Breaking Bad Season 3

Is Mike the Fixer? If so, that certainly makes a lot of sense. Gus might not want to risk getting in a bad spot with the rest of the family by getting them killed, but on the other hand, he might not want to take the risk that the brothers won't be satisfied with what they got.
Best episode so far, the past two have been incredible. I was starting to doubt the show since the season started off pretty slow but the mounting tension is reaching absurd levels. I'm rooting for Hank, hopefully he'll pull through.
holy SHIT that was awesome!

I can't wait for next episode. ****ing Hank! He's the ****ing man.
It'd be cool if it was the DEA director who tipped off Hank. He might be the person who Gus had connections with in the beginning of the episode. Plus that Guardian angel statement when he told Hank Jesse wouldn't press charges was a little fishy.
They can't keep him suspended now. They'd look like assholes! Bullets of fortune.
Amazing ending for that episode.

As for the phone call it's pretty obvious it was gus, or gus had the fixer call hank for him. Think about it this way:

The Cousins kill hank. They chill for a bit and stop their hunt for walt. Gus wins.
Hank kills the Cousins. Gus no longer has to worry about them going after Walt. Gus wins.
Both the Cousins and Hank Die. Gus no longer has to deal with the cousins, and the DEA will pin it on the cartel with no way to trace it back to Gus. Gus wins.
Amazing ending for that episode.

As for the phone call it's pretty obvious it was gus, or gus had the fixer call hank for him. Think about it this way:

The Cousins kill hank. They chill for a bit and stop their hunt for walt. Gus wins.
Hank kills the Cousins. Gus no longer has to worry about them going after Walt. Gus wins.
Both the Cousins and Hank Die. Gus no longer has to deal with the cousins, and the DEA will pin it on the cartel with no way to trace it back to Gus. Gus wins.

KFC moves into town, Gus loses.
Cartel traces the cousins' deaths to Gus or just decide to come on in and have a good time figuring it out. Gus loses.
Cartel traces the cousins' deaths to Gus or just decide to come on in and have a good time figuring it out. Gus loses.

The dude from the cartel himself said the brothers weren't exactly ones to follow orders so Gus can simply say that they got fed up and decided to take Hank out despite being told not too. Plus with Hank still alive the cartel probably wouldn't send anyone up there anyway with the DEA on high alert after one of their officers was just attacked by two cartel enforcers.
Stop putting so much thought into your theories because
u r dumb n im rite
This is my own private forum and I will not be harrassed... bitch.
Great episode. I think it was for sure pollos that warned Hank. He wouldn't mind to see the twins dead and this way it couldn't trace back to him. Plus Hank dying would have messed up Walt pretty bad, he wouldn't want that either. Hank is gonna live through this obviously.

Also glad to see Jesse and Walt working together.
Cartel traces the cousins' deaths to Gus or just decide to come on in and have a good time figuring it out. Gus loses.
Unlikely, since it was phoned in as an anonymous tip. Even if the cartel suspects him, they don't have any hard evidence. And if they actually offed Gus, the DEA would go wild, there's no way they'd put themselves under that much risk for petty revenge.
The Cousins kill hank. They chill for a bit and stop their hunt for walt. Gus wins.
Hank kills the Cousins. Gus no longer has to worry about them going after Walt. Gus wins.
Both the Cousins and Hank Die. Gus no longer has to deal with the cousins, and the DEA will pin it on the cartel with no way to trace it back to Gus. Gus wins.

1. Yes.
2. No. Now Hank is fired up and even more motivated to find out who Heisenburg is, since he will assume the twins are related to the case. I would think Gus would rather Hank die than add more fuel to that flame.
3. Yes.

Unlikely, since it was phoned in as an anonymous tip. Even if the cartel suspects him, they don't have any hard evidence.

Yeah, every time I've dealt with a drug cartel they always waited to get their facts straight before shooting anyone they even remotely suspect.
lol. But they are businessmen, and they are not going to let mere rumours get in the way of business. Not unless they know for sure.
Pretty cool episode.

I don't remember: does Gus even know of Walt's relationship with Hank?

I do remember Gus being in the FBI office, donating some money to Walt's cancer treatment fund. Yeah, he might have told him then, though I don't remember clearly.
Gus met Hank at DEA office. Gus asks about jar with Walts face on it. Hank talks about Walts cancer. Gus donates a buck to Walt.

So Yeah.
Pretty cool episode.

I don't remember: does Gus even know of Walt's relationship with Hank?

I do remember Gus being in the FBI office, donating some money to Walt's cancer treatment fund. Yeah, he might have told him then, though I don't remember clearly.
Hank told Gus that Walt is his brother in law.
I screamed **** yeah when one of the badasses got his head blown off. I can only hope the other guy dies soon too... but I think he's going to still be alive if the next episode teaser is any indication with those bloody stump legs it showed.

