Brothers in Arms release

shaun forsdyke said:
I got it today and I was disappointed. Its a ok game but it was far too hyped. Its too similar to Call of duty which was released a few years back. I have graphics maxed out and it runs perfectly but its dull looking. Once again its the same standard as CoD.

Enemy AI seems fairly scripted to me. The enemy has a "zone" that it fires from and doesnt do much else. It doesnt feel real to me. No matter what you do it appears that they always know where you are even if you are slowly moving through the foilage while your squad is firing from a different position.

Taking out the going prone move was silly, if im being shot at with no immediate cover I want to go prone, i dont want to just kneel and hope they were aiming 6ft up from my feet. Someone quoted it was taken out because gearbox didnt want you to camp and take out every enemy. Well, if this is based on a certain level of realism the AI should be aware of this and change plan to flank and supress your team to kill the camper (but as ive previously said it appears most enemies are stuck to their zone). This to me seems like a limitation of the mapping and AI, as a result the player had an ability taken away from him/her to disguise this shortfall.

This leads me to the mapping, from what I have experienced <SO FAR> its just a big patch of grass with standard models for cover, a van, sandbags, walls etc. I appreciate this is based on real location so I dont expect to see anything inventive here but its just lacks the atmosphere (I was never bored with CoD) , this goes hand in hand with the graphics, if it looked more realistic with better effects you would feel more immersed in the action instead of looking around at the rather dull looking sprites that sway repeatedly backwards and forwards. The big farm house (taken out by a bazoka round from an NPC) was terrible mapping, invisible walls all over the place, it just looked appalling. As a mapper myself i fully understand the need to block players progress in certain directions but at least place an object in the way. Invisible walls these days, and even years back, are not acceptable in a game this big.

If CoD game out next week I would still be amazed by the design and would easily forget about BiA and that really is saying something for a game released a few years back running on the Quake 2 engine (?).

This is a negative review but only because I am so disappointed at how hyped I was for this game. Overall its a good game but massively flawed.

quake 3 i believe,yeah good review,hopefully mp will make up for it but i have a feeling once i finish it it'll gather dust in my drawer
I was kinda dissapointed with this game 2
it does deleiver some good moments so its not totally worthless.

We still have COD2 to look foreward 2 :bounce: :thumbs:
yeah i was waiting for this game like no other only to fine out it sucked and for some reason i can only get good fps at 800X600 with all settings too low :(
I'm less than impressed, too. Shoddy performance, the lack of AA (which really pisses me off) and a number of other annoyances really make me reconsider whether I should have bought it or not. I will play on, though.
Alan Freeman said:
yeah i was waiting for this game like no other only to fine out it sucked and for some reason i can only get good fps at 800X600 with all settings too low :(
really fuk sake your comp is pretty good,terrible port imo and ubisoft supports sucks although gearbox handle that so its up to them to patch it and its badly in need of 1
Axyon said:
I'm less than impressed, too. Shoddy performance, the lack of AA (which really pisses me off) and a number of other annoyances really make me reconsider whether I should have bought it or not. I will play on, though.
yeah i agree but it gets better after awhile,i have about 6 chapters left and the game has picked up alot,the firefights are great fun,they really convey the craziness of battle,what do i do next etc,i'll definately finish it,if i had to give a score now i'd say 8.2
After finishing this game twice, I honestly cannot understand the comparisons to Call of Duty. As far as I'm concerned, the gameplay is vastly different. Sure, at the start, Brothers in Arms is reminisent of Call of Duty as we're introduced to the gameplay, but after 6-8 chapters/missions, the game differenciates itself greatly IMO.

As for the enemies-stay-in-the-same-spot comment, try it on a different difficulty setting than Easy or Normal, and play it on Hard or Authentic. The AI becomes harder to suppress and they move around and try and flank you, depending on the situation.

