City 17 accents

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Originally posted by frances_farmer
don't insult yorkshire ;(

its the biggest county in england

That's scary.

/me hides in Leicestershire
Originally posted by Chris_D
That's scary.

/me hides in Leicestershire

Not Australia, Do you still want to meet?
:devil: :cheers:
Originally posted by ElFuhrer
:dozey: You don't seriously think he wants George Bush dead, do you? It was a joke, you're the one bringing world events into this. And watch who you label a "communist".

I don't care about that discussion, anymore, so drop it. Sorry, I shouldn't have said that, I don't know what his political stance is.
I would consider the Combine being North American, except their Alien. Not tentacle type Alien, just foreign to this planet.

Just a question, is there life outside America, apart from aliens and the Star Wars universe ???

I head many times people talking about things like Europe and other strange things called "countries". Are all those things real or is it just Hollywood fantasies!!

Why would people in those countries speak anything else but english, even in the smallest galaxie in the asshole of the universe everybody speak english. Just watch Star Trek and you will see i'm not talking BS.
Originally posted by flycrusher
Just a question, is there life outside America, apart from aliens and the Star Wars universe ???

I head many times people talking about things like Europe and other strange things called "countries". Are all those things real or is it just Hollywood fantasies!!

Why would people in those countries speak anything else but english, even in the smallest galaxie in the asshole of the universe everybody speak english. Just watch Star Trek and you will see i'm not talking BS.

well, in countrys like Belgium, Holland and Germany they speak a language that comes forth from where the english language came out

50% procent of your and our words are the same...

so dont be an asshole!:flame:
Originally posted by nw909
City 17 looks more like a russian city anyway, so tell them to stop speaking english.

You're only making the association because of "Stalag 17". Otherwise, what the hell is so Russian about the number 17? :dork:
Originally posted by ferd
well, in countrys like Belgium, Holland and Germany they speak a language that comes forth from where the english language came out

50% procent of your and our words are the same...

so dont be an asshole!:flame:

"Comes forth from where"?! I wouldn't point out your bizzare construction except you're so jumpy: the guy was obviously joking.

Yes, English is a Germanic language--more specifically West Germanic (the Scandinavian languages are North Germanic)--but English is an oddball in the group because of the French and, to a lesser extendt, Celtic influence upon it. English relies on syntax over morphology more than, say, German.
Originally posted by Mr Neutron
You're only making the association because of "Stalag 17". Otherwise, what the hell is so Russian about the number 17? :dork:
City 17 is actually a name that is very much related to the many Russian secret cities created in the Cold war.

I am positive that City 17 is one of these secret research centers which would most certainly play in with the story.

Secret cold war research center? Teleportation technology and conspiraces? They seem connected...
Re: Re: Re: City 17 accents

Originally posted by alehm
No, many hollywood have decent accents, even Renee Zellweger who is from Texas no less, won best actress award for Bridget Jones Diary.

Now, if you argue actors like Kevin Kostner 'Robin Hood' LOL then you got a really good point! :D

Her and gwyneth paltrow are the only americans who i can think of who pulled off a brit accent.
Originally posted by The Mullinator
City 17 is actually a name that is very much related to the many Russian secret cities created in the Cold war.

I am positive that City 17 is one of these secret research centers which would most certainly play in with the story.

Secret cold war research center? Teleportation technology and conspiraces? They seem connected...

wow :eek:
The funniest bit in Robin Hood is when Costner says: "This is pure English courage" whilst making no attempt to sound anything other than American. (or if he is attempting to, I can't tell).
Its possible that americans fled to europe after the Black Mesa inccident (I believe that was in the US hmmm ? ) where presumably the Xen inhabitants struck first. Its logical to assume the US fell first to the Xen/Combine/whatever.

We also really haven't heard enough speech to really determine wether all the NPC characters speak with US accents or not, maybe in the full version we will hear all sorts...a mix and match of humanity thrown together in am attempt to defeat the aliens.

Pure speculation, but its fun to speculate and theres not much else to discuss ... yet :P
Seeing as Source can handle lip-synching with any accent, why not have the City 17 residents speak in Eastern European, and have subtitles. One could assume that your HEV was translating what they said, and echoing it to your visor/HUD.

