Last year was a rough year. We had lots of talent across the board, but we persistantly found bottlenecks in our development. We'd have lots of talented modelers, but no skinners, or avaliable animators with nothing to animate, et cetera. This year is different. Black Mesa has been solidified and we've got people from all aspects of development coming in and applying. On coding we have the fully functioning hud, minus weapons selections (awaiting model side-shots to be completely finished). The weapons have been completely coded in and we already have several NPCs/enemies in-game with placeholder models for testing.

I'm not going to lie to anyone. We're far from perfect, but we have learned a lot of things over the past year. We're found a development team we're comfortable in and feel strong with what we're doing. We've been plagued with members signing on for doing work, and then dissappearing consistantly. We've had members from other mods come over and then dissappear back to them. Everyone wants to know what we're doing: we're working. We're working hard and we're going forward and we're building Black Mesa. It's coming together well and while many are hyper-critical of our work, it's understandable. Remaking the original Half-Life is going to bring about people of all beliefs, ideas and positions.

More information comes out as we go, no sooner.
Just a note to the fans, we're quite happy for people to call us BMS or Black Mesa: Source. Just for legal reasons we're removing it from our official name.

Also, level renders purposly show no ingame weapons or npcs, we've taken the decision that when we show level renders it is purely the level, soon our level render will change to Ingame shots which will include the weapons and npcs. Until then you're just going to have to ogle the level renders without teh npcs in them =]
comoxer said:
How bout Black Mesa: Sauce
Seconded :D

vegeta897 said:
Stop.. Posting.. Please....

Can't... Stop... Staring... At.. Avatar.... :x
Yeah it's distracting me, too :(

Eternity said:
Not to me. Quite frankly, I found Half-Life's AI vastly superior, and more importantly, more fun than Half-Life 2's. That doesn't mean it's more sophisticated -- I'm sure that's not the case -- but it's my impression and I'm sure many other's.
HL1's ai was all scripted... fun the first time round but kinda predictable. I was impressed by HL2's AI, I thought it was pretty good.

This new screenshot looks teh sechs, can't wait to see some in-game shots :D
HL1's AI just seemed better because the troops were tougher and they ran faster. The former meant they tied you up longer and the latter meant they could flank you easier/faster.
Eternity said:
Not to me. Quite frankly, I found Half-Life's AI vastly superior, and more importantly, more fun than Half-Life 2's. That doesn't mean it's more sophisticated -- I'm sure that's not the case -- but it's my impression and I'm sure many other's.

-10 points for coding ignorance.

Open up the code and change the Combine's accuracy arc to match that of the HL1 marines, and set their health to match the HL1 bits. They'll outmatch HL1's stuff a hundredfold. The AI's better, but the strength and accuracy are decreased to make the game winnable.

-Angry Lawyer
Angry Lawyer said:
-10 points for coding ignorance.

Open up the code and change the Combine's accuracy arc to match that of the HL1 marines, and set their health to match the HL1 bits. They'll outmatch HL1's stuff a hundredfold. The AI's better, but the strength and accuracy are decreased to make the game winnable.

-Angry Lawyer
Could you do that for us and release a mini-mod real quick?
I COULD do, but this weekend is my birthday weekend and I'll have drunk so much that I'd have forgotten it by Monday.

-Angry Lawyer
I'll remind you of it on Monday <3
Have an awesome birthday!
I fail to see how matching HL's AI against HL2's (which, despite your hypothetical condition, is a lot harder than you think) proves that one is 'better' than the other. Sure, HL's A.I. was scripted, but it was a lot more fun. HL2's enemies, with the exception of the zombies and striders, was nothing better than the rest of the shooters on the market.

To tell you the truth, I don't really care how it responds in open locations that have been modded or situations outside the normal game. When it comes to single-player, I had a blast playing one, and didn't really even think about the other.
Angry lawyer i'm actually shocked that you havent made that particular mini-mod considering how passionately you've debated the subject over the last year
Have a great birthday but don't forget us mere mortals :)
Ok a few things I have to say\ask...

First of all, this is beautiful, and i can't wait to play it.

I'm glad you wouldn't accept me because i obviously would've messed this up with my lack of ability...but just to let you know, I am still willing to test anything for you.

I'm glad this won't be like HL, before I was like..I want half life but i'm like...I beat half life, lets see another take...which is what you are doing, and I'm glad you are.

A request...Don't release the game until it's ready(excluding beta, and I'm will to test :p ).
And don't make the AI scripted or stupid or I will be pissed.(Though I will still enjoy mod if the gameplay is as good as Half Life 1&2.)

Did Valve give you their blessing? Or whats going on with you and Valve because you are making something close to their own product.

And finally please release more updates.
Megalomaniac said:
Did Valve give you their blessing? Or whats going on with you and Valve because you are making something close to their own product.
Gabe Newell himself said a community remake was inevitable.
The Black Mesa Project fails to disappoint. I want my money back.

Oh, wait. It's free!
Yeah, just calling it "Black Mesa" lacks something. Perhaps "The Black Mesa Incident," or "Return to Black Mesa"

"Black Mesa Revisited" perhaps?

Anywho, between the Anomolous Materials shot and the dam shot from Surface Tension, I'm really on board for this mod :D