Check out this short vid! Cat FREAKS out in zero-gravity test

1. the cat knows it aint 0-gravity. he knows he is falling. falling fast as ****. (33 feet per second i believe it was)

2. thats just plain mean, i dont see the scientific value in it.

3. i had to dissect a cat last monday.
LOL, this is awsome,

How much does it cost to get into one of these test ?
Haha!! That was funny! What makes it even funnier is the fact that the guy practically throws the cat against the wall...and then it starts spinning itself!!
They should make a sport like that, stick it in the olympics and watch the ratings rocket.
As somebody who has two cats himself, I can't see the cat coming out of that feeling anything but terrified.
Hahaha....the bit where it spins round is great, but I feel sorry for it. Especially the part where they threw it at the wall :(

Edit:Heh, as a person who has 3 cats...I still think its funny :p
The throwing against the wall is messed up,

the rest, rolf :p
Yeah, the throwing against the wall was nasty ;( but I laughed at the rest. Poor kitty
rkef said:
Lame. I'd sock those goofs in the gut.

Oooh....thems probably Russian folk. They get rather particular when Canadians try to forcefully apply undergarments to the gastral area.
I will not trow my cat to t walll but that was funny :LOL:
Cat freaks out? They were manhandling it and tossing it into the wall, what do you expect?
They should be utterly ashamed of themselves, it the cat was in a controlled environment where it couldn't hurt itself, then i could see the point. When some shit just chucks the poor thing against the wall twice, i think it is time for them clowns to get a serious talking to.
Thats ****ing awefull.

Space guy: Hey I will throw this cat at the wall and see if it bounces
Space guy 2: Why?
Space guy: I dunno, might care aids or something.

>_> Anyways, I did'nt find it funny as im a cat lover cleary that cat was upset. But im not going to bitch about it, just make my opinion and leave :p
Ritz said:
Thats ****ing awefull.
I agree, I wonder if the scientists have tried throwing themselfs into the wall and spinning like hell.*Sigh*
Quite funny, but it's still ****ing wrong.

They shoulda thrown a racoon instead :p
heheh I love cats ...but that WAS kinda cruel ;) that's the animal to throw!
Ritz said:
Thats ****ing awefull.

Space guy: Hey I will throw this cat at the wall and see if it bounces
Space guy 2: Why?
Space guy: I dunno, might care aids or something.

>_> Anyways, I did'nt find it funny as im a cat lover cleary that cat was upset. But im not going to bitch about it, just make my opinion and leave :p

Not even a little smile?

What about if it had been a tiger? Come on, you gotta laugh at that...

Like I said before, throwing it again the wall was a bit over the top but watching it spin in the air like that was just great. I think its because I have 3 cats myself, that I found it so funny. I love my cats...One of them has been around for 10 years now and its been with me through everything :)
actually the cat was traveling at 9.8 ms per second per second after 2 seonds of falling cat would be traveling at 19.6 m/s
Im a cat lover and I find this video cruel. Thats my opinion. :dozey:
it was sort of interesting, but not really funny at all. i like cats as much as the next lesbian, and i didn't see anything particularly cruel about that.