Bush or Kerry, vote today!

Bush or Kerry

  • Bush

    Votes: 55 34.0%
  • Kerry

    Votes: 107 66.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Sprafa said:
Are you really so Portugal-hating just because of me?

that's amazing gh0st. Really amazing.

i dont hate portugal, but i do hate you :upstare:

i appologize for misreading your kgb statement earlier. fsb, it makes no difference in the final outcome.
moz4rt said:
He said he was a Christian. The Bible says that to be a Christian you must belive that Jesus is the Son of God and that he rose from the dead.

As I said, you don't need to believe in every word of the Bible to be a Christian. Just follow the ways of Christ, which IMO was a great prophet, comparable to Buda and Mohammad.
moz4rt said:
He said he was a Christian. The Bible says that to be a Christian you must belive that Jesus is the Son of God and that he rose from the dead.

Did you actually read what I said about the bible?
Are you jewish? (not intended to insult btw)
Belgium kick's ass? Tell me where have you been? Must've been one hell of an experience to get an American to say that. Unless you were being sarcastic that is :D
gh0st said:
i dont hate portugal, but i do hate you :upstare:

I really thought you hated both because of some of your statements. But really, come and visit us, you'll find a nice country.

gh0st said:
i appologize for misreading your kgb statement earlier. fsb, it makes no difference in the final outcome.

You're right, it doesn't. But that wasn't my point.
Sprafa said:
As I said, you don't need to believe in every word of the Bible to be a Christian. Just follow the ways of Christ, which IMO was a great prophet, comparable to Buda and Mohammad.

Portugal is a nice country indeed :)

But I bet the i-net connections suck :p
Innervision961 said:
I'm sorry you're so fanatical, you really ruin things for the rest of us. To me the bible is a guideline for how to live life and how to treat others, the end times haven't happened yet, therefore i'm not going to sit up all night worrying about it.

Fanatical? ruining it for the rest of us?The Bible is a guideline? A Christian would say the Bible is the inerrant word of God! 27% of the Bible is prophecy it's not just a guide on how to live and treat others.You claim to be a Christian then diminish the Bible in your next sentence.
ferd said:
Belgium kick's ass? Tell me where have you been? Must've been one hell of an experience to get an American to say that. Unless you were being sarcastic that is :D

i took a tour of europe for 2 months last summer. i flew to brussels, and stayed with a family there for 4 days. i like the history of the country, waterloo etc. the weed seriously doesnt hurt either. i went to ghent as well, i was told i'd like it because its pretty medieval looking (which i did). i saw the bavo cathedral, and i didnt see a building cooler than that until i was in rome.
ferd said:
But I bet the i-net connections suck :p

Not really, the CIa factbook says we have state of the art communications system or something like that.
blahblahblah said:
I've said this before, neither canidate is perfect. Between the two however, I would go with Bush.

How we will pay for the Iraq War is something I did take into consideration when forming my opinion.

I definitely agree that neither candidate is near perfect. But between the two policies being put forward by both of them, I really don't understand why you think Bush's policies are better.

You mentioned having precedence to go off of in the case of foreign affairs and the Bush administration. Granted, this is true. However, I personally don't see anything Bush has done internationally that I would consider good. How has he really fought the war on terrorism? What tangibles can he show for having fought back against the terrorists? An invaded country that had no ties to Alqueda nor WMD's? A terrorist responsible for the single most henious act on american soil since Pearl Harbor that he has failed to capture and is still at large? World relations which are strained even among people we consider allies? I just truly don't see how the precedent he has set is a good one. So ok, you say Kerry doesn't have a strong foreign policy. I won't necessarily agree with that, but how is Bush better? I truly don't see any consistent, strong foreign policy coming out of the whitehouse either.

I apologize if you've answered some of these questions before, but I can't completely keep up with this thread since it's growing so fast.
DarkStar said:
On a side note: Just reading this thread I decided to put "Seinfeld" and "liberal" into Google to see what Seinfeld's political views were because I thought it'd be funny. Anyway, the third link down is to a thread here at HL2.NET. We're bigger than I thought!


Awesome! :D

Not really, the CIa factbook says we have state of the art communications system or something like that.

The same CIA that said that Iraq had WMD? :O :D
SaL said:
Fanatical? ruining it for the rest of us?The Bible is a guideline? A Christian would say the Bible is the inerrant word of God! 27% of the Bible is prophecy it's not just a guide on how to live and treat others.You claim to be a Christian then diminish the Bible in your next sentence.
Obviously he's a different sort of Christian than you are.

Like me, he see the Bible as a collection of important lessons from 2000 years ago. Some points are good, some are bad. Some could be true, while other appear to be fictional exaggerations.

