
actually this is incorrect:

no offense but how the **** does Kuwait get it before canada ffs? dont they have to translate it to whatever gobblygook language it is that you speak? ;)
No, we usually get the US version.
No, we usually get the US version.

no doubt in payment for allowing saddam to invade your country back in the early 90's ;) ;) ;)

but ffs canada is right NEXT to the US. only in america would they go to kuwait first en route to canada
no doubt in payment for allowing saddam to invade your country back in the early 90's ;) ;) ;)

but ffs canada is right NEXT to the US. only in america would they go to kuwait first en route to canada
Urm no, because most publishers doesn't release their games officially here. So video games stores usually get the version that releases earlier whether it's PAL or NA.

Though things have changed this year.

And I don't appreciate calling my language gobblygook or whatever you're talking about.
Everybody knows Digi speaks Gobblygook.

I am wanting to know how he got the English version before the US! :p I thought consoles were the 20th?
And I don't appreciate calling my language gobblygook or whatever you're talking about.

relax I'm joking .....although it does sound like gobblygook to people who dont speak gooblygook

more impression of Bordrlands:

So I've played a good amount this weekend (of splitscreen coop), enough to give an initial impression I suppose. (leveled hunter to 13 ~6hrs and Soldier to 10 ~3hrs and my friend did siren to 13 and hunter to 10).

It's a blast. Running from objective to objective and blasting our way through skags, bandits, psycho midgets and bosses. Thus far there hasn't been a big variety on the enemies (skag pups, adult skag, badass skag, spitter skag etc..) but there are clearly more 'powerful' versions.

Gun control is fine but I dislike using weapons w/o a scope as most crosshairs (diff for each weapon) have such a huge spread I feel like I waste so much ammo (which can be scarce). There is 'stability' and 'recoil' so those play into each weapon and rushing in versus trying to setup a tactical fight.

Speaking of AI - it's not *that* bad. I mean skags are just like dog things that run at you, not much there. But bandits do take cover and change position depending on where you are. Enough so that my bloodwing (hunter pet) got a workout killing guys behind cover (and getting me an achievement).

Driving sucks balls - but you can make the car pink and put a rocket launcher on top. Most of the travel is pretty simple and they provide a nice quick transport option.

So the reason for the two sets of character level ups is that it didn't save my friend's character apparently and we had to start over. The 6hrs to level 13 was us dying a decent amount and the 3hrs to 10 was us blowing through shit crazy fast since we knew where to go and avoided most encounters by running. He made a second profile on the xbox and the save was successful last night but he was bummed about losing the siren.

Loot - no 'auto loot' button, mash X like crazy (holding X will pick up stuff within a small radius but you run the risk of equipping some shitty weapon over your current by accident). I got a purple 'shield' which is badass. Never seen an orange. I could see this being problematic on XBL with no way to inspect the other person. Lots of times I saw my buddy pick up some gun and I'm like HEY I COULD USE THAT since it was on his screen. We do make mad dashes for the 'chests' after killing bosses to see what goodies we can pick up (but sadly dont meet the item level requirements a lot of the time)

Ammo - not shareable, sad panda on this one as people can load up on any ammo type and steal what you need. You can buy ammo from vending machines scattered throughout the game (there are also weapon and shield/health machines).

Inventory - start with 12 slots, upgradable. You can carry any number of guns, grenade mods, weapon mods, shields or medkits.

Quests - simple to do and the map/compass gives you everything you need. We did probably 30 or so during each session. They have level difficulties printed on them so you know if you're gonna be raped or not. If you die on a quest it does not 'fail' you just respawn at the last checkpoint and the game is in the same 'state' as when you died.

Death Mechanics - Pretty sweet. You get knocked down and have a chance to kill an enemy. If you do so, you are granted a 'second wind' and get back up with shields and health restored (I think it depends on how much dmg you did to the enemy for how much you get back). OR your buddy can revive you by holding X. If you DIE DIE - then you respawn at the last checkpoint and lose some money.

Money - shared when you pick it up, spent individually.
Even though my friend and I played through the same areas we ran into different enemies (well levels) based on our levels (so the world scales). And still had a ton of fun. It reminds me of the fun I had playing Halo Coop when that first came about - mash it up with a loot-centric game like diablo and that's about what you have.
Everybody knows Digi speaks Gobblygook.

I am wanting to know how he got the English version before the US! :p I thought consoles were the 20th?
I have no idea, he said he got it yesterday.

Anyway I've just pre-ordered the Steam version.

@stern sorry I'm just having a bad day.
Ahhh, the days of killing Baal and clicking a million times to get something.
Anyone here getting the 360 version and would be into some co-op?
even though I cant stand the site and their staff here's a review from Destructoid

With tons of weapons to find, a great co-op system, fantastic art, and a whole bunch of exploding bodies, Borderlands is worth your money. Even when I feel that the game is starting to get repetitive, there's something about it that keeps me playing. Even my plans to jump into the game for five minutes to grab screenshots would suddenly turn into hour long play sessions without me even realizing it, and even having done most of the quests twice, I still want to head back and try again with a new character class. Despite a few imperfections, the game is simply fun -- and at the end of the day, that's what really matters.
It is definitely getting some good reviews/scores....I'm glad I made the purchase!
I just watched the story intro over on gametrailers, I think if they replaced "Pandora" with "The Zone" and only played me the Audio, I would have believed it was an intro for STALKER.

Other than that, the game does look like allot of fun, I cant convince my friends to buy it tho, so I may have to give it a miss for a while. It looks like a game thats gonna be best when played with other people.
Can't say I'm that excited about this game anymore.

Looks like it'll get stale fast since it's not as open as they've been claiming it is.
Just a series of areas with monsters that you kill.

Definitely going to need a demo to convince me otherwise.
That's exactly what Diablo 2 did back in the day and I can't say I've spent anything south of 1000 hours on that game.....I even enjoyed playing HellGate: London *Don't kill me!*, so this will surely give me something to do until StarCraft II.
Diablo 2 is a somewhat different animal and it also had a story to go with the endless slaughterfest.

From what I've heard, this game has no story whatsoever and therefore I'd have nothing to compel me to play through it.
Too many reviews to post but all scores seem to be in the 8-9 bracket. Also, the mentioned cons seem to be universal: more fun in co-op than solo, AI can be stupid at times, and the story is on the light side. Kinda what I had been expecting.
I'm not that big a co-op fan, mainly because I usually have a very hard time finding good people to play co-op with.
Nah, getting 360 version for achievements, not to mention I doubt this 3 year old scrap-box would run it well.
Bawwwww, you big jerky ;( I THOUGHT I LOVED YOU.

You do love me, you just haven't accepted it yet!

Besides, Gearbox has said they've got no plans on releasing any modkits for Borderlands, and no matter what they do there'll be cheating and hacking online since there's no dedicated character servers.

Those are two big reasons for me to get the 360 version instead.:p
probably wait until Steam's end of the year sale to pick this up
too many other games to play atm
sounds like a fun co-op experience though
Great, that's all I need is you to kick my ass on ANOTHER game.
I'm getting this for PC too, but not until the weekend after (ie. the 1st of November), meaning that everyone will probably be much further ahead than me.

However, I'd love to try some co-op sometime :)