Confirmed Sightings * SPOILERS *


HeadCrabs : E3 2004 Video, Traptown (BINK).
Zombies : E3 2004 Video, Traptown (BINK), Docks (BINK).
Combine Soldiers : E3 2004 Video , Traptown (BINK), Barricade (BINK), Tunnels(BINK), Bugbait (BINK).
Striders : Striders Video (BINK), Kleiners Lab (BINK), E3 2004 Video.
Combine Gunship : Barricade (BINK), CoastLine (BINK).
Hydra/s : Tunnels (BINK).
Antlions : Bugbait (BINK), E3 2004 Video.
Antlion Guard : Bugbait (BINK).
G-Man : G-Man Video (BINK), Psyche (BINK), E3 2004 Video.
Eli Vance : E3 2004 Video.
Vortigants : E3 2004 Video.
Alyx Vance : E3 2004 Video, Kleiners Lab (BINK).
Barney : Barricade (BINK)
Dr Breen : E3 2004 Video.
Speed/Corpse Zombies : E3 2004 Video
Metrocops : E3 2004 Video
Combine Helicopter : E3 2004 Video
Combine APC : E3 2004 Video
Man Hacks : Tunnels (BINK)
Scanners : Kleiners Lab (BINK)
Stun Prod : E3 2004 Video
Dr Mossman : E3 2004 Video
Father Gregori : E3 2004 Video.


Crowbar : E3 2004 video, Tunnels (BINK), Traptown (BINK)
MP7 : Barricade (BINK), Striders Video (BINK), E3 2004 video, Kleiners Lab (BINK)
USP : Tunnels (BINK), Traptown (BINK), E3 2004 video.
Rocket Launcher : E3 2004 video.
Shotgun : E3 2004 video, Traptown (BINK)
XM-29 SABR OICW : Bugbait (BINK).
Manipulator : Traptown (BINK), E3 2004 video, Striders video (BINK).
HE Grenade : Barricade (BINK), Traptown (BINK).
Flare Gun : Barricade (BINK), E3 2004 video, Tunnels (BINK)
Magnum : E3 2004 video.
Crossbow : E3 2004 video (Weapon Selection)
Psygun : E3 2003 Demo (Possible Weapon)
Helicopter Mines : E3 2004 Video
Missile Launchers : E3 2004 Video ( Hovercraft Part)


Recharge HEV Shield Packs : E3 2004 Video.
Buggy : Coastline (BINK), E3 2004 Video.
HoverCraft : E3 2004 Video.
Health Packs : ????? (Give me the info on where they are)

Updated the List ..........
The physgun was shown in the physics demonstration part of the E3 2003 demo. It will likely be obtainable through a console command but probably will not be a weapon that you actually pick up in the game. It looks almost like the manipulator.
Father Gregori is an item? Well, he does seem rather compact...

[EDIT]: Oh, you edited...
umm...why do you have father gregori in your item's list?

Edit: oh, damn you guys are fast at posting.
Weapon: Those organic balls you use to control the Antlions (Bugbait BINK)
You forgot to add a sentryguns.
Black moving machinge guns.
Can't get to the second one, but the first just looks like a normal HL battery with added shine/glow...

[EDIT]: Wait, now I can see the second one. Looks oddly boring... I preferred the HL-style one...
i reckon they are made up...or he is using farcry stuff, doesn't seem genuine, don't worry yourself.
If he made it up, fine (But I don't think he did).

If he got them from the "beta", a pox on him.

Either way, he's an idiot.
They were all fake as far as I know, but still a waste of space so I deleted.
And I'd just gone to get Munro, too :E :P...

Methinks I'd better come up with a beta alert sequence chart...
For healthpacks check the e3 2004 video at about 21:49 during the 2nd strider video gordon jumps down and lands on a health pack which shows a + icon as the right side of the screen and makes that luvly little noise from HL1 ;)
Man, I can't wait to see all the other weapons and aliens in the game.

We've only seen weapons from the 1,2 and 3 menues, right? (1 being melee, 2 pistols, 3 rifles)

and about the aliens, we've actually only seen like 4 or 5 of them, havn't we? Antlions, antlion guards, headcrabs, zombies and those insane jumping thingies in the Father Gregory (graveyard) video.
J(udith?) Mossman's missing too. That lady in the elevator.

Oh, I see, Father Gregori's still in the item list in the first post :E.

Oh, and it's "Vortigaunts".
The Health packs are in the e3 2004 video'. In the second Strider video, the player jumps off the entrance to the big building and picks up some health packs.
some realy bad handycam vid, no idea where it came from
DOG was in those videos shot by students on a visit to Valve.

He was rather buggy.
Get Chris_D if he's on, he handled the last lot.

[EDIT]: Why did you quote them anyway, burnzie? It just makes the mods' job more tedious...

Looks like someone got them in the original post, though...

[EDIT2]: And now they've edited your quote. In a rather s******-inducing manner.
acme420, I'll once again ask you to stop doing this. I don't care if what you're saying is true or made up, it's getting very annoying and very boring. Stop it and that's the last time I'll be warning you.
i looked at his profile, viewing as we speak apparently

also im as slow as hell

and i quoted so that people would know what im talking about
Lol, I can't type "S******".

Oh, well. All cleared up now. Are scanners on that list? I'll go check...
Pictures of health packs from e32k4 video - not the best quality though.
what is s******? anyway, its probably realy odvious tho, lol :D
I see two vague cross shapes in the first one, but more interestingly, what's that ammo indicator on the side? Is it for a rocket?
I think it's rocket ammo. I think the glowing patches are the healthpacks.
heh, swear filters are funny.