Cops suck i swear

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May 19, 2003
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I'm not kidding, bad luck must follow me. The past 2 months almost every party ive been to the cops show up and ruin it. It's unbelievable how they find out where shit is going down, thank god tonight they just drove by real slow warning us so we all left. I doubt there are many of you out there that feel this way towards the law, but damn sometimes it sucks. :angry:
It's unbelievable how they find out where shit is going down
ummm... just a guess here, but maybe the neighbours around your party called the cops because you're making too much noise...
hey i got nothing against cops. My dads best friend is one. Hes the coolest guy in the world. Were i live in canada the only reason cops suck, is beacuse they got nothing better to do than pull over teenagers whop have tinted windows. THEY ARE BORED STIFFLESS! lol it sucks ass.. that pimping our rides is such a ordeal..

Ahh welll


cops are good, some of them are jerks but its understandable. theyve probably seen all the shit in the book. ithats why im going into federal law enforcement
Most people who say cops suck are just mad becuase they got caught by one with drugs in there pocket or something or that sort.
I too have had major issues with police before. Cops are just like anyone, some are cool and some suck. I once got a ticket for drinking a beer on the sidewalk during a party. If he had asked me to pour it out I certainly would have, he just walked up to me a shoved the ticket in my hand. The best part is that he misspelled "sidewalk" on the ticket. He spelled it "sidewok." So it wasn't a total loss.
KidRock said:
Most people who say cops suck are just mad becuase they got caught by one with drugs in there pocket or something or that sort.

exactly. Or were caught going 25 over in a slower zone.
cops are a little grumpy yes because they deal with the biggest assholes in the world. just watch one episode of cops. Although, i would be pissed if they got all in my face for no reason.
You guys don't know how bad cops are.....I just got done hiding from the cops for 3 hrs.....after watching a street race...Was threatened to get the dog released on me and my brother...but we just still hid from them...and I am home now, shaking like a mother ****er!
its not the cops its your neighbours, THEY SUCK. it happens to my bro' all the time, lucky my neigbour is a retired cop lol
Street Racing is illegal because kids die doing it all the time. Nobody likes to see kids die. Now do you see why they take it so seriously?
JFry said:
Street Racing is illegal because kids die doing it all the time. Nobody likes to see kids die. Now do you see why they take it so seriously?

Yeah, well they take the risks, their decision. I always knew cops took it seriously, thats a no brainer. Ever since that damn "The Fast and The Furious" movie series...its been a pain in the ass to find a closed lot to race.
You're the one who said we don't know how bad cops are. I know how bad they are, I even explained why they are that way.
Cops are good.
My parents are cops, mom is boss in the serious crime division for north of Sweden while dad is bomb-technican for the national striketeam, or what you should call it.
tokin said:
I'm not kidding, bad luck must follow me. The past 2 months almost every party ive been to the cops show up and ruin it. It's unbelievable how they find out where shit is going down, thank god tonight they just drove by real slow warning us so we all left. I doubt there are many of you out there that feel this way towards the law, but damn sometimes it sucks. :angry:

Let me guess: you were going to cause disturbance, get into drunken fights, break glass bottles and vomit everywhere? Am I right?

DiSTuRbEd said:
You guys don't know how bad cops are.....I just got done hiding from the cops for 3 hrs.....after watching a street race...Was threatened to get the dog released on me and my brother...but we just still hid from them...and I am home now, shaking like a mother ****er!

I understand that cops are pretty corrupt in the states, in some areas at least.
The only party I ever went to when we got busted is last summer. It couldnt have been more perfect, up in the hills, no neighbours, a big barn, lots of beer. It couldnt have been mor perfect, except fot the fact that we had the person who organised its DAD milling about. Nobody though I know lets not crack open the drink till hes gone to bed, lets do it now so we get caught! And guess what, we did. We ALL got chucked out and I was left in the dark up in the hills miles away from my home. Why is 15 year olds drinking a little so wrong? Turfing us out when were in some remote place that we dont know is much worse! Grrrr it could have been such fun.
Kristafon said:
The only party I ever went to when we got busted is last summer. It couldnt have been more perfect, up in the hills, no neighbours, a big barn, lots of beer. It couldnt have been mor perfect, except fot the fact that we had the person who organised its DAD milling about. Nobody though I know lets not crack open the drink till hes gone to bed, lets do it now so we get caught! And guess what, we did. We ALL got chucked out and I was left in the dark up in the hills miles away from my home. Why is 15 year olds drinking a little so wrong? Turfing us out when were in some remote place that we dont know is much worse! Grrrr it could have been such fun.

