Christians want disclaimer on Da Vinci Code


May 5, 2004
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Christian GROUPS want disclaimer on Da Vinci Code said:
Opus Dei [Opus Dei, an organization of 84,000 laypeople and priests in some 60 countries], the Roman Catholic group portrayed as murderers in ``The Da Vinci Code,'' asked Sony Corp. to include a disclaimer in its upcoming film of the novel that would label the thriller as entirely fictional.

``Such a decision by Sony would be an expression of respect toward Jesus Christ, the history of the Church and the religious beliefs of viewers,'' Seizo Inahata of Opus Dei's Japan information office, wrote in an April 6 letter to Sony's Japanese shareholders, directors, employees and the Tokyo-based company.


Opus Dei, in its letter to Sony, raises the possibility that the company's stock price could be hurt if Sony doesn't exhibit corporate values such as respect for peoples' beliefs. Corporations' intangible values ``consolidate their economic value in the capital markets because they guarantee stability,'' the letter says.

``Some media have written that Sony is weighing the possibility of including at the start of the film a disclaimer that would declare this a work of fiction and that any resemblance to reality is purely a coincidence,'' the letter says. It then endorses the idea.

``The novel mixes reality and fiction, and in the end, one doesn't know where the lines are between true deeds and invented deeds, so that the reader who knows little history can arrive at the wrong conclusions,'' the letter says.

another example of groups trying to put a stop to the Da Vinci Code:

The American Society for the Defense of Tradition Family and Property said:
To combat the movie before it hits the screens, the America Needs Fatima campaign is asking its supporters to join together and send hundreds of thousands of protests to Columbia Pictures. America Needs Fatima is also developing e-protests to the film and expects thousands of email protests to come pouring in.

this brings up an interesting moral dilemna there any validity to the claims that this is desrespectful to the church if it's a work of fiction? is the roman church trying to say

extreme violence is ok

but questioning official dogma isnt?

at what point does artistic licence stray into sacred ground? why is the church the only measure of what's acceptable or not? surely they have self-interest at heart
No need for one. From the couple of pages I read in the book store it is rather obvious it is fiction. Very poorly written fiction. I don't understand the fuss over this book.
Opus Dei eh? Are they in the book then?
There was a humourous incident a few years ago here in UCD where a lecturer who turned out to be a member of Opus Dei made it compulsory for her class to attend an Opus Dei seminar to pass the class :LOL:
She got fired...eventually.
Well, this book (the facts etc) is partly fictional (some claim most of it is but o well i dont know), but the impact is enormous->totally destroying the credibility of the Christian Church ;Opus Dei and the Vatican..

At least these Christian religious organisations are going through legal/peacefull routes, instead of burning flags, riots and killing people.
Kudo's to the Vatican for keeping calm...
I agree with freedom of speach, but if the Church is losing credibitliy based on fictional/partly fictional books/movies isnt it fair they ask for a disclaimer?

Dont most "true" stories/historic stories have disclaimers on the characters in certain movies?
I dont see the Church's response as bad, and part of me agree's that a disclaimer would be a fair move especially since its a very believable story..

If it was clearly fiction i doubt the Christian organisations would mind, but this book is "presented", and read as if it was actual history with a nice "novel surrounding it"..

lol, btw imagine writing something like the the Davinci's Code about Muhammed and islam...

*flees to hide in a cave :p
Yeah, I have heard about how upset Opus Dei is about this book/movie and the filmmakers have stuck to their guns and have changed nothing to cater to these complainers which is to their credit.

I loved the book and can't wait for the movie, but when any novel involves elements from RL things can get a bit tricky. There are so many fiction titles out there that have major historical figures and societies in them doing some very interesting things--are we to believe that everything they did in those titles is true? That these fictionalized accounts are in fact historical?