Overall, I think its a solid game, and I do think it delivered on its promises. But, there are some disappointments. Bring on BIA2, I think thats the game that will blow people away.
Most of you guys are crazy. This game is awesome. You gotta think long and hard about how to tackle a situation. I tried to kill a suppressed soldier behind a wall for 10 minutes before I realized I could climb a section of the wall and flank him. As far as graphics go, the game looks nice enough for me. When it comes to graphics, I usually have low standards, and that ends up making me happier than most of you in the end.

The game looks fine, it plays great, and I have yet to play the supposedly good multiplayer.
I just picked this up and this game rocks! What are you guys talking about choppy gameplay and long load times? 10 seconds is not long and I have not had one second of studder playing 1280 x 1024 with some anioscopic filtering and every detail set to its highest on a radeon 9800 pro. I have just got to dead man's corner and I am loving this game.
Zeus said:
I just picked this up and this game rocks! What are you guys talking about choppy gameplay and long load times? 10 seconds is not long and I have not had one second of studder playing 1280 x 1024 with some anioscopic filtering and every detail set to its highest on a radeon 9800 pro. I have just got to dead man's corner and I am loving this game.
Call me crazy, but just because you get good performance doesn't mean that everyone else in the world will too.
Heh, I got this on Xbox and I'm impressed. The performance is pretty good, gets sluggish in one or two spots but even then it's more than playable. It's probably the low-res tele, but the game looks great. I suppose when you're using a high resolution monitor the crappiness is bound to show through. I'm loving it so far though, I'm hardly the best tactician so I die alot. Trial and error :P

I'm at Carentan now, it's starting to get really hard. The troops aren't so thick, they watch their flanks and flank you, so it's damn hard to try and flank them. Not to mention all the damn tanks. Well, I haven't played a better WWII FPS..
Qty Media ID Description Price Total
1 323976 Brothers in Arms Road to Hill 30 (PC) @ £29.99 £29.99

Monday, I await thee.
ah just got to carentan now,whoah low res building texture alert but anyway damn is it hard at the moment,i keep dying,there seems to be no checkpoints at all,musta have reloaded the chaper about 7 times now
jimbo118 said:
ah just got to carentan now,whoah low res building texture alert but anyway damn is it hard at the moment,i keep dying,there seems to be no checkpoints at all,musta have reloaded the chaper about 7 times now

Yeah, jesus I though that first tank was hard, then the second one comes. Finally got past that after god knows how many times, then I run round the corner straight into 2-3 soldiers, who just cut me down. I then try to rush them (after doing the tanks again) and just get nailed again. In the end I blew their limbs off with one of those rocket launchers :D

It get's harder :| There's like 20 Germans, who just kill you as soon as make a break, and an MG constantly keeping you pinned. I finally took everyone out except for the MG, but when I tried to sneak up on him he heard me and just turned and shot me in the head :(
JiMmEh said:
Yeah, jesus I though that first tank was hard, then the second one comes. Finally got past that after god knows how many times, then I run round the corner straight into 2-3 soldiers, who just cut me down. I then try to rush them (after doing the tanks again) and just get nailed again. In the end I blew their limbs off with one of those rocket launchers :D

It get's harder :| There's like 20 Germans, who just kill you as soon as make a break, and an MG constantly keeping you pinned. I finally took everyone out except for the MG, but when I tried to sneak up on him he heard me and just turned and shot me in the head :(
no havent got that far,im just in the industrial sector at the moment"rush into carentan",just tried again and got killed by a grenade BY MY OWN MAN,nearly threw my mouse out the window,so frustrating,the suppress and flank tactics aren't helping either,the squad are idiots i send them to attack and their just annihilated,i just use both teams to suppress and flank and kill themmyself,how i miss my quicksave :(
lol actually that part you described was where i was jimmeh,just handnt gotten to the tanks,well i did and eventually destroyed them on my own as my team were all dead,then i had to attack the warehouse,got to the mgs and got killed,then i was given the option of 'heal reload' so i was given full health and my squad and killed em all in the warehouse,at the church now

