Call of Duty 6 maybe sci-fi themed?

Man, I have always wanted the Call of Duty experience to be replicated to different eras. I enjoyed CoD 4 enough, even though I'm not a huge fan of the "modern" setting. If this is true I will definately look forward to this more than World at War.
can't those mother****ers stay linear?
Mixed feelings about this one.

If it's sci-fi, as in 20-40 years from now, I approve greatly.

If it's sci-fi "LOL MASTR CHIEF GO SHOT SUM ALIENZZ11" then gtfo.
Mixed feelings about this one.

If it's sci-fi, as in 20-40 years from now, I approve greatly.

If it's sci-fi "LOL MASTR CHIEF GO SHOT SUM ALIENZZ11" then gtfo.

QFT. This idea could work really well, or it could fail miserably.
Well if its like a Battlefield 2142 era then I think it could be awsome, but if it turns into daft plasma guns and energy shields then I will be most unimpressed.
Halo Clone on the way :P

But hopefully it won't be aliens and lasers and shields etc etc. Other wise it might be the end of the CoD series for me.
Call of Duty in da futurz, starrin' Adrian Shephard and his robotic squad.
I'm sure they'll keep it on a fairly realistic level ala BF2142.
Although, I think Infinity Ward would be able to make an awesome Aliens game.
can't those mother****ers stay linear?

There is two different developers of CoD games, Infinity Ward and Treyarch.

6 is by Infinity Ward so it'll be ww2 - ww2 - modern - sci fi
2142 sucked big time, not gameplay wise, just how it looked. Horrible. Hexagons for teh win, right EA ?!
Because we all know that in the future EVERYTHING is a hexagon.

ontopic: hope they dont screw it up : )

Probably going to skip World at War. But this im interested in. For one its made by the dudes who made 1,2, and 4 which i really liked. Plus future with the intense gameplay these guys make = win.
Call of Duty in the future? That could be potentially awesome as long as the action takes place 20-50 years into the future and they don't go overboard with generic plasma/laser guns and stuff.

If they do go for a realistic depiction of future warfare it will be great. We'll probably see some of the stuff that's currently on the drawing board or in experimental stage like the naval rail guns, sonic weaponry, robotic dogs, personal reconnaissance drones (sort of like the manhacks form HL2) etc.
Call of Duty in the future? That could be potentially awesome as long as the action takes place 20-50 years into the future and they don't go overboard with generic plasma/laser guns and stuff.

If they do go for a realistic depiction of future warfare it will be great. We'll probably see some of the stuff that's currently on the drawing board or in experimental stage like the naval rail guns, sonic weaponry, robotic dogs, personal reconnaissance drones (sort of like the manhacks form HL2) etc.

That would be sweet!
I guess I'm the only one, but I'd get down on a Call of Duty set hundreds of years into the future, rather than just "20-50 years."

But damn, CoD: Prehistoric Warfare would be like the greatest thing ever. 7 kill streak, call in pack of smilodons.
But damn, CoD: Prehistoric Warfare would be like the greatest thing ever. 7 kill streak, call in pack of smilodons.

Goddamnit you should write for infinity ward... or the developer that makes CoD 6.
Is it just me, or does it seem like the CoD series is moving really fast right now
Wait, CoD6? I thought they hadn't even done anything with 5 yet
5 is World at War. It's going to be in WW2 again, and there've already been screens and gameplay videos and shit.

I like my thompson tyvm.
I immediately thought Starship Troopers, but fighting other humans instead of aliens. God please don't let there be aliens...
Call of Duty 6 will no doubt have armoured, rocket equiped frisbees', with PSP-disc launchers' that explode in a bout of Chuck-Norris-esque awesomeness everytime you use them to kill the cyborg Xeno-Nads.
I guess I'm the only one, but I'd get down on a Call of Duty set hundreds of years into the future, rather than just "20-50 years."

But damn, CoD: Prehistoric Warfare would be like the greatest thing ever. 7 kill streak, call in pack of smilodons.

This gave me a giggle
2142 sucked big time, not gameplay wise, just how it looked. Horrible. Hexagons for teh win, right EA ?!
Because we all know that in the future EVERYTHING is a hexagon.

ontopic: hope they dont screw it up : )


I agree. Everything looked sci-fi, but you are not trying to win the hearts and minds of your enemies by showing off the coolest looking vehicles.
CoD5 is set in WW2, eh? Infinity Ward, you crazy kids :hmph:

Are people not bored of WW2 yet?

Thompsons are horrific, dreadful pieces of shit.

Infinity Ward have nothing to do with CoD5 with the possible exception of helping Treyarch with technical issues. ActivitionBlizzard owns Infinity Ward, Treyarch, and Call of Duty and call all the shots. Treyarch made CoD3, are making CoD5, and will probably make CoD7. Infinity Ward are doing the even numbers.

Unless we get a (real) WW3 it is highly unlikely that WW2 will ever get outdated as a backdrop for games and movies. It is also rare that we have major conflicts with such a clear cut case of "good vs. evil".

Personally I am willing to give each and every CoD game a try based on previous experiences with CoD1/2/4 (CoD3 not included since I am a PC-gamer and as such have not had the opportunity to play it) but I would also like it if they moved a little away from WW2. CoD6 in a post apocalyptic setting could be refreshing.
COD7 should go to beginning of the Earth. Here you are a single celled amoeba and must defeat other amoebas to mutate into a fish. Though, it would be a rpg/rts.