City 17's location

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Half the writing in the game is in RUSSIAN. So they must be in Europe or else Black Mesa East wouldn't make sense if they were still in New Mexico.
Half the writing in the game is in RUSSIAN. So they must be in Europe or else Black Mesa East wouldn't make sense if they were still in New Mexico.

We all know it's supposed to be eastern Europe.
It's like Gotham city. Yeah it's located in America but it doesn't really exist.
It's a game of course it doesn't really exist. Were debating where in the fictional universe it is.
Actually, I'd say the existence of White Forest slightly narrows it down to an ex-Soviet state or ally. Other than that, it's impossible to pin down the exact country.

By the way, am I the only one who finds it amusing that Eli/Kleiner/Magnusson/Freeman, former scientists at a facility that used to be an American missile base during the Cold War, are now working on an ex-Soviet missile base?
How did you work out that Black Mesa was used as an American Missile Base during the Cold War?

It would be funny, but we don't know if Black Mesa was used for nukes or not...probs not
quote from wikipedia:
'The environments in Half-Life 2 are varied, ranging from the generally Eastern European-styled City 17 and the zombie-infested town of Ravenholm, to the coastal Nova Prospekt prison and the massive Combine Citadel. Viktor Antonov, the art director of Half-Life 2, being a Bulgarian, spent his childhood in Bulgaria, wrote that Eastern Europe was favored as a setting for the game as it is capable of depicting a combination of both new and old architecture, creating a city with history; "gothic themes associated with Prague and vampires" were also overlooked in favor of a different aspect of the region.[18]

The game's setting sees frequent appearances of Cyrillic letters on signs and graffiti (written in Bulgarian spelling); this has led some to argue that City 17 is in fact a Combine-altered Sofia, Bulgaria. Old cars scattered throughout the game are Soviet-made and used to be commonly found in Eastern Europe, such as Moskvitchs, Zaporozhets, East Germany-made Trabants, Volgas (GAZ-24), Latvias (RAF-2203), and GAZ-53s. During the game, Gordon comes to a coastal Resistance settlement called New Little Odessa; Little Odessa is the nickname for the Russian community in Brighton Beach, where many ex-Soviet immigrants settled (the original Odessa is a major city located on the coast of Ukraine). Father Grigori has a name common in Slavic Eastern European countries, an accent that is stereotypically Slavic Eastern European, and has been identified as a clergyman of the Orthodox Christian Church, the predominant religious institution found in some Slavic Eastern European countries.'

So it could be anywhere in europe for all we know!
i sure that all sense of country lines and borders have been completly forgotten about. i mean if you looked at a map during that time all you would se is, Combineny, Combenstaia, North Combine and Combinuy :p

This debate just refuses to die. I find it quite annoying. There is evidence that it is Russian, Swedish, Italian, Bavarian, Polish and Romanian. It is of no country but simply indicitive of all of Eastern Europe.


And Russian roofed buildings too.

Rimfire is right. Search button.
The horse in City 17. The horse statue on the pole. I know I have seen that somewhere before. I just cant remember where.

St Petersburg. Minsk. Kiev. Belgrade.

EDIT: I also noticed some words that i could translate in cryllic like "soldiers kill" and "death now" and some other stuff that i couldn't help lolling at.

Half the writing in the game is in RUSSIAN. So they must be in Europe or else Black Mesa East wouldn't make sense if they were still in New Mexico.

Also, stop being ignorant :( just because it is in cryllic doesn't mean it's russian. Got any screencaps of cryllic words from the game world i'll try and translate it. Ukranian is my base language so there will be some limitations, but i will try and nail the origin of the country it comes from if otherwise
im guessing its ***** but then the whole ******* and the soviet made cars makes confusing- hats off to valve for making such an awesome dysotopia
Please don't say where you think it is, all you will get is some sarcastic remarks, people agreeeing/disagreeing with you and me just getting angry, Vavle base every town they make on somewhere apparently and they mix and match.
just because it is in cryllic doesn't mean it's russian.

For instance - СТАЦИОНАР - theres no Ц in Russian. Bulgarian maybe, Serbian no - no particular meaning... Btw, latin transcription is STACIONAR, meaning Hospital as someones mentioned already.

and the soviet made cars makes confusing

There are East Germany made cars as well - Trabant?
For instance - СТАЦИОНАР - theres no Ц in Russian. Bulgarian maybe,

"цимент" (Bulgarian) witch translates to "cement" the ц is Bulgarian. How right you are.....from here.
Oh, you simple knaves. City 17 is quite obviously located in Seattle, Washington. Just look at this map.

