COD4 review

For those of you who always have server timeouts when trying to connect after 10 seconds, open the console on the main menu in MP mode and type in:

'cl_connectionAttempts 40' ..or 20...or 60 or however much you want.

This changes the amount of time you get to attempt to connect. Some servers take 3 seconds, others take 50, so its your call. You also have to do this everytime you start COD4, as it resets back to 10 each time.

And yeah, im getting loads of connection time out lags on some servers, and non on others, so i know its not MY connection. Servers are having loads of problems regarding this and Infinity Ward are apparently working on it.
I earned the red dot sight for the m16, but didn't realise choosing it replaces the nade launcher :/. I think I'll stick to the launcher, it's just too sweet.
I hate it when people who use the underslung launcher on people. :p Same applies to the RPGs.

It's all about the SAW with the handle grip + Deep Impact + Stopping Power. Seriously.
I hate it when people who use the underslung launcher on people. :p Same applies to the RPGs.

What else am I supposed to use it on? o_O

n00b t00ber :p

At least there's only two nades for it and it's got an arming range :p

But I noticed that choosing it also disables the first equipment slot, so I guess I'll grab that red dot sight and some C4 with me next time, after all.
What else am I supposed to use it on? o_O

Oh, I know, it's just my personal distaste by being killed by an unfair weapon. :p

Theres a problem with COD4 Live at the moment, I can't get into any online games at all. Seems quite a lot of people are having the problem. ''Cannot connect to network'' blah blah problems.


EDIT: Appears to be fixed now - I'm on!
The launcher sucks, if you miss you're stuck there with your dick out either changing back to the rifle, or reloading, either way it's quicker to just shoot em
I usually end up running into people who have it equipped in tight spaces, and that's just it, I'm ended right there. Hate it, man.
Holy shit, I just did Ghillie in the Mist...

What a ****ing BRILLIANT level
Indeed, one of the best I have ever played, the AC-30 level kicked monkey balls too.
Well, if the single player is that short, I guess ill just download it, and probably pick it up again when it hits discount prices.
Just did the bit after the credits, single-player wasn't as short as the reviews made it out to be, wish there was more sniper levels like Ghillie in the Mist
I give it a low score since I can't play multiplayer.

Single player is boring as hell. Same thing over and over and over. I enjoyed playing MP at the lan, but as of now, I can't do it :(
The last mission was cool but it didn't make much sense. I mean, firing live rounds in a airplane is just dumb. :LOL: And when a section of the plane did lose pressure nothing really... happened. A few objects flew out but that was it, blokes were still standing metres from this massive hole not even flinching.

What was with the end of the mission, too? Bomb is armed, so we'll just jump out the side of plane with no parachute? **** that, I'd rather die quickly in an explosion then endure a terrifying descent to the ground before actually hitting it and something-silly-miles-per-hour.

Still, quite fun.

The real ending, before the credits, was the best. Dropping that guy and his two guards in slow-mo was awesome, but the deaths of all those major characters - Gaz, Price and Griggs - was quite sad, esp. at the end when you see that picture of them by the helicopter. :(
I'm having a bit of a problem here that I didn't experience yesterday. On the Downpour map in MP every now and then my framerate gets cut in half for no apparent reason, making it very hard to aim, and then after a few seconds goes back to proper fps. That's not justified by anything on the screen.

A few minutes ago I was playing SP and experienced the same thing in the "Hideout" mission (assuming that's the name, I've got a Polish version of the game) and in the next one ("All Ghillied Up").

Any ideas?