depends what you were drinking, if i had a 15 yr old son,i'd let him drink beer and wine, but keep him off spirits and cider until he can handle them and drink them responsibly. That guy doesn't want loads of kids in hospital from alcohol poisoning, and he's there to look after you lot.
tokin said:
I'm not kidding, bad luck must follow me. The past 2 months almost every party ive been to the cops show up and ruin it. It's unbelievable how they find out where shit is going down, thank god tonight they just drove by real slow warning us so we all left. I doubt there are many of you out there that feel this way towards the law, but damn sometimes it sucks. :angry:

Damn those cops for trying to do their jobs, uphold the law, and stop underage drinking!

Yep, they sure are evil.
Kristafon said:
The only party I ever went to when we got busted is last summer. It couldnt have been more perfect, up in the hills, no neighbours, a big barn, lots of beer. It couldnt have been mor perfect, except fot the fact that we had the person who organised its DAD milling about. Nobody though I know lets not crack open the drink till hes gone to bed, lets do it now so we get caught! And guess what, we did. We ALL got chucked out and I was left in the dark up in the hills miles away from my home. Why is 15 year olds drinking a little so wrong? Turfing us out when were in some remote place that we dont know is much worse! Grrrr it could have been such fun.

Let's see, what could possibly go wrong when a bunch of minor retards are drinking:

- the barn burns down
- someone gets alcohol poisoning
- someone is raped
- someone hurts himself by passing out
- someone is beaten up in a drunken brawl

It's also illegal.
Cops suck. I was nearly taken yesterday, and a mate of mine was taken :(
Varg|Hund said:
Cops suck. I was nearly taken yesterday, and a mate of mine was taken :(

Damn those cops for arresting criminals and troublemakers.
group of kids + booze = trouble

The cops were doing their job, and I hope they keep doing it. Bloody children, should grow you all in small boxes until your fit for society :p
Yep, I agree, people my age and younger shouldn't be abel to drink yet. There are those assholes who always get themselfs in trouble, one guy got 500€ in fines from the police for driving away from them with his tuned scooter in the middle of the night while he was wayyy over the alcohol limit for driving.

Alcohol is good in moderation.
You're just generalizing now. It's not like we roam through town killing people and robbing old ladies.
So what if we're drinking? That's no reason for the fecking cops to come driving with their vans and spotlights and start picking random people up.
Have you ever been chased? You have no idea how scary it is.

I mean, aren't the police supposed to be aprehending murderers and robbers or something instead of ruining the fun of us teenagers?
Varg|Hund said:
You're just generalizing now. It's not like we roam through town killing people and robbing old ladies.
So what if we're drinking? That's no reason for the fecking cops to come driving with their vans and spotlights and start picking random people up.
Have you ever been chased? You have no idea how scary it is.

I mean, aren't the police supposed to be aprehending murderers and robbers or something instead of ruining the fun of us teenagers?

I dont know how old you are but when i was around 14-15 i thought that way too, but now when im older i think the cops are doing a good job keeping drunk kids of the streets.
Maybe I'll also think like that when I get older, but for now I prefer being young and stupid ;)
Drunk people under drinking age= roaming the streets creating havok. Tbh i think they should lower the drinking age so people can drink in pubs instead of the streets... although that isnt much better.
the only time i had trouble with the cops was when i was going to a medical internship, this one stopped in the train station, asked for id, and let me go. that was it.

and yes, cops are allowed to act which ever way they choose (im 16 now), we all know that booze and kids always leads to practical, innocent hijinks! ever look what happens to adults and booze?

also, i think cops should be given more free reign and near legal immunity

in ny, during the rnc, a cop was beaten by some protesters, the LAWYERS GUILD, is planning to sue the NYC COPS on the account that that officer came to the protest on a scooter, and may have hurt some protester hippies.

y sue u ask,
well one guild member was at the protest, and leagally, by LAW as a guild member, she should have helped the cops control the protest and keep with everything nice an legal. she didnt and she is recieving flak, so the guild takes attention away from her and suing the cops, for getting beaten
Cops don't suck, I mean they do arrest murderers and thiefs and everything, but that doesn't mean that none of the laws suck. ;)
Fat Tony! said:
Drunk people under drinking age= roaming the streets creating havok. Tbh i think they should lower the drinking age so people can drink in pubs instead of the streets... although that isnt much better.