The problem is that much of what Brown says is accurate and true, but then some of the other connections he makes are far-fetched in the extreme, so the layperson reading this book might go away with a skewed view of things. This, I hope (and I believe is part of Brown's intention), will lead to more research on the topics involved and more serious thought put to some ideas that so many have just blindly believed in for so long. I am not saying who is right or wrong here, but I am a strong believer in questioning authority before mindlessly following its policies. This book and the movie will surely spark more interest in all things relating to Christ and the Church and art and history in general and I, for one, don't see how that could be a bad thing.

Religious leaders, however, require mindless obedience, so understandably they want to avoid the masses partaking of the apple of knowledge (or evil, in their eyes). The less educated debate there is, the better for them. I understand their viewpoint, but I strongly disagree with it.
Agree, but destroying established organisations/governments/religions with fictional work doesnt fit that picture.
Questioning the established order? i agree, dont blindly follow them.
In this case however the church is not asking for the book/film to be banned, or burnt like they would 200 years ago, but simply have a disclaimer on it stating the fictional work. In my opinion thats a pretty small thing to ask..
I'm actually a little sympathetic towards Opus Dei on this one. While even in the book they're not really the bad guys (its two of their followers who went rogue), they don't come out looking all that good. And its more due to the their association with fictional bad events than anything bad that they're actually done.
Ome_Vince said:
Agree, but destroying established organisations/governments/religions with fictional work doesnt fit that picture.
Questioning the established order? i agree, dont blindly follow them.
In this case however the church is not asking for the book/film to be banned, or burnt like they would 200 years ago, but simply have a disclaimer on it stating the fictional work. In my opinion thats a pretty small thing to ask..

opus dei isnt the only christian group asking for the movie to be stopped/add disclaimers ...still they're protesting a work of fiction, it's unwarrented imho
CptStern said:
opus dei isnt the only christian group asking for the movie to be stopped/add disclaimers ...still they're protesting a work of fiction, it's unwarrented imho

Not that I am sypathetic with opus dei at all. But so many people have taken the events in this work of fiction to heart that it could be damaging to them. I can understand why they would want this disclaimer even if I don't agree with it.

It scares me more that so many could take the book so seriously after the appearence of albino assassins on the first page.
If the church promises to put on every bible a disclaimer saying it's a work of fiction then i will support this.
Grey Fox said:
If the church promises to put on every bible a disclaimer saying it's a work of fiction then i will support this.

Damn you! I was about to make this remark :p
Ome_Vince said:
In this case however the church is not asking for the book/film to be banned, or burnt like they would 200 years ago, but simply have a disclaimer on it stating the fictional work. In my opinion thats a pretty small thing to ask..
In case anyone didn't know it, movies nowadays already have disclaimers on them stating things like:

The events depicted in this movie are fictitious. Any similarity to any person living or dead is merely coincidental

or perhaps

This story is based on actual events. In certain cases incidents, characters and timelines have been changed for dramatic purposes. Certain characters may be composites, or entirely fictitious.

When a movie is based on actual events or characters, you will always see a disclaimer reflecting that in the credits. Its not like the filmmakers are stating at the beginning of the film that the film is "Based on a true story" or "Based on actual events." That might be a problem, but with disclaimers like these, you always put them at the end of the film and they work just fine and no one cares anyway since its at the end of the credits usually.

Am I the only one that thinks a disclaimer at the beginning of the film reminding audiences that the movie that they are about to watch isn't real is entirely the most idiotic thing they have ever heard??? How stupid are the world's masses that they need to be explicitly told that the summer blockbuster they are about to witness didn't actually happen yesterday in the EU??? This world is getting more ridiculous and less intelligent by the second!!
Sainku said:
Not that I am sypathetic with opus dei at all. But so many people have taken the events in this work of fiction to heart that it could be damaging to them. I can understand why they would want this disclaimer even if I don't agree with it.

