Bugbait Out! Talk About It Here

You wouldn't like to, maybe, post a proper link anyone?
(Althouygh PLEASE not to sign-up-and-give-us-money-or-download-at-0.6kb Gamespy etc. The BitTorrent version perhaps?)
like i said earlier, as long as people aren't spagging out when they die or all of a sudden disappearing through walls then Im happy. There's so much amazing stuff in this graphics engine that, even though it'd be great if they're fixed, just don't matter.
The clipping throught he mattress only happened with the first one. It appeard the antlions went around the other two. Also, it would seem that mattress should have gotten knocked over when the antlion hit it. Perhaps the physics had been toned down for this map, or it was early map that was just for showing gameplay possibilities.

And you gotta love the ragdoll animation!
indeed! watching those combine get knocked 20 feet back by that giant antlion was great. just all around damn sweet
Originally posted by El_Chi
You wouldn't like to, maybe, post a proper link anyone?
(Althouygh PLEASE not to sign-up-and-give-us-money-or-download-at-0.6kb Gamespy etc. The BitTorrent version perhaps?)

www.fileshack.com has it. Fast downloads, but you'll likely have to wait in line 20 minutes or so.
If I'm not mistaken, one of the guys even rolled across the ground after getting hit, but it happened so fast that I can't be sure.

Edit: I just watched the movie again, and the second combine definitely tumbles across the ground! Very cool.
yea they actually move with momentum...i wonder if you hit them hard like that into a window or something if they would go through it...i can see that in M player. grenade hits the floor blows up sending some poor guy through a window across the street or something to that effect :)
Originally posted by zdub
yea they actually move with momentum...i wonder if you hit them hard like that into a window or something if they would go through it...i can see that in M player. grenade hits the floor blows up sending some poor guy through a window across the street or something to that effect :)

That would be BAD ASS!!!!!!
This is one of my least favorite out of the e3 videos for some reason. Anyone notice how goofy the AI is for the giant ant lion thing? After it busts out, it kills one guy, then keeps turning towards gordon then turning back again. That's some pretty odd AI.
Originally posted by zdub
yea they actually move with momentum...i wonder if you hit them hard like that into a window or something if they would go through it...i can see that in M player. grenade hits the floor blows up sending some poor guy through a window across the street or something to that effect :)
They idi in DoD a pretty good animation of a flying body after a granade explosion though.
It's alien, you don't know how it thinks so you can't judge its AI very well. Perhaps it's dumb, perhaps it just got confused for a moment on who was the greater threat, perhaps it was being dramatic, perhaps any number of things.
Originally posted by zdub
yea they actually move with momentum...i wonder if you hit them hard like that into a window or something if they would go through it...i can see that in M player. grenade hits the floor blows up sending some poor guy through a window across the street or something to that effect :)

Ragdol physics are gona be the best thing that ever happened to multiplayer. Just imagine standing under a building and suddenly a body falls right in front of you - after a loud AWP sound. :)
Man I just hope ragdolls react the same for every player in the MP server.

If I shoot a guy with my flame gun and he falls down in the pit I want others to see it too, not him not falling.

Does anyone know how UT2k Handles ragdolls? Is it client side or server side?

It is so cool shooting someone with the shock-rifle and watching them fly fly away.
Originally posted by BWMASTER
Man I just hope ragdolls react the same for every player in the MP server.

If I shoot a guy with my flame gun and he falls down in the pit I want others to see it too, not him not falling.

Does anyone know how UT2k Handles ragdolls? Is it client side or server side?

It is so cool shooting someone with the shock-rifle and watching them fly fly away.

I think that "falling" portion will be client-side. However the player's movement is server-side so everyone will see him step off the ledge and therefore fall (although he might fall a bit differently for different people).
Or like in the tunnels video he may not fall at all.

In the old tunnels video from gamespy the soldier fell down in the pit...
Ragdoll physics in hl2(multiplayer) may just be like the multiplayer of raven shield with vast improvements
Originally posted by BWMASTER
Or like in the tunnels video he may not fall at all.

