Changes That Should Occur


Apr 24, 2004
Reaction score
Combine Balls (white bouncing things) should kill the user if it hits them...
Currently combine balls are probably the cheapest way to kill someone.

Grenade timing is perfect (learn to cook it with the manipulator, and stop whining. I get kills all the time with it now)
However, I would like to see grenades faster to get out...
Also, sometimes you're killed after you got the grenade out however the grenade isn't live after you're dead because the getting out animation wasn't finished, but you *did* pull the pin

SMG grenade rounds could be a little more deadly

Small objects (those frickin chairs) can be hard to get over sometimes...

Add a spawn point on top of overwatch. It will help solve the problem of people camping the rocket launcher.

Rework/Tweak the netcode to get rid of some of the rediculous lag I've seen.

Players shouldn't be able to clip though objects held by the manipulator (thus making it impossible for you to kill them) This may be a symptom of lag

Any others? (Good changes not dumb ones)
A spawn point on top of overwatch wouldn't prevent camping in that area, it would just add spawn camping in that area.

Tweaking the netcode is something that is always being worked on... That's not like a change you can just "make"

That's like saying, "Increase my fps k thx."
The only thing I agree with is the first one you mentioned.
vegeta897 said:
A spawn point on top of overwatch wouldn't prevent camping in that area, it would just add spawn camping in that area.

Tweaking the netcode is something that is always being worked on... That's not like a change you can just "make"

That's like saying, "Increase my fps k thx."

Well, how about a spawn point on the black balcony (behind where a guy with a rocket launcher would be, as you have to look towards the staircase to keep your position.

The thing about the netcode.. I just think it could be much better than it is and I hope they're working on it.. (more or less why I mentioned it last)
combine balls shouldnt kill the user...would just make them gay as ****...they should just be weakened..either not 1 hit kill or don't last as long/dont bounce as much
I like the bounce things. They're this DM's tau cannon, awesome for taking out even the lamest camper.
Source has just about the best netcode out there. Doom3 and FarCry do not come close. I have played on plenty of fast, lag free servers with large numbers of players. I dont think there is anything wrong with it.

HL2DM needs better gore.
Yeah, more gore. None of this lame rag-doll crap that all the games are coming out with now - I want exploding bodies with blood and guts, not limp boring things.

The pulse orbs could perhaps be toned down, but I'm not entirely sure how. As it is right now, with 100 HP/200 armor they still 1-hit kill you (very annoying on lockdown, I assure you).

I think if you have say 100 health and 60 armor, if you get hit you should still survive, but just barely - say 5 HP. Then the more armor you have before being hit, after being hit you still have 5 HP, but more armor left, eg 100 armor -> 5 HP + 40 armor.
hey the ragdoll things are funny when you blow 'em up.

The pulse orbs could be toned down and become able to blow up earlier (like in Unreal, shooting the shock rifle orb would detonate it).
i think the pulse orbs should remain 1 hit kill because that is how it was in the single player game, that is how valve intended them and that is how they should stay...people just need to get used to dealing with them properly
Don't whine so much the Pulse balls get nerfed.. please. I agreed with the magnum being toned down. Pulse cannon shots are easy to counter :)
Comrade - I would have thought an acceptable counter would be having 200 suit energy in lockdown.

Nope, still die in 1 hit.

And you can't really counter it if someone comes up behind you and shoots you, or it comes around the corner before you can react to it...
1. USE SOUND! People make a lot of noise firing and moving.

2. If it comes round the corner and you can't react to it... surely that says something about your abilities as opposed to the lameness of the weapon.

Sorry, I just feel it's a part of HL2DM and shouldn't be removed.
I have no problem with the orbs how they are, it's not as if they are constantly bouncing around every corridor on the map, they have an unmistakable sound that goes with them and have a charge up time.

