CONFIRMED (again): Internet needed for RETAIL HL2.

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Slow only a few down. What's the difference if people can play the pirated game on 16th, 17th or 18th, it will be one of those three dates anyway.

And they never get paid for breaking games, they do it for fun, as a hobby. Cracks can be made real quick now. Just wait and see. Or look at what happened to CSS.
I'm in a student house WITHOUT a phoneline. Theres no phone sockets at all. So to play HL2 I'd need to pay for installation and the subsequent monthly line rental (logically after paying for installation we'd want / need to keep funding line). If the house was full of gamers / internet users then we'd have probably done all of this by now, but I'm the only person in the house WITH A PC!

This requirement is an absolute farce.
f|uke said:
Why even come into this thread if you think the topic is bullshit? Nobody is making you read this, and some people think this is a worthy topic. So stop whining, bitches.

None of these guys ever said that the topic is bullshit mate, so watch your mouth and your flaming.

I also think this is rediculous. My mate is a big HL fan and would love to play hl2 but he lives on a farm hundreds of kilometres from the nearest town (in Australia). So he has jackshit chance of getting an internet connection. You should at least be able to confirm your purchase via a toll-free phone number. Perhaps Valve will have this worked out by release date.

And f|uke, please read the posts correctly before you comment.
16-18 and they can't figure out how to use the net for one activation? Do people like this deserve to own computers?
How exactly is your other example Mr M. Adeup going to get the crack if he's not got access?

Seriously though, I'm sure it sucks but I've known about it for ages. I'm suprised you lot didn't and those who did, why didn't you tell all your pals?
Valve should simply have offered Steam to those who want to use it for it's obvious advantages. And let people who don't want to take advantage of those advantages not install it.

Steam does nothing to add value to the gaming experience, for those who do not care about getting updates and patches handed to them at Valves discretion. It simply loads more crap on the computer. Much like IE and Windows OS. "It HAS to be integrated!" B.S.

I'm surprised nobody has found fine-print requiring you to name your first-born Gabe. know, I'd intended the whole "slow them down" thing as a snide, cynical remark not to be taken at face value. I tried to hint at that again with the "rolleyes", but it seems that failed :sleep:

I know they do it for fun. I know that only one group needs to work on it for millions of others to use the aforementioned crack to access the game as if they'd bought it legally. I know cracks can be made in less than a day. I don't need to wait and see, as everyone can predict the result anyway.

*Makes note to use sarcasm tags constantly in future. Although I forgot to last time I said that.*
Toll-free numbers would only work within the US. If your friend lives in Australia, then the Australian phone company would still charge him for calling the States, even if the number itself was toll-free.
Nah, just ignore me. I can only spot sarcasm on weekends, not workdays :).
Welcome to technology guys.

I remember being in your shoes back when I was younger. I rememeber when Star Wars: Dark Forces came out I was so excited I got a ride to the mall and went in to buy the game and to my horror saw the game only was available on this thing called CD-ROM.

For those who don't remember what life was like before cd-rom's we had to install games on 3 1/2 or 5 1/4 floppy disks back in the day.

I had to play the game at a friends house until I could buy one of these strange new devices.

Thing is technology increases and though it is inconvienient at times, we must move forward not stay behind.
The fact that there has been no real feedback from Valve in the form of an offcial statement on any message board and even on the 'Steam' board where there is also a big discussion about this makes me think that there is nothing to worry about.

I would think if Valve want to make HL2 one of the biggest selling games ever then they will have an alternative way to authenticate your copy of HL2.

If you need to Jion up to Steam and aunthenticate that way then they will lose customers. There is no doubt about it, but if they offer the chance to use the telephone to authenticate then everything would be OK.

How much of an outcry would there have been if Windows XP authentication didn't come with the phone option? I will tell you - lots and lots.

Valve want to sell games and they will make sure everyone can play them.
Haha, fair enough. :D I'm just a bit highly strung at the moment because I've been gently patronised in life and in threads without any of the buggers explaining what they actually mean or how what they've said is at all relevant.

*twiddles thumbs*
Homercidal said:
Valve should simply have offered Steam to those who want to use it for it's obvious advantages. And let people who don't want to take advantage of those advantages not install it.

Steam does nothing to add value to the gaming experience, for those who do not care about getting updates and patches handed to them at Valves discretion. It simply loads more crap on the computer. Much like IE and Windows OS. "It HAS to be integrated!" B.S.

I'm surprised nobody has found fine-print requiring you to name your first-born Gabe.

You dont have to play HL2 there are so many good games out there.

I dont have it installed yet.
Im waiting to see exactly what i need to play the game.
Not just hear-say
Well, all the signs- Valve statements and FAQs- are hardly hearsay. Steam authentication will be a requirement to play HL2. What remains to be seen is whether or not there will be non-Internet alternatives.
Crash Happy said:
16-18 and they can't figure out how to use the net for one activation? Do people like this deserve to own computers?
How exactly is your other example Mr M. Adeup going to get the crack if he's not got access?