That would be cool, even more so without the suit because you wouldn't have a clue what they were jabbering on about.
Originally posted by Crusader
The funniest bit in Robin Hood is when Costner says: "This is pure English courage" whilst making no attempt to sound anything other than American. (or if he is attempting to, I can't tell).

crusader, are you british? 'cause kostner sounds totally neutral (accent-less) to me. And I don't mind if someone has no accent, just when they have an exaggerated (or just plain wrong) accent.

so of course if you're british i can see why it would bother you...image a cowboy with a standard english accent (i know there are more than one, but you get my point)
Originally posted by Mr Neutron
--but English is an oddball in the group because of the French

not to split hairs, or post 3 times in a row, but the influence french influence is just an intermediary for the romantic, ie latin influence...
Yes, I'm British, and it's funny you should mention that his accent seems neutral, because to me he sounds as American as apple pie, on steroids (if apple pie was American). It's all relative, as they say :)
Now, why don't you all go and create a Racial Discussion thread and fight it out without cluttering up this perfectly reasonable one?
Now, on topic: The 'secret cities' fascinated me greatly seems you really do learn something new every day. It seems entirely plausible.....and as for accents, I would expect most to be russian, with a smattering of americans and british.
I don't get where this russian idea comes from. have you guys ever been to russia? the place is a shithole. city-17 looks a lot more like eastern europe, prague maybe.
Getting back on topic:

I reckon it is better that they stick with US accents because everytime I have heard an American try and do another accent it just doesn't sound right...

That simpsons episode when they go to Australia - that was sooo funny - mainly because they couldn't get the accent right. In this case it didn't matter cause it was supposed to be funny - but with a serious game like HL2 - if the developers are too tight to pay professional voice actors with legitimate accents - then they should stick to US accents and not piss people off... There will always be a minority who will say:

"But they are in europe - how come they have US accents?"

My argument to them is:

"The game is set in the future - there has probably been massive globalisation of currency and language. I win - go home"

In fact it has already started to happen in real life anyway. Many exchange students from South East Asia have US accents because they are taught english by US english teachers...
""The game is set in the future - there has probably been massive globalisation of currency and language. I win - go home"" Europe just turned into the states....riiight...globalisation doesnt mean everyone turns into Americans or get Americanized....Theres 500 million people in Europe, but hey im sure they would just take after us Americans...not.

Originally posted by BigD
""The game is set in the future - there has probably been massive globalisation of currency and language. I win - go home"" Europe just turned into the states....riiight...globalisation doesnt mean everyone turns into Americans or get Americanized....Theres 500 million people in Europe, but hey im sure they would just take after us Americans...not.


BigD - You stop - Think - Speak.

Globalisation can mean a variety of different things, a couple of which I mentioned in my post. We have already seen the conglomeration of all European currencies in the Euro - yes there are still individual currencies for the respective countries but the system is in place now for those to be phased out at some point down the track.

Secondly - I said this in relation to the game - not real life. My only real life example was in relation to my experience with accents of Non-US english speaking people in South East Asia - of which there are a hell of a lot more than 500 million.

Thirdly - America is one of, if not the largest economy in the world. Their economy affects every other country in one way or another - when America goes to war - their dollar weakens while other contries strengthen. Most online business deal in US dollars so we are already seeing a shift in that direction.
"My only real life example was in relation to my experience with accents of Non-US english speaking people in South East Asia - of which there are a hell of a lot more than 500 million."

Well theres less the 300 million people here in the states if you look at it like that.
Im just saying that 500 million europeans doesnt need to copy us they have their own style of life and as you said, their own currency.
Thats all.

"Thirdly - America is one of, if not the largest economy in the world. Their economy affects every other country in one way or another - when America goes to war - their dollar weakens while other contries strengthen. Most online business deal in US dollars so we are already seeing a shift in that direction"

Its all realtive.
Seeing the states as a country, yes we are the single biggest economy in the world, but if you where to read the news (not fox) you would know that Europe is turning into a European federation more and more, especially with the Euro now in circulation.
The biggest economy situation might look a little different when countries like Britain, Germany, France, Spain etc etc put their eggs in the same basket dont you reckon?
All I am saying is that it is a little ignorant to assume that globilisation means that everyone have to turn to the American way of life.

