Cops suck i swear

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my friends say i have that disease where you are like pernamently stoned

my brother and dad have it too
Alright, Goddamnit.....

I am a police officer in a medium-sized city in Illinois. We have a LOT of crime here for our size, and some call us little Chicago, even though we are several hundred miles away. Anyway, to the point:

No police officer in their right mind likes to break up underage drinking parties. First, the majority of us attended those parties when we were underage, and second, that generates WAY too much paperwork. However, if we are called, we have to respond. Most of us here tend to go to these types of calls with our lights and sirens on so you know we're coming from a long ways off. We simply don't have time to mess with this type of stuff. Then when we get there, and those that are too stupid to have run out the back decide to give us lip, yes, we are going to be ***holes. Fact of life, you mouth off to a cop, you are going to get treated like crap.

Second, tinted windows is an officer safety issue. Hundreds of officers are killed each year on traffic stops, and if I can't see into a vehicle, that puts me at a disadvantage. Simple as that. If your state has a law regarding tinted windows, chances are police organizations in that state lobbied for them.

Third, corruption among police is a fact of life, but it is nowhere near as widespread as some on this forum seem to believe. The vast majority takes place in very large metro areas or very small departments where there is no oversight. THere is no way a cop in my city could get away with it, because it would get around QUICK.

Fourth, cops in small towns screw with kids alot more because, well, there's nothing else for cops to do in a small town. Tonight, I handled more calls for service than a small town cop handles in 6 months. Cops in small towns are generally poorly trained, if at all. I went through over 6 months of training, between the academy, in-service training and the Field Training program, before I was cut loose for solo patrol. A small town copper may go to the academy, or they may just ride with another officer for a week or so for some OJT.

As to speeding, you would not believe the number of calls we get regarding people speeding, driving recklessly, etc. While I admit that some of your smaller jurisdictions use it as a moneymaker, it's definitely not that way here. Plus, most cops I know give leeway of 10-15 MPH before they will even stop people. I give 15. That is your break. If you're doing over that, you get no break, because you damn sure knew you were speeding.

It's never a good idea to run from the police. It's difficult to outrun a radio, for one thing, and unless you flat out stop and give up, chances are you're going to have an ass-whipping coming at the end, or at least a good spraying with O.C. spray. Not to mention the additional charge. Plus it makes you look REAL guilty, even if you really haven't done anything.

That's what I never could figure out: 80% of the people I arrest for dope or drinking underage or whatever, draw attention to themselves because they flip me off or call me a pig or something when I drive by. For God's sake, if you're doing something illegal, why would you want to call my attention to you? It happens so often, I'm starting to think people want to be caught

I think that covers most of the stuff I've read here.
JFry said:
Street Racing is illegal because kids die doing it all the time. Nobody likes to see kids die. Now do you see why they take it so seriously?

Population control
Gajdycz said:
also, i think cops should be given more free reign and near legal immunity

Well, you could try Turkey. The cops have really free reign. They can arrest you without any reason, rape you (in your case it probably means they'll **** you in the ass) and throw you in jail for a while. What fun!
crabcakes66 said:
No more so than anywhere else.

So you would say that the corruption of US law enforcement is on par with even the worst totalitarian dictatorship? What happened to "land of the free" ?
hero said:
me, my cousin and his french friend got really wasted at my grandma's house while they were their. we are like 16 and my grandparents are all drugged up cause theyre like dying. well anyway they got alot of money and a lot of juice so we hit up the bar in the basement and were like this is boring so then we decide to go for a little walk to find some chicks lol, not going to happen at like 2 o clock in the morning at this rich community. so then we are like running around outside and we saw like 4 mother truckin heli's just like flying around with their search lights on. and we are like o shit and like jump into somebushes and then we like run around some more and i dont no how we got back

why the hell would 4 heli's be flying around a rich community at like 2 am

looking for little children having a lovely walk down the street
it was just one heli, your vision was blurred ;)
Define responsible :E

We don't start fights with weapons, thats all the police care about round here.
It's never a good idea to run from the police. It's difficult to outrun a radio, for one thing, and unless you flat out stop and give up, chances are you're going to have an ass-whipping coming at the end, or at least a good spraying with O.C. spray.

Sorry mate, but you still haven't had enough training. You do not (should not) have the right to physically harm another human being just because they ran away from you. If you had thorough enough training, and the perp tried to resist with violence, your thorough training would have taught you how to deal with, and restrain, the perp effectively with the least amount of violence possible.

Police should have extended training in stress coping techniques. Getting angry and wanting to beat the seven shades of shit out of someone just because they were guilty of some crime and didn't want to get arrested for it is not an excuse to beat them up (even if they resisted with violence).

It's all about training, and the American police are generally a poorly trained lot.

ps. I am generally a law abiding citizen and have never had the need to run from the cops, but because the police are under so much duress at all times, I feel that they should have far more training than they receive.
BBMcGinty said:
Sorry mate, but you still haven't had enough training. You do not (should not) have the right to physically harm another human being just because they ran away from you. If you had thorough enough training, and the perp tried to resist with violence, your thorough training would have taught you how to deal with, and restrain, the perp effectively with the least amount of violence possible.

Police should have extended training in stress coping techniques. Getting angry and wanting to beat the seven shades of shit out of someone just because they were guilty of some crime and didn't want to get arrested for it is not an excuse to beat them up (even if they resisted with violence).

It's all about training, and the American police are generally a poorly trained lot.

ps. I am generally a law abiding citizen and have never had the need to run from the cops, but because the police are under so much duress at all times, I feel that they should have far more training than they receive.

I always love it when someone who is not a police officer tells me what I can and can't do, and what I should and should not do. If you read carefully, you'd notice that I said, "Unless you flat out stop and give up." This means that you would more than likely not receive an ass-whippping in that case. However, since you are so wise, I guess you've figured out how to make someone go to jail who REALLY doesn't want to go, without using any force whatsoever. Unfortunately, "mate", in the real world, people can and will try to hurt me, and will not comply with lawful orders no matter how much force I use. We have what is called a "use of force continuum" which lays out levels of resistance and levels of force appropriate to overcome that resistance, however it is not set in stone, as the situations we deal with are not set in stone. For instance, the first level of force is "officer presence," which means just by being present in uniform, I am causing some people to comply. The next level is, "verbal persuasion," which is your prefered method, apparently. The next is pepper spray. Some of you may gasp and say, "My god, that's so barbaric that they'd spray someone so quickly," but actually, it's common sense. Spray is not lethal, and will not injure you. It burns, but that fades after 30-45 minutes. Now, if I tell you to put your hands behind your back, and you tell me to, "**** off," I'm presented with a poser. My options, without spray are to:

A. Tell you again
B. Say please
C. Put hands on you and risk injury to you and myself

Spray adds another option, which is "Cause you temporary discomfort, but gain your compliance without harm to me or you." Then again, even spray doesn't work in some instances, and you have to escalate yet again.

Regardless of what you think, the law in Illinois and the United States grants police the authority to use force necessary to gain compliance or effect an arrest. This gives me the, "right," which you find so unpalatable in your oh-so-civilized country, to lay an ass-whipping on someone who is resisting me, and it also gives me the "right" to escalate my level of force to exceed their level of resistance. No amount of training can teach someone to overcome violent resistance with a hug. Furthermore, force may not be appropriate in every instance, and we adjust our tactics accordingly. I have chased people on foot and in vehicles on several occasions and not sprayed them, much less beat even one shade of shit out of them. However, if those options are necessary, they are at my disposal. Don't deign to tell me how to do my job, or that I need more training, when you obviously have less than a clue aboput that which you speak. The bottom line is, don't run from the police, and you'll never have to worry about it.

BTW, there are many other levels of force, up to and including deadly force, but I don't have the time or inclination to talk about them as yet.
Hapless said:
I It's never a good idea to run from the police. It's difficult to outrun a radio, for one thing, and unless you flat out stop and give up, chances are you're going to have an ass-whipping coming at the end, or at least a good spraying with O.C. spray. Not to mention the additional charge. Plus it makes you look REAL guilty, even if you really haven't done anything.

You are a BAD cop. I should get my uncle that works at the Chicago Police Department as a detective to kick your ass.
You are a fool... if he says ass-whipping, he isn't going to get down on his knees with S&M bondage gear and whip the ****er. He simply means he is causing more trouble than is needed and is going to get punished, (not neccesarily physically).

He also has the right to physically restrain someone if they run away from him, if he or someone else believes him to of commited a crime.
DiSTuRbEd said:
You are a BAD cop. I should get my uncle that works at the Chicago Police Department as a detective to kick your ass.

Yeah, like HE never whooped a suspect's ass. Probably took money from them after he did it too. Chicago cops are the most corrupt cops I have ever heard of. Genius. :LOL:
Hapless said:
Yeah, like HE never whooped a suspect's ass. Probably took money from them after he did it too. Chicago cops are the most corrupt cops I have ever heard of. Genius. :LOL:

Dude, you are ****ing retarded, just shut up from now on. You have no clue about jack shit there buddy. :rolleyes: Stay in your little pd department in bum-**** ville.
DiSTuRbEd said:
Dude, you are ****ing retarded, just shut up from now on. You have no clue about jack shit there buddy. :rolleyes: Stay in your little pd department in bum-**** ville.

I don't have the words........... :rolleyes: A 12 year old kid telling me I don't know jack shit. Neat. Aren't you the same one a few pages back telling someone to die because they said they like the police? Now you're defending the police of one department? Tell me, youngster, why is it that we get people from Chicago here that have $50 bills taped to their driver's licenses? Is it their emergency money? Or is that the fine for traffic offenses in Chicago, for which the violation never appears on their record? Think about it.
Hapless said:
A 12 year old kid telling me I don't know jack shit. Neat.

Yeah I am 12 :rolleyes: You obviously don't know everything in the world so quit acting like you do.
"hey guys, I told a cop off today over the intarweb. giggle giggle giggle"
LOL. Almost another bust last night. Some dumb kid showed up trying to start a fight with 6 of us and he punched my friend so we all whooped his ass, some people are crazy when they are drunk, and this guy was out of his mind starting crap for no reason. Police were on there way so we were all out of there. He talked shit to 6 of us or so and we were trying to make him leave and he wouldnt and said he would whoop all of us, he hit my friend and we ****ed his world up, some other dude took him back to his place, he was unconcious. What a damn night shit.

edit: Just so you know, whoever wants to flame me for being dumb or put me down, whatever go ahead, everyone there were juniors, seniors, and upperclass men down for the weekend from college.
Hapless... YOU'RE THE MAN! Even though I don't live reside in Illinois (NYC), I deeply appreciate what you are doing.
DiSTuRbEd said:
You are a BAD cop. I should get my uncle that works at the Chicago Police Department as a detective to kick your ass.
Okay, you are just retarded. YOU are a bad citizen.
Isn't it interesting that most European police forces don't carry any weaponary heavier than a baton, and rarely ever use that, but have lower crime rates than those of countries that do (ie the US)? I have never personally had any run ins with the police, but that's because the police here in the UK are in touch with reality. They wouldn't spray someone for telling them to "**** off". That may have something to do with the fact that they wouldn't have said it in the first place, and because they have learnt that violence is definitely not the answer when dealing with these situations. Also, you must have some pretty homosexual neighbours if they call the cops when you throw a party. Down here (Colchester), you have a choice of whose party you would like to go to every day of the week, and not once have I heard of one being busted. As far as people down here are concerned, teenage drinking isn't a problem because we can handle it, and aren't retarded enough to do anything stupid while drunk (except for the pikies, who just go crazy). Because what's more dangerous - a bunch of pissed teenagers at a house, or a bunch of ****-faced 20 year olds wandering the streets, looking for a fight.If the police were to visit my house, it would either be for something friendly (an enquiry, a survey) or something serious. In the US, it seems, they just come out with O.C. spray and handcuffs at the ready, with a dog at their side "just in case". I'll admit that the amount of weapons in the US does make it slightly more dangerous, but when talking about the age group in question, it doesn't matter, does it? You don't need to use any force to bust a party, or arrest someone (unless very violent or armed). At least, that's how it works in the UK (excluding East London, Manchester, Glasgow, Liverpool and Birmingham, which are generally death traps after 8:00 PM)
DiSTuRbEd said:
Dude, you are ****ing retarded, just shut up from now on. You have no clue about jack shit there buddy. :rolleyes: Stay in your little pd department in bum-**** ville.

you sir ARE an idiot. I can completely understand why cops would harm someone..if I was a cop and I had to make an arrest here is how I would do it..

1) tell them put there hands on the hood/behind there back.
If they dont do that I will ask them again in a calm voice

if they start backing up like they are going to run I will call for backup and take out the spray.

Then I would wait until backup is in viewing distance then attempt to cuff him since I know backup is close by.

IF backup is far away ill spray pepper spray close to his face but not DIRECTLY into it. I would just let him know how it feels.
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