I think it's more for christians than non christians ...I mean reading this book/watching this movie isnt going to make me any less of a christian or respect them any less ..however it may lead to some people questioning official church teachings ...which the church has always fought tooth and nail
CptStern said:
opus dei isnt the only christian group asking for the movie to be stopped/add disclaimers ...still they're protesting a work of fiction, it's unwarrented imho

Thats what the Americans said when the British protested a movie called U571. (In reality it was British commando's who hijacked the sub).

The British were pissed since it was a heroic act and many British people died.
Why didnt the Americans just use British troops? or use American actors dressed as British people??
"Dont udnerestimate media, especially movies, they have a way of "altering history".."

If such a post were made many, and probably you too, would say: "hell yeah, americans altering reality, it was the british! Put disclaimers, or rectify it in the intro/outro".

When its about Christianity the matter changes?? and its unreasonable or stupif of these organisations to ask/demand disclaimers?
Haha I live in a very religious state, and the most conservative state in the United States, and almost everyone here wants to see this movie, i'll probably see it eventhough it really doesn't interest me that much. Almost every person I talked to has read the Da Vinci Code and the other one Angels and Demons. I don't know why people are upset about this movie, because here in Utah, its not that big of a deal.
And just a question, why do you state just "Christians" who want a disclaimer on the movie? Is it really the Opus Dei group and the The American Society for the Defense of Tradition Family and Property? Because you made it sound that all Christians are against this movie.
Ome_Vince said:
When its about Christianity the matter changes?? and its unreasonable or stupif of these organisations to ask/demand disclaimers?
Look, nowhere in this work is it ever stated that everything in it is true and should be believed by everyone who reads it. Its found in the FICTION & LITERATURE section of your local bookseller! Likewise, the movie doesn't have an opening shot of text stating that it is an accurate depiction of true events. Its not going to be up for any BEST DOCUMENTARY awards! Most movies don't need such a opening statement unless they need that to help generate marketing hype. The very absence of any such disclaimer tells people that what they are about to witness is, in fact, a work of fiction.
Ome_Vince said:
Thats what the Americans said when the British protested a movie called U571. (In reality it was British commando's who hijacked the sub).

The British were pissed since it was a heroic act and many British people died.
Why didnt the Americans just use British troops? or use American actors dressed as British people??
"Dont udnerestimate media, especially movies, they have a way of "altering history".."

you cant compare omitting one detail in an otherwise somewhat authentic historical drama and that with a movie that's a work of pure fiction from the very get go

Ome_Vince said:
If such a post were made many, and probably you too, would say: "hell yeah, americans altering reality, it was the british! Put disclaimers, or rectify it in the intro/outro".

funny how you know what I'd say, when I dont even know what I'd say ....since I havent seen the movie or researched the issue

Ome_Vince said:
When its about Christianity the matter changes?? and its unreasonable or stupif of these organisations to ask/demand disclaimers?

oh here we go again, yes it's obvious that I'm attacking christians here because I wouldnt care less if it was anyone else :upstare:
CptStern said:
you cant compare omitting one detail in an otherwise somewhat authentic historical drama and that with a movie that's a work of pure fiction from the very get go

Really? how do you know as you mentioned in the following part you havent seen the movie?
Most parts of the movie are pretty much accurate (ofcourse pumped up a bit).
Same goes with DaVinci's Code. The point is that there are fictional elements, which certain people dislike, only you're focussing on the outbursts/protests of 1 side..
There's nothing wrong/bad/intollerant about christian organisations asking for disclaimers for something that is fictional and damaging to them... (they're not stopping it, or killing/silencing it., all they demand is a disclaimer..)

CptStern said:
funny how you know what I'd say, when I dont even know what I'd say ....since I havent seen the movie or researched the issue

hmm, well let me summerize it for you:
-You hate/dislike America-> you're topics are filled with attacks vs Americans.

-You hate/dislike Christians-> you spam countless topics on every intollerant/stupid thing any random Christian moron said. You however skip any other religion, (which you in many cases even defend).

So in a case of America altering history/changing historical facts in a movie, the chances are 99% you would have something bad to say about the USA and you would jump in.