Seriously though, I'm sure it sucks but I've known about it for ages. I'm suprised you lot didn't and those who did, why didn't you tell all your pals?

If you're referring to my examples (try quoting, it helps to sort these things out), he will likely download it at work, or from one of his many friends with Internet, which would NOT require him to set his computer up at someone elses house. He's not made up.

FYI, I do have an internet connection, but don't plan on "registering" the game with Valve if there is any other choice. Frankly, I feel they can sit on a greasy corn cob if they think I'm going to sign up for something that installs on my computer and adds no value to the game. Even M$ allows you to do the activation over the phone.

Sorry if I come across as being angry. I just don't understand why Valve feels it's necessary to place such an inconvenience on those people who dont' pirate, while providing literally no protection against cracks. The only thing this is going to stop is people who want to play online, and it's likely to also be an inconvenience to those legitimate users at some point as well.
16-18 was directly from your post.
However, I wasn't keen on having to install steam either. That's part of the price though and I decided that ultimately I was willing to pay it in this case. No phone auth does suck but it looks like the way things are.

Exactly how big are people thinking this crack is going to be?
Tropico said:
You dont have to play HL2 there are so many good games out there.

I dont have it installed yet.
Im waiting to see exactly what i need to play the game.
Not just hear-say

I don't think there are that many good games out there. I happen to be fairly picky about the games I play. I got a full-time job and a family and house to maintain, plus lots of other hobbies. I just happen to have been looking forward to the sequel to what I consider one of the greatest FPS games ever created. My excitement is waning lately. At one time I was planning on getting the game as soon as physically possible. Right now I am probably going to wait until this whole activation crap shakes out.
Crash Happy said:
16-18 was directly from your post.

The 16-18 year-olds are the kids of many of my computer repair clients. Aquaintences of mine mostly. I'm guessing their ages because I dont' know them that well, but I do know that their parents were not pleased to find that their kids had been stockpiling pr0n on their computers, and so they subesquently disconnected the computers. Some of them even had me take the modems out and keep them!

I'm not going to argue whether this was the right thing for the parent to do, I'm just providing an example of where people with capable PCs, who have phone lines, or even cable internet in their area, don't necessarily have the Internet. I doubt that most of these parents will let their kids connect the Internet just to play a game. If it weren't for the Internet requirement, most of those kids would probably be getting the game.
So what happens when you reinstall Windows? Do you have to re-authenticate again? Obviously you'd have to... am i right???
alehm said:
Welcome to technology guys.
For those who don't remember what life was like before cd-rom's we had to install games on 3 1/2 or 5 1/4 floppy disks back in the day.

I had to play the game at a friends house until I could buy one of these strange new devices.

Thing is technology increases and though it is inconvienient at times, we must move forward not stay behind.

Just don't forget that not everyone can afford to shell out as much for the DVD as for HL2 itself. Besides... I remember that back then, when CDs were just being introduced, some games shipped on both CDs and floppies. Then, they began shipping on CDs only because floppies were impossible. A CD has approx. 450 times the capacity of a floppy disk. So shipping a game on 400 floppies was out of the question. Now, however, shipping a game on 3-4 CDs AND a DVD is feasible.

Interestingly, ID Software and Activision went with CDs for Doom 3 because they thought DVDs aren't widespread enough. And Doom3 got released very well, just 3 CDs, no activation or anything, and it sells well. Did it get pirated? Yes. But ID knew that would happen anyway.
heh, I remember Windows for Workgroups 3.11 was a pile of floppies so high it reminded me of that game Jenga...
everyone that says "you should have internet" or you can get it for like 10 bucks or just do this or just do that are missing the point : WE SHOULDNT F#CKING HAVE TO.
Whether i want Steam, or whether i want internet, or whether i have a modem card is MY CHOICE, and it shouldnt be forced upon me by some Bullshit authorisation system after i just bought my right to play the game for 100 dollars
Well, taking the parent-imposed Internet ban as an example (but really, who the hell keeps porn on a computer that their parent is likely to use?) it's a punishment and certainly not the most common scenario for a gamer lacking a connection.

Hell, if you set aside the fact they should've known better, they can ask to verify HL2 before giving up the Internet again, and for such a purportedly brief and simple process their parents are free to monitor them the whole time. Otherwise, they're going to have to view a lack of HL2 as part of their punishment.

Oh, and I take it you're talking about non-American dollars? Because if you've paid that amount for a Steam package the verification is a moot point...
Yeah Homercidal. Don't take me the wrong way I'm not trying to have a pop. All I was suggesting was that any late teenage kid ought to be able to install and use a modem without their parents realising*. I'd much prefer not have VALVe try and tell me what I will install on my system as well but that's the way it is. Only they, and some crackers possibly, can change that.