And the different languages? Well, Seattle is known for it's diverse cultures. Still not convinced? Look at the Citadel and tell me that's not a heavily modded version of the Space Needle.
Nah C17's architecture reminds me more of my hole in the sky through which things can fly. Seriously, the citadel is just a sized down version of the town hall. And Ravenholm... well I'll let you figure that out.
You mean, the Nexus building? And what town hall? And don't let us figure that out...

And, seriosly, thats the Republic Parlament building in Belgrade.

You mean, the Nexus building? And what town hall?

No, the citadel resembles a smaller version the town hall in the hole in the sky through which things can fly.

Let me demonstrate:

Town Hall


I'm sorry Elk. You're going to have to make more sense if you want a reasonable answer...
It'll be a hole in your butt if you don't cut the crap...
You mean, the Nexus building? And what town hall? And don't let us figure that out...

And, seriosly, thats the Republic Parlament building in Belgrade.


That being said is completely true.

Also, in the Coastal chapter's somebody mentions callsign "Omega(i think?) Odessa" which is a coastal town back home. Ive only been to the coast a few times and i know the beach doesn't look anything like that...not the specific beach in Hl2, but the sand grain etc...

anywho it's a moot point.
The coastal base you're referring to is "N.L.O" or New Little Odessa. It was named as such due to the arrogance of Captain Odessa Cubbage, leader of the base. If you don't remember it, it was the first time you used the rocket launcher (RPG) to shoot down a large gunship.
His name is Odessa? I must have missed that one...oh righteo, that would explain...
For instance - СТАЦИОНАР - theres no Ц in Russian.

Um, yes there is...

@ thread
From :
Viktor Antonov, the art director of Half-Life 2, being a Bulgarian, spent his childhood in Bulgaria, wrote that Eastern Europe was favored as a setting for the game as it is capable of depicting a combination of both new and old architecture, creating a city with history.
Oh... right...

I don't know why I've said that... T is sometimes spelled as Ц, so I thought... blah...
Theres no J... right... I knew something missed...
Ah, 4 years since my last Russian lang lesson... :)
ШАХТА ПОБЕДЫ translates as a "Mine of Victory",a USSR-style naming.
In HL2.2 there is LOTS of Russian names and graffitis.You battle with the antlions in the ШАХТА ИМЕНИ 50ЛЕТИЯ (50 years of ... Mine) - also a clear USSR-style.Every town in Russia has a 50 years of October street (at least every town had:in 90s some of these were renamed).
The White Forest base is also Russian.All the signs "Silo #1" are in fact the translations of the wall writings.Most of the HL2 cars scattered around were made in USSR (and still exist in Russia).The architecture is pure Eastern,it's common in all the Eastern Europe not only Prag.
In HL2,on the left side of main square (near the train station) there are a big letters (xSSR) written in Cyrillic (xССР).Also there are dozens of graffiti and bulletins written in pure Russian.
I know only one sign which is definitely wrong-spelled:"ЦИМЕНТ".
There is a doll near the playground - it cries "Mama" if you touch it.
The gas station...well..maybe the White Forest Inn was a swedish town...or something.
I think HL2 is almost completely modeled after the USSR towns.The style of Eastern Europe maybe is too stunning for the Westerns.
I think its in a former Soviet Union country simply from the Russian on the walls of the exterior enviroments of City 17. It would also be convineint to get to the Borialis enviroment from White Forrest because of Russia's available cold enviorments. My father was actualy the one to catch the russian words, i wasn't paying much attention :p (my parrents came to the US durring the fall of the USSR)
OMG, i never thought about that but it makes so much sense. Isn't a similar horse statue from city 17 in the red square? I havn't been there since kindergarden >_> One thing that sort of confuses me is how everyone from Black Mesa got over seas and why.
I don't know but everyone is sure it is in eastern europe. Here's a nice artical about the location of City 17:

It just looks very logical that I could be moscow but also a lot of other eastern city's I think for now we can only speculate and will know it in the future. :imu:
I guess, but since its location isn't that important to the story line it might just be hinted at strongly, but i doubt someone will come out and say it to Gordon's face :p
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