CptStern said:
oh here we go again, yes it's obvious that I'm attacking christians here because I wouldnt care less if it was anyone else :upstare:

Yes :) Otherwise you would; for instance be jumping all over that Islam->Cartoon issue, instead of "defending" it.

Btw, i'm juding this on watching where, how and what you post.
Like i said before, in alot of things i agree with you, but in you're crusade vs America and Christians i dont..
Ome_Vince said:
Same goes with DaVinci's Code. The point is that there are fictional elements, which certain people dislike, only you're focussing on the outbursts/protests of 1 side..
There's nothing wrong/bad/intollerant about christian organisations asking for disclaimers for something that is fictional and damaging to them... (they're not stopping it, or killing/silencing it., all they demand is a disclaimer..)
Don't you see that by acquiescing to their demands we are setting a horrible precedent for the future of filmmaking?? Putting a disclaimer as absurdly moronic as this in front of a work of fiction that doesn't claim to be anything other than that is tantamount to lowering the passing requirements for students in schools who do poorly so they can reflect better on the institution/teacher or lowering the strength requirements so that women can join the army/fire department, etc. Its only going to make things worse for everyone. Have people finally become as ignorant as rocks? Do they need to be explicitly told when they watch Star Trek: TNG that it is fake but when they watch the nightly news it is real? (Yikes!)

I mean, how many people who read Phillip Roth's The Plot Against America thought that the American History contained therein was true and accurate?? This just goes to show the the opinion that these religious leaders have in regard to the mental caliber of the reading public....

EDIT: Nice flame John, but you might want to turn it up a little higher though--I don't think its hot enough! :flame:
Ome_Vince said:
Really? how do you know as you mentioned in the following part you havent seen the movie?

because I'm going by what YOU posted...

Ome_Vince said:
Thats what the Americans said when the British protested a movie called U571. (In reality it was British commando's who hijacked the sub)


Ome_Vince said:
Why didnt the Americans just use British troops? or use American actors dressed as British people??

Ome_Vince said:
Most parts of the movie are pretty much accurate (ofcourse pumped up a bit).
Same goes with DaVinci's Code.

so jesus didnt die on the cross, and he ran off with mary? and he wasnt the son of god? albino assassins are under the employ of the church?

Ome_Vince said:
The point is that there are fictional elements, which certain people dislike, only you're focussing on the outbursts/protests of 1 side..

? and? I'm not supposed to disagree with their protests?

Ome_Vince said:
There's nothing wrong/bad/intollerant about christian organisations asking for disclaimers for something that is fictional and damaging to them... (they're not stopping it, or killing/silencing it., all they demand is a disclaimer..)

wrong, had you taken the time to read the first post you'd see that I linked to another group that wants the movie stopped/banned

Ome_Vince said:
hmm, well let me summerize it for you:
-You hate/dislike America-> you're topics are filled with attacks vs Americans.

yes ...all 300,000,000 americans ..all 9,631,418 sq km of america. You obviously havent read too many of my threads because I cant recall stating that I hate all 300,000,000 americans that's a lot of hate

Ome_Vince said:
You hate/dislike Christians-> you spam countless topics on every intollerant/stupid thing any random Christian moron said. You however skip any other religion, (which you in many cases even defend).

yes all 2,100,000,000 christians worldwide ..every last one of them woman and child (especially those freaky child[z] ) ..<insert upstare smilie here>

Ome_Vince said:
So in a case of America altering history/changing historical facts in a movie, the chances are 99% you would have something bad to say about the USA and you would jump in.