*This in no way suggests that kids should go around installing things into thei pc's against their parents rules and "Crash Happy" and all his subsiduary agents in no way take any responsibility for these actions of damages occured through said actions. Play safe don't do drugs do do what your parents tell you.
denlife7 said:
So what happens when you reinstall Windows? Do you have to re-authenticate again? Obviously you'd have to... am i right???

Generally, with home and professional OEM versions of windows, you would either have to activate using Internet or Phone. Either way, at some point your activation numbers become invalid, usually like 3-5 times of installing and activating.

At this point you have to call M$ and tell them that you were working on the computer and had to re-install several times to get the problem fixed. I have always found them to be very pleasant and quick to provide a new activation number.

The phone activation is required where I work due to the firewall/proxy that Corporate has in place. Much easier than trying to get them to reconfigure the proxy. Takes like 5 minutes and is automated, no person required until you've activated too many times.
Edcrab said:
Well, all the signs- Valve statements and FAQs- are hardly hearsay. Steam authentication will be a requirement to play HL2. What remains to be seen is whether or not there will be non-Internet alternatives.

Yeah so why don't they tell you that aswell? Why? Because they want you to install Steam....its all very clever what they are doing, but I don't think it will pay off in the long run. Valve need to be careful with what they say as they may lose customers because of this.
for the love of God i'm in the same position as Murray_H i have the uni network and no goddamn steam...crippling.
Anyway, there are a few obvious facts. Fact: legit users need an Internet connection to play. Fact: it will cause inconvenience for some people who buy the game. Fact: pirates will not need an Internet connection. Therefore, it's easy to see that once again legit buyers are disadvantaged compared to people who use a pirated version.
Well, people with laptops will be able to buy wireless cards and take them down to the local starbucks/library/whatever, assuming the ports aren't blocked by the firewalls.

Alternatively:- All you guys who need to have steam validated simply send me $1 or 50 new pence, along with your password and CD key. I'll validate the game for you, mark you as playing offline. And bingo! HL2 a gogo. Roll up, roll up! First 100 customer get a free paper HL2 hat. (Ok, it won't work, but hey, I'll still accept the money for trying!)
Rupertvdb said:
for the love of God i'm in the same position as Murray_H i have the uni network and no goddamn steam...crippling.
I have no doubts that a "patch" will become available from GameCopyWorld etc that will allow single player games without internet connection shortly after release.
Edcrab said:
Well, taking the parent-imposed Internet ban as an example (but really, who the hell keeps porn on a computer that their parent is likely to use?) it's a punishment and certainly not the most common scenario for a gamer lacking a connection.

Hell, if you set aside the fact they should've known better, they can ask to verify HL2 before giving up the Internet again, and for such a purportedly brief and simple process their parents are free to monitor them the whole time. Otherwise, they're going to have to view a lack of HL2 as part of their punishment.

Oh, and I take it you're talking about non-American dollars? Because if you've paid that amount for a Steam package the verification is a moot point...

I don't recall ever expressing monetary terms in my posts.. Oh well. Like I said I'm not discussing the parent's form of punishment and I'm not speculating on what 16-18 year olds are actually doing at their computers, only providing what I do know about. That at least 5 people I know have had me take out the modems in their kids computers. That was their choice when they asked how they can prevent it form happening again. My response was to keep them off the Internet. The only quick and sure way was to remove the Modem.

So, now I'm assuming that, unless they've changed their minds, those computers do not have a modem and no Internet.

That may be a small number to Valve, but I'm not arguing that point. I'm merely providing examples of cases where capable PC CANNOT access the internet. I'm guessing that at least a couple of those parents called the parents of the kids on their kids' IM list too. Seems they were trading images back and forth...
Homercidal said:
I'm guessing that at least a couple of those parents called the parents of the kids on their kids' IM list too. Seems they were trading images back and forth...
Off topic here homercidal, but couldn't they have bought a password protected firewall or something, and set it up to allow access to certain sites only?
There will be a number you can phone to get the game authenticated!

Valve will not be so silly in not allowing people without internet connections play the game.....there are a lot you know.
johnstone said:
There will be a number you can phone to get the game authenticated!

Valve will not be so silly in not allowing people without internet connections play the game.....there are a lot you know.
I'd prefer to get official word of that before assuming anything.
Neutrino said:
If that's true it's one of the dumbest things I've ever heard of. I know people that don't have access to the internet. So what? They aren't allowed to play the game?

I fail to see the reason either. I mean I can't see it being for piracy since if you don't have the internet you're not going to be downloading any warez.

