Bowling for Columbine

Wow peoplesuc, you actually impress me. Bashing French, never even been there obviously. While I read your posts I can't believe you even know how to use a computer. That French-bashing is so ridiculous (no, I'm not French). First, let me tell you that without France, United States of America wouldn't even exist. Get it? Bashing your greatest friend and ally since the very beginning, talk about being stupid. You know what? French government warned the Pentagon of the 9/11 attacks. Ooooooooohh they're evil eh? They tried to save thousands of lives!

Freedom of speech, yeah what's the name of that guy who got fired because of his opinions of 9/11? All those American teachers fired because they spoke against US governement foreign policy to their students? Greeeaaat!

Let's see in France now. There is TV shows making fun of Chirac on a daily basis. No one gets fired because they said Chirac or his governement was wrong. Believe me, French people do have liberty of expression and they use it very well. Look at when Jean-Marie LePen nearly won the election, there was huge protestations.

Okay, now for BFC.

DimitriPopov and peoplesuc, I don't think anything will chance our mind. No one here are bashing USA Dimitri. When you read something negative about your country, CALM DOWN! It's not about you, and usually it's about the governement.

I'll make an exercise. Something many of you aren't able to do or so it seems. I will criticize my own country (here Quebec, it's a province but West Canada is way different). Okay ready? I'll talk about the "normal" quebecker. Many Quebeckers are borderline to be culturally retarded. All they read WHEN they read it's the "Journal de MOntréal" which is basically HUGE pictures with ridiculous text. They're like scared of any intelligent person. Because intellectuals have fought for our language in the past two centuries they don't bother learning english or any other language, even if 95% of what they watch/listen is pure american culture. They usually have no real opinion, sometimes they invent one by what they see on TV.

Here in Quebec we have three choices of government. The first one is mainly a cameleon one. They say what people want to hear but they don't have any real position. THe second one is the oldest one. They are totally controlled by the federal government and tends to cut every budget about family or education. The third one is the "fighting" one. Always opposing federal government, they defend culture and language, but honestly they are always causing trouble because of ridiculous laws. They tends to exaggerate what they do and it gets them a lot of trouble.

Catholic church here is racist and homophobic but no one cares for them anymore because they did so much trouble...

See? Pretty extreme, but I love Quebec. We have troubles, but it's still a great place IMO. I'm trying to change people around me to get this place even better because I'm conscient of its problems. That's what people did here in the past. You should see how Quebec was one hundred years ago. F***ing Middle Ages.
I may not agree with what he says but this is a free country. The thing that made me angry was his stupid speech at the oscars. People don't watch the oscars for political insight. If you're gonna preach go on CNN or Fox News.
Originally posted by peoplesuc
france and a majority of other european countries don't have this thing called "Freedon of Speech". I can't respect any cleaver or differing OPINIONS from these countries who speak ill against AMERICA because they themselves are firstly mindless sheep and they can't truely speak their mind.

OMG OMFG!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA that HAS to be the funniest, and most STUPID thing I have ever read. god you are a real winner you know that? "Don't have Freedom of speech" HAHAHA.
Lol, like I said earlier, he comes from the Postal 2 forums, so I think peoplesuc's ignorance is pretty self-explanitory ;)

I must admit, this post is quite amusing. I think I'm going to bookmark it for when I need a good laugh.

The only problem with America is you dumb people who blindly love the country and call anyone who disagrees with something "unamerican".
You patriots are so laughable.

If it wasn't for people like you, Bush would have never gotten into office, and the rest of the world wouldn't hate us so much.
Originally posted by Swartz
The only problem with America is you dumb people who blindly love the country and call anyone who disagrees with something "unamerican".
You patriots are so laughable.

The truth as a mother****er right there.
What is the obsession with casting people into groups?

I hate being called "white" because it implies I am associated with all the horrible attrocities ever committed by white people. And I hate being called "British" because I am immediately then a target for those who choose to hate Britain.

The beliefs of my ancestors and of my country are not a representation of my beliefs.

I am my own person, leave me alone.
'I hate being called "white" because it implies I am associated with all the horrible attrocities ever committed by white people. And I hate being called "British" because I am immediately then a target for those who choose to hate Britain.'

That's just silly m8 - ppl of all races/religions etc commit attrocities, the fact that you're white and British mean nothing in this context.

