CONFIRMED (again): Internet needed for RETAIL HL2.

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Whether DVD drives are cheaper or not depends on where you are located. In the local store where I buy all computer equipment, a DVD costs almost twice as much as the sum I pay monthly for a broadband connection with 2Mbit and 8Mbit local speed.
I'm thinking about Eastern European countries now... people can afford to buy the game there, although they see it as rather expensive. However, DVDs are still exquisite in that area, and most people don't have one. More people have Internet than DVDs, and those who are offline, can probably somehow gain access once to validation - most of them. DVD drive, however, might be out of the question.
There's no need for this. It's not gonna stop HL2 from being pirated, omg.
While I'm at it, (It's a raw nerve thing), yea a modem is cheap as chips. The ISP required to connect isn't. There are monthly fees and usually a tie-in contract which makes damn sure you end up spending more than the game itself just to validate it.
CR0M said:
Q- "do I need an internet connection to play steam games?" A - "No. All you have to do is select offline mode once when you begin" or words to that effect.

You're quite right, I didn't read the FAQ. When I decided that I would catch up I read things like the "Info from VALVe" thread, I'm pretty sure it was in that that I found several references to requiring a net connection.
I realise you're paraphrasing but that wording would be a little naughty. It's true that you do not need a connection to play, what they leave out is that you'll need a connection to activate. Presumably this didn't occur to them because Steam games were downloaded and so you had a connection. Making it a non-issue.

I've been thinking about the connection too. I suppose you could go AOL or something, there's always free trial periods for them floating around.
It's interesting really because I rarely read system specs these days... I'm that confident in my computer's abilities.

Anyway, I wasn't aware that Europe was also getting the DVD version and nought else- I'd only heard that the UK was limited in that sense.

As for the BB/DVD price comparison, in the UK it costs up to £90 for an installation fee, then say £18 in monthly fees, so there's obviously a technology gap between countries there...
If you need steam to activate and you have no internet, you can dl steam in a library or something (the installker is only 600kb), make a steam account and than install steam at youre home, run it offline and play.

atleast I hink that this would be possible.
What is the solution for the ppl with no internet connection?
That won't work. :rolleyes:

I think at the moment the solution is, get a connection. Buy a modem of network to another pc. Or don't buy the game of course.
This is really stupid, the only comp that has the net on in my house is the one that definately WON'T run the game, so I'm going to have to spend money to make my other comp. on the net. I can imagine a lot of people will be put off buying this game because of this. I, as most of the fans on here, will do anything to get this game. But people who don't follow this game, and are the customers who will see it in the shop and buy it, will be put off if they don't have an net connection.
Yes, there is a technology gap. I'm paying, converting to UK money, 15 pounds a month for my excellent connection, and then I have a very lucky deal that is impossible for the average person to get. A DVD costs 27 pounds. That's quite a difference.

And yes, they're not widespread in Eastern Europe. Just like CD-ROM drives were a pretty exquisite thing in 1993, DVDs are the same now.
Exquisite? Well, I suppose they look ok.

PC's in the UK seem to have had DVD's as standard for years now and alot have nic's installed too. And modems.

And Steam works fine over my firewall.
Well i cant play HL2 then :/ Steam dont work over the firewall :'(
Well, the technology gap between Russia/Eastern Europe and USA, UK and countries such as Germany or Israel is bigger than you probably think. In Eastern Europe, CD-writers have only become standard for new computers in early 2003. DVD drivers are available if buying an extremely high-end configuration machine, or separately.

I have a DVD drive on one of my comps, though, that's nice. Should probably burn the preloaded files after release - preloaders don't get any hard medium after all.
Not entirely relevant but when you say "exquisite" do you actually mean "exclusive", as in not readily available to some, or a special benefit?
Crash Happy said:
network to another pc.

Now THERE'S a good solution - a cheap network card is cheaper than a modem, unless it's built in to your mobo in which case the solution is FREE anyway.
I meant exquisite as in rare for people to have, not something the average guy has, only those who want one specifically and have money.
Interesting, I'd never heard the word used in that sense before. That's semantic shift for you.

The thing is, regardless of availability, at least if you buy a DVD drive you won't be buying it purely to play HL2; it's not as if no other game ever will come out on DVD only.
Meh, get used to games demanding internet connections.
It'll become part of the minimum requirements just like a DX9 compatible videocard.
Sure, if you don't have an internet connection, they make you spend some money (a few cent by dialing in, plenty of free first month ISP's out there) but what about people without a DVD player? Same story. I've gotta go out and buy a DVD player next month, a lot more money than a one time registration.

It's a bit like those applications that require online verification, like Photoshop and more. They also offer an option to do it by phone, maybe that's an option too for Steam? Although via the phone method, these systems get cracked, believe me, I know.
So the inet connection way is the only one that's relatively safe, although it will be cracked at some point, it'll be something that most people can't be bothered to mess around with and will just buy it in the store.
Yes, DVDs are surely useful for other means, but I barely use mine. I know that I probably wouldn't buy one for HL2, if I had to. It costs as much as the game itself...

And PvtRyan, you are not correct, I think. An activation/noSteam or whatever you want to call it crack will be out very soon. And people don't have to mess with anything, crackers do. After the crack is made, it's going to be as easy to use as any other crack. It's not like it will be so difficult that someone'd think, nah, the crack is hard, I'll buy the game. Not going to happen. 95% of pirates will not buy the game they pirate if they couldn't for some reason have pirated it.

Adding phone wouldn't make the system any less secure. The hack simply convinces the game that it's active - it doesn't care whether you got Steam, net, or anything. I understand Valve's desire to combat piracy, and yet I am absolutely sure this will be uneffective.
otomo said:
Forcing the internet connection just makes it more of a pain for those who actually do buy the game.

It's always the same old story. When you pay, you get some extra PITA bundled with the game. If you are a pirate, you don't have to worry about anything. A real nice way to encourage people to spend their money. Congratulations.
I think the jewel cases reinforce that, as well. Normally, while legit users had CD checks or other annoyances, they at least got a nice box and manual and other goodies... with the games being sold in those jewel cases, both legit users and pirates get only a disk with the game.
Harryz said:
This is great news.

How is this great news?

Nobody at all benefits from this, except the people who warezed the game and can laugh at those who bought it in good faith.

When a stolen good has more value than a purchased good, you know something is wrong.

This reminds me of those DRM music websites. You buy a song, you can't control what you do with it (can't edit, can't copy, can't burn, can't play in your car, can't re-download, etc). Download it from kaza, and you can do whatever you want it. Something's wrong with it, don't you think?
Vormulac said:
So now people in the UK will have to get themselves a net connection to validate if they haven't got one, and a DVD drive if they've only got a CD.

Sounds fair enough to play what is now generally touted as the best fps game ever created.

Please, tell me this guy is on crack.
no, us folks in little old England dont have the intarweb yet, and we still have those windy up telephones. Everytime i ring the queen, i have to wind away till be arm aches.. she dont half yap on you know, always telling me stories about those corgis of hers. Still good job you guys kicked the Germans out of England for us as we still wouldnt have phones, gawd bless ya red necked socks.

And FYI it tends to be Americans that dont have DVD drives in their PC's for some reason, dont know why though. Ive never seen an OEM machine for sale without one, well not for years and years anyway. and I would never build a PC for myself or anyone else for that matter without one.

Most OEM machines come with CD and DVD burners as standard these days, including laptops.

Jeez man, this really sucks ass. I'm at university and they have blocked alot of ports, meaning that i cant use steam at all. Been lookin forward to this game for ages too :( .It leaves the end user with only one option and that is piracy. Talk about counterproductive...

