City 17's location

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May 19, 2003
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I saw this on another site and I just had to post it here.
This picture reveals the location of City 17.
And it's not in eastern europe after all.
It's in.. Sweden.
That, my friends, is in swedish. :)
Liter & Kron is Swedish, don't know about that Volym, but Summa is also Finnish.
The horse in City 17. The horse statue on the pole. I know I have seen that somewhere before. I just cant remember where.
How exactly does a gas pump tell you it's set in Sweden or Scandinavia. Cyrillic is not really used in Scandinavia, and is featured prominently in the HL2,ep1 and ep2. Except all the citizens speak with Americans accents, what's that all about, it never made any sense to me....Did the Combine kill all the locals?
How exactly does a gas pump tell you it's set in Sweden or Scandinavia. Cyrillic is not really used in Scandinavia, and is featured prominently in the HL2,ep1 and ep2. Except all the citizens speak with Americans accents, what's that all about, it never made any sense to me....Did the Combine kill all the locals?

Relocated all of them.

In Ravenholm there is a sign for a contrite factory spelled in a dialect of Cyrillic only used in Bavaria.

The coast is the Black Sea.
Yes yes, and the garbage cans are just like those used in Greece, two cars are from croatia and the way the window frames are designed out of low-structure concrete clearly shows that City 17 is in fact in north-eastern Indonesia.
Relocated all of them.

In Ravenholm there is a sign for a contrite factory spelled in a dialect of Cyrillic only used in Bavaria.

The coast is the Black Sea.

Well they are quite a distance away from city 17 in Ep 2. Maybe they're in a different country as well...
Theres a sign near the end of EP1 just before you take of a gunship thats in russian. It say Hospital. Or Health center I don't know but It's a good chance it's hospital since theres a red cross on the same sign and it's at well a hospital.

*update* Oh and there are some shipping crates in EP2 were you take out the autogun that are also in russian. and signs in white forest that are in russian too. But this is about were City 17 is located so all the info I poured out is useless....I'll stop talking now. :(
Mum knowing Russian=WIN
On last battle in EP2 on high building on left there is written Punkt 52 witch mean Point 52 :p
Mum knowing Russian=WIN
On last battle in EP2 on high building on left there is written Punkt 52 witch mean Point 52 :p


See if she can translate the Cyrillic graffiti.

This debate just refuses to die. I find it quite annoying. There is evidence that it is Russian, Swedish, Italian, Bavarian, Polish and Romanian. It is of no country but simply indicitive of all of Eastern Europe.
Ummm, I thought it was in New Jersey...:dork:...(sarcasm doesn't translate well on the net, so I better say that I'm joking...)
I feel it would hurt the realizm of the Half-Life world if City 17 didn't have a definite location in the real world. Unless the City is on a piece of land that goes into several contrys. If you don't understand think about a town built on that place were the Utah, Arizona, New Mexico and Colorado state line meet. Four corners I think it's called.
I'll show her some graffiti and I'll say when its done :p
Go on wikipedia and type in 'City 17' itll come up and at some point on that page, there will be a list of evidence to its location, the majority of evidence points to bulgaria, but there are mixtures of slavacion languages in it too.
The Horse in the game is from Belgrade, Serbia, a bit modified but still visibly similar.
Relocated all of them.

In Ravenholm there is a sign for a contrite factory spelled in a dialect of Cyrillic only used in Bavaria.

The coast is the Black Sea.

You probably mean Bulgaria. People in Bavaria (which is a state in Germany) mostly use the Roman alphabet, not the Cyrillic.
Words on gas-tanker machines on petrol are in some Scandinavian language.
AciD, your parents speak Russian don't they, try and find out what loads of signs say in City 17, you said the one outside Black Mesa East was russian, find out what it says...
AciD, your parents speak Russian don't they, try and find out what loads of signs say in City 17, you said the one outside Black Mesa East was russian, find out what it says...

I can translate you those Russian, Bulgarian and Serbian... Just give me the names...

СТАЦИОНАР means Hospital.
I also saw that there was a name of a factory, I can't remember any of those...
Just give me strings I'll translate...
The nexus building is based on the Serbian parliament, but that's already been mentioned.

What hasn't been mentioned is that we see City 17's location on a map in Episode Two.

When you first meet Eli at White Forest base did you notice the Vortigaunt at the computer behind him?

Look on the screen.

Certainly narrows things down a bit hmmm?

You see it several more times, like at Uriah's room, I believe, and also the control room, where you press the big red button.
Looky Looky...


There, it shows City 17 to be around Bulgaria and that area, however the range is very large, meaning it could be in a lot of countries.
This also shows that the earth has not be deformed in anyway by the combine...
Valve intentionally made many signs from many different countries so that we wouldn't figure out where the city was located.

I guess this means that City 17 is on an island in the South Pacific:
Obviously, what remained of the Borealis was transported to "the island" and buried underground in what would later be refered to as "the hatch" (or hatches, rather). Since the Borealis was moved from the arctic circle, some Polar bears that managed to hide inside it were used on testing on the island, some escaped. The whole matter has been kept undercover by the G-Man also known as Jacob, who is running pregnancy tests on the island with the objective of having himself be born as a human, living as which he will possess astonishing healing and magical capabilities, but will eventually die at age 30-something after City 17's population choose to have a war criminal known as The Wallace released insted of him. J-Man is then crucified and thought of as dead, and is sealed in the hatch without anyone knowing that there's a headcrab hiding inside, the headcrab proceeds then to zombifie the G-Jacob, who after three days of mutating comes out and appears before his disciple Gordon Freeman, who deems the sighting as ficticious unless he is allowed to touch the sacred zombie's maw. He does, and there is much rejoyce, however Freeman is told that "Ah, Gordon Freeman, in the fleshhhh. Blesssssed Are *Moan* Those Who... BeLIeve With... out Ssssseeing--*Unintelligible shriek* *gurgle*". Finally, it is said that a giant whirl appeared in the sky and headcrabbed G-J-man ascended up towards it through a short of blue, oscilating beam.

And that is what there is inside the Borealis.
Valve intentionally made many signs from many different countries so that we wouldn't figure out where the city was located.

I guess this means that City 17 is on an island in the South Pacific:

Ha Ha, very funny
Mum knowing Russian=WIN
On last battle in EP2 on high building on left there is written Punkt 52 witch mean Point 52 :p

isnt that german? so i guess they are in europe?
isnt that german? so i guess they are in europe?

German and Swedish. And yeah, they are in Europe, that much is certain. But City 17 isn't based on any real city (no single city at least) and is just meant to be a generic city, most likely somewhere in eastern europe, former Soviet Union probably.
My money is it's in Prague. But I think the point of the whole various signs idea is to confuse us.
It's fictitious with various Eastern European influences. Valve does several things to stress this point. Why are we still talking about this?
I dont mean to bring an old thread back to life,
But i live in sweden, and the text on that gaspump is definatly swedish, but the again the climate and the architecture in city 17 arent like here in sweden.

I have a friend that comes from Prag and that houses sure looks like the ones from prag,

I would say that valve is just trying to confuse us by taking a lot of random locations in europe and blending them together.
If I had to choose to believe in one particular location for City 17 (which I don't :p) it's be the co-ordinates found in Valves test for

This debate just refuses to die. I find it quite annoying. There is evidence that it is Russian, Swedish, Italian, Bavarian, Polish and Romanian. It is of no country but simply indicitive of all of Eastern Europe.

Seconded. There is no exact location, but the architecture represents which cities it is modeled after. While it is in Europe, it is not known to anyone City 17's exact location.
I think this thread's split up into different time zones it's been resurrected so many times...
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