We live in a world of political correctness gone mad. I'm sick of having to walk on egg shells whenever these issues arise. If I call someone a stupid American it's becasue they are behaving in a stupid way, if they were French i'd call them a stupid French man.

Everyone needs to chill out and think before they take offence. Alot of you are unwittingly keeping these problems alive.
Some of you need to learn what a Dictator is, and Bush is FAR from it. Lmao, what a bunch of morons
Living in Western Pennsylvania, I can say my neighborhood is full of gun nuts. Not just the hunters, either. Hell, my best friend is a gun nut, and he never hunts. Sometimes I wonder why we are so obsessed with them.
We're obsesses with firearms for a simple reason- They make us feel safe. I have 7 guns in my house, a 12-Guage shotgun, a .45Cal, a .38, a .303, a 30/06, and the others belong to my stepbrother. I feel ALOT safer with a gun nearby then I do without one.

Oh yeah, just FYI, America Isn't the only country that almost everybody owns guns....heck look at the Middle East. Almost everybody there owns a Ak47 which is ALOT more powerful than most weapons we have at our homes.
Originally posted by peoplesuc
france and a majority of other european countries don't have this thing called "Freedon of Speech". I can't respect any cleaver or differing OPINIONS from these countries who speak ill against AMERICA because they themselves are firstly mindless sheep and they can't truely speak their mind.

Why on earth do you say were mindless sheep? we just dont need a law to remind us that we have freedom of speech....
oh and also when everyone has a gun at home this will happend.

What if you hear someone breaking in to your house? you grab your gun, walk downstairs and see the guy and he also has a gun. You both shoot eachoter or either you or him shoots and you both or either of you die/get wounded. Now if only he had a gun i doubt he would kill you if he was just going to rob your house... i doubt ANYONE would want a lifesentance for killing someone you dont have too...
Blah blah blah. Those who argue against me must have a lot of time in their day to devote to me. Chill out and get a life.

Half-Life 2 ain't comming out for a while so do something productive.

mike moore is a windbag who needs to go to africa and see how real suffering people live. Bitichin about how AMERICA is evil and yet he does everything to keep it going.

mike is a dumb ass and you all support his ignorance.

Quite sad.

"Go smoke some crack koons!" - mike moore

^ See who you are praising? ^

'Oh yeah, just FYI, America Isn't the only country that almost everybody owns guns....heck look at the Middle East. Almost everybody there owns a Ak47 which is ALOT more powerful than most weapons we have at our homes.'

But these countries arn't gunning each other down on a daily basis like in the US.

The issue isn't so much whether ppl should be allowed guns in the states - it's why are there so many gun crimes in comparison to other countries that allow the ownership of weapons.

Why do you feel safer with all those guns? I'm afraid it's cause of where you live :/
Originally posted by Warbie

But these countries arn't gunning each other down on a daily basis like in the US.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but it's just not reported because to western news networks they are just savages....
Did I just catch someone saying that the Middle East does not have a weapon problem like the US?
I mean, really, what the heck are you on?
Originally posted by Warbie
That's just silly m8 - ppl of all races/religions etc commit attrocities, the fact that you're white and British mean nothing in this context.

I may have wrongly expressed myself. When I say I hate being "white" I mean it purely in the sense of how some thug (who for whatever reason doesn't like white people) will see me. I don't actually hate it!

We have these same problems between Scotland & England you know. Some thug: "Hey! your Scottish I'm gonna kick the f*** out of you". WHY ??? Though I guess they would always find some reason, because thats what they're like.

Originally posted by Warbie
Everyone needs to chill out and think before they take offence. Alot of you are unwittingly keeping these problems alive.

I agree. I ROFL'd at fragmaster's British guy but I bet there will be some bugger going "Hey I'm British and we find that offensive." and then some other bugger "see those British guys they can't laugh at themselves"... all of a sudden I'm involved in something I couldn't give a rats ass about.
yeah.... I had a few laughs over that... that's like denying Faversham 'Brown Town' 's heroin problem :p
Obviously now is particularly volatile time in the middle east. You know what I meant tho - and I still stand by it.
Yeah I do, I just found that statement ridiculus.... There are OTHER countries with guns allowed, and they have low levels of gun crime, hmmmm

I personally think it's to do with the huge population... more people, therefore there is a higher chance of crime. Especially in poor/densely packed areas.
Not true - it's the ratio of ppl to gun crime that is high.
The English love Michael Moore, the Americans hate him.