The Bible is a good guideline, but we don't think it should be taken literally. And it's not exactly relevant today, being 2000 years old and all.
Innervision961 said:
Did you actually read what I said about the bible?
Are you jewish? (not intended to insult btw)

So if I go by what you're saying, I would be a Buddhist, Muslim, and a Christian because I believe in some of what all of those religions teach. You can't pick and choose. The Bible says that to be a Christian, you need to believe that Jesus is the Son of God and that He rose from the dead. The Bible says it! Or do you not believe that part either?

no i'm not jewish, why would that be an insult, and why do you ask?
Ghent is pretty cool indeed for such a small city, but it's not the cathedral that make's it cool :)

Anyways, i've been to Florida, and the weather was nice and the ppl were quite friendly, and I saw 2 dead body's.
Ow yeah, it's a lot cheaper for things like coke or fries or anything :D
ferd said:
Ghent is pretty cool indeed for such a small city, but it's not the cathedral that make's it cool :)

Anyways, i've been to Florida, and the weather was nice and the ppl were quite friendly, and I saw 2 dead body's.
Ow yeah, it's a lot cheaper for things like coke or fries or anything :D

meh dont go to florida if you tour the US
gh0st said:
meh dont go to florida if you tour the US
There are good beaches and theme parks in Florida.

... but yeah, if you don't care about those I wouldn't recommend it... unless you hate snow (there hasn't been a single documented snowflake around my area in my entire life) and you don't mind all the old people.
What tangibles can he show for having fought back against the terrorists?

Simple as this: Has there been another 9/11?

Also, it is claimed that we have demolished the ranks of Al Qaeda by as much as 2/3. I dont feel like searching for a link right now so take it for what its worth.
gh0st said:
meh dont go to florida if you tour the US
We didn't tour, but i'm planning to visit either NY or Venice.
I like house music and all you see, and I know NY has got plenty of authentic house clubs...+ all the rest ofcourse :)
Sprafa said:
I'm glad we have conscient republicans....

i seem to recall saying the cia could use an overhaul

We didn't tour, but i'm planning to visit either NY or Venice.
I like house music and all you see, and I know NY has got plenty of authentic house clubs...+ all the rest ofcourse

venice > nyc
Neutrino said:
I definitely agree that neither candidate is near perfect. But between the two policies being put forward by both of them, I really don't understand why you think Bush's policies are better.

You mentioned having precedence to go off of in the case of foreign affairs and the Bush administration. Granted, this is true. However, I personally don't see anything Bush has done internationally that I would consider good. How has he really fought the war on terrorism? What tangibles can he show for having fought back against the terrorists? An invaded country that had no ties to Alqueda nor WMD's? A terrorist responsible for the single most henious act on american soil since Pearl Harbor that he has failed to capture and is still at large? World relations which are strained even among people we consider allies? I just truly don't see how the precedent he has set is a good one. So ok, you say Kerry doesn't have a strong foreign policy. I won't necessarily agree with that, but how is Bush better? I truly don't see any consistent, strong foreign policy coming out of the whitehouse either.

I apologize if you've answered some of these questions before, but I can't completely keep up with this thread since it's growing so fast.

Bush is no Nixon (in reference to foreign politics). I think even president Bush will admit that.

With that said, foreign policy is ranked really low on my "important things list for a person to be president must have." America will never have a good foreign policy.

From the research I've done (see sig), Kerry will probably do the same thing Bush is doing. I don't see how Kerry is going to fix our foreign relations. He hasn't said anything about the issue. Calling NATO into Iraq won't fix anything. It may make it worse if other countries NATO troops start to die and they may blame the US.

I will give Kerry the benefit of the doubt and say he will improve foreign relations. However, I need to see him say what he will do before I crown him the absolute winner.

I think Bush is superior than Kerry when comes to internal politics (stuff inside the United States). I don't want to delve into that because this thread has become too confusing to follow right now.
Mechagodzilla said:
Obviously he's a different sort of Christian than you are.

Like me, he see the Bible as a collection of important lessons from 2000 years ago. Some points are good, some are bad. Some could be true, while other appear to be fictional exaggerations.

The Bible is a good guideline, but we don't think it should be taken literally. And it's not exactly relevant today, being 2000 years old and all.

Hmmmm I can respect your point of view and not agree with it.I can only assume that you haven't made a serious study of the Bible or Bible prophecy.

If you want to say the Bible is irrelevant at least have the courtesy to Goggle up "Bible prophecy" and whip out an online Bible http://www.blueletterbible.org/index.html and do a little research before labelling it and saying it can't be taken literally because it's 2000 years old.It's actually more like 3500 years old or older
blahblahblah said:
I think Bush is superior than Kerry when comes to internal politics (stuff inside the United States).

AKA domestic politics. I agree with you that Bush is certainly no Nixon. Nixon was a criminal. I don't believe Bush is a criminal, I just think he's irresponsible.
DarkStar said:
AKA domestic politics. I agree with you that Bush is certainly no Nixon. Nixon was a criminal. I don't believe Bush is a criminal, I just think he's irresponsible.