I agree with you there, maybe lowering it to 16 is a good idea?
oh yes, cause parent want to see more drunk 16 y/o, more drunk teenagers: more deaths from walking in the middle of the road, or doing drunk shit
Drunk kids are bad, because everyone knows drunk adults are for the good of society..... :rolleyes:

But seriously, the only problem I've had with cops down here is one guy pulled me over for going 30 in a 20 zone :hmph:
One time me and some friends were havin party and an officer came because of a noise complaint, he asked if anyone had an ID and one person who was 21 showed him, so he left and no one came back that night, not a bad deal I'd say.
Police at the individual level are extremelly jaded but they are still alright. My problems are usually with the force as a whole and their policies.

My house has been robbed 3 times, The first time it happened was around 15 years ago and they actually did a good job, they came, took some fingerprints, looked around, and then a couple weeks later they reported arresting the guy who stole it and we got our stuff back. Fastforward to 4 years ago when we were robbed a second time and they did absolutely nothing, they just came basically to confirm to the insurance company that we were robbed and then left. The same thing happened the the third time we were robbed, they don't actually do anything now. Once your robbed nowadays in Ontario you might as well kiss everything that was stolen goodbye because nothing is going to get it back unless it was a vehicle since then there is a chance that they will randomly pull over the guy and identify the license number as a stolen vehicle.
Drinking isn't the problem. Binge drinking is.

And if you do something illegal and are busted, don't whine, it's pathetic.

Anyhow on Cops my Cop story

Me and my mate are walking home from a somewhat heavy night on the town. We're heading to a garage to grab some munchies while heading to his house. A cop car drives past and swerves across the road in front of us. Okay we think, then they get out.

At this point one of the cops points at me and says look at him, its suspicious. (turns out it was because I was sweating a bit which is a commonly used detection for E users, sadly for them I was clean). Anyhow in no way do we offer resistance, they start questioning us. They don't tell us what’s going one they just start asking us what we're doing (walking home from a night out, it was Friday) Why we're walking (we're not lazy).

One of the cops starts searching me for drugs and takes a really good look through some tissue (I had a cold, I did warn him, but hey he might have a snot fetish). At this point I turn around to see 2 more police cars have pulled up, along with about 3 foot officers. So now there are approximately 9 cops surrounding 2 people who are offering no resistance and answering their questions.

So I ask what's going on, as clearly you don't call in backup for nothing, and as we weren't staggering or doing anything suspicious I felt I had a right to know.

Turns out there was a window broken about half a mile away from us 5 minutes before we'd been stopped.. in the direction we were travelling too. However we fitted the description of 'two people'. So then the cop who called me suspicious starts telling me I might as well own up as they have CCTV footage of the incident.

At this point about 20 minutes had passed, the garage we were going to had closed, I was hot, a little drunk and fully fed up. So I take the bull by the horns so to speak and tell him 'Go on then let's go to the station and look at the footage.' Another 10 minutes pass of us being detained while we have our details taken down and such they finally agree that we weren't in fact the two so they all pack up and leave, asking us not to be so suspicious in future.

So while cops don’t suck, sometimes they do get carried away.
Cops never busted our shindigs once . . . and the only run-in i've had with them is when me and my mate were smashin stuff up in our yard.. some stupid neighbour rung the police and reported us - like its illegal to smash our own stuff up in my own yard?

Anyway the police came round and we had a laugh about it, then they cleared off. Ive never liked that nosey neighbour guy anyway.

I've rung the police once too, couple of years ago at about 4am there were a few pikeys tryina break in to my neighbours car ... the police were here in about 2 mins, blocked the top of the road and the bottom (2 squad cars) and the pikeys had nowhere to go :D

Cops pwn... unless they're out trying to catch people for speeding just so they can get more money for themselves :(
Unless they're trying to catch speeders on roads where it doesn't matter, or trying for laws that don't benefit anyone really, I like the police.

Unfortunately, the police round here suck and are too busy collecting speeding fines to deal with stolen cars.
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