Certainly helped me forget HL2, at least temporarily...


Sep 5, 2003
Reaction score
Check out the Far Cry demo. That thing puts even high end (XP 2400+, 9800 Pro, etc.) through their paces. It looks great as well, and has some of the same physics (wood floats in water, etc.) and features (deformable terrain) as Half-Life 2. What did it for me was first, of course, seeing this game for the first time, and then seeing that when you shot somebody and they fell into water, the water around them literally became clouded with blood. All bullet holes are visible, the models and environments (best representation of a forest I've seen) are amazing... I can't go over everything I loved, but suffice it to say, it is definetly worth the 500 MB download.
You said it. I can't stop playing this non-timed demo! It's great!

I only wish the demo would let you enable some advanced features like V-sync and possibly change the renderer. Hey, it may have the option for HW T&L?!

The most enjoyable thing that I have found is grenading the shark on the chain. It's like a huge tetherball...lol. Or shoot the chain so the shark falls and then grenade it into the ocean...lol.....it floats!

I want to see the full version of this sucker, I wonder what location it takes place in? Or if it even lasts on the islands the entire time?

Edit: Oh yeah BTW, anyone catch the Fileplanet and 3dGamers servers the first few days it came out? I know Fileplanet was filled to capacity, I was 630th in line....god. What a mess.
According to actiontrip.com, the game was actually delayed.

Actiontrip - 2003
"Computer and Video Games is running an unconfirmed report that Ubi's beautiful looking FPS Far Cry has been delayed and is now slated to appear some time in 2004. The game was originally supposed to come out this November."

And according to Allhypedup.com (a release list website and more) Far Cry is scheduled for March 26th 2004.

Now that is what I call delayed, but nothing near HL2 delay... :rolling:
RABIES said:
You said it. I can't stop playing this non-timed demo! It's great!

I only wish the demo would let you enable some advanced features like V-sync and possibly change the renderer. Hey, it may have the option for HW T&L?!

The most enjoyable thing that I have found is grenading the shark on the chain. It's like a huge tetherball...lol. Or shoot the chain so the shark falls and then grenade it into the ocean...lol.....it floats!

I want to see the full version of this sucker, I wonder what location it takes place in? Or if it even lasts on the islands the entire time?

Edit: Oh yeah BTW, anyone catch the Fileplanet and 3dGamers servers the first few days it came out? I know Fileplanet was filled to capacity, I was 630th in line....god. What a mess.

errr i think it will have a Hardware textureing and lighting enabled by default otherwise it wouldn't run too fast.
Ya well, it lookes like a piece of ****ing crap on my GeForce4 MX. This piece of shit can't even run pong on full settings
Pitt-Bull said:
Ya well, it lookes like a piece of ****ing crap on my GeForce4 MX. This piece of shit can't even run pong on full settings

lol that's what you get for buying the budget version of a decent video card :hmph:
One item that really suprised me was the fact that there is a HUGE performance difference between the 9100/9200pro and the 9800pro... I was amazed at the fact that the 9100/9200pro could only run it at low settings. If it was pushed to medium, it would lock up. The 9800pro runs it on Very High settings like a hot knife through butter... just some food for thought... :thumbs:
RABIES said:
One item that really suprised me was the fact that there is a HUGE performance difference between the 9100/9200pro and the 9800pro... I was amazed at the fact that the 9100/9200pro could only run it at low settings. If it was pushed to medium, it would lock up. The 9800pro runs it on Very High settings like a hot knife through butter... just some food for thought... :thumbs:

Hah! lol, the performance in FC varies right now, over half the people who post at the FC forums get wayyy too low FPS for their systems (me included).

I'm running an XP 2500+ (OCed to 2.25GHz, around a 3200+, regarding my other thread with no OC gain, I did infact notice [after that thread] overall that there is a good +7 FPS difference in some cases if anyone was curious) on a Radeon 9700 and I get roughly 30FPS at all times, with dips below which feel quite laggy. Medium settings do the same, only FPS boost I can get is at absolute lowest quality settings, which gives me 40-60.

Anyhow, I REALLY REALLY hope Crytek optimizes the game more before the release.. I get 40+ FPS in normal jungles, so it would seem I'm affected most by the water (with or without the water fix), even turning reflections off doesn't help my FPS (which is odd). I've even tried the 3.9 catalysts, r_glare 0, and any other suggested performance tweaks for the demo at the FC forums, no change.
its a demo it will get better when the game comes out and they start patching..when SOF2 came out with the demo my FPS was so low but when the started patching the actual game i got better fps with each patch..now i get 125+ fps all the time.

but the far cry demo is cool u get to play with the physics and there are so many mods for the DEMO goes to show how moddable the game is.

2 bad hl2 is nowhwere to be seen..not even a new video =/
mrchimp said:
errr i think it will have a Hardware textureing and lighting enabled by default otherwise it wouldn't run too fast.
T&L is "Transform & Lighting"... and, yes, it is probably enabled. If a game has DX9 features (or something similarly modern) it will almost definately have Hardware T&L support.
Yep, the gap is huge. On my second computer (1.3 gHz Athlon, GF4Ti4400), I can barely scratch out 800x600 on all low settings, while on my first computer (Athlon XP 2400+, Radeon 9800 Pro) I can do 1280x1024 with max settings and 8x AF (damned AA bug) at a reasonable framerate.
Here is some more food for thought.

Much like your problem with the resolutions on some machines...

Try running Far Cry at a higher resolution than usual. I found that when I run it at 1280x1024x32 it runs faster than it does at 1024x768x32. I don't exactly know why but it does.....Perhaps even higher will run faster?
RABIES said:
Here is some more food for thought.

Much like your problem with the resolutions on some machines...

Try running Far Cry at a higher resolution than usual. I found that when I run it at 1280x1024x32 it runs faster than it does at 1024x768x32. I don't exactly know why but it does.....Perhaps even higher will run faster?

Try looking at your framerates (type "\r_displayinfo 1" in console) to make sure, cause that (obviously) doesn't sound right.
Well upon further in depth tinkering with the game and console, I found some interesting results.

A: The FPS does increase by 2fps at 1280x1024 giving me a total of 62fps at 1280x1024 vs the 58-60fps at 1024x768. Not exactly a large change but nonetheless a change.

B: I was able to enable VSync throught the console interestingly enough, quite a simple command I might add. Whether or not it worked is still to be determined. "\r_VSync 1"

C: Another command for those of you that have a dark/poorly lighted game. You can enable evironment lighting which effects the sunlight shining upon vehicles and weapons. "\r_EnvLighting 1"

D: As for view distance, I have not been able to alter that from it's standard 900.

E: Through a file called Buggy.lua, you can make the buggy go underwater with you and increase it's performance on land. And yes, it is VERY fun driving around on the back of the island in the open spaces! Further alteration of it's damage physics can allow the buggy to become almost indestrucable.

So far this is all of the fun I have been having with boats and buggies and such. I was able to get it raining at one point, but, it only appears on the weapon. Most likely still in beta stages. But still, the game is rain ready! :cheers: