completed new models

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Aug 10, 2005
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a while ago I posted a few threads about a hl2, sp mod I was working on. I got a lot of flack about not using original models. I took this to heart and started creating some completly new models for this mod. here are a few, I hope they're up to standard


this ones been released


this has been released


soon to be released


needs to be skinned


soon to be released


soon to be released










both to be released soon


needs skinning


huey helicopter, and gunner, being skinned


inside the huey, being skinned, yes you can fly it.
these models are bs. youve just decompiled valves models and pasted them together and given them crappy textures.
valve has a bell ranger? and a motorcycle? and a bell huey? and a parachute? oh, wait, I know, on two of the characters you saw valve faces. yes, I wanted to keep face poser capabilities, apart from that, there is nothing else valve. british helmet? boonie hat? webbing harnes? rastafarian? police officer? helicopter gunner? gee, I must have missed those in hl2, and all the others wonder where they where. show me.
Glad to see you make models and texture them AND being able to put them in game even! The textures need a lot of work though, strechings all over, the minibike is probbly just a base texture? I dunno it has no details whatsoever, once you improve these area's i'm sure they will be great, the 1st helicopter is the best model, could be used in a lot of CSS custom maps imHo.
how about all the trousers all the chests all the arms all the hands all the faces. if you make your own models you can still rig them for face poser. i suggest you actualy learn to model characters rather than rip off hl2.
crackhead, look here





lets go one further, post a couple of pictures of a model you would like to see, I'll make it. if its a true copy of the pictures you post, I will accept your critisism, if not, I will be your slave
yes im looking and all i see is ripped off models. im not saying you havnt edited them slightly.
look again, what, not up to the chalenge?
Scale looks wrong on all the characters. But other then that its not to bad. The legs look quite abit to short. Find some more referance on human anatomy.
again I offer you my challenge. would you like to see the gunner in grayscale with polygons showing compared to any valve model? or maybe the soldier with the peak cap? or the rasta? these are original models. oh, and how is your monkeyman coming along? and again post some pictures of something you would like to see me model. well?
my monkey man? ok show wireframes of everything and then i will post pictures of valve models you have ripped off.
the motorcycle doesn't look good, the human anatomy needs more work, other than that, not bad. :thumbs:
Hint: the lenght of hands wide open should be equal to the lenght of head to toe.
crackhead said:
my monkey man? ok show wireframes of everything and then i will post pictures of valve models you have ripped off.

wonderful. we'll start with these two. when you've admitted your mistake with these two, we'll move onto the next two, then the next, and the next, ad neausium, and dont limit yourselve to valve, by all means, try other games, and free sites where one can download model meshes, please, be my guest





umm, not to be rude or anything, but if this thread turns into a fight, it'll be closed. keep it clean. just telling you...
its not a fight. im jsut pointing out that lots of the models have been clearly ripped off. anyway ill get to work.

naair post wireframes of these models also:

and also just to clarify you are admitting to stealing some heads from valves models but that is all correct?

of those above, 1,3,5 are 50%valve, 50%new. 2 and 4 are original valve, completely unchanged at all, for visual comparison between above and below shots.

lots of the models? where is the valve bell ranger, the huey, the parachute, all the various hats, the bike, the rasta, the cop, the gunner, the gas mask....
lol so now your admitting to ripping it off wheras before you said you just took soem faces. you are full of shizm. and as for those two you posted before. they are quite crude and atanomicly incorrect. there are too many polys in them for the small amount of detail. and the faces are still ripped off.
ripping models = bad (even if it's just a head)
ok the thread was about models for my mod, those three are part of a pack of ten done as requests, not for the mod, I guess I shouldn't have included them here
i think you oughta purchase some tutorial dvds on character modeling.
why? something wrong with the rasta or the gunner?
theyre not bad but they just need more detail. and it would be nice if you made your own face models. p.s im sorry for beeing rude before.
ok, peace, and the faces of the rasta and gunner are original, I went the traditional modeling route and worked off viewport background photos, the bodies where from rough sketches (I'm no good at drawing). the other prop models where all done from photographic references, and the huey from viewport background photos. and crackhead, good luck with the character head, ( I love making up after a tiff ).
...I fail to see a problem with reusing components provided in HL2 to make models for HL2 mods.

Texturing needs a little work, but I like what you've done. And it's good to see people actually posting something other than a super-high poly AK47 over and over.

-Angry Lawyer
crackhead said:
theyre not bad but they just need more detail. and it would be nice if you made your own face models. p.s im sorry for beeing rude before.

Damn I got so pissed off when I read your posts, until I saw they guy claiming these actually were VALVE work.

Hehe sorry mate :)

Anyway ripping and editing models to learn is'nt a bad thing, but claiming they are your own models and to use them in a modification is sad.