what do you think of the story/characters,tbh i cant even remember 1 except for mccreary but thats just coz he hardly ever dies on my,desola i remember from earlier and mac and that spectacled radioman who doesnt really do anything
Colin said:
This game seems to be one that some love, and some love to hate :P
i dont think it quite has the status to be a 'love to hate' game unless your a cod/moh fanboy or sumit,i'm just disappointed the reviews seemed to give way to hype which in turn made me hyped 4 it but its a disappointment alright :(
i got the game for the xbox, and its pretty good, so i try to play xbox live, and my account is screwed up! its saying the billing information is incorrect
Can anyone explain the ragdoll technics used in this game? Well first of all I can't really figure out if they've used it or not, but it looks as if they did... someone care to explain?
Frank said:
Can anyone explain the ragdoll technics used in this game? Well first of all I can't really figure out if they've used it or not, but it looks as if they did... someone care to explain?

Yeah, ragdolls are used. Its pretty much the Unreal engine.
Makes me smile that all you imbeciles "waited" for the PC version when its really subpar compared to the xbox version. Ive played it on PC, dont enjoy it half as much as on the green box.
Axyon said:
the lack of AA (which really pisses me off)

I don't understand, can't you force AA in? I'm currently playing NFS High Stakes in 6xAA, it's lookin mighty fine :)
trizzm said:
I don't understand, can't you force AA in? I'm currently playing NFS High Stakes in 6xAA, it's lookin mighty fine :)

Brothers in Arms is a totally different game. I've tried forcing it but it still doesn't work. :( Its rather strange.
Sometimes with console ports AA doesn't work for some reason.
RMachucaA said:
Another game butchered by consoleities..... sigh.

Because it doesn't use AA? Thats hardly "Butchering" a game.
Ritz said:
Because it doesn't use AA? Thats hardly "Butchering" a game.
...Atrociously low-res textures, models... performance issues. Come on, I like consoles myself, but this is an awful joint console-PC production. They could have paid a lot more attention to the PC version.
I'm so glad I got for the Xbox now, I've had a go on the PC Version and damn it's pretty shoddy. My mates got a pretty decent rig yet it ran like crap almost non-stop. The high resolution makes the textures (which are poor on the xbox too) look awful, and overall it really did look pretty shite. On the old green box though it's a really good looking game.

I'm on the last mission now :| Damn hard stuff
All of this negative feedback makes me wish that Gearbox did the same thing they did for Halo on the PC. They remade the game exclusively rather than simply porting it. I want the demo to make my final decision. But, I doubt they will release it anytime soon.
Guys try defragging your hard drive. I did and it took the studder and long load times out of HL2 and apparently it's working for Brothers in Arms because my load times are like 6 seconds and it runs quite well. My only complaint so far is that the corpses don't move around once they are dead (unless there's an explosion)


The part where you had to run out and get the panzerfausts in front of the tank was too hard
Zeus said:
Guys try defragging your hard drive. I did and it took the studder and long load times out of HL2 and apparently it's working for Brothers in Arms because my load times are like 6 seconds and it runs quite well. My only complaint so far is that the corpses don't move around once they are dead (unless there's an explosion)

Hmmm...well, if you go over to a corpse and smack a crowbar right into its belly then it won't move around much... it's true...
just finished it,last mission was good if ripped totally out of band of brothers,the whole game was overrated imo,scores of 9 are exaggerated,it came across rushed and unfinished,the whole characterisation was poor.lip synching,facial expressions were terrible,if you cant properly convey emotion the dont do it .it took me out of the game rather than bring me in,i didnt care for any of the characters,was i supposed to feel sad that
leggett was killed at the end after he went mad which looked totally stupid imo :dozey:

also talk about short,less than 10 hours and it would have been shorter if not for a very tough mission towards the end which i repeated about 15 times,i''l give mp a shot but definately a disappointment,shoulda got silent hunter instead ;(