EDIT: Damn that Sniper mission is so good and it's getting spoiled by these ****ing slowdowns.
Single player is boring as hell. Same thing over and over and over. I enjoyed playing MP at the lan, but as of now, I can't do it :(

Same thing? While I understand where you're coming from, the environments and cityscapes were quite varied, and they did throw in some different scenarios. The flying fortress mission and sniper flashback were a lot of fun.
Got another question: how do you kill those goddamn dogs once they jump on you? It says "press V", but I've yet to kill one of the ****ers like that, cause it does shit :/
Got another question: how do you kill those goddamn dogs once they jump on you? It says "press V", but I've yet to kill one of the ****ers like that, cause it does shit :/
Yeah, I could never quite get one off either, but I don't think I was pressing the button once it bit. Damn annoying frankly.
You supposed to ignore and not bother those wild dogs (listen to him) they attack in groups that's why your melee doesn't work quiet well.
Ehh... I consider myself a rather experienced gamer and I'm not the first to whine about hard parts in games either, but I consider the last part of the sniper mission one of the most frustrating/hardest experiences ever.

I'm surprised nobody mentioned it actually.
You supposed to ignore and not bother those wild dogs (listen to him) they attack in groups that's why your melee doesn't work quiet well.

The enemies use attack dogs as well that you can't ignore. As for taking them down, I believe you have to hit the button as soon as it pops up on the screen. At least, that's what seemed to work best for me.

Ehh... I consider myself a rather experienced gamer and I'm not the first to whine about hard parts in games either, but I consider the last part of the sniper mission one of the most frustrating/hardest experiences ever.

Once you find a good spot it's not too bad. It only took me a couple attempts to get past it. I found that placing Claymores around the bumper cart ride and then crouching in the corner with the ticket booth worked best.
My favorite was sniping them as they came down their ropes so they were dead before they hit the ground! I put claymores where the holes in the barriers were and it worked pretty well, but the last few minutes are pretty agonizing!!
Once you find a good spot it's not too bad. It only took me a couple attempts to get past it. I found that placing Claymores around the bumper cart ride and then crouching in the corner with the ticket booth worked best.

Yeah, I think I found a rather good spot, but then again I died twice after the chopper has landed, where you have to leave your relatively safe spot and have 10 people fire at your from all directions >< Oh well, I'll try again tomorrow, need some sleep.
The enemies use attack dogs as well that you can't ignore. As for taking them down, I believe you have to hit the button as soon as it pops up on the screen. At least, that's what seemed to work best for me.

I was mentioning the wild dogs not the attack dogs.
firing live rounds in a airplane is just dumb. :LOL: And when a section of the plane did lose pressure nothing really... happened. A few objects flew out but that was it, blokes were still standing metres from this massive hole not even flinching.

It's good to see a little reality in a game now and then.

im stilling haveing the connectin timed out error. Looks like Activation dont give a shit about PC gamers even though we were the ones that made the COD series happen
Shouldn't it be out now?!? I've been waiting all day and it's still not released? Damn you steam. DAMN YOU!
The wild dogs pissed me off, I'd walk in a room with the other sniper on my back and then "HEY DER HOW YA DOING BUDDY?" and there'd always be like 3 in a pack so I'd be jumping around trying not to get bit...

Anyways, multiplayer is still awesome, rank 15 and just got the red dot for the M4
I'm rank 20-something now. At the moment I'm just getting upgrades for weapons. Tell you what, though - the LMG you unlock last is dire without a red dot sight. Dire.
This time out issue really annoys the hell out of me. The game is fun when you can actually play it.

Anyone interested in being pwnd when they fix the server issues? We should get a game going.
too true, by the time im back on everyone will be super elites with digital cloaking and bullet time
Anyone have any tips on how to get that achievement: kill 2 people with bullets in midair?
Installing right now. If it's not good, titty twisters for everybody.
Well, just completed it a couple of hours ago. Was pretty good I reckon, some of the missions were great fun. Most of them in fact. I started on veteran after that little test at the start of the game, but it was little to trial and error for my liking. Even on hardened the end of that mission in Chernobyl was ****ing stupidly hard for me at least. Fluked it in the end. :p

Now I've just gotta wait until my bro gets his Live sorted out so I can try it on t'internet.
I've finished downloading it (yeah it's "released" now) but it says
This game is currently unavailable.
Please try again at annother time.

What's the consensus on the Steam vs. Boxed debacle for this game? I can't easily get to the game store in the next few days and I want my CoD MP fix :).