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Are you going to bye HL2?

  • I am going to buy HL2

    Votes: 172 87.8%
  • I am going to download HL2 because i suck

    Votes: 15 7.7%
  • Neither (why are you here?)

    Votes: 9 4.6%

  • Total voters


I know you aren't going to say in here that you are downloading for reputation and legal purposes, but in the poll just be honest.
Ya why not buy it. After all it is only the most anticipated game of all time and I am also a big fan of the first. Ya I guess i'll do my part to support game companies making good games.
buy-- it has a decent price tag, and the developers certainly deserve the money
i'll just say i suck, now Doom 3 is at the top of my most anticipated game. at least they slowly feed more screenshots/previews and info to us then leaving us to dry up and they seem to be going alot better then Valve with their Release date since it seems to be being pushed back till 2004 plus im getting a 9800 XT so get it free.. im still looking forward to HL2's release and might buy it later on for MP
I alreaty own it, I went forward in time and bought it while it was in the bargin bins. Great game, but nothing compaired to HL3.
yeah but HL4 sucked big time. For some reason I didn't like the virtual headcrabs. Plus the pain simulators are way off. Anyways
yeah I'm buying HL2 and I"m never going to buy/play Doom3.
Originally posted by Xtasy0
my copy has been preordered for ages, heh.

what he said :p

wheres the "i already pre-ordered it" option?? :dork:
Originally posted by RandomPING
I alreaty own it, I went forward in time and bought it while it was in the bargin bins. Great game, but nothing compaired to HL3.

Umm... I suck but I'm going to buy it, where's that option?
Buying! Gonna buy a ton of copies and make a house out of HL2 boxes! :)
Originally posted by Shuzer
Buying! Gonna buy a ton of copies and make a house out of HL2 boxes! :)

Then I shall make a house out of HL1 boxes! (costs less :P).
I'm buying, and:
i'll just say i suck, now Doom 3 is at the top of my most anticipated game. at least they slowly feed more screenshots/previews and info to us then leaving us to dry up and they seem to be going alot better then Valve with their Release date since it seems to be being pushed back till 2004 plus im getting a 9800 XT so get it free.. im still looking forward to HL2's release and might buy it later on for MP

For gods sake, it's THAN not 'then'
and just where is the pie option?

im gonna buy it, itll look good runing on my HD monitor :cheese:
Originally posted by HybridM
I'm buying, and:

For gods sake, it's THAN not 'then'

if you understood what he said then his communication skills are fine.

Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer is at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by it slef but the wrod as a wlohe.
Originally posted by bgesley426

Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer is at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by it slef but the wrod as a wlohe. [/B]

lol thats sorta neat :)
i'm going to buy the **** out of it!

oh and hybrid"M", i think you were just reading pitbul's post in the wrong light it reads like this:

at least they slowly feed more screenshots/previews and info to us..


leaving us to dry up and they seem to be going alot better..


Valve with their Release date since it seems to be being pushed back till 2004 plus im getting a 9800 XT so get it free..
he's just giving you a chronology. sure it's a bit obtuse, and the ideas are fragmented, but you have to remember that his perfect isn't grammar.

oh and bgesley, try this!

if te ft ad lt ls of te ws ae al yo nd to ud a se tn wt ds ts se sy? ct hs hh?
Originally posted by bgesley426
if you understood what he said then his communication skills are fine.

Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer is at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by it slef but the wrod as a wlohe.

the point of being a picky bastard about minute things like that is to preserve whatever standards of english are left. american english has been vastly declining due to lack of grammatical knowledge ("i don't feel well", "you did good", etc are common-place now). if english is to remain the global language of business and such, it needs to keep some kind of consistency.

anyway, on topic, where's the option "i'm not interested in buying it right now, but i do not inherently suck because of it"? :p
buying AND downloading so i can get it at 12am the day it comes out from steam
Yet language is just a form of communication. As is art, music, and several other forms of expression. If you can communicate the idea you have to someone else through whatever means you deam neccesary than grammar is not needed. Granted there are exceptions where grammar is needed. IE almost all printed literature. But in person to person run of the mill communication I don't feel its needed. Also even the example we've seen today about THAN and not THEN shows where even correct grammar can still lead to missinformation and non-parallel communication.

He wrote it grammatically correct. Another read it a different way and assumed he made a common mistake.

However I am getting a little disgruntled at how people use "lol" "lmao" instead of writing out "haha". "lol" just sounds sarcastic.

I did put down a 5 dollar payment for HL2 at my local EBgames. I'll probably just walk up there and ask if I can just pay them an extra whatever-it-is in order for them to just send to my house. Yet, there is no release date (tho april is mostly understood) and no price tag as of yet. But I"m always open to be proven wrong. Lets just hope you all don't call me a dumbfukk sayings its $45.00
I’ve actually considered buying 2 boxes just to show valve support(that way HL3 will be just that much better), but I guess I might as well get the super-special $80 edition.

…Off topic…

Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy
I tinhk one of hte prfosesros mreley whacted an IM cvotnesiroan. Al of us hvae kownn taht fer yares.

if te ft ad lt ls of te ws ae al yo nd to ud a se tn wt ds ts se sy? ct hs hh?
If the first and last letters of the words are all you need to understand a sentence then what does this say? Well, “If the first and last letters of the words are all you need to understand a sentence then what does this say? Can’t h****s huh?“
Depends how good it is... probably buy it. Where's the "I'm going to download it because it got shitty reviews which doesnt necessarily mean I suck" option?
nice job phantom!! :thumbs: :cheers:

ct hs hh? = "context helps huh?" b/c if i wrote that first part in some random thread you'd have had no chance! plus, i could tell it wasn't going to be that difficult to totally decipher otherwise ;)

edit: it's not 'what does this say?' but 'what does this sentance say?'. ohhh, so sorry, no points for you! i'm going to have to ask for the 'thumbs' and 'cheers' back now.
Im buying it (pre ordered) but if it sucks Im demanding a refund, I might whine some.. cry a lil, but a refund. lol
Im kidding ;)
Warez is for people who call gaming their hobby but don't want to spend ANY money on it. Cheap bastards. I don't have a problem with people who download it once in a while and still buy games, but people with all their games warezet are just pathetic.

I can't wait until I have enough money... And I need a major upgrade too.
BTW it's not the user's fault if he gets it from warez. It's always the developer's fault.

And if one can't afford a game, it's nothing bad because he wouldn't buy it anyway...

By the way, with Steam integrated into HL2, I wouldn't be surprised if Valve would use it to give the pirates (yarr) a hard time.
I don't buy too many games, not because I download them, but because I just don't have the money. I'm one of the poor folk out there ;)

But there will always be certain games which must be bought, and HL2 is one of them.
Originally posted by Dile

And if one can't afford a game, it's nothing bad because he wouldn't buy it anyway...

We have a very simple solution to that: don't play it.

It's not like you have some devine right to play everything that comes out, and not playing a game won't kill you.

I don't have money for a Ferrari, does this grant me the right to steal it, just because I wouldn't buy it anyway? If you have the money to buy the pc you play it on, you've got the money to but a game every other 2 months or so. "I wouldn't buy it anyway" is a lame excuse to make up for downloading. But there is no good excuse to do it.
If you just admit it's wrong no matter what way you look at it, I won't bother bitching about it, but people who make up stupid excuses for their bad habits to try to make right what's wrong really piss me off.

Oh, and anyone that voted download will be banned within 24 hours. It's been a pleasure knowing you.
