Command & Conquer 3 Demo, Next Week !

wait, why was my post deleted? It wasn't spam I think they really should release the original C&C for free now. It's a classic and what better way to advertise C&C 3.
Stealth Avatars. Vertigos for support, and keep a wave of Stealth Tanks to help mop up. Sneak attacks on their Tiberium facilities work a treat.
I can't even fight convincingly against a NOD easy commander in the demo mission. I even use the cheap-ass tactic of 'horde a bunch of tanks!' and they still get owned.

Oh well, I guess I'll have to develope skill this time round. ><
On the demo skirmish level you need to control the two Tib fields asap to prevent the AI getting the Tib. They will use their basic Tib field quickly, once they are on a pinch $$$ wise then you are in control


Campaign layout info on cncn =]
Is there a way to record demo files? So i can check on how the Ai does things etc? Just to study different ways they work etc.

I have found it very effective to build two armes of 8 stealth tanks (or more, but dont wait and build up a huge army because time is your friend), each going to each tib fields on the sides, then hit and run with the left one, then fall back and hit and run with the right one. Do that a couple of times to make the enemy panic, then you can start using almost anything to crush all the infantry barrisons of the city and then finally do the final move to move in with your stealth tanks on both sides, plus with everything ells through the city, and always have your flying angels grouped so you can quick and easly attack where ever its necessary. You know you can possition them anywhere on the map, they dont need to stand on the pad (any C&C player knows this but just to get it through). You can hide 2 squads of your little angels hovering on each north corners, ready to move in.

So far this has worked best for me, tried it on several difficulties but not all of them yet.


Woha!!! I totaly pwned the AI on the hardest difficulty. It was a bit hard at first but then i got the advantage. I quickly took control of both tib fields, then i lost the right one and focused on defending the north one while i build an army to rush the right
one. I captured almost the whole right tib base from the enemy with engineers and build up defense there. Now all i had to do was getting pounded and figure out a plan on how to do the final blow. I build 2 armees, one on each tib field. The larger one with stealth tanks and avatars. Then i rushed in and disabled their radar. I fired my nuke approxemitly right in their base and rushed with the north tib fields army straight into north west of their base. They got SO PWNED OMG IT WAS CRAZY. They couldnt stand a chance. The AI can be a bit to easy sometimes, its just the START of the game that is really important! Once you success there, its all yours.

Now who understood a single word of what i just said?

hahaha, go to 3:00 were the actor of Kane has a sword fight, its so funny cuz the interviewer says "so, what are we going to do after this" and kane is like "well, patric, im going to kill you" with a happy kane voice :D Its so funny to see kane in those type of clothes too! hahaha cant stop laughing!


oh and here is Frank playing guitarr:

man i wish he did the music for Tiberium wars

Shit i just realized i double posted, sry. Its so quiet here btw, where did everyone go?
I beat medium rather easy today.

You MUST get the tiberium in the top left and bottom right of the map, the best way is to build 2 Outposts as soon as the map starts and deploy them there, then place turrets/anti-tank and barracks to back them up.

Then it's just a case of spamming Mammoth tanks and keeping defences going. :D

I agree with Ravioli, the beginning of the game is really important and the AI can be easy at times as soon as they don't have any money.
Thats what I hate about the skirmish mode, the AI is incredibly hard in the beginning, but after you secured those two tiberium fields, and built up your forces thats it, no more huge waves of enemies to repel, the AI just sends few tanks or solider at a time, nothing the automated defenses can't handle, and then you just roll over them with 6 mamoth tanks, or those giant robots that NOD has.
Generals has the same thing, I hate that.
Same game result for me gray fox, I took both fields and it resulted in the AI fading away with only a few predators coming for me. My stealth avatars, stanks and flamers were more than equal to it, backed up by an obelisk! I was expecting more. But to be honest, it's not the AI's fault, you seized the money points - you've caused their cash flow to be limited. Generals never had it for me for supply drops, hackers or black markets were replacements.
All you NOD. The GDI will take you down. Kane will not ruin this world for us - Tiberium is the enemy, a plague on the earth. We will - we must destroy it. The fate of the world hangs in the balance.

