children in ep 2?

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something new that was impossible in half life might be seen in episode 2, a newborn's face. after a long 20-year human vs. alien war, it would be a relief to mankind. teehee. I really want to see how valve presents a newborn's...err face?

what do you think?
Well, considering that the suppression field has only been down for a few days by the time of Ep.2, it's pretty impossible for any women to have given birth by then.
^ Indeed.

I don't think theres 9 months between Episode One and Episode Two.
yea, too bad. Maybe in episode 3's ending or something. ack.
If you were following us, I thought that there was a year (or more) gap between ep1 and ep2. Not a month to bear a child...or sumthin. bugitz. And yeah, hail to your sig. :D
This thread made me laugh so hard.
The suppression field has been down in like 12+ hours and Episode Two starts right after Episode One, so LOL
Perhaps they would enlighten us by showing the children being concieved, in a glorious union.
Yes but the suppresion field was world wide wasn't it? So no matter where you were you couln't conceive.
Wait i know what the suppresion field is and does but how does it work?
My reasoning behind this post is that if the suppresion were worldwide the fall of one of countless citadels producing a worldwide effect would probably have no effect.

I'm almost sure that the suppresion fields were only working in cities and their surrounding areas, and we know that there have been people in the wasteland and such, which seems to be a good distance away from city 17, so yeah I think it's a possibility, and one of the type Valve likes to cash in on.
Well part of my mod back story revolves around the citadels having independent fields with very little area between them that they don't have an effect on.
My reasoning behind this post is that if the suppresion were worldwide the fall of one of countless citadels producing a worldwide effect would probably have no effect.
Kliener said:
The destabilization of the City 17 reactor has had repercussions that were not entirely unexpected, although we hardly dared speak this hope ahead of time. The destructive pulse forced a damper on the entire network of linked Citadel reactors. Thus, for the time being, I believe that all Combine portals have failed completely, as well as all communication systems based on that technology.
I think it's reasonable to assume that the suppression field outage is worldwide, since the reactor explosion has had various other worldwide effects.
i think valve is just too damn lazy to model and animate kids. thats what this is all about. its not the combine being evil. its valve being lazy.
Also, the entire European Union forbids having children in a video game that would have situations where they could come to harm.
Possibly. Before the screen fades out, children's laughter can be heard. No wait, that's Children of Men. D:
i think valve is just too damn lazy to model and animate kids. thats what this is all about. its not the combine being evil. its valve being lazy.

There is a reason for not including the kids in video games like Half-Life 2 (there are some strong worldwide laws about video games, see Germany).

Originally they had developed children factories under the control of Combine. They were tasked to build Combine machinery.
i think valve is just too damn lazy to model and animate kids. thats what this is all about. its not the combine being evil. its valve being lazy.

The ****.

Any way, please no Source babies. I can do without the cheese.
well how come bioshock has children then? let alone doom 3..

You will notice that Bioshock caught flak for that, and the death of the kiddies in that one are off-screen.

Besides, I find the lack of kids refreshing. Watch any recent Transformers cartoon and you will see the reason why token kid characters should be abhorred. It's not like they fit anywhere in the canon, anyway.

I was being sarcastic.

Considering several other people were serious, you really should use more emoticons.
I am intrigued as with the other guy in this conversation, as to how it actually works...

Could u still get a root per se? or would it be like... the most painful orgasm ever?
I am intrigued as with the other guy in this conversation, as to how it actually works...

Could u still get a root per se? or would it be like... the most painful orgasm ever?

They can get boners and things. They can even do the beast with two backs tango.

They just can't mate. As in embryos don't form. It's essentially free, awesome birth control.
i think valve is just too damn lazy to model and animate kids. thats what this is all about. its not the combine being evil. its valve being lazy.

But Valve already Modelled child workers, you cans ee them in Raising the Bar.
They can get boners and things. They can even do the beast with two backs tango.

They just can't mate. As in embryos don't form. It's essentially free, awesome birth control.

Always thought of that myself.

"So when a citizen is feeling down...theres nothing a little doggy-style can't handle. Plus: no fear of unexpected things..."

Back on topic: They can have sexes in teh bedroomz, and get lovegasms and stuff, but the thing is, that the suppression field doesn't allow the development of some vitamins and things, needed for the embryo to form.

Other then that, everything is normal.
"Certian protein chains" could also be the endorphines you get from that as well as the various bits of genetic material. Why else would "non mechanical stimulation" be something big? You could just rape a Citizen.
They can get boners and things. They can even do the beast with two backs tango.

They just can't mate. As in embryos don't form. It's essentially free, awesome birth control.
Actually, Dr. Breen, in his breencast, on the second map, implies that the supression field also blocks the instinct to breed.

Besides, if what you were saying were true then there really would be no need for "non-mechinical reproduction simulation" that Civil Protection officers can buy, because they could do that anyway.
Well that would suck...

Citizen: "Hmmm your beautifull... gah... what do i say here? what do i do? mmmm i'm thirsty... more water methinks..."
Actually, Dr. Breen, in his breencast, on the second map, implies that the supression field also blocks the instinct to breed.

Besides, if what you were saying were true then there really would be no need for "non-mechinical reproduction simulation" that Civil Protection officers can buy, because they could do that anyway.

I know what Breen said. That annoying field makes my head hurt. Do you know how interconnected and complex the chemicals in your brain are? I can't even begin to imagine the effects if one of them just stopped reacting. Imagine the buildup of junk chemicals if endorphines just weren't been released or reacting with cells anymore...

If they could pinpoint and nullify chemical reactions to that degree, why can't they just put the Overwatch into hibernation, evacuate Breen and the other scientists from the Citadel, and use their magical field to stop food from digesting so as to starve the Resistance out?

I much prefer the idea that rape, sex, physical affection etcetera is essentially banned and punished by stalkerization. Of course, the "non-mechanical reproduction simulation" (which is a misnomer... how can it be a simulation if it's non-mechanical? Direct brain manipulation?) could just be that much better than normal sex.

I like the idea they have a highly specialized field which affects rare protein chains that don't come up in the normal operation of a human being, and that manipulating the field for other purposes would essentially be large-scale NBC warfare and not to be considered because of the risks of killing off the entire population. And Breen is just being a dick in yonder Breencast.
"non-mechanical reproduction simulation" (which is a misnomer... how can it be a simulation if it's non-mechanical? Direct brain manipulation?) could just be that much better than normal sex.

I think they mean that the simulation is of non-mechanical reproduction.
since the start of hl2 to ep2 its been about 2weeks, so i really doubt that just through the last episode itll be 9months, i dont think so, nd the suppresion field was worldwide until the citadel went and blew up crashing the network (so to speak)
I think they mean that the simulation is of non-mechanical reproduction. why not just say reproduction simulation? It's not like most reproduction is mechanical. Looks like the writer was going for bureaucratic jargon.

Ah, perhaps it refers to it being a 'simulation' because the actual 'reproduction' does not occur.