99% huh? how did you come up with the 99% figure seem pretty sure of yourself, there must be some scientific reasoning behind your conclusions

Ome_Vince said:
Yes :) Otherwise you would; for instance be jumping all over that Islam->Cartoon issue, instead of "defending" it.

yes because this is the exact same scenario, people will die over this, thousands will riot and hate of christianity will rise to an all time high

Ome_Vince said:
Btw, i'm juding this on watching where, how and what you post.
Like i said before, in alot of things i agree with you, but in you're crusade vs America and Christians i dont..

oh here we go again :upstare:'s a crusade against christians and america! wow I had no idea I was so transparent ..and here I thought I was successfully hiding my crusade by making threads/posts on unrelated topics when in fact every thread has a hidden "lets kill all americans/christians" agenda

you know, I dont hate christians ...but I'm starting to
I said i can understand their claim, didnt mean i support it and would like a disclaimer. I just dont see their claims as "intollerant".

On top of that, lets not underestimate the "power of media". (Darth Vader :p)

Are you seriously denying this? I mean, do you seriously want me to go down in the politics and off-topic forum and list all the topics you posted?
Go down in this last exact page, and see which topics you've started that are so "unrelated" LOL.
I mean come on stern, who are you kidding?
Nobody will die over Da Vinci's Code, if you want to target religious madness, Christianity in the 21st century is a poor choice, thats why its so obvious you hate Christians, since you're digging in small piles of christian shit ignoring the mass heaps of other madness in an attempt to redicule them.

Here ya go CptStern, you're "crusade" in just 1 page of the politics forum:

Christians want disclaimer on Da Vinci Code (Multi-page thread 1 2)

the seldom seen side of War (Multi-page thread 1 2 3 4 5 ... Last Page)

US planning air strikes on Iran (Multi-page thread 1 2 3 4 5 ... Last Page)

AT&T engineer: NSA built secret rooms in our facilities (Multi-page thread 1 2)

An appeal to 9/11 conspiracy theorists (Multi-page thread 1 2 3 4 5 ... Last Page)
Ome_Vince said:
Are you seriously denying this? I mean, do you seriously want me to go down in the politics and off-topic forum and list all the topics you posted?
Go down in this last exact page, and see which topics you've started that are so "unrelated" LOL.
I mean come on stern, who are you kidding?

the burden of proof lies with you ...17,000 + posts ..should be easy enough ...happy hunting

Ome_Vince said:
Nobody will die over Da Vinci's Code, if you want to target religious madness, Christianity in the 21st century is a poor choice, thats why its so obvious you hate Christians, since you're digging in small piles of christian shit ignoring the mass heaps of other madness in an attempt to redicule them.

yes because I concentrate all my effort to bash christians at every opportunity I get ..get a ****ing grip man, you're seeing conspiracies where they dont exist ..again if your religion does things that merit criticism then it's my right to comment on it have no say in what I say or do and I surely wont tailor my ideas to cater to you or your ilk

again either prove it or shut the **** up

how is this proof of a crusade?

Christians want disclaimer on Da Vinci Code (Multi-page thread 1 2)

the seldom seen side of War (Multi-page thread 1 2 3 4 5 ... Last Page)

US planning air strikes on Iran (Multi-page thread 1 2 3 4 5 ... Last Page)

AT&T engineer: NSA built secret rooms in our facilities (Multi-page thread 1 2)

An appeal to 9/11 conspiracy theorists (Multi-page thread 1 2 3 4 5 ... Last Page)

explain ..are you saying I made all those things up? that it's not warrented because it's all lies?'re welcome to disprove any of it if you'd like

Hey christians, no one gives a ****.

EDIT: and stern loves me, right stern?
Que-Ever said:

Hey christians, no one gives a ****.

EDIT: and stern loves me, right stern?

ummm you're not christian are you ...if no then Yes :)

....................................... wait ...are you american? ................................... :devil:
CptStern said:
the burden of proof lies with you ...17,000 + posts ..should be easy enough ...happy hunting

yes because I concentrate all my effort to bash christians at every opportunity I get ..get a ****ing grip man, you're seeing conspiracies where they dont exist ..again if your religion does things that merit criticism then it's my right to comment on it have no say in what I say or do and I surely wont tailor my ideas to cater to you or your ilk

again either prove it or shut the **** up

how is this proof of a crusade?