The thing with the students, yes they speak English so what? All people I know in Europe speak flawless English too more or less, some with UK accents some with US.

Im sorry but being American i just get a little upset when my fellow countrymen assume that other countries have to be like us, maybe we are the ones who should change? Just a thought.
Hehe, funny how you mention that everyone speaking *English* is Americanisation.
Maybe it's just Englishness taking over the world through proxy *g* :D
Originally posted by BigD
"My only real life example was in relation to my experience with accents of Non-US english speaking people in South East Asia - of which there are a hell of a lot more than 500 million."

Well theres less the 300 million people here in the states if you look at it like that.
Im just saying that 500 million europeans doesnt need to copy us they have their own style of life and as you said, their own currency.
Thats all.

"Thirdly - America is one of, if not the largest economy in the world. Their economy affects every other country in one way or another - when America goes to war - their dollar weakens while other contries strengthen. Most online business deal in US dollars so we are already seeing a shift in that direction"

Its all realtive.
Seeing the states as a country, yes we are the single biggest economy in the world, but if you where to read the news (not fox) you would know that Europe is turning into a European federation more and more, especially with the Euro now in circulation.
The biggest economy situation might look a little different when countries like Britain, Germany, France, Spain etc etc put their eggs in the same basket dont you reckon?
All I am saying is that it is a little ignorant to assume that globilisation means that everyone have to turn to the American way of life.

The thing with the students, yes they speak English so what? All people I know in Europe speak flawless English too more or less, some with UK accents some with US.

Im sorry but being American i just get a little upset when my fellow countrymen assume that other countries have to be like us, maybe we are the ones who should change? Just a thought.

not to turn this into a political debate, but I don't see britain putting its eggs in anyone else's basket anytime soon. I also don't see the EU agreeing on things as long as France thinks its the EU leader and all the eastern europeans countries think france can go suck it.

any maybe it wasn't globalisation...maybe the US just conquered everyone....;)
Yeah, it always makes me laugh how France think they can order the EU around, maybe that might work with the rest of the militarily impotent member states, but there's no way in hell Britain is going to take orders from France. I mean.. a country that's famous for being taken over once every 50 years, and complaining about how long it takes for the rest of the world to free them.. come on... ;)

Man, the EU tried to impose a law saying that member states must sell only straight bananas...
Originally posted by BigD

Im sorry but being American i just get a little upset when my fellow countrymen assume that other countries have to be like us, maybe we are the ones who should change? Just a thought. [/B]

And what makes you think I am American...? I'm not...but I see more American influence across the globe than any other nation in the world.

I am not complaining - just making an observation - American spelling, American clothing, American TV, American music, American currency...the list goes on.

The European economy is guided by what Britain does and in turn the British economy is guided by what the US does.

But as you say - it's all relative... here's an example:

If the US didn't go to war recently - neither would have the UK or Australia (among other nations) but these were the main 3. So no war = stonger US Dollar which inturn means stronger exchange rate against the pound and the Aussie Dollar. But now you have the war = weaker US Dollar = stronger pound and Aussie dollar which means this is a great time to travel to the US for tourists because of the better exchange rate.

The whole war in iraq was just a big ruse to get more tourist dollars for the US...

Joking - but you see my point...
Originally posted by ASnogarD
We also really haven't heard enough speech to really determine wether all the NPC characters speak with US accents or not, maybe in the full version we will hear all sorts...a mix and match of humanity thrown together in am attempt to defeat the aliens.

From what I've heard; they all sound American, except for the Monk. My stupid friend d/led the beta, and knew I wanted nothing to do with it. So he decided it'd be funny to expose character voices to me...
I can say I'm impressed with the voice acting, top notch. I'm sure we'll here accents, though, in the Retail Release.

From my understanding of the scenerio all the 'beta' sounds/maps/models were clobbered together for the E3 demo, so most likely not all the intended accents were in....AFAIK voice and many effects are put in a game in the last moment, when all the code has been tested to work properly (no point wasting time making it look nice if the code doesn't work properly, all that fancy eye and ear candy would make things harder to debug).

my 2cents
My friend turns into a fish when he sleeps.


do you stuff or fold your toilet paper? It says a lot about your personality you know


Dude, toilet paper is always on rolls

well this is on topic...
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