Woah, that sounded generic. I guess I'm not the best speechwriter after all.

Oh well. I need more BGrade Movies.
The engine is raw code I doubt you've seen it. Artistic works are something else. As for Sup Com it's bloated TA, I still play Spring on the odd occasion.

Looks like the same sage crap ive seen before, if not the art is definately the same.
Compare Generals to C&C3 theres a massive difference.
Seems like Mammoth Tanks are the only unit you need when playing as GDI, all the others are pointless at that stage. So boring.
Vertigo bomber > Mammoth. Swarms of fanatics works too. The problem is the AI seems to only use one strategy and hence it's very easy to beat with just super units. Hopefully battles against other players will require a more varied unit strat.
Yeah. Mammoth is pwning really hard right now. NOD Infantry appear to have a severe disadvantage against snipers even while they're bugged to fire crappily (OMG Stealth + Insta-kill!) but that's what bikes are for I guess.

Can't wait.
Same here with securing the Tiberium fields. I beat the NOD on medium by first securing the upper left (barely holding it) then, kinda forced to do this actually, secured the lower right field. At one point of the game I was gathering Tiberium only from the lower-right field with not much defense, cause the other bases got pwned (a nuke took away half that base later on BTW). The CPU however didn't take advantage of that fact and didn't secure the fields for itself, so I restored the bases and had pretty much all the Tiberium available at that point. Then it was a matter of destroying the enemy base and all the forces still camping there along with all those garrisoned in the city, while they couldn't expand anymore.
I finally got around to playing this and my overall impression is that it's a great Tiberian Dawn. Cyborgs, stealth generators, titans, mammoth mark IIs and subterainian units, all gone, ;( while GDI rocket infantry, grenadiers and Nod nuclear missiles make a return.

First of all, do get it out of the way, what I didn't like:
  • Loss of everything above.
  • I didn't get to try out every unit but is it just me or do GDI have the long-range units? That's f*cked up.
  • Nod's infantry devision seems to have gone from a highly-trained army (Nod infantry, in TS, were stronger than GDI infantry), to a group of terrorists
  • I was expecting the avatar to be a bit cooler :P
  • I know we've only seen the blue/yellow zones in-game (unless the red zones were in some videos I missed) but the world seems like a completly different world to the one in Tiberian Sun. Tiberium itself (which seems to magicly no-longer be a plant) appears to be the only Tiberium lifeform in sight. What happened to all the moss, plants and animals we all knew and love? (not to mention the sea being completly clear of algea). Plus the ground is nowhere near as rough as it was in Tiberian Sun (the reason behind the walker-mechs in the first place)
  • The nuke almost crashed the computer I was on.
  • The mission briefings remind me of the new Battlestar Galactica and 24, for some reason, but not of the briefings from the other C&Cs.
  • I don't understand the point of the elaborate ring of beams that twirl around before the proper ion cannon strike.
  • Only 1 type of orca? D:
I know some of them are just nit-picking but they really did annoy me.

What I liked:
  • Everything seems to run quite well, and smoothly.
  • Gameplay is good (Most important)
  • I like that the zone troopers actually have helmets, unlike in previous media.
  • I like the zone troopers themselves.
  • Each side's unique commando.
  • The purchasable re-enforcements and abilites are nice.
  • Shadows are very nice, but they seem a tad over-powered and more than a little bit silly.

All in this looks good so-far. I didn't get to try everything out but what I did was fun.
The briefings are similar to battelstar galactica, because one of the actors, that azian girls also stars in galactica.
And from the fact that the briefings overuse the shaky cam, just like battelstar Galactica, does.
I didn't even realise that she was from the show. I haven't actually been watching it, I've only caught bits and pieces.
I agree that the shaky-cam is overused. I prefered it the old, static way. It actually seemed like you where having a video conversation. Hell, it even worked for me in RA when you were supposed to be in the confrence room. They seem to have been trying to make it seem like you were in the room with the people there, but it doesn't, it seems like there's a cameraman following them around the room and you're watching the video...which is what is actually happening, but that's not what it's supposed to feel like. Also, why was GDI's missile-defence operated from one location? That was just damn stupid. You'd think that they wanted the damn Philodelphia to blow up.
It's similiar to what we have today, only slightly better. Nuke Washington DC or EMP it and see the forces of US scatter long enough for you to nuke another vital point (Philadelphia in this case).

