
Do tell more. Which character did you chose? What level are you now? Find any good loot yet?

At the moment, I'm Brick and his Berserker power is pretty damn sweet. I love beating the shit out of people with it. I'm not too far into the game yet obviously, but I'm level 12 now. I've been finding SO MANY GOOD WEAPONS. It's disgusting! There's this amazing electro-shock SMG and this brilliant fire pistol I've been using that cause running damage. The effects are brilliant when you're shooting. The enemy AI is pretty decent for the most part. Sometimes they'll get stuck trying to come to you. Scenario: I'm up on a hill with a path to both my left and right to the bottom. Skags see me and start to run towards the hill, but since I'm standing in a certain spot, they'll try and run towards that hill, turn around, go towards the other, and continue until I move to a completely different area.

I'm pretty stoked on how vast the game is. It's not as open-worlded as I'd like it to be, but it does it's job greatly. I've not had any previous knowledge to this game prior to about two days ago, and I was expecting a gigantic world such as GTA4 with no loading and such, but there are certain areas. It doesn't necessarily detract from the gameplay or anything, but I personally wished it was just a huge open-world. I've not yet got a chance to experience online play yet as I'm waiting to play with a few people from or my friends when they get the game.

For the most part, enemies are tough at certain levels like in any RPG. All I've fought so far were Bandits/Psycho Bandits/Midget Psych Bandits/Skags etc etc. Nothing major or overly difficult just yet. I've been finding enough money and weapons to last me ages. Nearly everything you kill will drop either money or ammo and sometimes on the off chance they'll drop a weapon. Also, little thing I completely missed out on when I first started to play the game, when you get a chance to purchase things from vending machines, the screen will pop up with your regular choices, on the purchase screen on the right-hand side, there is an 'Item of the day' that I've completely missed until now. I noticed it, but I did not pay one bit of attention to it.

So far the only thing I hate about the game is the driving, but I'm getting used to it. The driving on 360 uses the left analog stick to propel the vehicle and turn with the right. I don't know why I'm not used to it, but for some reason, I keep wanting to hold down the trigger to drive. Also, you can't remap the buttons. Not really a big deal in my opinion, but it would be nice to change the driving controls.

What else... Hm.. I don't really know. Any other questions, just feel free to ask me. I realize I've been kind of vague on some topics up there, but that's because I have a terrible memory and can't remember a lot of things. So ask specific questions, you get specific answers.
Thats basically what I was expecting from this game. Thanks for the input Shamrock, cant wait to play it :D
I can't wait till this releases on Monday! almost done with red faction guerrilla and this game looks to be much more enjoyable
Sounds good, thanks! On the left-right problem, you're not the only one. GBX is working on it.

Something I don't really get yet is how weapon proficiency works. Does it level by using a certain weapon type, or can you spend points every level?
Sounds good, thanks! On the left-right problem, you're not the only one. GBX is working on it.

Something I don't really get yet is how weapon proficiency works. Does it level by using a certain weapon type, or can you spend points every level?

Well, it auto levels certain weapon types. Let's say you're the guy who loves a shotgun regardless of how good it is, the more you use it and get kills, the more XP goes towards leveling that. At the beginning of the game, I found a shotgun and used that for the most part and leveled it up to a 2. So yes, certain level type. Points go strictly towards leveling your character's skills and such. Your first skill point unlocks your main power with that character, then you get 3 different subcategories with 2 skills to add points to in each category. The categories are Health/Shield, your special power, and then Weapons. There are 4 levels of skills you can progress under each category. Once one of those reaches the max, it unlocks the second level in under that particular skill.

Wait, what left-right problem are we talking about?
Is there split screen co-op? I know there is co-op obviously, but wasn't sure about the split screen part of the equation.
Is there split screen co-op? I know there is co-op obviously, but wasn't sure about the split screen part of the equation.

There is, and that's another thing I've yet to mess around with.
How big is the inventory? Is it weight or slot based? Can you store weapons anywhere else if you run out of room?
How big is the inventory? Is it weight or slot based? Can you store weapons anywhere else if you run out of room?

It's slot based. You cannot store weapons anywhere else.. yet, but from what I'm told you won't be able to at all. There's no armory. There's nothing. You start off with a 14 slot inventory (12 items in the bag, 2 equipped). Then as you progress, you gain more slots, and I'm pretty sure you end up being able to have 42 total slots from what I was told. Willie will have to chime in on that one. He knows more about the system, but I'm sure I've summed it up enough.
Wait, what left-right problem are we talking about?

Never mind, I misread something you wrote and connected it to that bug.

Sounds like the weapon proficiency worked as I hoped it would. I prefer leveling my fighting skills by simply using them, not spending points.

Got any class mods yet?
Never mind, I misread something you wrote and connected it to that bug.

Sounds like the weapon proficiency worked as I hoped it would. I prefer leveling my fighting skills by simply using them, not spending points.