Christians want disclaimer on Da Vinci Code (Multi-page thread 1 2)

the seldom seen side of War (Multi-page thread 1 2 3 4 5 ... Last Page)

US planning air strikes on Iran (Multi-page thread 1 2 3 4 5 ... Last Page)

AT&T engineer: NSA built secret rooms in our facilities (Multi-page thread 1 2)

An appeal to 9/11 conspiracy theorists (Multi-page thread 1 2 3 4 5 ... Last Page)

explain ..are you saying I made all those things up? that it's not warrented because it's all lies?'re welcome to disprove any of it if you'd like

lol, amazing.
Ofcourse its you're right to criticize whereever you want. ITs also MY RIGHT to criticize you're motives and confront you with them.

Its more than "conspiracy", its right there!, almost every single freekin topic you make in the politics forum!
There's no need to get angry over that. And yes you do focus on American and Christian wrong-doing and neglect other often more important matters.

Thats all fine, you can do that, but dont be angry when people confront you with it..

ALL those topics you spawned in this last politics page were about American "wrong-doing" or in this topic Christian "evil intollerant bastards".

My point is, you found it so important to spawn all these pointless topics about Americans while there are so many more important things to talk about.

o, and dont get me wrong, i'm not here to "stop" you :p i couldnt care less, i'd just like to mention it, and if necessary jump in once and a while :)
CptStern said:
ummm you're not christian are you ...if no then Yes :)

....................................... wait ...are you american? ................................... :devil:
Ome! Quick! Here it is!! He said it!! ^^Look!!^^

*Yawn* It is interesting to note that the more publicity this movie gets, bad or not, the more people will be interested in seeing it, disclaimer or not. And frankly, if you go so far as to think that a disclaimer will keep the idiots in-line, then you could easily go so far as to think that the disclaimer will have no effect on people that dumb! This whole thing is absurd. Let's not have our creative freedoms limited by, of all groups, a religious one!!
@VictimOfScience, hey dude, like i said before, i'm not for a disclaimer, i just dont think their request/demand is so "unfair", considering the consequences of this movie. And i dont think its worth a topic since its actually nothing worth talking about (now if things were being torched or people being beat up, or an actual political thing yes).

Also, I'm all for creative freedom, thats why i was yelling so hard during the Cartoon crisis, and Europes ****ed up attitude in "making laws" because of it (bowing down).

If the topic were "Vatican demands movie to not be shown" or "people die or burn places down out of protest" i'd definatly fight that!

Even though i dont care about the disclaimer, how in the name of all mighty Zeus's butt is; Opus Dei asking for a disclaimer-> limiting creative freedom?

They're not demanding the "Creativity" to stop or be halted are they?
Ome_Vince said:
lol, amazing.
Ofcourse its you're right to criticize whereever you want. ITs also MY RIGHT to criticize you're motives and confront you with them.

you're trolling not confronting ..were you confronting you'd say "you are so and so, here's my proof" ...but you're not

Ome_Vince said:
Its more than "conspiracy", its right there!, almost every single freekin topic you make in the politics forum!

could it because there's an illegal war going on? could it be because some of those topics involve things that recently happened? perish the thought

Ome_Vince said:
There's no need to get angry over that. And yes you do focus on American and Christian wrong-doing and neglect other often more important matters.

such as?

Ome_Vince said:
Thats all fine, you can do that, but dont be angry when people confront you with it..

so I have no right to be angry when someone makes a wide sweeping generalization that has nothing to do with the topic at hand?

Ome_Vince said:
ALL those topics you spawned in this last politics page were about American "wrong-doing" or in this topic Christian "evil intollerant bastards".

and? they're justified in every single example you provided ...oh btw the "seldom seen side of War" thread was being sympathetic with american soldiers ..but not having actually read the thread you just assumed I was attacking americans

Ome_Vince said:
My point is, you found it so important to spawn all these pointless topics about Americans while there are so many more important things to talk about.

whatever drugs you're smoking I want some because you seem to think the US planning strikes on iran is unimportant, or soldiers in fear for their lives is something that shouldnt be discussed

what exactly is more important that it should be discussed in the POLITICS forum? should we discuss the ****ing weather? how about discussing the plight of man vis a vis the fracturing of social and moral values in today's society, give me a ****ing break ..self-righteous nonsense masquerading as an axe to grind

Ome_Vince said:
o, and dont get me wrong, i'm not here to "stop" you :p i couldnt care less, i'd just like to mention it, and if necessary jump in once and a while :)

for someone who couldnt care less seem to mention it quite often relative to how seldom you post
ALL those topics you spawned in this last politics page were about American "wrong-doing"
Maybe, -just maybe- there's alot of "American wrong-doing" going around nowadays.
Or maybe people would like the USA to be the society it has proclaimed itself to be, there's far more disapointment to do with the US than outright hatred.
dammit, stop trying to generalize these people as all "christians"

most of them arn't real christians by the bible's definition.
Hazar said:
dammit, stop trying to generalize these people as all "christians"

most of them arn't real christians by the bible's definition.

Sainku said:
No need for one. From the couple of pages I read in the book store it is rather obvious it is fiction. Very poorly written fiction. I don't understand the fuss over this book.
I agree. Dan Brown is a goddamn hack.
CptStern said:
so I have no right to be angry when someone makes a wide sweeping generalization that has nothing to do with the topic at hand?
O yeah, be angry all you want. The topic is so pointless that it cant possible serve any political purpose other than the one fitting you're agenda.
Out of all the shit in the world, you chose some organisation disliking Da Vinci's Code to start a debate on, how brilliant..

Generalization? Hardly, that was more you're expertise remember: Americans and Christians. I'll never forget those amazing moments in which you thought every Christian hates homosexuals.

CptStern said:
and? they're justified in every single example you provided ...oh btw the "seldom seen side of War" thread was being sympathetic with american soldiers ..but not having actually read the thread you just assumed I was attacking americans

O really? I happened to read that topic Mr Fanatic. You're spawning that debate about Iraq again. How important was it to find that video on some random website and make a topic out of that?

*goes to youtube and starts spamming topics

CptStern said:
for someone who couldnt care less seem to mention it quite often relative to how seldom you post

Not really, once in a while i just get fed up with your American and christian generalizations.

Bush and his whole administration are morons, and there are Christian ding-dongs around too.
But why o why cant you stop generalizing America and Christianity?
Surely there are more terrible things in the world to talk about other than Opus Dei not liking Da Vinci's Code? Or some random American website calling people to protest?
Try it, see it as a change for 1 day, focus on:
The crimes vs humanity China is involved in! or the Russians with the Tjetjens, or perhaps the middle-east where people are killed for changing religions, or maybe Africa where thousands die a day because big corporations want to maintain there foothold in the market.

All so much more important yet an old Iraq war and a group of radical Christians interests you more..

Funny thing it, You're whole anti-religion debate would stand so much stronger if you were to take ALL religions in you're debate other than just 1...
Ome_Vince said:
Even though i dont care about the disclaimer, how in the name of all mighty Zeus's butt is; Opus Dei asking for a disclaimer-> limiting creative freedom?

They're not demanding the "Creativity" to stop or be halted are they?
This should be explicit enough:

“This movie will insinuate that Christianity is just one big lie,” says campaign director Robert E. Ritchie. “That is why I’m asking everyone to join with me in a moral crusade to protest this movie before it is ever made.”

This sounds an awful lot like trying to limit the creative freedom of the arts to me. Not allowing Dan Brown to write about this or that is pretty darn close to the you-know-who's burning large piles of texts that didn't exactly conform to their doctrines either. Its a slippery slope and its one that I don't want to see us slide any further down than we already are!