As for the game itself... I love how it is a great sequel to both Tiberian Dawn and Tiberian Sun.
Maybe it's just me, but people are judging the demo because certain units aren't in. I mean, it is a demo after all, I wouldn't think they would include ALL of the units from the game in the demo. Maybe EA said that somewhere, and I missed it.
The removal of the titan greatly disappoints me after playing the demo a bit more. :(
It damages objects also. It does light damage to buildings.
Yeah, but what's the point when a blast comes down 2 seconds later that anihilates all the buildings in the area?

Maybe it's just me, but people are judging the demo because certain units aren't in. I mean, it is a demo after all, I wouldn't think they would include ALL of the units from the game in the demo. Maybe EA said that somewhere, and I missed it.
From what I heard, that's all the units for GDI and Nod in the game. And everything that I don't like being missing already has a replacement except for the subterrainian units, which from the looks of it, won't be in the game at all.
The smaller beams in a ring have certain damage and power, as they move closer and combine to 1 single uber power beam, the force becomes so great so it results in a huge explosion. Seems more realistic and logical.

I really miss those GDI tanks who shots those blue waves!
Am I missing something in this flogged-to-death-game-format demo or is there really no camera rotate control..?
The smaller beams in a ring have certain damage and power, as they move closer and combine to 1 single uber power beam, the force becomes so great so it results in a huge explosion. Seems more realistic and logical.
I don't see how it's logical.
Am I missing something in this flogged-to-death-game-format demo or is there really no camera rotate control..?

I think you use the insert, home, delete, end, page up, and page down keys to rotate the camera... while moving your mouse.
Am I missing something in this flogged-to-death-game-format demo or is there really no camera rotate control..?

Hold the Middle Mouse button and move your mouse.
I know this works because I have used it often, and I had just started another game to make sure.
let me put it this way, lets measure the beams power in P

5 separate beams each having 2ps are moving closer together, harming everything they tuch.

As all 5 beams combine, their power combine


so suddenly, the power is 10 which makes the beam more powerful and more destructive which results in the huge explosion you see on the battlefield.
I don't see how it's logical.

Well its not real so it doesn't have to be. However I'm not impressed by the ion cannon after seeing the trailer where they show it taking out part of the planet.
let me put it this way, lets measure the beams power in P

5 separate beams each having 2ps are moving closer together, harming everything they tuch.

As all 5 beams combine, their power combine


so suddenly, the power is 10 which makes the beam more powerful and more destructive which results in the huge explosion you see on the battlefield.

Or they could just be weak beams that help positioning the main beam when it comes. As they do come to the centre so when they align the main beam comes down and boom.
Or they could just be weak beams that help positioning the main beam when it comes. As they do come to the centre so whne they align the man beam comes down and boom.

yeah that could work to. Afterall its just theories :)
I think the point is so you can your units to Run like **** if those beams come down on your main army.

The blast radius is ****ing huge though. Can it take down a construction yard in one hit though? Generally superweapons can't...

The Avatar Warmechs aren't very impressive. And I miss my planes acting like planes, not like choppers. Although I guess it's alright...
The Avatars are very mean, loads of distance, get them all upgraded with extra lasers and your laughing.

Does anyone know what you do with the shells of them? I've had Avatars fall over, I can select them and stuff but not sure what they do?
Mutley, if you send an engineer unit to the fallen shell, they can repair and pilot it.

This goes for GDI's Juggernaut, the Scrin Anilalator, and the Brotherhood's Avatar War Mech.
I noticed that you can sort of select the Scrin too, but when the match starts you automatically lose. D:

Such a tease.