Britney Spears a slut? no, hell no.....

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subs, what I meant was that in America it's ok to be a lesbian, but if your a guy and your gay people treat you like like your some sort of sinner.
He shattered his legs when he jumped of the 4rth(?) story of a building into a pool, jackass would never do that.

And its not lookalikes, there would be lawsuits everywhere.
Originally posted by qckbeam
well, I don't think there is anything wrong with creating a society that's accepting of gays, or presents them in a positive light (instead of the normal comical one). Although if kids felt like they "had to be gay" to be cool or something along those lines (I REALLY don't see that happening, ever) then that would be wrong. I'm really pissed off at some of the double standards involving gays in America (ok to be a lesbian, but if a guy is gay it's some sort of evil sin), but that's not really on topic and for a different debate.

Yeah double standard. That's the word I was looking for.

Really I have no problem with society accepting gays, but I would rather prefer not to have a talk with my kids one day on the merits of straight sex.
I wouldn't really worry about it. If they are straight you probably won't have to.
I just hope people who watch MTV realize it's a publicity stunt. But I'm afraid they probably wont.
Originally posted by Doom3>hl2
now you idiots havnt proved anything other than your all stupid enough to be so easily fooled by look-alikes that were obviously payed cash money by MTV.

celebrities, esp brintey spears, odnt go aorund making out with random people of their own sex dumbasses.

I hate you.
Let him live inside his own little world, no need to cause him to go postal or something...
To that tard Doom3>HL2 who said "britney is a virgin"
LMFAO thats classic man. I would also like to add that George Bush Jr. is the smartest man Ive ever seen, and that John Carmack is my father.
Since the Y chromosome is slowly dying, soon everyone will be lesbians!
Well... 200 years from now. :)
(If it's true.)
read the thread Holy Shit! to make yourself feel better
Ive always though she was a slut perv nasty sick white trash. Britteny speers that is. Ive always hated Modonna.
I think its just place sick that they live. Yes I know Im have homophobia
and Im glad that I have it. I think its wrong for anyone of the same sex to have sexual realations. Ill even bring it farther. I think that its wrong for people of differnt sex to have sexual realations with each other unless there married.
There I put in my two bits and im ready to be flamed
why is it wrong?

oh nevermind, theres no getting through to you select few poeple still living in the 1950's
thenerdguy: congratulations on making yourself sound like a crazy, redneck ass from 1955. Please explain exactly what it is that makes you think that homosexuality is wrong (and please don't give some shit about it being against your religion, it's a pathetic excuse). I'm sorry, but people like you make me sick. You would rather judge people and put them down rather than just accepting them for who they are.
qckbeam: If the bible says no.... then it's NO. ;)
Originally posted by uncle_rudy
SMedit - snip

Just a quick question... Other people can have homophobic tendancies and call each other "fags" and "gay" and not have there post snipped, but I can't call someone a "retard" and post a pic to help illustrate the fact that I think that they made a stupid comment? Just wondering on that on.
it was more the post combined with the attached pic
strange world isnt it?

oh well

people shouldnt use fag! thats our name for ourselves!
that's right MrWhite, fag is off limits. You can take anything else but that ones ours!
yeah it is :)

(before some random person goes off on one.. I'm not actually gay :P )
where are you getting the cool avatars?
mr white that che guerrara (sp?) one is cool
mrBadgers was made by someone, with the fist, and its the che fist, so I ripped off the avatar and made one with che
Wow I've taken part of the jacking of both of the britney/madonna lesbian kiss threads

Has this forum become a hideout for communists? :angry:

Someone needs to decommunize this place.

/me gets out a HKG36.
haha LOL.. Christina looks.. ugly with that black hair.. she changes looks more then her panties
hey! who said you could put this back on topic?

anyways yeah your right, but for a while she was doing a clown whore thing, so this is better I suppose
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