Britney Spears a slut? no, hell no.....

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as a clown? really?

your odd

however madonna seems to be looking better, is it just me or is the space between her teeth gotten smaller?
One word "Dental surgery"

edit: ehh... 2 w0rds :D
Originally posted by EVIL
One word "Dental surgery"

edit: ehh... 2 w0rds :D

Haha that was great!
PS: I hear you quite the avatar man, do you have any youd like to share?
Originally posted by qckbeam
thenerdguy: congratulations on making yourself sound like a crazy, redneck ass from 1955. Please explain exactly what it is that makes you think that homosexuality is wrong (and please don't give some shit about it being against your religion, it's a pathetic excuse). I'm sorry, but people like you make me sick. You would rather judge people and put them down rather than just accepting them for who they are.

First of all. IT IS AGAINT MY REIGION! have you guys ever of Sodom and Gomorrah?
Second of all. The Bible says something about Man and Women not woman and woman, or man and man. It was Adam and Eve not Steave.
( Yes God is a God of love but he is also a God of wrath. Read the Bible)
Third of all. I find it morally wrong.

I do think it would be better if it where 1955!
It was just a kiss it's not like they had sex!

Looks as if im the only one who noticed the 'Queer eye for the straight guy' guys in the audience.
If it were 1955 we would not be having this argument as we wouldnt have computers hence we wouldnt have the internet hence we wouldnt have online games hence we wouldnt have a forum dedicated to an upcoming online computer game. ;)
They chosed a lesbian theme, that's all.

Nice ass!!

The whole bible is bs. Just my 2cent
thenerdguy: you know, the way you talk about god makes him sound like a real prick. A "god of wrath", what's he going to do to me if I go kiss another guy? Let me guess, he will throw me into the pit's of hell, right? Would a "god of love" really throw one of his own children into hell to suffer for all eternity? The answer is no. God made me this way, if he had a problem with gays he wouldn't have created us in the first place.
Sometimes these overly religous types come off sounding like the bloody KKK or something
Originally posted by Doom3>hl2
Yea right LOL!

You guys are so gullible, that shit is so obviously faked. you cant see there faces very good but you can still tell that they arent really spears and madonna. They are just look-alikes.

If you are stupid enough to belive that britney spears and madonna would actually kiss, then i have a candid pic of the olsen twins making out for you.....

The question has to be asked: fake or no, why do you have pics of Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen on your comp pervo??
Some bitches lips touch the lips of another bitch in another part of the world and you pathetic asswipes have to discuss it for SEVEN PAGES! pathetic.

Grow up and get a life.
Doom3>hl2, did you actually bother to read the seven pages? If you did you would see it's not all about "Some bitches lips touch the lips of another bitch".
It just pisses me off, when some fanboy fag comes in talks trash about people he dosn't know-i mean, what if I was really a 14-yr old pimp?
Prolly didn't bother to read the 7 pages.
blah blah blah

yea yea, your feeble attempts at insulting me have no effect. The fact remains this thread is about two ****s lip locking, and the fact remains the you gits have discussed the remarkable feat for seven ****ing pages. morons.
Actually, if you would read the pages douchebag, you would see that it went off topic real fast and there actually about half a page about Britney/Madonna. Were you born an asshole or just made one?
Seems to me that they discussed you more than them. but I didn't read the whole thing....
ROFL! You called be "a big of a fag". Good job.

Ok so i skimmed the rest of the thread and 90% of it is about these two cu/\/ts kissing so dont give that bs about it going off topic. The rest of the thread is about some sissys whining about how evil it is to be lesbian. As if they werent the same ones playing pattycake with their dick when they saw that FAKE pic of them(look-alikes) kissing.
Originally posted by Doom3>hl2
ROFL! You called be "a big of a fag". Good job.

Ok so i skimmed the rest of the thread and 90% of it is about these two cu/\/ts kissing so dont give that bs about it going off topic. The rest of the thread is about some sissys whining about how evil it is to be lesbian. As if they werent the same sones playing pattycake with their dick when they saw that FAKE pic of them(look-alikes) kissing.

You sir are a moron officially. I dont dislike you because you like D3 more, thats great, your entitled to your opinion. I dislike you because you are nothing more than a troll. And I call you a moron because that is not a fake pic, and those are not look alikes. This happened on MTV last night, live, and thousands of people saw it. Im sure somehow just before the kiss Madonna and Britney Spears were switched for look-alikes, then quickly switched back. Yeah that sounds plausible.
OMFG! bass your so stupid man!

Magicians make entire cities dissapear infront of hundreds of people and being televised. That doesnt mean the city really stopped existing! HAHAH! moron. Its an illusion.
Originally posted by Doom3>hl2
OMFG! bass your so stupid man!

Magicians make entire cities dissapear infront of hundreds of people and being televised. That doesnt mean the city really stopped existing! HAHAH! moron. Its an illusion.

bASS. wow, that was quite creative.
What you dont get is that it was like a 2 second kiss, big deal. Girls hold hands and give eachother little pecks all the time. Anyways I give up, this is like trying to teach a mute how to sing.
HAHAHAH! You heard it everyone, he quits! I win! I win! ****ING OWNED!

Nice try htough bass
Originally posted by Doom3>hl2
OMFG! bass your so stupid man!

Magicians make entire cities dissapear infront of hundreds of people and being televised. That doesnt mean the city really stopped existing! HAHAH! moron. Its an illusion.
Wow, it took you long enough to figure that out.
Originally posted by Doom3>hl2
HAHAHAH! You heard it everyone, he quits! I win! I win! ****ING OWNED!

Nice try htough bass

I sure was owned.
HAHA! See he admits it! sissyboi got OWNED! Yea thats right, better recognize ho.
It's funny 'cause, you were really desperate to own him, keep saying that to yourself, "I owned him". It'll happen one day.
Doomboy doesnt understand sarcasm, but yeah, if getting "owned" is defined as being forced to back out of an argument due to your opponent having an IQ lower than my keyboard and the insult range of a preschooler, consider me owned.

Doom3>HL2: "OMG OMG bASS tOTalLLY OWNed SissBOI! i liek teh DOOM! i roxorz U suxorz OMG omg"
Its nice to see you have selctive literacy.
Goodbye and good riddance.
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