Got any class mods yet?

I'm now level 18, and I've received an incendiary and shock artifact. Rather awesome too. They're level 1's so I'm assuming you can level them.
There have been some problems with co-op on the PS3 but they appear to be fixed now:

Gearbox has worked very quickly with its partners to identify and resolve the issue users have been reporting with the PS3 version of Borderlands relating to friends and public game lists on PSN

We are very pleased to report that PSN functions (friends lists, public games lists) should now work properly for all PS3 customers. The fix has been released invisibly and should work automatically for all PSN users on the PS3 platform. No special action is required by PS3 customers to apply the fix – just play the game and you’ll find that everything works fine now. We thank you all for your patience and for making us aware of the issue!

I saw on the Boarderlands forum that you were posting a bit in the thread about the mic/ui issues...mind if we bring that up a bit here?

Apparently, at this moment in time *Probably fixed in a patch right at or soon after release* the PC version has no controls for the mic, it's just always on. Also, the UI has been slated as a port like experience. Where you hit "i" to invite, or "x" to exit or things like that. It has been said the 360 buttons show up when you need to do anything in the UI. Typical of a port, but it was said that the game was getting fit specifically for PC also, so at least mouse support for the UI should be there? Apparently not.

I don't have any sources of this, just going off of the forum posts, but if you have anything to show up here, Shaker, please do. This is something that isn't game breaking, but a little disheartening at least, as I know the frustration with having to take my hand off the mouse to maneuver around the UI.
Of course, why not?

The RPS review (site seems to be offline atm) was very clear about what is wrong with the PC version when they were playing it:

- Voice chat is basically 'on' when your mic is plugged in. No switching it off via the menu, or push to talk; you'll have to unplug it.
- The UI is obviously ported. Pitchford might have said that it would be customized especially for PC, but that seems to have been kind of a bloated remark. That you have to press "I" to invite someone and the other examples you gave are correct.

The thread you found me in is basically asking if GBX could say if they are working on a release day patch for PC to fix these and other problems. There hasn't been any reply yet. I think GBX is currently working hard on solving the bugs that were discovered after the console launch.

I am taking the glass half full approach on this. Most PC game releases have had launch day patches and Borderlands will probably have one as well. I also think that the reviewers didn't play the release code, so some stuff maybe already be fixed. But other than my gut feeling I have nothing to base this on. It would be nice if GBX replied to this, since a lot of people are asking about this on the official forums.
I agree with you on that. I'm not saying it's a game that you should wait to purchase when the bugs are fixed or anything. Minor inconveniences if anything. I was surprised to not see any GBX post in there saying they are working on it, considering how large that thread has gotten in such a short time.
I agree with you on that. I'm not saying it's a game that you should wait to purchase when the bugs are fixed or anything. Minor inconveniences if anything. I was surprised to not see any GBX post in there saying they are working on it, considering how large that thread has gotten in such a short time.

Agreed, especially since it has been very civil and all that. Basically all GBX needs to do is be Marcellus Walace.
Haha, that was hilarious.

If they said that exact phrase, I'd love them even more.
I Am sure that the voice chat issue will be resolved. The UI thing, however, is a bit of a downer.
I just hope that the rest of the game doesn't show signs of a sloppy port. But who am i to complain?
I got the game for free, after all.
CyberPitz said:
it was said that the game was getting fit specifically for PC

I remember reading something about this.

Destructoid said:
and what actually makes me the happiest, is that Steve promises that the PC version will have menu and inventory systems that are specifically designed for use with a mouse, the lack of which has been one of my bigger complaints about recent multi-platform games. Steve states that Gearbox is treating the PC version very seriously, and from what he's told me, it sounds like Gearbox on the right track.
Yeah, I've read that also, and that is why I imagined that the people doing the reviews have an old build. They have specifically stated these types of things, which is why I was kind of shocked when I fell into that thread.
Yeah, I've read that also, and that is why I imagined that the people doing the reviews have an old build. They have specifically stated these types of things, which is why I was kind of shocked when I fell into that thread.
I guess we'll have to wait for Monday.

Next Friday for Shaker LOLOLOL
I dont either, at least there will be someone at a similar level...
Now Preloading!

Definitely buying tonight. Most likely. Hopefully.

EDIT: Bought it. Pre-loading. Woo!
They have been since the pre load started a few hours ago.
restart your steam client if you're getting the too busy thing, worked for me :)
This still looks like a worse Hellgate London to me... watched the IGN video review, and I'm pretty sure I'm gonna pass on it.
I'll pre-load this tonight but that means I may have to delete some other games
This still looks like a worse Hellgate London to me... watched the IGN video review, and I'm pretty sure I'm gonna pass on it.

From the RPS review:

Jim: Who wants to try to define the game in a single sentence then, eh?
Kieron: Hellgate in a desert, but not shit.

Also, preload w000t!