Bugbait Out! Talk About It Here

Can somebody email gabe to ask about Gore level in hl2 final version ?
Originally posted by eyesore
did anyone notice this , the rifle with the green scope. it reflects everything behind him O_O that is awesome. I didnt see good enough IF i could see gordon though! That is a very nice little touch, i've always wanted that.

behind him or in front of him..whatever.. But man yeah that's some awesome stuff ... I'm excited, damn can't wait for this game.
Pherenome balls are actually called bug baits, incase nobody saw it in the HUD (it goes pretty quickly, i was lucky enough for my computer to jam on that exact frame)
I already e-mailed him about gibs and if they would be realistic or not. No answer tho.

Que palizon se van a llevar estos en cuanto la timo nos ponga FP.
i think pc gamer even stated that bullets holes will be in everything u shoot so maybe they have turned down the gore?
The latest Stalker video killed all of my interest in that game.

It was ****ing attrousious.
yah the gfx were nice, but when it came to player models they were terrrible. The animations also were quake2 era like. This made for bad gun battles. hl2 pawns it
That was just amazing... Bugbait is now my favorite movie.

But the "bouncing door" at the end when the guard crashed through the wall was really annoying. I hope it's fixed when HL2 is released, but if not, meh, it's not the end of the world.
Originally posted by subs
yah the gfx were nice, but when it came to player models they were terrrible. The animations also were quake2 era like. This made for bad gun battles. hl2 pawns it

Not to mention the aeful gun sounds and the grenades made of rubber.
Originally posted by Mr.Magnetichead
The latest Stalker video killed all of my interest in that game.

It was ****ing attrousious.

I totally agree friend! :D
Yeah, I’m also disappointed in Stalker, not the graphics but the moves on the characters and the sounds (some of them are from Counter-Strike).

Very cool that you can drive vehicles though.
dont know if u guys noticed the bullets from the turrets put a hole in the wall below the glass, really cool looking sprite. And the antlions have really cool ragdoll effects
http://mcdonalds.nm***/hafalafa/SNAG-59.jpg - clip through the matress


http://mcdonalds.nm***/hafalafa/SNAG-521.jpg - clip through a piece of concrete

BWT, the russians allready have HL2 tech demo - http://mcdonalds.nm***/hafalafa/hl2pisdozh.jpg
Forget Stalker - we now got Stalker-style tiles in Half-Life 2! Looks really cool.

The clipping problems are not fixed, but I'm not surprised. I'm also wondering what happened to that dozen or so antlions that got pummeled by the sentry guns. There is nothing left of them besides a big stain on the floor.

Otherwise, great vid :)
im sure everything wrong about that video is or will be fixed. No worries.
Originally posted by Loshadka
http://mcdonalds.nm***/hafalafa/SNAG-59.jpg - clip through the matress


http://mcdonalds.nm***/hafalafa/SNAG-521.jpg - clip through a piece of concrete

BWT, the russians allready have HL2 tech demo - http://mcdonalds.nm***/hafalafa/hl2pisdozh.jpg

That leak was shown to be fake like 10 days ago.
they can pretty much fix the clipping problems so that they look very resonable in 1 years time.... so don't worry
Yatta shut up. Who decided to unban him hes a jeark?
Oh my god! :eek: Clipping!!!! :O

Jeez guys, at least when people die their heads aren't going to stick through walls and doors. And at least there's decent enough rag doll physics that when you've killed someone they don't all of a sudden start doing hand stands and strange poses against the wall like in R6: 3 and SOF2.
there should be blood on your face when u wack the crowbar on an alien skull..... !!! and then you should be able to see Gordon wipe it off with his hands.... ! hahahahahah! that would be great!!
Originally posted by elhispano
Can somebody email gabe to ask about Gore level in hl2 final version ?

There are some pretty cool blood effects when Gordon pwnes a Combine solder with a headsh[]t in the Tunnels vid :)
OMG people, don't you realise that this game already has gore.

I don't think valve wants to have an A(adult only) rating.

Seeing zombies cut in half and bleed is another thing but seeing something like a human(which looks more realistic) might be taken badly by some people.

And lammbda I think you play too much NS
What I like most is the hit decals on the metal which can be visible on both sides....awesome

Still we have yet to see barney video which has more action and then dune buggy and then strider and then maybe a new video and then maybe they release HL2....
Valve would have to try REAL hard to get an AO rating. Games like SoF 2 have tons and tons of gore and are still M. The Getaway on PS2 has nudity and cursing that puts Quentin Tarantino movies to shame. Valve would basically have to put porno in the game to get an AO rating.

But anyway, I think the gore level on something like this should be limited to blood sprays and stains, except for special circumstances like the zombies being chopped in half. Basically slightly higher level of blood thant NOLF2 and about the same as MGS2, for serious games like this I think it's appropriate. SoF 2 was just silly.
bwmaster - OMG people, don't you realise that this game already has gore.I don't think valve wants to have an A(adult only) rating.
Seeing zombies cut in half and bleed is another thing but seeing something like a human(which looks more realistic) might be taken badly by some people

i take it u never played soldier of fortune 2 or nocturne. lets see, nocturne, more blood and guts then ive seen in alot of games. not to mention there was full frontal nudity in several spots. rating - M
soldier of fortune 2, you could blow a guy to peices and see all of of his limbs go flying all over. also you could blow of body parts and watch them run around screaming and bleeding. rating - M

they could seriously turn up the gore content a long ways and still be well below an A rating
I Have not watched the videos yet,but shouldn't the antilions be able to penetrate something as flimsy and delicate as a mattress with those claws. So that may not be a clipping error after all :)
I liked the smooth lightmaps when the sentry turrets got knocked over and fired randomly. The ragdoll physics just get better and better with every video I watch - so smooth, fluid and realistic. Brilliant.
Originally posted by fido
I Have not watched the videos yet,but shouldn't the antilions be able to penetrate something as flimsy and delicate as a mattress with those claws. So that may not be a clipping error after all :)

I don't think mattresses would be a real good cover from gunfire either .. hmmm
Hmm...can you download this vid online yet? I havn't seen it..so I'm sure you people havn't either. Oh well...hee hee w00t w00t w00t

Chrome Deagle: Gun Runner OWNZ!!!!
I don't think Clipping will be that much an issue in the actuall game. think about it: combine Soldiers at your right, a strider crushing a building to your left, you can hear a gunship comming closer...wait, is that a clipping?