In the old tunnels video from gamespy the soldier fell down in the pit...

that pretty much answers the question. ragdoll physics will be handeled client side. if the demo recorded 2 different movements, then that means ragdoll will be different for every person on a server. i was kinda dissappointed when the soldier didnt fall down the pit in the high quality version, that would have been so cool.
Well what if a guy in HL2 multiplay died and hit a box and moved it, a guy could float on air becuase he has a box there on client side?
Originally posted by ReZeroX
that pretty much answers the question. ragdoll physics will be handeled client side. if the demo recorded 2 different movements, then that means ragdoll will be different for every person on a server. i was kinda dissappointed when the soldier didnt fall down the pit in the high quality version, that would have been so cool.

Again I wanna stress that he didn't fall because of ragdol, he fell because he stepped where there was nothing under him. Ragdol is only the actual falling animation. So he would fall for everyone on the server, but he might fall differently.
after you die everything is client side because none of that matters online. when you die your body has no collision so the game doesnt waste bandwidth.
Client-side ragdoll death animations are disappointing. It seems like a physical object that large shouldn't be client-side. I like for people to see the same things I see in multiplayer, otherwise you might as well be playing by yourself. What happens if a ragdoll body hits and moves an object that is server side?
Can dead bodies move things that they hit?

I guess they might be able to...since the tech demo had that whole table collision thing.

But then again, that was single player. I'm thinking that if a dead body hits something, that thing will move the same way despite how it was hit or what body part hit it...

In multiplay, the physics arent going to be as complex as single player.
very nice ye, but im still waiting for the demo with the buggie...and the gauss!!!:imu:
Tunnels owns all. The Strider video might take over, maybe. ;)
Originally posted by Lifthz
Tunnels owns all. The Strider video might take over, maybe. ;)

Man, at the moment I'm having a hard time deciding which the best is out of Traptown, Tunnels and now Bugbait... Barney, Buggy and Strider are going to give me an even harder time, I'll bet.
I liked how chunks of the ant lions came off when shot by the turrets. And the scope.
Man I really liked the music on this video. The strider video is going to be awesome!
This video is great, but there is a small problem; when the ants got killed by the auto guns their bodies disappeared oddly, and this is very unrealistic thing for the source engine to include.
I guess the made it so no corpses will block important entrances in the game. Its fairly common.
lol, I brought a friend over after i memorized all of the movements in trap town to a point where it looked like I was playing, and i sat him down infront of the computer a little after the video started and pretended i was playing it. he asked me if hl2 was out already, and i was like, "well what does it look like? im playing it right now arn't i?" and he actually believed me. then he's like, "ok, lemmie play, lemmie play" and then the video ended and im like, "omg, your a such a fruit cup, i cant believe your actually thought the game was out already....you really are an idiot." it was thje funiest thing i've ever done. hee hee, try it on someone.
Guys guys guys... Ragdoll effects are going to be client side but it realy isnt that big a deal.

In Raven-Shield, as annoying as it is in every other respect, thier ragdoll effects are client side. These effects only switch on when the player dies and the movement is determined by a karma file. Because all these files will be the same for everyone, atleast on the date of release (you can change them so they are better if you want) all deads WILL look the same for eveyone on the server.

Unless you change your karma file everyone will see what you see when you kill someone. Start up a LAN game of Raven-Shield and check it out.

P.S. I might be wrong ;)
I played it recently on a LAn and we did see different deaths on Ravenshield. It was fun though, obviously the ravenshield people never heard of bones or spines.
Did anyone else notice the front of the scope changes to match the enviroment when he moves the gun around? looks pretty cool
Originally posted by SpuD
Did anyone else notice the front of the scope changes to match the enviroment when he moves the gun around? looks pretty cool

I don´t like the behaviour of the ant lions. they should behave more animal like, e. g. after killing the soldiers they should eat them or at least it should look like they eat them. and it would be cool looking, if all the ant lion fall over one soldier while another soldier is still alive. those situation would be very cool, because I think the this weapon shouldn´t be so precisive.
an animal would first "secure the area" (by whatever means necessary...killing, maiming, swearing...wait, animals usually don't swear...), then come back to eat.