Britney Spears a slut? no, hell no.....

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no no no, you will have to do better than that. So far ive owned 2 and am still undefeated. A pic of a troll is no match for my "selctive" literacy, you will have to do better. day you might understand what happened in this thread. You could actually see that everyone here thinks you are an idiot. Now then, since I'm a mod, i don't go round calling people names simply because thats what i think they are. But, I'm sure that if we were to do tests. You would be described as....and idiot. Sorry, but its just a matter of fact.

I dont know whether it was fake. Because i wasnt there. But all my common sense and such tells me that is was real.

Anyway. Its funny to see people flaming thenerdguy for standing up for what he believes in. I mean, after all thats what half these gay debates are about. people standing up for gay rights. But when thenerdguy does it, he gets shot down.

Morality isn't universal. People are always trying to impose their morality onto others. You don't think something is right, so you try to bend everyone else to that. Whether it be killing you think is wrong, or even trying to force your opinion.

I would also like to say, that God doesn't always just smash people into the ground for doing wrong. Most of the time, we are simply facing the consequences of our actions. We are told that if we do wrong and don't ask for forgiveness, then we will go to hell. Its not that we will be cast down there, but we will be dragged down and God wont pull us out.
Originally posted by Doom3>hl2
no no no, you will have to do better than that. So far ive owned 2 and am still undefeated. A pic of a troll is no match for my "selctive" literacy, you will have to do better.

Did you "own" me? If you did, I want to know how. And shouldn't you be saying "I pwnd U!1!11!!!111!1!!11 lOL"?

You are now defeated... Because I declare it just like you declared that you "owned" 2 people already.
Stop this mindless flame match, because it is going nowhere. I will close this thread if you dont.
Sparrow it might b a good idea to close it anyway, it has dissolved into mindless flaming/spam.
dammit, someone banned the ****er before i got a chance ;(

and apologies for posting on a closed thread :P
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