I meant foreign politics. Not his criminal dealings. Maybe I should clarify a bit. :p
how come there's only 2 respectable party's in the US, and in the end both candidated representing 2 different rivalising party's will do about the same thing?
That's hard to understand for me...in Belgium the government is divided into 4-5 big party's...where they all have to learn to compromise...and they succeed to it to. So what we've got is a sort of mixture of what everybody wants...
And if I understand your post correctly America's only candidates would do about the same? Then what's the point in voting? What's the point in having such an ingenious democratic system (yes it is)?
Since both eventually will follow the public opinion..right?
If i'm wrong please explain...
seinfeldrules said:
Simple as this: Has there been another 9/11?

Also, it is claimed that we have demolished the ranks of Al Qaeda by as much as 2/3. I dont feel like searching for a link right now so take it for what its worth.
When was there ever a 9/11-scale terrorist attack on American soil other than the actual 9/11 attacks? The closest thing I can think of was the Oklahoma City bombing (not nearly 9/11-scale, though) that was done by a crazy white guy. Pearl Harbor doesn't count because Japan was declaring war on the USA (but, apparently, they screwed up and the attack happened first) and it was on a military base.

My point is this:

You can't prove anything by asking "Has there been another 9/11?" if there was never a pattern of similar events in the first place. It was a rare, and hopefully one-time, event.
blahblahblah said:
Bush is no Nixon (in reference to foreign politics). I think even president Bush will admit that.

With that said, foreign policy is ranked really low on my "important things list for a person to be president must have." America will never have a good foreign policy.

From the research I've done (see sig), Kerry will probably do the same thing Bush is doing. I don't see how Kerry is going to fix our foreign relations. He hasn't said anything about the issue. Calling NATO into Iraq won't fix anything. It may make it worse if other countries NATO troops start to die and they may blame the US.

I will give Kerry the benefit of the doubt and say he will improve foreign relations. However, I need to see him say what he will do before I crown him the absolute winner.

I think Bush is superior than Kerry when comes to internal politics (stuff inside the United States). I don't want to delve into that because this thread has become too confusing to follow right now.

Alright, I agree this thread has become huge and debating internal politics is probably even harder and more confusing than foreign politics. I think we truly need something like 5 seperate threads on it to seperate all the major issues and policies. Would be easier that way. But anway, I gotta run at the moment. I might come back later and dig up some stuff on internal affairs though.

Very nice sig by the way. :thumbs:
ferd said:
No one has answered my auestion yet :(

People have written entire books on the subject of your question and not come to a solid conclusion. Don't expect to find resolution at a videogame fansite.
seinfeldrules said:
LOL at least he isnt a self-admitted war criminal like your Johnny Boy.

Atleast? Are you agreeing with what that website is sayng? Sounds like it.

As for the rest, please explain.
Neutrino said:
Atleast? Are you agreeing with what that website is sayng? Sounds like it.

As for the rest, please explain.

Does he really need to explain.. do some searches.
Ahem Neutrino:

SEN. KERRY: There are all kinds of atrocities, and I would have to say that, yes, yes, I committed the same kind of atrocities as thousands of other soldiers have committed in that I took part in shootings in free fire zones. I conducted harassment and interdiction fire. I used 50 calibre machine guns, which we were granted and ordered to use, which were our only weapon against people. I took part in search and destroy missions, in the burning of villages. All of this is contrary to the laws of warfare, all of this is contrary to the Geneva Conventions and all of this is ordered as a matter of written established policy by the government of the United States from the top down. And I believe that the men who designed these, the men who designed the free fire zone, the men who ordered us, the men who signed off the air raid strike areas, I think these men, by the letter of the law, the same letter of the law that tried Lieutenant Calley, are war criminals.

And no I dont agree Bush is a war criminal. I just find it ironic that liberal groups would make that claim... when their man is a self-admitted war criminal.
seinfeldrules said:
Ahem Neutrino:

And no I dont agree Bush is a war criminal. I just find it ironic that liberal groups would make that claim... when their man is a self-admitted war criminal.

Alright, sorry, I wasn't sure what exactly you were referring to by your earlier statement.

But about your quote, yes he says that the United States commited war crimes in Vietnam and that he was in Vietnam at the time carrying out his orders as a US soldier. I think that only underlines the fact that it takes a pretty honest person to admit that our country might have been in the wrong.

But anyway this is all pretty pointless and I'm not going to get into it as it has little real bearing on the important issues of the election.

Frankly, you should leave the burden of arguing the discussion up to BlahBlahBlah. Atleast he tries to use reasoned arguments and brings up legitimate concerns. I have yet to see anything from you that really has much actual significance in the election.
I have yet to see anything from you that really has much actual significance in the election.

The same could be said for you. Right now you seem more content to insult then debate.
ferd said:
how come there's only 2 respectable party's in the US, and in the end both candidated representing 2 different rivalising party's will do about the same thing?
That's hard to understand for me...in Belgium the government is divided into 4-5 big party's...where they all have to learn to compromise...and they succeed to it to. So what we've got is a sort of mixture of what everybody wants...
And if I understand your post correctly America's only candidates would do about the same? Then what's the point in voting? What's the point in having such an ingenious democratic system (yes it is)?
Since both eventually will follow the public opinion..right?
If i'm wrong please explain...

it's called polarization. it sucks, you're right