It could also be argued that the orbs are a counter for people with 100/200, as opposed to vice versa...
the main reason the orbs are in the game is so that people who are at 100/200 don't pwn everyone mercilessly
Unless, of course, those people with 100/200 are also using the orbs. :p

Trust me, it's a very effective combo.
- More mapa
- Switch grenade throw method
- Add baton+crowbar
- Fix secondary ar2 ball lagging when picked up with gravity gun
- Add more grenades on map for the smg
- Remember model setting even if the player is auto balanced
- Fix ragdoll idle animation being used when the player is thrown in the air
There is nothing wrong with the pulse cannon secondary fire. I agree that it would be nice to see it kill the user, but toning down the damage would be ridiculous. Just imagine how dumb it would look to see the ball bounce off of someone. Thats like making the crossbow not kill in one hit, it would look dumb.
No auto switch. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRGGH!!!!!!!!11!!

It does my fookin' head in.
WySiWyG said:
No auto switch. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRGGH!!!!!!!!11!!

It does my fookin' head in.

You can turn that off you know.
My personal wish list:

tau gun
long jump module
20 standard maps.
Heh. No-one but Valve has the Source code for HL2DM :/

So you'd have to ask them :)
I don't see what the problem with the orbs are, I hardly ever get killed by them :S
I think the biggest problem with the orbs is the bouncing. It's quite difficult to avoid or catch an orb that's just flying everywhere randomly. I think that it should vaporize before the second bounce, then decrease in damage as it bounds around. That would minimize those moments where you get instantly killed by someone who wasn't even aiming for you.
ComradeBadger said:
Heh. No-one but Valve has the Source code for HL2DM :/

So you'd have to ask them :)

weeeeellll, I just started my good ol Vis C++ and looked for weapon_tau.cpp. Bad luck. Guess we have to wait :)
It'd be weapon_gauss ;)

And iirc it was in the leak, but I never dled that, so I don't know.
I've noticed a glitch that anyone who dies with the 'nade selected sometimes doesn't get replaced with a ragdoll, so just disappears. That needs to be fixed.

You can turn that off you know.

Hmm. How? Is it a console command, or just an option I've missed over and over again?
Oh man, I want my AG2 NOW!!!!! I'm so ****ing tired of limping around hugh source maps, I almost cant take it anymore :)
-First thing they should change is the speed.
-you should always be able to move fast. spawn time default should be instant.
-RPG should be toned down giving the weapons more balance.
-Servers should have an option to show damage points or kill points.
-weapon switch should have a time of zero. it may suck for this game but it would still be neat to see.
haha, i wont give up with that one. i just ****ing hate rpgs in anygame
CMON the rpg is a pretty useless weapon if you are not sitting on a camping spot everybody is too lazy to get up to. :)
Yes, I do not like overwatch too much.

I have got to check for weapon_gauss, too, right, Badger.... do you remember, why the community picked up the name 'gauss' although it is called tau gun in the game afaik?
i think all the guns are overpowered and they should all be nerfed.. in fact no shooting in the game.. only running around.. grav_gun should be removed too.. ^ b4 you start flaming its a joke

come on now guys there is always going to be a gun that is "overpowered" where would the fun be in the game if you couldnt catch those lovely balls of fury and fling them back into 6 people.. its deathmatch not counter strike..

anybody here ever play firearms mod for half life 1? the developers tried "balancing" every gun in that game taking all the fun outta of it which is why nobody plays anymore.. there is always gonna be somebody with the duel tapped together p-90's with aim h4xs

the only change id make would be to allow the crowbar. and a customizable server option where you can pick the guns you want players to be able to use ie. a grav gun only server or crowbar only.. that would be sick..
crowbar would be nice, but the grav gun is great, i would not mess with it.
but balanced weapons are good in DM style games, i can understand it being a useless idea when it comes to realism.
fluX said:
CMON the rpg is a pretty useless weapon if you are not sitting on a camping spot everybody is too lazy to get up to. :)
Yes, I do not like overwatch too much.

I have got to check for weapon_gauss, too, right, Badger.... do you remember, why the community picked up the name 'gauss' although it is called tau gun in the game afaik?
The console command is weapon_gauss :)

It's called both ingame I think.. not sure.. I only heard the Tau online .. when ComradeBadger killled xxx with Tau Cannon :)
im sorry, can someone fill me in with this weapon_gauss thing.

this is my first time i cronicly played a game besides something made by ID
weapon_gauss - the Tau cannon. The single best weapon in any FPS, ever.

Kill with it, BH with it, fly with it... the memories :O