Closed, Deleted, And Banned; Icarus' Blog

qckbeam said:
Yes, yes it is

It doesn't even make sense half the time. It reminds me of the little kids on CS at times but it is not funny :)
Tis, Whiteninja pwns you :)

I showed it to lots of mates at Sixth Form, and they all found it hilarious :)

Following Murray:_H's example, I'm learning to spell when off my face :D
Most of them are super-funny, tis brit humour yah, but still :)

Tis a great webcomic :)
Edge said:
I think the issue here may be the fact it is british humor. I dont always get it.

Hrhr, go watch Shaun of The Dead.
Well if it aint the sinister white ninja...tensions being rising between them and my firm (see sig) for some time now.

I've met the creators too....real morons.
Dux said:
Hrhr, go watch Shaun of The Dead.

Now I seen that and really enjoyed it. :)

I used to watch a british show called "Keeping Up Appearances" and enjoy it too. I just don't get the Monty Python/Mr Bean stuff.
DoctorGordon said:
Well if it aint the sinister white ninja...tensions being rising between them and my firm (see sig) for some time now.

I've met the creators too....real morons.

Your site doesn't work well with Firefox :(
DoctorGordon said:
Yeah i know... my colleague is working on doing a browser-friendly site. We're IE people...

I once heard IE users were known for being particularly evil sun-worshipers. Coincidence? I think not.
DoctorGordon said:
Yeah i know... my colleague is working on doing a browser-friendly site. We're IE people...

I am a recent convert myself. I have always loved IE. And I have no hate for it now. But Firefox has some cool ish I couldn't resist.

Live Bookmarks - RSS Feeds that update realtime in your bookmarks

Adblock - The ability to block images/frames/tables that are ads. Works great on Gamespy and Hotmail :)

Intergrated Popup blocker(which out performs Google Toolbar) and ability to deny software installs via browser with a simple interface.

Right click and translate to/from 12 languages.

Web developer tools - For example outlines frames/tables/iframes on any page so you can see how your tables are really lining up.

Intergrated GMAIL mail notification.

Mouse Gestures. Too cool to explain hehe

I could go on and on. Took me about a week to get used to the changes but now I find it hard to use IE.
I'm happy to be a sun worshiper, I mean hell, I'm Californian. Just the evil part, it isn't entirely true.

Argh, I'm gonna have to try firefox better have cool skins, or at least one that will work with my custom winxp theme
There are alot of skins/themes but I didn't like most.. but I am one of those people that doesn't skin Winamp :) I like simplicity.

I use QUTE Theme.

Just as a note the extensions are like plugins. Check those out there are hundreds and they will sell you on Firefox :) Something for everyone.
Icarus said:
I use IE qck :(

Icarus said:
I'm happy to be a sun worshiper, I mean hell, I'm Californian. Just the evil part, it isn't entirely true.

You are beneath contempt.....your bones shall rot in hell! :flame:

Try Firefox; you'll love it :)
Okay Okay, I've downloaded it

By the way I have a new entry up with a picture of my desktop and programs I use, take a look and I'd appreciate any suggestions you might have for skins for firefox or steam that would go well with it.
Icarus said:
Okay Okay, I've downloaded it

Until you say you've installed it and are currently making sweet love to it I won't forgive you! :flame:
New entry

Decided to make myself update it nightly, I'm aiming for 11pm PST, but well, as you can see from tonight's post, I'm not always on time.

Anyone know how to put a hit counter or something? It's been pretty deviod of comments for the past few entries, and I'm not sure if anyone is still reading it.