Clan Match Biatches!

Okay I've a couple of friends who will be joining me. *Bp.|Quick and maybe another one.
TheAmazingRando said:
Okay I've a couple of friends who will be joining me. *Bp.|Quick and maybe another one.

Can we bring friends not related to any of the communities along?
I'm still about, so its looking good that i'll be playing, if you could leave the server ip details/ pw etc somewhere for me to find that'll be good. Either here or on xfire. Catch you later chaps.
Anyone give me a link to the full 1.2 patch that's faster then the shitty ea servers?

edit: Ok, getting it from another server thats much, much, much faster then ea.
Event = Hl2net vs 7DR with -=256=- as invited mercenaries
Game = Battlefield 2
Date = 19th February, Sunday
Time = 8pm GMT
Maps = 32 Oman and Karkand
Rules = 2 rounds of 20 minutes on 2 maps one chosen by each team
special ops only allowed inside uncappables in open play
pass: match

clan prefix is [hl2net] but if you must (jnightshade :flame:) [hl2]
I wish I knew what time 8pm was over at GMT -7...
k i'll be there, i'll apologise now if i'm shit, my concentration levels are rather :x

whos in for sure?
john3571000 = [hl2net] $kelet0r
bvasgm = [hl2net] bvasgm
razor = [hl2net]?
jimbo118 = [DUDE]<jimbo118>
unfocused = -=256=- Unfocused
kamikazie = [hl2net] SuicidalPacifist
jnightshade = [hl2net] js_dancecommander
theamazingrando = *Bp.|rando
jimbo I'm definitely in.

Also, I have a friend who would love to play with us if its ok.
I am [HL2]Fliko
EDIT: Drfateboy: Just join the community, and I'm sure it doesn't matter if you are the greatest player in the world, or the worst.
kaf11 said:
jimbo I'm definitely in.

Also, I have a friend who would love to play with us if its ok.
yeah its 20 v 20 right? we look like we're struggling to make 15-16 :/
remember clan members get first preference - if there's not enough space the kicking will begin :(
yeah oh there'll hopefully be far too many players :E
john3571000 said:
remember clan members get first preference - if there's not enough space the kicking will begin :(
yeah oh there'll hopefully be far too many players :E
Ok, I understand. But as jimbo said we might need the players.
We will need the players...
EDIT: We are using Ingame VOIP, or Teamspeak?
jimbo118 said:
k i'll be there, i'll apologise now if i'm shit, my concentration levels are rather :x

whos in for sure?
john3571000 = [hl2net] $kelet0r
bvasgm = [hl2net] bvasgm
razor = [hl2net]?
jimbo118 = [DUDE]<jimbo118>
unfocused = -=256=- Unfocused
kamikazie = [hl2net] SuicidalPacifist
jnightshade = [hl2net] js_dancecommander
theamazingrando = *Bp.|rando

Regiment :p
just got off the oman game, good fun, quite hectic, the guy flying for them(rusty was it) kept pwning us constantly(woulda loved to have seen amish take him on) as did their arty, they seemed more cohesive in their tactics(which is to be expected i guess), thank god we had voip otherwise we coulda got pwnt...
oh jimbo you should have stayed :( - you missed something special, the karkand rounds were incredible :O
we won both of those, some incredible teamwork on all sides
Karkand was absolute bliss, those were two rounds of pure HL2 + 256 annhilation. Can't believe we took both of awesome job lads. Anyone take any screenies or anything?

(it was 2-2 in the end after that push, but they were contesting points, we don't take it that seriously though :P )
I was there for the first time (Fast). :O

Great fun really, though someone complained on my helicopter skills on Oman. :E
We should do weekly matchs with 256 and 7DR
john3571000 said:
oh jimbo you should have stayed :( - you missed something special, the karkand rounds were incredible :O
we won both of those, some incredible teamwork on all sides

damn flu ftl...
I had a pretty good time. Karkand was great although I wasn't at the top of my game.
Sorry I wasn't there. I was passed out at a chick's house across town at the time :(
TheAmazingRando said:
And remember; where ever you are, there you are.

I've never heard a more enlightening quote :E
With all the server disconnects, it screwed up my game so when i joined, it just hung there :(.
anyone got any screenies?
mine are all pre live :( and a video of me in stationary tank for 30 seconds

there was a hilarious moment on Oman where one of our squad brings up a buggy to the construction site and hectic glenn all business whirls round and nails the parked buggy and driver(tim i think)
then we all just stand around with no transport while hectic looks bemused
oh i laughed :laugh:
It was funny when that guy that flew the Su-34 blew up the, fully seated, boat we were driving near the shore on Oman. :laugh:

It was also fun were I needed to drive the fully loaded APC to the Gatehouse point on Karkand, too bad I meet a T90 just around the corner near the Market point. :(