"cool bonus stuff" predictions

Aug 25, 2003
Reaction score
What are your predictions for the "cool bonus stuff", in the Collectors Edition Box Set?

This is a for fun thread, so dont take it too seriously.

My guess :

A Poster
A T-Shirt
A Making Of HL2 Video
hum..... A Poster would be nice, so would a nice T, Making of HL2 Video..... dont think so, could get it online in no time :)

Dunno what i would want..... mabe a nice Gordan Freeman doll :D
Poster would be cool. I don't know about a T-shirt - I'd never be able to wear it without feeling like a huge dork. Even though I am one, lol.
I reckon these might be included :

a dvd with lots of footage (the making of, concept art, trailers for upcoming games)
strategy guide
sound track
how about

#1 . a big gold hl2 logo like a trophy so u can sit it ontop of your pc

#2 . chocolate?

#3 . free pass @ disney land

if u cant tell #1 is the only serious one :p :cheers:
I don't know what will be inside, but on the outside I hope it's gonna be a modern box (like Vice City, Morrowind, Ravenshield and Neverwinter Nights were in) not a DVD case.
i hope its a dvd case so its fits nicly with all my other games in my stack
Ive been waiting for a bean bag head crab, or an inflatable slave. Maybe a 'Things to come' feature?
I hope when you open it, a voice start by saying "welcome to the experience of a lifetime" and a fresh box scent whisps out of the box enticing me to throw it in. :p
Or maybe a dildo shaped like those big green snake kinda things that you have to flame to death
Maybe a extra CD or DVD with footage of the making of, game art, concept art, HL2 SDK including SOFTIMAGE, poster, upcomming info about HL3 ( :) ) or any other game
Originally posted by Frank
Or maybe a dildo shaped like those big green snake kinda things that you have to flame to death

Or maybe a mold of Gordon's cock? That would kick so much ass, wouldn't it?

Back to the topic...

What about something along the lines of 1 free add-on download included down the road. The new subscription idea definitely makes things like this possible.
i want a poster and a crowbar. and the crowbar should have the valve logo imprinted on it, so when i bash in the heads of my enemies, they too will share the mark.
Originally posted by dis
Or maybe a mold of Gordon's cock? That would kick so much ass, wouldn't it?


I never knew Gordon was into poultry... oh well.
any number of below options:

1) poster
3)art of HL2 book
4) strategy guide etc. from what-ever-their-name-was.
5) true replica of Alyx' Brah
I want a "buy 10 valve products get the 11th one free" punchcard.

My Wishlist:

1. Soundtrack
2. "Making Of" DVD
3. Some type of neat little doo-dad (keychain, mini crowbar, plush toy)
4. NO STRATEGY GUIDE!!! I wanna beat the game on my own. Plus there's always gamefaqs.com!
5. A book of concept artwork
6. Some lubrication so I can fap to the sexiness of Alyx
7. Poster (possibly autographed)

-toy or beanie of some sort
-art book
-some sort of deal or discount on future purchases of extra HL2 content, since now we're looking at having to pay for that kind of thing.

And to actually hold the disc, I'm hoping for a DVD case, like Max Payne and all current console games.
Originally posted by Deadline
I never knew Gordon was into poultry... oh well.

Well, obviously, you're not as hardcore or cool as I am because I did know. Gordon likes dem chickens, all TRUE HL fans should know that. :p

Honestly though, when I first read your post, I was thinking, "wtf is this guy talking about." LOL

Originally posted by Rootbin
i want a poster and a crowbar. and the crowbar should have the valve logo imprinted on it, so when i bash in the heads of my enemies, they too will share the mark

LOL, now that's funny!
1. Soundtrack
2. Concept art book. That would be awesome.
3. A video of Fragmaster handing out free copies of half-life2. :D
Originally posted by Tyrion
3. A video of Fragmaster handing out free copies of half-life2. :D

Hell yea!!! I Would love that... HIGH DEFINITION HUMILIATION! Gotta love it!
Myself, a mini plush doll
Bonus material (Ala, bonus SP stuff, hidden areas, things like that)

A Half Life 3D screensaver
Originally posted by Massif
6. Some lubrication so I can fap to the sexiness of Alyx
If that's what you dream about (computer game characters), you're better off hoping for a loaded gun so you can end your pointless life.
Originally posted by CptTrips
If that's what you dream about (computer game characters), you're better off hoping for a loaded gun so you can end your pointless life.

Wow, someone can't take a goddam joke...
Hmmm, let's see.. any of these will do:

- HL2 T-shirt
- Artwork
- "Making of" DVD/book
- HL1 remake :rolleyes: (yeah, this is far fetched...)
- Manipulator Gun :devil: *imagines whacking his enemies off walls.* Muhahahahaha!!!
I want a box of air
and maybe some action figures that are flexible like them old school GI Joes :]
No, I would like some action figures, or maybe a sketchbook or maybe even a crowbar!
i want gordan freeman with real sex action (alyx with large probeable butthole included)

i thought about it some more.

1. poster, of course
2. plush doll
3. a six month subscription to steam
Originally posted by CptTrips
If that's what you dream about (computer game characters), ....

Yes. Much better to "amuse" yourself with photographs of real people who you will never ever ever meet but at least they're real.

(Yes, that was sarcasm.)

The best option is of course to actually leave your room and interact with REAL LIVING PEOPLE. But watch out for that big yellow thing in the skybox - it's bright.
Gabe's plasma monitor.

A bit hard to fit in a box, mind you, but I still want it anyway!
Originally posted by spitcodfry
Gabe's plasma monitor.

A bit hard to fit in a box, mind you, but I still want it anyway!

A new computer... so I can play against myself online. Uhhhh