Blowing up stuff still = lag

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Apr 23, 2004
Reaction score
First of all, I'd like to thank for the awesome new videos.

After watching the "Boom!" video, I'm a bit concerned...
If any of you have played the ANON Beta Leak of HL2, you know that when blowing up stuff near wood will cause it to shatter and splinter quite a bit, causing major lag spikes and offten crashing. It looks like it still causes some lag... I hope they are able to address this before launch or soon after.
I would not pin myself on this movie; as i've stated in the other thread, the dev showing us this particular scene was also running the map editor and various other programs on the background.
well considering it was a leak; unintended to be played by the public, it's not an issue. however, in the vid i saw some lag, it'll probably be fixed, valve are kinda perfectionists with their work.

strikeman said:
...quote quote...

true that..
Ahhhh, this is true. However, the game as a whole was running pretty smoothly and only faultered on the explotion.

TheWart, I'd be honored if he did.
it was kinda more cpu intensive, no ? :)
we all agree that the setup of the engine and the physics will require quite some cpu; so I think this is normal behaviour when you have a 3dsmax like program running in the background, on ANY pc. (the devs have pretty "normal" pcs; apart from their vidcards it's just a P4 2.8 and 1gig of ram).
Strikeman, that is also a valid point. I really hope it dosent lag too much in release.

But I run the Beta on my 3.0ghz P4 800mhz FSB, 1gig of RAM, ATi Radeon 9800 Pro, and it runs really well, except with blowing up wood. Though, I can understand why it lags, I mean, theres ALOT to calculate for that kinda stuff.
LOL, it's not lag. Lag only happens when playing a game online. That was a framerate drop.
Apos, I use lag as a general term for when things slow down.

Ya know, like when you have a buncha people running in line, and one is lagging behind.

Lag wasn't a word made for stuff with a high ping, it's been around for a long time as a general term.
He played it in windows mode and in a real-time compile after editing. It probably isn't even optimized yet either, so no surprise there, and it definitely won't be the end product.
That was a real-time compile? Hmmm, I had no idea.

Excellent point.
Javert said:
He played it in windows mode and in a real-time compile after editing. It probably isn't even optimized yet either, so no surprise there, and it definitely won't be the end product.

wouldn't they want to optimize the engine as soon as possible so that when people are play testing they're only looking for actual bugs in the game and not simply engine performance issues....
Javert said:
He played it in windows mode and in a real-time compile after editing. It probably isn't even optimized yet either, so no surprise there, and it definitely won't be the end product.

No sir, it's fullscreen.. and there's no evidence that he just compiled...
I don't understand what you mean by "in a real-time compile after editing."
WhiteZero said:
First of all, I'd like to thank for the awesome new videos.

After watching the "Boom!" video, I'm a bit concerned...
If any of you have played the ANON Beta Leak of HL2, you know that when blowing up stuff near wood will cause it to shatter and splinter quite a bit, causing major lag spikes and offten crashing. It looks like it still causes some lag... I hope they are able to address this before launch or soon after.
Havn't you played Farcry while blowing up an barrel when surrounded among other objects?
Same thing.
Apos said:
I don't understand what you mean by "in a real-time compile after editing."

Think.. "compile, build and run."
What he was trying to get at is, he just compiled HL2 and ran it from VS6. Although he has no way to tell if this is true
Asus said:
Havn't you played Farcry while blowing up an barrel when surrounded among other objects?
Same thing.

yea... I played the Farcry Demo for like 2 minutes, and then promptly uninstalled it. :x
Sure, but how is that a real-time compile? I mean, what other kind of compile could there be other than running a compile in real time. Imaginary time?
i dont know why your system lags/crashes with the beta, mine ran smooth when i was fannying about with it.

even found a cool way to fly....
If think he was getting at the 'computers been on for 9 hours already, editing, watching porn while Gabe wasn't looking, compiling, waiting for belgiums to arrive, more editing, checking www.*************, laughing, oh belgium lot are here now, editing, compiling, running hl2' realtime.

^^^not the most ideal for showcasing the game.
E3's just around the corner lads and hopefully they'll be showing off plenty of this stuff in 'realtime' so fingers crossed we get to see big explosions with plenty a splinter flying around with super sexy frames per second!
Dougy, try tossing a grenade at some wood in the map e3_techdemo_2, then you'll see what I'm talking about.

And if you didn't already know, to get grenades (and every other weapon) type in impluse 101 on the console.
WhiteZero said:
Dougy, try tossing a grenade at some wood in the map e3_techdemo_2, then you'll see what I'm talking about.

And if you didn't already know, to get grenades (and every other weapon) type in impluse 101 on the console.

Oddly enough, doing that never slowed or crashed my system, but throwing a grenade at those aluminum sheets did....
Asus said:
Havn't you played Farcry while blowing up an barrel when surrounded among other objects?
Same thing.

Not for me.

Anyway, this issue sorta concerns me. This is the sort of thing that I'd thought they would have been working on for the past year, but apparently they haven't been. Valve had better get on the ball with fixing the physics engine/splintering system if they're planning on a summer release.
Soundwave said:
Oddly enough, doing that never slowed or crashed my system, but throwing a grenade at those aluminum sheets did....

Man... wtf... I even have patch1 for it and it still dose that.

I don't see whats wrong with my copy. We all have to have the same version...
WhiteZero said:
Man... wtf... I even have patch1 for it and it still dose that.

I don't see whats wrong with my copy. We all have to have the same version...

It depends more on system specs.

I am guessing the most important things for physics calculations are, in this order:

- everything else
Dougy, try tossing a grenade at some wood in the map e3_techdemo_2, then you'll see what I'm talking about.

And if you didn't already know, to get grenades (and every other weapon) type in impluse 101 on the console.

Not a great idea to discuss the illegal beta on these forums, just for your information.
Apos, I'm not that worried about my account on these forums anyway... I'm just here to blow time.

If the admins are that anal to ban people for discussing bugs in the Beta, then I wouldent want to be a member here anyways.

It's just common courtesy, but I guess that's beyond the grasp of people such as yourself.
WhiteZero said:
Apos, I'm not that worried about my account on these forums anyway... I'm just here to blow time.

If the admins are that anal to ban people for discussing bugs in the Beta, then I wouldent want to be a member here anyways.


I think they're anal because it's not a beta, but rather a stolen part of an unfinished game.
We don't allow discussion of the stolen files here WhiteZero, as others have already told you. The reasons behind this being,
1)We don't want the people reading posts (such as your own in this thread) discussing the "beta" to take them as canon
2)We do not promote the discussion of illegal materials

The "beta" was an unoptmized, unfinished build of some stolen files which were never meant for use by the general public. This means it is no judge of quality.

We don't out right ban people here either, we do give warnings first.
Alright, thats cool, qckbeam. I'm glad to see the admins/mods here give some slack to people. I've been on many-a-forum that they are not.

And Apos, I didn't try to offend you dude, so don't try to offend me. I didn't know that it wasn't cool to talk about the Beta here (just now read the rules).
So why don't you just take a chill-pill and don't be so up-tight to the newbies.
So why don't you just take a chill-pill and don't be so up-tight to the newbies.

I'm a pretty emotionless dude. What I say is pretty much just my cold, hard estimation of things.
Alright, thats cool man.

Anyway!!! We we're having an intelligent dicussion here about performance issues, before we got into this pissing contest.

Lets get back on subject here, shall we?
WhiteZero said:
Alright, thats cool man.

Anyway!!! We we're having an intelligent dicussion here about performance issues, before we got into this pissing contest.

Lets get back on subject here, shall we?


HL2 rocks!

There, that wasn't hard.
I rerely post here, yet I feel the need to this time.
As a computer Science MoS I must point out that the machine
is runnig HL2 in a windowed mode, (slowdown) and together with
several other apps, see the other screen (outlook at least)
So in exlcusive fullscreen, with all other apps shutdown, on
a 3gig P4 i dont really think that the optimzed, final verson will replicate such slowdown. Remember that they are prolly running in debug mode.

PS. Go Sweden! we are gonna kick your (US) ass this saturday! (Hockey)
Ok, back to the topic kids:

WE ar teh rulers of teh hockey allright !!!1111 g0 Finland go :/ *cough*

GG Usa, watched the whole game and screamed my lungs out for you guys ! :)
jayte said:
I rerely post here, yet I feel the need to this time.
As a computer Science MoS I must point out that the machine
is runnig HL2 in a windowed mode, (slowdown) and together with
several other apps, see the other screen (outlook at least)
So in exlcusive fullscreen, with all other apps shutdown, on
a 3gig P4 i dont really think that the optimzed, final verson will replicate such slowdown. Remember that they are prolly running in debug mode.

PS. Go Sweden! we are gonna kick your (US) ass this saturday! (Hockey)

actually when it slows down the game is fullscreen, so you cant really tell what is running in the background.
Yes you are right, but still,
prolly in debug mode.
Well, I'm pretty sure that only the final build will have all the debug code deactivated... Was probably still running in that one...
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