Nope, you're not, but others can burn it on some CD's and give it to you.
just a thought

Okay, after about 10 pages I started skimming this, but I don't think anyone has brought up some of these points.

I don't think this is strictly about anti piracy. Valve, from the beginning has been all about sticking it to people that are in general... jerks.

Windows XP activation wasn't put in place as a pure anti piracy tool (though I feel it's not used correctly by MS either way) These tools are in place to hit people that are trying to bypass the system, and this gives Valve the chance to find, and pursue them. IF an activation is required, then chances are there are going to be hacks out there to bypass them. For the SP experience this isn't going to help. But for those that feel like trying to take their chances with downloading content via Steam, this is going to red flag their accounts, ip addresses, email addresses, and credit card info. These are typically fake anyway, but in the end the wide range of tools published to bypass steam are going to have one HECK of a time keeping up with the security in place in the system.

In the end, if valve wants to, they can then turn around and use this data to pursue those who think such fraud is acceptable. I won't deny that I've played hacked games before, but I'm not about to go and try and take it from underneath the nose of the developer. It may keep those of us who have slipped up... honest, while those that are down right malicious get the shaft.

Again, this is speculation on my part, but I think there is a valid track record from valve that we should trust that they have a GOOD reason for this. I think it's far more important to address the issue of security in Steam, and internet distribution so that we have a proper platform for the future, then to appease the minority (and it is a minority people) that would be inconvienced by this tactic.

so would I but I just think that a company of Valves stature would mess up something like this.

All it needs is an automated answer machine on a telephone line....pretty simple to a team of people who have built the best FPS ever.
CombineHarvester said:
Off topic here homercidal, but couldn't they have bought a password protected firewall or something, and set it up to allow access to certain sites only?

Well, at the time it was not something they were interested in doing. Remember that most of these parents are not what I'd consider "Computer Savvy".

I did describe blocking software and whatnot, but they did not warm to the thought of a password-protected method. They basically wanted NO possibility of Internet. Damn shame in my opinion. These folks spend $1000-1500 for new machine so their kids can do their homework, then they take away the biggest advantage in having a computer for homework - Internet research.

I guess that's what happens when you spend too much time reseaching physiology, though. Perhaps those kids have gotten their internet back, I don't know.

Personally, I would probably do something like blocking software, but then I'm always going to be smarter on computers than my kids are (yeah, right!). But mostly I let my own young ones play their games. When they start doing their own surfing, then I might consider something, but I'm of a mind to be there when they happen across that stuff and be able to discuss the contents in a reasonable manner. No sense in getting all uptight about it. Kids will see that stuff regardless what you do, the Internet is just to prevelant today. I'd rather they know about it and be able to say "So what?", when their friends start talking about it.
valjarom said:
In the end, if valve wants to, they can then turn around and use this data to pursue those who think such fraud is acceptable. I won't deny that I've played hacked games before, but I'm not about to go and try and take it from underneath the nose of the developer. It may keep those of us who have slipped up... honest, while those that are down right malicious get the shaft.

Again, this is speculation on my part, but I think there is a valid track record from valve that we should trust that they have a GOOD reason for this. I think it's far more important to address the issue of security in Steam, and internet distribution so that we have a proper platform for the future, then to appease the minority (and it is a minority people) that would be inconvienced by this tactic.


I don't see any track record. As far as I see, there was never a strict requirement of Internet Access to play a Valve game, nor any other game.

I"m not worried about using a pirated copy of the game. I don't play MP online (esp. CS), and would only be interested in playing the SP and DM versions on LAN. Therefore, there is no real requirement for me to have to authenticate to a Steam Server, just to play HL2. Again, it's extra software, that's not needed for the gaming experience, forced on us by Valve.

If they wanted to use Steam to Validate online players, such as for cheats and illegal CD Keys and such, then fine, it's their servers and they are hosting the MP experience, but for those who do not have Internet, or do not wish to play over the Internet, it's just not necessary. Valve is only thinking of those people who play on their servers. People who need to have the same revision to play on their servers. People at home, who do not have a problem playing the game, certainly don't need to be spoon-fed updates, and Steam is simply extra bloatware.

What would you think if you bought a TV and it required you to dial the internet, just to watch network broadcasts? That is how I see it. I bought the game and there is no reason for Valve to know who I am, where I live, how often I play, what sites I visit, what IP address I'm using, or anything else they could possibly be using Steam for. It's just not necessary.
Well I would want to believe that there will be no tracking going on. I will surely be highly uncomfortable if Steam transmits any information other than authentication, about what I do - I would surely in that situation get a crack myself.

I also agree that in theory, people who don't plan on playing MP, should never have to have a connection to play. I'm not worried myself, though, I have a connection obviously, but ideally, I'd also love to play HL2 the way I intend to, singleplayer, without any Steam.