Bush / Kerry debate

seinfeldrules said:
How about the fact Kerry said nobody had the right to be President unless they removed Saddam.

How long ago ?

Just like Bush now cannot say there are WMD's , Kerry was absolutely convinced, just like Bush, taht there were WMD's.
scatr99 said:
Anyone notice how Bush doesn't seem to know what to say right after Kerry pwns him?
What are you talking about? Bush is so much better on the rebuttal.
Sprafa said:
I still don't understand how Bush won agaisnt McCain in the 1st place in 2000.

I would be here shouting for McCain any day.
I would vote for McCain any day of the week over these two.
Hey seinfeld, do you know what a tool of leverage is? Kerry voted to authorize the war, to use that power as a tool of leverage against Iraq to let them know we are serious. This is the problem with this race, people take statements that bush says at face value, without investigating them at all.

I guess Bush is always right? huh
How long ago ?

Just like Bush now cannot say there are WMD's , Kerry was absolutely convinced, just like Bush, taht there were WMD's.

Does it matter? They looked at the same intelligence and came to the same conclusions.
seinfeldrules said:
What are you talking about? Bush is so much better on the rebuttal.

Hahaha. Bush is repeating the rederick he always said. Kerry is at least giving names with dates and facts.
kerry is basically saying "I would do everything bush did, jut a little differently, he used D3D, I would use OpenGL"
seinfeldrules said:
Does it matter? They looked at the same intelligence and came to the same conclusions.

The problem is Bush managed the Intelligence. Kerry was fed with it.
scatr99 said:
Anyone notice how Bush doesn't seem to know what to say right after Kerry pwns him?


i cant belive someone actually used the word PWN in this thread.
Bush is reapeating himselfes constantly. He lacks originality. ("its hard work")
Stereo said:
Hahaha. Bush is repeating the rederick he always said. Kerry is at least giving names with dates and facts.

exactly, Bush has nothing to backup what he says. (insert long pause of silence while Bush tries to pull something out his a$$)
Sprafa said:
The problem is Bush managed the Intelligence. Kerry was fed with it.
actually the cia, mi6, russian and british intelligence managed it, thanks.
scatr99 said:
Anyone notice how Bush doesn't seem to know what to say right after Kerry pwns him?
Yeah! :laugh: :laugh:
It is so ****ing funny! I just saw him freeze and was speechless for like three or four seconds. He also repeats himself and rarely has anything new to say. He is a mumble-****, and should ever have been elected president. Wait a minute...technically...he was never really elected presi.......

Basically, Kerry PWNS!

Bush's favorite words: Uh, Um, Eh, Fffff, nucaler, uhhhhhhhhhh....just make up words
nicrd said:
Bush is reapeating himselfes constantly. He lacks originality. ("its hard work")

But "Hard Work" is "Hard Work". You have to "Work Hard" to succeed at "Hard Work".
actually the cia, mi6, russian and british intelligence managed it, thanks.

What was the word all the Kerry supporters were using? Ah yes, pwned (such a shitty saying).
Sprafa said:
The problem is Bush managed the Intelligence. Kerry was fed with it.

Exactly . People are looking at this like Bush and Kerry were side by side when the evidence was laid out. It was Bush's responsibility to determine whether or not the information provided was reason enough for war.

Kerry was given the same amount of information as every other Senator.
And I'm glad Bush repeats the same thing. Id rather have that then "I'm for the war", "Oh wait no I'm not", "Sure I am", "DAMMIT JOHN YES YOU ARE", "SHUT THE HELL UP KERRY YOU ARENT", "AHHHH VIETNAM", "we agree".
gh0st said:
actually the cia, mi6, russian and british intelligence managed it, thanks.

The US Senate didn't see the raw intel, the bush team did. they then presented that intel - with their own words and diagrams - to the US Senate. So yes, the Bush white house managed the intel.
FortisVir said:
Kerry was given the same amount of information as every other Senator.
wrong, the intelligence committee obviously has access to greater information
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It's bush trying to define sovereign.
Ikerous said:
Of course osama bin ladan attacked us -- i know that.

Ionno why i laughed out loud when he said that >_>
He just sounded like he was trying to convince himself

I laughed too :)

"I know he attacked us! I'm the president goddammit! I'm supposed to know these things...right?"

I've noticed Bush is using the word "dunnt" instead of "doesn't" and that's starting to bug me.
Bush asked Kerry how he would get allies in a war if he tells them its the wrong time or the wrong thing to do. Well its maybe because it was the wrong time and the wrong thing to do that other countries did not join.
Bush about Kerry - He's a good dad - HE CAN'T LEAD!!!!!
seinfeldrules said:
And I'm glad Bush repeats the same thing. Id rather have that then "I'm for the war", "Oh wait no I'm not", "Sure I am", "DAMMIT JOHN YES YOU ARE", "SHUT THE HELL UP KERRY YOU ARENT", "AHHHH VIETNAM", "we agree".

Wash Rinse Repeat.
seinfeldrules said:
LOL I support his 20 years serving in the Senate, although I dont know if I support his record there. http://www.bioquest.com/Flip-flops.jpg

Kerry will lose this election!

wow, kerry changed positions, maybe he realized it was a mistake and is trying to correct it. Bush on the otherhand its too damn bullheaded to realize he screwed up.....wait.....he knows he screwed up but can't admit it
Damn. Bush sounds like a tape recorder stuck on a 30 second loop.
75% of this thread are kerry supporters screaming BUSH CANT SPEAK! HARHARHAR. What exactly is the point of making fun of bushes speaking habbits? Is it to be funny? We have all heard it at least 1,000 times..
Soljah!One said:
Buch ****in owned Kerry's skinny white ass yo

yeah, just watch Bush whip out his killer vocab to strike down all of kerry's arguements. Wait, did i catch a evil-doers somewhere in there?
KidRock said:
75% of this thread are kerry supporters screaming BUSH CANT SPEAK! HARHARHAR. What exactly is the point of making fun of bushes speaking habbits? Is it to be funny? We have all heard it at least 1,000 times..

I would have to say these 75% of these people are watching the debates.
Changing positions... my god, so you must always be stubborn like Bush ?

it's not about who makes the decision and stubbornly keeps it, it's about who makes the right decision.