So what the hell at the startup anyway? Was that supposed to be the two badasses as cousins? Why was he talking about the chicken man? It's as if the Gus drug trade has a lineage, because I don't think Gus is that old.
I didn't expect so much of the plot to develop in one episode. Even more surprising since - between Hank and Jesse - they spent half the show talking about feelings.

So dues hombres are all but finished.

I don't watch teasers, but I guess I had it coming for clicking a spoiler? I think only teaser info should go in spoilers, so that way I can avoid it.

I didn't figure out what those 2 kids were all about, but I think you nailed it. I'm not sure how old Gus' character is supposed to be, but [off-camera] he could be anywhere from 53-63, believe it or not.

Pretty sure it was Gus. He was the only person who knew the twins were planning to kill Hank, since it was him who gave them the permission.

Not to mention, there is a high possibility that Gus wanted those twins dead.
I hadn't even thought about who made the call until coming to the thread, but I'm going to have to agree. Certainly it was Gus because the Cartel is his competition. They compete for turf.

By giving Hank a tip, he's given Hank all he needed to survive, putting the Cartel directly under investigation by the DEA, redirecting the heat from Jesse, and getting rid of two rival lose cannons - 'the dues hombres' - all at the same time.

Mike might have been the one to call, since he saved Walt once before and seems to be decently in-the-loop.

Who's Mike?
I hadn't even thought about who made the call until coming to the thread, but I'm going to have to agree. Certainly it was Gus because the Cartel is his competition. They compete for turf.

By giving Hank a tip, he's given Hank all he needed to survive, putting the Cartel directly under investigation by the DEA, redirecting the heat from Jesse

Ahh, that would actually make a lot of sense.

Who's Mike?

The cleaner that works for Gus/Saul. The guy who bugged Walts house before, and who cleaned up the mess at Jesse's house when whats-her-name died.
I lol at the fact that one of the guys got his legs crushed, and when we first saw him he was crawling on the ground.
Yeah, every time I've dealt with a drug cartel they always waited to get their facts straight before shooting anyone they even remotely suspect.

You've dealt with Drug Cartels before ? so was it the Los Zetas or the Beltran Levyas.

Oh wait.

Also going a bit off topic here, but how many drug cartel related murders are there in the U.S. ? Also what's their influence like ? Just curious here.
Just seen it.

Excuse me while I pick up my jaw from the floor.
2. No. Now Hank is fired up and even more motivated to find out who Heisenburg is, since he will assume the twins are related to the case. I would think Gus would rather Hank die than add more fuel to that flame.

Hank's last real lead was the RV and that's gone. Sure it may make him want to investigate further, but he wouldn't have gotten anywhere with it.
Holy shit. Gus just cleaned house. Another awesome episode.
Yeah this episode pretty much confirmed for me that he made the call. He was hoping Hank would take the cousins out.
Looks like Gus is not only really smart but also won't hesitate to kill you when needed. I think Hank's and Gus's relationship will get bad sooner than later as the season progresses.
The part when Walt fires Gale and Jesse comes in all excited and gawking at everything had me lolling so much.
Something weird is going to happen with Gale. Might be next season's main plot element? But I felt bad for Gale when Jesse came in acting like an idiot. I thought he was supposed to be the badass now that he was a super serious meth cook. Guess hes still Jesse.
Something weird is going to happen with Gale. Might be next season's main plot element? But I felt bad for Gale when Jesse came in acting like an idiot. I thought he was supposed to be the badass now that he was a super serious meth cook. Guess hes still Jesse.

Well atleast he didn't try to cook himself, that's what I thought he would do and burn the entire place down. So maybe he grew up a little.
The part when Walt fires Gale and Jesse comes in all excited and gawking at everything had me lolling so much.
Haha I loved that. Jesse walks in waxing awesome, and Walt is just like ".... oh, goddamnit."
I don't see Gale being a factor from now on, he seems too weak of a character.

Looks like Gus is not only really smart but also won't hesitate to kill you when needed. I think Hank's and Gus's relationship will get bad sooner than later as the season progresses.

Hmmm, I think their relationship will get better. Gus knows Walt is capable of making enormous amount of meth, I feel like he's looking out for him. It's good for business.
I too feel like Gus treasures Walt as an incredibly valuable asset... other than of course Walt lying... which he needs to stop doing.

I suspect next week he has difficulty making the 400 pound quota. Every time they need to deliver big, something gets tangled up.
Walt's lying borders on the pathological and paranoid. He really has to get a grip on himself.