Change the amount of rounds


Mar 24, 2005
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Where do I change how many rounds the smg1 and Irifle has? I looked in the weapons_smg1.cpp and waepons_ar2.cpp but couldnt find it=/
I thought it was defined it the weapon_smg1.txt file in the [mods]/scripts folder with "clip_size" "45" and "default_clip" "45".
nm.. found them in my trashcan of some reason:p thanks, it works
Follow up question.. When you change weapon in hl2 the hud shows that list with the weapons, I oufld where to chande the name of the weapon it displays so insted of #hl2_smg1 I have AK5.. But the picture of the gun, where can I repaint that one?

thanks for the help
I think they are embeded in the font file halflife2.ttf (in the resource folder).
Someone needs to put together a tree of some sort that says where everything is in the SDK...
Ti133700N said:
Looks like youre gonna be the one :)


You mean I should put together a tree?

I dont know what half the SDK does. I JUST started looking through it.