The Americans love David Blaine, the english throw stuff at him.

go figure.
Rebuttal of (also applicable
to HardyLaw)
Ok, I can’t do this straight out, so I’ll probably
separate this into 3-4 Parts. BFT means the website. BFC is the film.

Part I
Michael in the Bank
I am somewhat amused at the author’s choice of words,
as in ‘artistic lying’. Well, film is subjective anyway. Would depicting Hitler as a monster in film ‘artistic lying’? Not to mention the fact that that the author takes every chance in demeaning Moore himself as a “lying hypocrite” rather than BFC.
Yes, BFT (Bowling for Truth) HAS missed the point.
Why is a bank giving out guns in the first place? Why do they have model guns in a bank (would it then be appropriate in a school or restaurant?). BFT also assumes that the woman, giving her own testimony, is telling the truth of how she had been tricked. Is she that stupid? You’re talking about Michael Moore and a camera trained on you. Guns are harmful, and Moore raises the fact on Oprah why toasters aren’t given out. BFT then points out that people have been harmed by toasters too. Not only is that contrived and irrelevant, it is ridiculous. I believe that more people have died from guns than toasters, but correct me if I’m wrong.

The Dog and Gun Video
The author states that the whole scene was staged and
that IF the gun WAS fired, then there wouldn’t be footage, the dog would be in pain, and the guy wouldn’t be sitting right. However, he assumes that the dog had already let off the gun. The dog HAS NOT let off the gun yet, simple as that. If he had, I too would say that there wouldn’t be footage either.

The Blind Gun Owner
Again, BFT misses the point. True, the 2nd Amendment
holds that any person has to the right to firearms (on that point I do not contest), but would I trust a blind (or semi-blind) person with a firearm, a BB gun? The same reason I wouldn’t trust someone semi-blind
to drive. True, in the viewer’s sense, Moore casts a critical eye on this, but “demonize”….whoa, what use of words.

Lockheed Martin
Do Lockheed Martin makes missiles? Yes. Do they
also make communication and weather satellites? Yes. Is Moore a complete liar saying that Lockheed Martin makes weapons? No. Is the author so constricting his view on Lockheed solely on its passive projects, the location of the filming, and eyewitnesses to further
discredit Moore? Yes. Wow, talk about ‘artistic lying’. Plus, I see plenty of convoys going by day (I live in LA btw, Home of the freeway) so I honestly don’t believe in the “convoys only by night” argument the spokesperson (notice he’s from Lockheed) proposes. Point conceded that “demonizing” Lockeed is unfair and ultimately irrelevant to the Columbine shooting.

The B-52 Bomber plaque
Ah, notice how BFT views this as a “bold deception”. Yes, I guess newscasts not reading off their notes is also considered deceptive…but enough of my senseless rant. The shot here is only to show the senseless carpet bombing in Vietnam (and yes, it was senseless). You think the ONLY thing the plane did was shoot down
a MiG? I don’t think so. Moore would only be “boldly deceiving” if he said something along the lines of “This plaque explicitly, word-for-word, reads that…”
And it doesn’t let up there. BFT accuses this as “blame-America-first position popular among the Hollywood Left”. Simply said, holy cow. Not only is that irrelevant, it’s accusatory.

The History and Stats montage
Everything in there was true. The only thing I concede is Moore’s wording, such as using the words “murder” instead of “kill”. But it’s all true (read a good history textbook if you don’t believe me). By
the way, the humanitarian aid never reached the people. It was given to the government and…well…you may as well guess the rest. Note: If you kill innocent civilians, whether in wartime or peace, it’s a war crime. Moore is not confused in facts and frankly neither are audiences already aware of American foreign policy.

Coming Soon: Part II of Rebuttal of BFT, including NRA
rallies and the “Brief History of USA”.
'The English love Michael Moore, the Americans hate him.

The Americans love David Blaine, the english throw stuff at him.

go figure.'

hehe so true. It' cause Moore doesn't paint a very nice picture of the US and David Blaine comes accross as a complete asshole.

( you seen Darren Brown on TV - his stuff is much more impressive - and he's not a tit \o/ )
Originally posted by Warbie
( you seen Darren Brown on TV - his stuff is much more impressive - and he's not a tit \o/ )

Yeah, some of his stuff is mega-spooky.

(ps. its Derren Brown, not Darren)