People need to learn how to create their own stuff ;)
i just thought it was kinda stupid of you to post the picture of the heli gunner in 3dsmax while claiming it to be yours. i dont know if anyone pointed this out yet but....

thanks newbie, but as a newbie you probably didnt know that its called a rig ( skeleton), and you kinda got to use the valve biped rig (skeleton) if you want the character to walk, and do stuff like hold guns and open doors and run.......using the hl2 animations. I'm sure after you get to understand a bit more about the world of game modeling, YOUR stupidity should clear up, unless of course, its inate.
Naaier's right. If you don't use the Valve bone setup, you're retarded.

-Angry Lawyer
ok you didnt have to be a complete douchebag about that, especially since i know about the valve skeleton and rigging, but...

naaier said:
I wanted to keep face poser capabilities, apart from that, there is nothing else valve. british helmet? boonie hat? webbing harnes? rastafarian? police officer? helicopter gunner? gee, I must have missed those in hl2, and all the others wonder where they where. show me.

you mentioned those models as done from scratch, and by the looks of it, you decompiled the mdl and simply made very little changes to it, considering you would need to open up the valve file in order to get that skeleton.

so in order to say that that was your model, we would have to assume that you opened the valve file, deleted the mesh, and started from scratch, and by the looks of it (unless you model exactly like the modelers for hl2), you didnt.

edit- im not saying you ripped off the helmet, bellringer ect., im commenting on the character models
meh, from the look of the huge poly wastage there, I don't think that's valve's model
entity said:
meh, from the look of the huge poly wastage there, I don't think that's valve's model
i second that. but i dont think your head models and bodies were made bythe same person there are dramatic differences in the way the heads are textured. it looks really odd.
knightmare said:
ok you didnt have to be a complete douchebag about that, especially since i know about the valve skeleton and rigging, but...

you mentioned those models as done from scratch, and by the looks of it, you decompiled the mdl and simply made very little changes to it, considering you would need to open up the valve file in order to get that skeleton.

so in order to say that that was your model, we would have to assume that you opened the valve file, deleted the mesh, and started from scratch, and by the looks of it (unless you model exactly like the modelers for hl2), you didnt.

edit- im not saying you ripped off the helmet, bellringer ect., im commenting on the character models

please, knightmare, go decompile any character you like, all of them in fact, take some screenshots, then sit down and compare the pics of the gunner and rasta to what you decompiled, look long and look hard, realise that you dont know what you are talking about, and then go away. and BTW yes, I do try and model the way the pros model, which, if you had done any modeling at all, you would know is the correct way to model, ie: from reference pictures, usualy half the model, then mirroring the other half ( hell its like
i'm doing a tutorial here),
and how else would you get a valve rig (skeleton, remember?)
if not to decompile a model and delete the mesh??????? so now having said all of that, again, run off and do that little taskie waskie I gave you, ok?

mindless_moder said:
i second that. but i dont think your head models and bodies were made bythe same person there are dramatic differences in the way the heads are textured. it looks really odd.

facial texturing is reletively easy when working from decent photos, hell, in 15 minutes you can make any face well textured, cloth, I find is a different matter, texture stretching, folding, and what not. when I texture, I start from the top and go downwards, the texturing on both of those is way from finished, and I shall definatly keep this lively thread alive by updating screenshots as I progress on them
naaier said:
please, knightmare, go decompile any character you like, all of them in fact, take some screenshots, then sit down and compare the pics of the gunner and rasta to what you decompiled, look long and look hard, realise that you dont know what you are talking about

didnt someone already do that? (also if you see my post, i never mentioned the rasta man)

naaier said:
and BTW yes, I do try and model the way the pros model, which, if you had done any modeling at all, you would know is the correct way to model, ie: from reference pictures, usualy half the model, then mirroring the other half

omg im getting so excited! what is a refrence image almighty king of the modelers? and mirroring! i wouldve NEVER guessed that i could mirror a model to make it symetrical.

naaier said:
and how else would you get a valve rig (skeleton, remember?)

wow, a rig is a skeleton, i was wondering about that for such a long time. you have taught me soooooo much today. lets recap what we have learned

-naaier is a dipshit
-naaier is a modeler who is full of himself and thinks that he can fascinate (sp?) people with his amazing ability to use refrence images and use the mirror option in 3dsmax.
-i have never looked at the hl2 model wireframes and did not realize that naaier was a shitty modeler who made his own poly-wasting models.
knightmare, you do of course realise that you're making a total ass of yourself. dont you?
lol, and of course you're not being an asshole at all. there is no way you could have possibly acted nice in your first response to my post. no, you just had to be a complete dick...
knightmare said:
i just thought it was kinda stupid of you to post the picture of the heli gunner in 3dsmax while claiming it to be yours. i dont know if anyone pointed this out yet but....

this is your first post, with a sweet little picture too. which showed your lack of knowledge, whereas now you know it all, so you did learn something) my response is in the same vein as the post. I dont turn the other cheek
knightmare your beeing an absolute male genital organ. you were foolish and wrong. then you tried to dodge this by just making sarcastic rude comments that prove nothing. your pathetic.
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