And so you are fine with Opus Dei's view that the Catholic masses and the heathen masses are so unforgivingly stupid that they need to be told when a movie or book is make believe?! I find it intolerable personally.
Protesting agains the movie ever being made etc, yes there i agree with you.
Thats intollerable.
People should be able to create products such as these..

However, if Opus Dei or whoever simply insist a disclaimer explaining its "fiction" i can understand ( not that i support, but i can understand ).

As for you're "heathen masses", you must realize that the masses dont know jack shit about the biblical past, just as its amazing how few people actually know their history at all!!.
Something like this can easily pursuade people, especially since people statistically rather watch a movie than read a book...
Ome_Vince said:
O yeah, be angry all you want. The topic is so pointless that it cant possible serve any political purpose other than the one fitting you're agenda.

pointless? how is it pointless? it's a current event, it's widely reported:

Ome_Vince said:
Out of all the shit in the world, you chose some organisation disliking Da Vinci's Code to start a debate on, how brilliant..

yet for some odd reason you felt compelled to read and post about it

Ome_Vince said:
Generalization? Hardly, that was more you're expertise

credentials please, I'm disputing your "expertise]

Ome_Vince said:
remember: Americans and Christians. I'll never forget those amazing moments in which you thought every Christian hates homosexuals.

Source? I want direct quote with link

Ome_Vince said:
O really? I happened to read that topic Mr Fanatic. You're spawning that debate about Iraq again. How important was it to find that video on some random website and make a topic out of that?

*goes to youtube and starts spamming topics

ummm yes? the first post, explain how a topic about soldiers in iraq shouldnt be about iraq ..would you rather I had said the US soldiers in the video were actually flamenco dancers from spain? ...oh and there was a video of Scott Ritter I had posted that same day the Top 10 videos menu on the right hand side that video was listed yes it was a random encounter that I still felt was compelling enough that it needed to be heard ...even someone who I rarely see eye to eye on many isues around the war agreed that it was an important issue ...but NOOOO all you see is my "crusade" against all things american

Ome_Vince said:
Not really, once in a while i just get fed up with your American and christian generalizations.

Bush and his whole administration are morons

explain how that is generalizing americans

Ome_Vince said:
and there are Christian ding-dongs around too.

I'm glad we can agree on something

Ome_Vince said:
But why o why cant you stop generalizing all Americans and Christians?

all americans and christians? every last one? please post proof ..links please, direct quotes

Ome_Vince said:
Surely there are more terrible things in the world to talk about other than Opus Dei not liking Da Vinci's Code?

one out of hundreds of threads I've posted're pretty single minded despite all evidence to the contrary

Ome_Vince said:
Or some random American website calling people to protest?

where? here?

or here?

or here?

are these "andom American website calling people to protest?" or legitimate news?

Ome_Vince said:
Try it, see it as a change for 1 day, focus on:
The crimes vs humanity China is involved in!
or the Russians with the Tjetjens, or perhaps the middle-east where people are killed for changing religions, or maybe Africa where thousands die a day because big corporations want to maintain there foothold in the market.

you seem interested in those topics why dont you post them? or will you just sit there and take rather than contribute to the community? why is it any concern what I post about? you have no say in anything I do. The easiest wisest course of action would be to simply ignore topics that hold little interest for you ...the question arises as to what exactly you're doing in this thread in the first place

Ome_Vince said:
All so much more important yet an old Iraq war and a group of radical Christians interests you more..

should I just focus on anything not involving iraq and US ..would that suit your tastes ..should I refrain from commenting on the middle east ..perhaps if you gave me your beeper number I could consult you before every thread I create

Ome_Vince said:
Funny thing it, You're whole anti-religion debate would stand so much stronger if you were to take ALL religions in you're debate other than just 1...

well that's where you're wrong:

btw I answered your entire post ..why do you feel the need to only selective answer mine? why are you ignoring the rest of my points?