For any student that is interested there is another option provided you dont mind paying $20 per month. There is a program called HOPSOCK that allows you to bybass the blocked ports meaning you can play games online and use steam but i am damned if i can afford £11 a month:o
If you read up on piracy protection, you'll find out that industry experts agree with you. It's indeed one of the biggest problems with warez, that a warez game is, much of the time, more convenient.
dunny96us said:
Jeez man, this really sucks ass. I'm at university and they have blocked alot of ports, meaning that i cant use steam at all. Been lookin forward to this game for ages too :( .It leaves the end user with only one option and that is piracy. Talk about counterproductive...

For any student that is interested there is another option provided you dont mind paying $20 per month. There is a program called HOPSOCK that allows you to bybass the blocked ports meaning you can play games online and use steam but i am damned if i can afford £11 a month:o
just do it for 1 month and activate hl2 when its released... Then play offline mode to play hl2...
Murray_H said:
This is the reason why I won't be able to play HL2 till 15th of December. 2.5Mb connection and Steam won't work ;(

Why ? whats going on ?

I think 98% of gamers got Internet connection. That won't be a problem for valve. !!!!
I dont think this is true. If your only gonna play HL2 and not CS:S you shouldnt need an internet connection.
ive emailed VALVE about this, ill post the response here, hopefully you will be able to auth your install some other way if you are on a restricted network in your campus or barracks or something.
Metatron said:
I think the main reason for the requered internet check is that people _have_ to get themselves a steam account...

Microsoft background indeed.
Yes FINALLY someone with a clue! They are simply forcing the use of steam.
GRIMEY said:
Yes FINALLY someone with a clue! They are simply forcing the use of steam.

Steam is an awsome application. I have been using it for more than 6 months now, not one single problem I had with it.
I don't really see a problem, its a one time thing which will probably take like a couple minutes? Deal with it. Although to be honest i don't see the need of it, I reckon even all the people who warez games will buy it anyway....what moron wouldn't want to buy it?!?
Who wouldn't want to buy it? Simple: a cheapskate who doesn't want to support the gaming industry.

It'll help in the war against pirates. Just not for long, as it's just another encrypted single for them to screw around with. Seems as if it's more of a hindrance to the customers than anyone else.

First they came for the Mac users, but I didn't speak out, because it's not a freakin' game platform.

When they came for those without an Internet connection, I didn't speak out, because it was more fun mocking them.

Then they came for the dialup users, and there was no one left. Or rather, no broadbanders who actually cared.
I personally know about a half-dozen people who do not have internet connections on their new computers. Their parnets disconnected the net to leep them perverts from downloading Pr0n. So, now they are like 16-18, still living at home, and can't connect to the Internet to activate the game. This does not include many others living at dorms with networked PCs who can't activate due to blocked ports.

A friend of mine is married, has kids, his own home, good job, and NO internet connection. His Very capable PC will not activate Steam until he unhooks his computer and hauls it over to someone elses house just to activate his HL2. Talk about pain in the ass.

It would not surprise me if he waits until a crack is out before he gets the game. And this guy was planning on getting at least a couple copies for himself and his kid. Our motto has always been "reward the compaines who make the best games.", but in this case, I'm starting to wonder.

It's not fun like it used to be: Running out to the store as soon as you here the game is in. Grabbing a copy, calling your friends up while you install and bragging about how cool the game is.

I may not even buy the game until there is a DM Mod out either. I'm getting more and more discouraged about this game.
Actually, for pirates this game will be the same as any other, easily available a few days after the release at latest. For crackers... this activation doesn't help in the 'war against them'. Those people live off such stuff, it's fun for them to crack something more than a usual CD check. They'll only appreciate that there's something to do.
Oh, no, I'm not saying it'll stop them or help a huge amount- I'm just saying that it'll slow them down. I mean, they do that sort of thing for a living, it's not as if it'd take them a day to breach the security :rolleyes: